光学学报, 2021, 41 (8): 0823003, 网络出版: 2021-04-10   

二维半导体微纳光腔中光与物质的耦合 下载: 2163次特邀综述

Light-Matter Coupling of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors in Micro-Nano Optical Cavities
刘晓泽 1,2张馨元 1,2张顺平 1,2管志强 1,2徐红星 1,2,3,*
1 武汉大学物理科学与技术学院, 湖北 武汉 430072
2 武汉大学人工微结构教育部重点实验室, 湖北 武汉 430072
3 武汉大学高等研究院, 湖北 武汉 430072
Two dimensional (2D) semiconductors have unique 2D material properties, novel valley electron energy band structure, and abundant regulatory degree of freedom, which bring opportunities for the research of condensed matter physics, optics, and other fields. However, these studies still have many fundamental problems, such as low efficiency of light utilization and susceptibility to environmental disturbance of quantum properties. The coupling of two-dimensional semiconductors and precision micro-nano optical cavities not only provides a suitable solution for these problems, but also exhibits unprecedented and novel optical effects, thus opening up new research directions for the basic physical research and optoelectronic applications of 2D semiconductors. The research progress of light-material coupling of 2D semiconductors in micro-nano optical cavities in the past 10 years is reviewed. This paper also focuses on the optical properties of 2D semiconductors, the research progress and control mechanism of different coupling regions between the 2D semiconductor and micro-nano optical cavity, and its potential applications in nano laser source, valley electronics, quantum optics, etc. The future development direction and opportunities are also prospected.

1 引言




2 二维半导体的光学特性


2.1 单层二维半导体

二维半导体的发现离不开研究人员早期对单层石墨烯的研究。通过机械剥离首次发现的单层石墨烯带来了二维材料研究的全面发展[18-19]。和块体石墨不同,石墨烯的六边形布里渊区形成特殊的狄拉克锥的电子能带,从而展示出了从未有过的电子输运和光电特性[20-22]。这个突破性的发现也使英国的两位物理学家Andre Geim和Konstantin Novoselov被授予2010年诺贝尔物理学奖[23-24]。同一年,和石墨烯具有类似的蜂窝晶格和层状结构的二维半导体也被发现[12,25-26]。这些二维半导体以层状过渡金属二硫化物(TMD)为典型,往往具有MX2的化学式,其中过渡金属M的代表有钼(Mo)和钨(W),硫族元素X的代表有硫(S)、硒(Se)和碲(Te)[13,16-17],如图1(a)所示。根据类似的方法,单层TMD通常经过机械剥离块体或者CVD制成[13,15,27-31]。同样由于层间弱相互作用的缺失,TMD半导体的电子能带会由块体的间接带隙变成单层的直接带隙,从而使得电子在带隙间的跃迁效率提升了4个数量级以上[25-26,32]。同时由于特殊的谷能带结构和空间反演对称性破缺,二维半导体TMD展现出了前所未有的光学特性和研究前景[9,33-35]

二维半导体的光学特性[13,36-38]主要体现在激子物理特性和非线性光学响应两方面。激子一般是激发态的电子空穴对通过库仑力束缚在一起的复合粒子。由于单原子层的量子束缚作用,二维激子的束缚能达到500 meV左右,其在室温热扰动(≈25 meV)的环境下依然能维持稳定的激子特性[32,39-41]。同时,这些二维激子的直接带隙的跃迁具有非常大的振子强度,使得单个原子层的光吸收达到15%以上[9,32,42]。在高束缚能和振子强度的作用下,二维激子在类氢原子模型下还可以形成实验上可观测的Rydberg精细能级,这预示了二维激子丰富的量子特性[39-41]。更加独特的是,二维激子还引入了一个新的谷自由度[33-36,43-44]。二维TMD具有蜂窝形晶格,其对应的正六边形布里渊区里有两个具有时间反演对称性的K和K'点[33-35]。二维半导体的直接带隙正好处在这两个对称点上,形成简并的谷能带结构[33-35],如图1(b)所示。在这种情况下,根据角动量守恒定则,在K和K'上形成的二维激子具有截然不同的选择定则:在K点上的激子只能被左旋的圆偏振光激发,复合的荧光也会带有左旋的圆偏振性;同理,在K'点上的激子只能和右旋的圆偏振光耦合[33-35]。这种谷能带的圆偏振光选择性为二维激子带来了一个类似自旋的谷自由度,这是激子研究中发现的新自由度。


图 1. 二维半导体的基本特性示意图。(a)过渡金属二硫化物的原子组成结构示意图[13];(b)上图:单分子层MoS2的三角棱柱状结构,蜂窝晶格结构;下图:简并态(K和K')的谷能带六边形结构和谷能带跃迁选择定则[36];(c)单层TMD六边晶格的2H相,以及空间反演对称性破缺下的二次谐波(SHG)响应 [37];(d)二维材料缺陷态的单光子特性原理图[38]

Fig. 1. Schematics for some fundamental properties of 2D semiconductors. (a) Schematic of atomic structure of TMD MX2[13]; (b) upper: triangular prismatic structure and honeycomb lattice structure of monolayer MoS2; lower: hexagonal structure of valley band of degenerate states (K and K') and selection rule of valley band transition[36]; (c) 2H phase of monolayer TMD hexagonal lattice and SHG under symmetry breaking of spatial inversion[37]; (d) schematic of single photon properties of defect states in 2D materials[38]

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2.2 二维半导体光学的外场调控



图 2. 二维半导体的光学调控。(a)带电激子和激子X0的荧光峰值(PL)强度与门电压Vg的关系[72],实线为理论预设的模型曲线;(b)通过门电压对SHG共振强度进行电调控[49];(c)简并态的谷电子能带在磁场下的塞曼效应示意图[80];(d)简并态的谷电子能带在超快光场的斯塔克效应示意图[81]

Fig. 2. Optical control for 2D semiconductors. (a) Relationship between PL intensity of charged exciton and exciton X0 and gate voltage Vg[72]. Solid line is model curve predetermined by theory; (b) electrical control of SHG resonance intensity with gated voltage[49]; (c) schematic of Zeeman effect under magnetic field for degenerate valley electronic energy band[80]; (d) schematic of Stark effect under ultrafast optical field for degenerate valley electronic energy band[81]

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2.3 二维半导体异质结最新的光学进展


图 3. 二维异质结的基本特征。(a)Ⅱ型异质结能带排布示意图, 放大图表示空间间接层间激子示意图[98];(b)二维异质结对层间扭曲角极度依赖的莫尔晶格示意图

Fig. 3. Fundamental features of 2D heterostructures. (a) Configuration of energy band of type-II heterostructures. Magnified image depicts spatially indirect interlayer exciton[98]; (b) schematic of twist angle-dependent Moiré lattice in 2D heterostructures

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3 微纳光腔以及耦合效应


3.1 微纳光腔介绍

随着20世纪后期纳米技术的蓬勃发展,光腔也逐渐走向更加精准的微纳尺度。传统的光腔一般为几百微米,这种光学腔通常为Fabry-Perot(FP)光腔。然而近些年的研究进展中光腔形式逐渐变得多种多样,可控制的尺度也逐渐精确到纳米。判断光腔特性的参数主要有两个:品质因子(Q)和腔模体积(V)。品质因子(Q=ωcavω)是共振频率(ωcav)和频率带宽Δω的比值,代表了单位时间里腔储蓄能量的损耗;腔模体积V=∫Vε(r) E(r)2d3r/max[ε(r)E(r)2]是能量在腔体积的积分和最大能量值的比值,代表了腔体积对能量的束缚作用[6],其中ε(r)为介电函数,E(r)为空间电场。对很多的具体研究来说,更高的Q和更小的V可以进一步增强腔中光与物质的相互作用[6]


图 4. 不同微纳光腔的结构示意图。(a)由两个分布式布拉格反射镜(DBR)构成的FP光腔示意图;(b)环形全反射形成的WGM腔示意图;(c)光子晶体缺陷态纳腔PCC示意图[6];(d) BIC态PCC腔示意图[122];(e)等离激元纳腔示意图[126]

Fig. 4. Schematics of various micro/nano-cavities. (a) Schematic of FP optical cavity with two DBRs; (b) schematic of WGM cavity formed by total reflection along ring perimeter; (c) schematic of PCC with photonic crystal defect nanocavity[6]; (d) schematic of PCC of BIC mode[122]; (e) schematic of plasmonic nanocavity[126]

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3.2 微纳光腔中光与物质耦合作用介绍



式中:m*是激子的有效质量;|uv>和|uc>是空穴和电子的布洛赫函数;Vex是激子和光相互作用的模体积;aB是激子的玻尔半径; h-为约化普朗克常数;r为电子在光电场作用下离开平衡位置的位移;e为电子电荷。在腔光子和激子的耦合作用下,耦合强度g与激子振子强度f和腔模体积V紧密相关[116,119,131-133]:



图 5. CQED原理示意图。(a)腔光子和激子耦合过程示意图;(b)弱耦合区域Purcell效应增强荧光简化示意图;(c)强耦合区域激子极化激元的反交叉现象原理图,P+(P-)代表上(下)极化激元

Fig. 5. Schematics of CQED principles. (a) Schematic of coupling process between excitons and cavity photons; (b) schematic of fluorescence enhancement of Purcell effect in weak coupling regime; (c) schematic of anti-crossed exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime. P+ (P-) represents upper (lower) polaritons

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3.2.1 弱耦合区域

在弱耦合区域,耦合效应主要通过Purcell效应来描述。当g< (γ2cav+γ2ex)/2,激子和腔光子的相互作用主要是以激子能量的形式单向地传输给腔光子。由于腔光子态密度的提高,腔光子的耦合对激子的自发荧光辐射起到巨大的增强作用[图5(b)],该作用可以用Purcell因子表示[138]:



3.2.2 强耦合区域

在强耦合区域,耦合效应通过半光半物质的复合准粒子——激子极化激元来描述。当g> (γ2cav+γ2ex)/2,激子和腔光子快速的能量双向转换使得无法区分激子与腔光子,必须将其视为一个整体。最为直接的结果是系统形成新的本征态——部分光子部分激子的复合准粒子,激子极化激元[5,8,131,139]。激子极化激元的能态往往具有反交叉的特性,即激子和腔光子发生能量共振(腔失谐为0)时会形成一个Rabi劈裂。在简化的情形下,如果只考虑一种激子和一个腔模的耦合,激子极化激元由于反交叉可以形成上极化激元(UP)和下极化激元(LP),如图5(c)所示,它们的能态可以表示为[5,8,131,139]


式中:ωex为激子频率。这里的Rabi劈裂可以表示为ΩRabi=2 g2+1/4[i(γcav-γex)]2,和耦合强度g直接成正比。注意,要形成Rabi劈裂,只需要g>|γex-γcav|/2。如上文描述,强耦合区域需要g> (γ2cav+γ2ex)/2。而在|γex-γcav|/2<g< (γ2cav+γ2ex)/2的情况下,能态劈裂出现,此时却并没有达到强耦合,而是达到有争议的中耦合或者弱耦合[133-135,140]。对于强耦合区域,即g= (πe2f)1/2/(4πεrε0m0V)1/2> (γcav2+γ2ex)/2,由于多数情况下,γcav相对较大,而且直接和Q成反比,因此一般g/γcav越大,即Qf/V越大,腔光子和激子的耦合越容易达到强耦合[116,119,131-133]


4 二维半导体和微纳光腔的耦合


4.1 单层二维半导体和微纳光腔的弱耦合


图 6. 二维半导体和介质微纳光腔的弱耦合区域。(a)单层MoS2和PCC纳腔弱耦合的Purcell效应,Purcell效应具有对光腔的偏振依赖性[141];(b)单层WSe2的PCC纳腔超低阈值激光示意图[143];(c)单层WS2微盘激光器的示意图[144];(d)室温下单层MoTe2纳梁腔在近红外波段的连续激光结构图[145];(e)单层WS2嵌入式垂直腔表面发射激光器(VCSEL)结构示意图[146]

Fig. 6. Weak coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and dielectric micro/nano-cavities. (a) Purcell effect of weak coupling between monolayer MoS2 and PCC nanocavity. Purcell effect has polarization dependence on optical cavity[141]; (b) schematic of ultra-low threshold laser of monolayer WSe2 in PCC nanocavity[143]; (c) schematic of monolayer WS2 microdisk laser[144]; (d) schematic of CW near-infrared laser of monolayer MoTe2 nanobeam cavity at room temperature[145]; (e) structural diagram of monolayer WS2 VCSEL[146]

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图 7. 二维半导体和等离激元纳腔的弱耦合区域。(a)等离激元纳腔和二维半导体弱耦合的Purcell效应对荧光和拉曼光的增强[149];(b)等离激元纳腔和二维半导体耦合效应对谷自由度的调控[140];(c)单层WSe2的缺陷态量子光源和等离激元纳腔的弱耦合效应[69]

Fig. 7. Weak coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and plasmonic nanocavities. (a) Purcell effect of weak coupling between plasmonic nanocavity and 2D semiconductor for enhancing Raman and fluorescence intensities[149]; (b) control of valley degree of freedom through coupling between plasmonic nanocavity and 2D semiconductor[140]; (c) weak coupling of quantum emitters with defect in monolayer WSe2 and plasmonic nanocavities[69]

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图 8. 二维半导体和平面FP腔的强耦合区域。(a)室温下首次实现强耦合的单层MoS2和FP微腔的结构示意图[155];(b)实现强耦合的开放式FP微腔和单层MoSe2的结构示意图[156];(c)强耦合区域带有谷自由度的二维激子极化激元的原理示意图;(d)强耦合区域二维激子极化激元的非线性光学的原理示意图[161];(e)强耦合区域在非线性光学条件下形成的谷霍尔效应[162];(f)在强耦合区域,通过掺杂载流子浓度来调控激子极化激元和极化子的开放式FP微腔结构示意图[163];(g)实现强耦合区域电激发的二维激子极化激元的样品结构示意图[164]

Fig. 8. Strong coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and plane FP microcavities. (a) Structural diagram for first demonstration of strong coupling between monolayer MoS2 and FP microcavity at room temperature[155]; (b) structural diagram for strong coupling between monolayer MoSe2 and open FP microcavity[156]; (c) schematic of 2D polarized exciton polaritons with valley degree of freedom in strong coupling regime; (d) schematics of nonlinear optical principles of 2D polarized exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[161]; (e) optical valley Hall effects based on nonlinear optical response of 2D exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[162]; (f) structural schematic of open FP microcavity for control of 2D exciton polariton and polaron via carrier concentration in strong coupling regime[163]; (g) structural schematic of sample for realization of electrically pumped 2D exciton polaritons in strong coupling regime[164]

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图 9. 二维半导体和其他不同形式微纳腔的强耦合区域。(a)实现等离激元纳腔和单层WSe2强耦合的样品示意图[173];(b)实现等离激元阵列和单层WSe2强耦合的样品微区成像图[178];(c)实现一维PCC和单层TMD强耦合的样品示意图[135];(d)实现DBR中的BSW模和单层WS2强耦合的样品示意图[183]

Fig. 9. Strong coupling regime of 2D semiconductors and micro/nano-cavities with different structures. (a) Sample schematic for realizing strong coupling between monolayer WSe2 and plasmonic nanocavity[173]; (b) sample microscopic image with strong coupling between monolayer MoSe2 and plasmonic array[178];(c) sample schematic for the strong coupling between monolayer TMD and one-dimensional PCC[135]; (d) sample schematic with strong coupling between monolayer WS2 and BSW mode in DBR substrate[183]

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4.2 单层二维半导体和微纳光腔的强耦合


4.2.1 FP微腔

二维半导体和光腔的强耦合首先比较快速地在FP平面微腔实现,与之相关的应用研究也相继广泛地展开。在图8(a)中,单层MoS2和FP微腔的强耦合首次在室温下实现,这主要得益于单层TMD激子的强振子强度和大束缚能[155]。单层MoSe2和一个开放的FP腔[上表面的反射镜通过一个三维纳米位移平台来控制腔模,如图8(b)所示]也在低温下实现强耦合[156]。这些早期实验实现的强耦合主要通过比较从反射和荧光光谱中提取的耦合强度g和线宽γcav,γex等参数来判断,只有满足g> (γ2cav+γ2ex)/2,才会被认为是强耦合。至此,不同形式的TMD-FP光腔都展现出强耦合效应[11,157-159]



4.2.2 等离激元纳腔


4.2.3 其他微纳光腔


4.3 二维半导体异质结和微纳光腔的耦合


图 10. 二维半导体异质结间接激子和PCC纳腔耦合形成的激光。(a)二维半导体WSe2/MoSe2异质结和一维PCC纳腔耦合之后形成激射的样品示意图[184];(b)二维半导体WSe2/MoS2异质结和二维PCC纳腔耦合之后形成激射的原理示意图[185];(c)左:迈克耳孙干涉仪测量示意图;右:间接激子激射的干涉图样,二者表明间接激子激光器的空间相干性[184]

Fig. 10. Laser generated by coupling between PCC nanocavity and interlayer excitons of 2D semiconductor heterostructures. (a) Sample schematic for lasing actions based on coupling between 2D semiconductor WSe2/MoSe2 heterostructure and one-dimensional PCC nanocavity[184]; (b) schematic for lasing principles based on coupling between 2D semiconductor WSe2/MoS2 heterostructure and two-dimensional PCC nanocavity[185]; (c) left: schematic for measurements of Michelson interferometer; right: interference pattern of indirectly exciton lasing, which indicates spatial coherence of interlayer excitonic laser[184]

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5 结论和展望




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刘晓泽, 张馨元, 张顺平, 管志强, 徐红星. 二维半导体微纳光腔中光与物质的耦合[J]. 光学学报, 2021, 41(8): 0823003. Xiaoze Liu, Xinyuan Zhang, Shunping Zhang, Zhiqiang Guan, Hongxing Xu. Light-Matter Coupling of Two-Dimensional Semiconductors in Micro-Nano Optical Cavities[J]. Acta Optica Sinica, 2021, 41(8): 0823003.

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