红外与激光工程, 2020, 49 (9): 20200057, 网络出版: 2021-01-04   

不同湿度环境下可见光波段激光偏振特性研究 下载: 651次

Laser polarization characteristics of visible light band in different humidity environments
1 长春理工大学 空地激光通信国防重点学科实验室,吉林 长春 130012
2 长春理工大学 电子信息工程学院,吉林 长春 130012
雾霾天气严重干扰了可见光成像效果,利用可见光偏振特性可以有效提升探测效率。雾霾环境会受到气溶胶颗粒湿度的影响,湿度是雾霾环境重要物理参数。为了获得可见光在雾霾环境的偏振特性规律,分析了环境湿度对偏振特性的影响。在非偏振光气溶胶单粒子散射特性基础上,采用改进蒙特卡罗方法建立了偏振传输模型,对不同湿度水雾环境下可见波段偏振光传输特性进行研究,重点分析水雾环境湿度改变对不同可见光波段偏振光偏振特性的影响情况并建立了接近真实水雾环境,通过室内实验对偏振模型进行验证,对不同湿度环境下的 450、532 、671 nm 线偏振光与圆偏振光的偏振度与偏振态改变进行了比较与分析,仿真模型置信度>60%。研究结果表明:偏振光的偏振度随水雾环境湿度是呈下降趋势。随着波长的增大,偏振度变化趋于平缓,出射偏振度随着波长的增加而变大,当激光波长为 450、532、671 nm 时,偏振度下降点的湿度值分别为 50%、70%、90%;圆偏振光入射,圆偏振光的旋性对于偏振度没有影响,且高于线偏振度值。对于水雾这种容易受湿度影响较大的环境而言,在可见光波段,应该尽量选择较长波长的偏振光进行传输探测,因为湿度对较短波长的影响比较长波长的影响要大,所以,在湿度较大的环境中,较长波长的圆偏振光是偏振保持特性最好的。在湿度较大的环境中,应尽量选取波长较长的偏振光成像,以达到较好的成像效果。
Haze weather interferes with the visible light imaging effect, and the polarization characteristic of visible light can effectively improve the detection efficiency. Haze environment is affected by aerosol particle humidity, which is an important physical parameter of haze environment. In order to obtain the polarization characteristics of visible light in haze environment, the influence of humidity in haze environment on polarization characteristics was analyzed. Based on the single particle scattering characteristics of non-polarized light aerosol, the polarization transmission model was established by improved Monte Carlo method, research on transmission characteristics of polarized light in visible bands under different humidity and water mist was conducted, the influence of humidity change in water mist environment on polarization characteristics of polarized light in different visible bands was analyzed, and a near-real water mist environment was built. The polarization model was verified by laboratory experiments, the change of polarization degree and polarization state of linear polarized light on 450, 532 and 671 nm was compared and analyzed under different humidity conditions, the confidence of simulation model was more than 60%. The results show that the polarization degree of polarized light decreases with the increase of humidity of water-fog environment. With the increase of the wavelength, the polarization tends to be flat, while the exit polarization degree increases with the increase of wavelength. The humidity values of the descending point of polarization degree are 50%, 70% and 90% when the laser wavelengths are 450, 532, 671 nm, respectively. For water mist, which is easily affected by humidity, polarized light with longer wave length should be selected as far as possible for transmission detection in visible band. Because humidity has a greater influence on shorter wavelengths than longer wavelengths, circularly polarized light with longer wavelengths has the best polarization retention characteristics in environments with higher humidity. In the environment with high humidity, polarized light imaging with long wavelength should be selected as far as possible to achieve better imaging effect.

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关于偏振光传输特性,国外学者Sebastian将蒙特卡罗方法应用到均一稳定的大气环境偏振光传输[2],对散射特性进行了分析。西安理工大学杨利红分析了10.6 μm波段激光在浓雾(20~30 μm)与薄雾(1~10 μm)环境下偏振角变化关系,偏振激光在弱雾中传输时,偏振角变化相比于浓雾中更为规则,在浓雾中退偏角度更大[3]。但上述研究蒙特卡洛计算方法中直接通过改变粒径大小来控制湿度,并未包含对湿度与偏振特性的数学表达式。合肥工业大学蔡嘉对于0.5 μm波段非偏振光在气溶胶单粒子传输中的散射偏振特性进行了仿真研究,发现在散射角120°~150°时气溶胶单粒子偏振度随湿度变化明显,130°~140°时,随湿度增加而增加[4]。国家海洋局郝增周根据Mie散射理论对0.55 μm波段非偏振光在沙尘粒子群环境的偏振散射特性进行了仿真研究,发现沙尘粒子单次反照率与偏振特性都随着湿度的增加而增大,后向散射高于前向散射,后向散射受湿度影响较大[5]。由此可见,环境湿度影响着气溶胶粒子的粒径和分布变化,从而影响在粒子中传输的偏振光特性,因此深入研究环境湿度与偏振特性的关系对于偏振探测效率的提升十分关键[6-8]


1 雾霾粒子群的蒙特卡洛仿真

1.1 湿度对粒子物理特性影响


$\frac{{{r_h}}}{{{r_0}}} = {\left( {1 - f} \right)^{ - 1/u}}$ (1)

式中: ${r_h}$为受湿度影响变化的粒子半径; ${r_0}$为干洁环境中的颗粒半径; $f$为湿度;u为常数,对于雾天环境而言,气溶胶吸湿性强,u=3.9; ${r_0}$为初始半径。


${m_{re}} = {m_{rw}} + \left( {{m_{r0}} - {m_{rw}}} \right){\left[ {\frac{{{r_h}}}{{{r_0}}}} \right]^{ - 3}}$ (2)

$\frac{{{m_{ie}}}}{{m_{re}^2 + 2}} = \dfrac{{{m_{iw}}}}{{m_{rw}^2}} + \left( {\frac{{{m_{i0}}}}{{m_{r0}^2 + 2}} - \frac{{{m_{iw}}}}{{m_{rw}^2}}} \right){\left[ {\frac{{{r_h}}}{{{r_0}}}} \right]^{ - 3}}$ (3)

${m_{re}}$为复折射实部; ${m_{ie}}$为虚部。rie,0和w分别表示实部、虚部吸湿后气溶胶,干气溶胶粒子和水。湿度影响下的气溶胶折射率为:

${m_e} = {m_{re}} + {m_{ie}}$ (4)

水雾环境中粒子尺度较大,通常都在0.1~10 μm之间,水雾粒子等效半径0.5 μm,折射率为1.33+1.96E-4i,通过公式(1)、(4)对不同湿度的粒子物理参数进行了计算,如表1所示。

表 1.

Relationship between humidity and refractive index of particles in water mist environment


Table 1.

Relationship between humidity and refractive index of particles in water mist environment


Relative humidity Particle radius /μm Index of real part Index of imaginary part



1.2 湿度与偏振传输特性关系模型


图 1. 参考平面的定义

Fig. 1. Definition of reference plane

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参考平面定义以后,设定激光波长、粒子直径、粒子复折射率等,散射系数 ${\mu _s}$,吸收系数 ${\mu _a}$,大气的消光系数 ${\mu _t} = {\mu _s} + {\mu _a}$,不同偏振态的光的斯托克斯参量初始值等。光子沿z轴正方向入射,初始位置 ${u_0}$(0,0,0),初始方向余弦 ${D_0}$(0,0,1),偏振参考平面为X轴与Z轴构成的平面,定义光子初始斯托克斯参量,并且先将散射后各斯托克斯参量都设为0。

粒子传输的过程的步长就是光子的自由程, 其中 $\xi $为关于0.5对称分布的随机数,消光系数与光子自由程 ${S_1}$关系为:

${S_1} = \ln \left( \xi \right){\mu _t}$ (5)

一旦光子传输的自由程确定后,光子将发生移动,当前位置 $\left( {x,y,z} \right)$和传输方向 $\left( {{\mu _x},{\mu _y},{\mu _z}} \right)$确定光子到达的下一个散射点的坐标 $\left( {x',y',z'} \right)$为:

$\left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {x' = x + {\mu _x}{S_1}} \\ & {y' = y + {\mu _y}{S_1}} \\ & {z' = z + {\mu _z}{S_1}} \end{aligned}} \right.$ (6)


光子与粒子碰撞后,散射角 $\alpha $和方位角 $\beta $抽样由联合概率密度函数(PDF)得到,该函数与入射光斯托克斯分量[I0Q0U0V0]T的关系为:

$\rho \left( {\alpha ,\beta } \right) = {m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right) + {m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right)\left[ {{Q_0}\cos \left( {2\beta } \right) + {U_0}\sin \left( {2\beta } \right)} \right]/{I_0}$ (7)

${m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right)$${m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right)$分别为球形粒子Mueller矩阵 $M\left( \alpha \right)$中相应元素。

$M\left( \alpha \right) = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}{c}} {{m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right)}&{{m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right)}&0&0 \\ {{m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right)}&{{m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right)}&0&0 \\ 0&0&{{m_{33}}\left( \alpha \right)}&{{m_{34}}\left( \alpha \right)} \\ 0&0&{ - {m_{34}}\left( \alpha \right)}&{{m_{33}}\left( \alpha \right)} \end{array}} \right]$ (8)

${m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right)$${m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right)$${m_{33}}\left( \alpha \right)$${m_{34}}\left( \alpha \right)$与散射幅度值 ${S_1}$, ${S_2}$有如下关系:

$\begin{split} & {m_{11}}\left( \alpha \right) = \frac{1}{2}\left( {{{\left| {{S_1}} \right|}^2} + {{\left| {{S_2}} \right|}^2}} \right),\;\;{{m_{12}}\left( \alpha \right) = \frac{1}{2}\left( {{{\left| {{S_1}} \right|}^2} - {{\left| {{S_2}} \right|}^2}} \right)} \\ & {m_{33}}\left( \alpha \right) = \frac{1}{2}\left( {{S_1}S_2^ * - S_{_1}^ * {S_2}} \right),\;\;{{m_{44}}\left( \alpha \right) = \frac{i}{2}\left( {{S_1}S_2^ * - S_2^ * {S_1}} \right)} \end{split}$ (9)

由于散射幅度值 ${S_1}$, ${S_2}$表达式为:

$\left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {{S_1}(\theta ) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\frac{{2 n + 1}}{{n(n + 1)}}} \left[ {{a_n}\frac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{\sin \theta }} + {b_n}\frac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{d\theta }}} \right]}\\ & {{S_2}(\theta ) = \sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\frac{{2 n + 1}}{{n(n + 1)}}} \left[ {{a_n}\frac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{d\theta }} + {b_n}\frac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{\sin \theta }}} \right]} \end{aligned}} \right.$ (10)


$\left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {{a_n} = \frac{{\psi _n^\prime (mx){\psi _n}(x) - m{\psi _n}(mx)\psi _n^\prime (x)}}{{\psi _n^\prime (mx){\xi _n}(x) - m{\psi _n}(mx)\xi _n^\prime (x)}}}\\ & {{b_n} = \frac{{m\psi _n^\prime (mx){\psi _n}(x) - {\psi _n}(mx)\psi _n^\prime (x)}}{{m\psi _n^\prime (mx){\xi _n}(x) - {\psi _n}(mx)\xi _n^\prime (x)}}} \end{aligned}} \right.$  (11)

式中: ${\psi _n}\left( x \right)$${\xi _n}\left( x \right)$为Riccati-Bessel函数,可用第一类Bessel球函数 ${J_{n + 1/2}}\left( x \right)$和半整数阶第二类Hankel函数 $H_{n + 1/2}^{\left( 2 \right)}$表示:

$\left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {{\psi _n}(x) = \sqrt {\pi x/2} {J_{n + 1/2}}(x)}\\ & {{\xi _n}(x) = \sqrt {\pi x/2} H_{n + 1/2}^{(2)}(x)} \end{aligned}} \right.$  (12)


${i_1}(\theta ) = {\left| {{S_1}(\theta )} \right|^2} = {\left| {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\frac{{2 n + 1}}{{n(n + 1)}}} \left( {{a_n}{\pi _n} + {b_n}{\tau _n}} \right)} \right|^2}$  (13)

${i_2}(\theta ) = {\left| {{S_2}(\theta )} \right|^2} = {\left| {\sum\limits_{n = 1}^\infty {\frac{{2 n + 1}}{{n(n + 1)}}} \left( {{a_n}{\pi _n} + {b_n}{\tau _n}} \right)} \right|^2}$  (14)


${W_n} = {W_{n - 1}} \cdot {\mu _s}/\left( {{\mu _s} + {\mu _a}} \right)$  (15)


$\omega = \pm {\rm{arctan}}\left( {{\mu _{{y}}}/{\mu _{{x}}}} \right)$  (16)

式中:反射模式取正号,透射取负号。由于散射路径的不同,光子到达探测器的时间不同,对于偏振分量形如 [I(t),Q(t),U(t),V(t)]T的光束,时域偏振度定义为:

${\mathop{\rm DOP}\nolimits} (t) = \frac{{\sqrt {{Q^2}(t) + {U^2}(t) + {V^2}(t)} }}{{I(t)}}$  (17)



$\left\{ {\begin{aligned} & {a{{\left( f \right)}_n} = \frac{{\psi _n'(m(f)x(f)){\psi _n}(x(f)) - m(f){\psi _n}(m(f)x(f))\psi _n'(x(f))}}{{\psi _n'(m(f)x(f)){\xi _n}(x(f)) - m(f){\psi _n}(m(f)x(f))\xi _n'(x(f))}}}\\ & {b{{(f)}_n} = \frac{{m(f)\psi _n'(m(f)x(f)){\psi _n}(x(f)) - {\psi _n}(m(f)x(f))\psi _n'(x(f))}}{{m(f)\psi _n'(m(f)x(f)){\xi _n}(x(f)) - {\psi _n}(m(f)x(f))\xi _n'(x(f))}}} \end{aligned}} \right.$  (18)


$\left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}{l}} {{S_1}(\theta ) = \displaystyle\sum_{{n} = 1}^\infty {\dfrac{{2{n} + 1}}{{{n}({n} + 1)}}} \left[ {a{{(f)}_{n}}\dfrac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{\sin \theta }} + b{{({\rm{f}})}_{n}}\dfrac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{{\rm{d}}\theta }}} \right]}\\ {{S_2}(\theta ) = \displaystyle\sum_{{n} = 1}^\infty {\dfrac{{2{n} + 1}}{{{n}({n} + 1)}}} \left[ {a{{(f)}_{n}}\dfrac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{d\theta }} + b{{({\rm{f}})}_{n}}\dfrac{{P_n^1(\cos \theta )}}{{\sin \theta }}} \right]} \end{array}} \right.$  (19)


2 仿真结果分析

采用蒙特卡洛模拟光子散射过程,计算了可见光波段的3种波长(450、532、671 nm) 6种入射偏振态的偏振光(0°线偏振光、90°线偏振光、45°线偏振光、135°线偏振光、左旋圆偏振光、右旋圆偏振光)经过水雾粒子传输后的偏振光特性,计算曲线如图2~4所示。

图 2. 波长450 nm偏振度与湿度关系图

Fig. 2. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 450 nm polarized light

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图 3. 波长532 nm偏振度与湿度关系图

Fig. 3. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 532 nm polarized light

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图 4. 波长671 nm偏振度与湿度关系图

Fig. 4. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 671 nm polarized light

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图2~4中可以看出:偏振度随水雾环境湿度是呈下降趋势,随着波长的增大,偏振度变化趋于平缓,出射偏振度变大。当激光波长分为450、532、671 nm时,偏振度下降点时的湿度为50%、70% 、90%。圆偏振光经过水雾粒子散射后偏振度改变情况一致。圆偏振光受湿度影响情况比线偏振光要小,在图中表现为比线偏振光变化平缓。这是因为对于水雾环境中的粒子而言,短波情况下前向散射大于后向散射,所以,出射偏振光的偏振度要大于波长较长的偏振光。当波长增加到671 nm时,相比于其他两种波长变化趋于平缓,这是由于波长的增加,使得 $x = 2\pi /\lambda $变小,即粒子尺度参数变小,使得Muller矩阵中 ${m_{11}}$${m_{12}}$${m_{13}}$${m_{14}}$变小,这样会导致散射光强度的变小,偏振度改变不大,也就显示为震荡不明显。而且由于水雾环境的强吸湿性,使得粒子尺度明显增大,导致了粒子的散射作用增强,故而随着湿度的增加水雾环境粒子的偏振度不断下降。

3 偏振特性室内测试

3.1 室内实验系统

室内测试搭建实验系统如图5所示,系统实物图如图6所示。发射端组成为激光器、衰减片、偏振片、波片、滤光片组成。激光器输出功率为50 mW的固体激光器,根据实验波长来选择相应激光器,偏振片透过波段为400~700 nm,各波长透过率可以达到80%以上。接收端分成两路一路由波片、偏振片、光功率计组成,一路由偏振态测量仪组成。

图 5. 系统组成图

Fig. 5. System composition diagram

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图 6. 系统实物图

Fig. 6. Real system

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$\left\{\begin{aligned} & {{{I}} = \dfrac{1}{2}\left( {{{{I}}^\prime }\left( {60,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) + {{{I}}^\prime }\left( {120,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) - 3{{{I}}^\prime }\left( {0,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right)} \right)}\\ & Q = 2{I^\prime }(0,0,0) - \dfrac{1}{2}{I^\prime }(60,45,0) - \dfrac{1}{2}{I^\prime }\left( {120,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) \\ & \quad\quad + \dfrac{3}{2}{I^\prime }\left( {0,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right)\\ & {U = \dfrac{{2\sqrt 3 }}{3}\left( {{{{I}}^\prime }\left( {60,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) - {{{I}}^\prime }\left( {120,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right)} \right)}\\ & {{{V}} = \dfrac{1}{2}\left( {{{{I}}^\prime }\left( {60,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) + {{{I}}^\prime }\left( {120,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right) - {{{I}}^\prime }\left( {0,45,\dfrac{\pi }{2}} \right)} \right)} \end{aligned}\right.$  (20)


3.2 实验结果

通过对450、532、671 nm的6种偏振态在不同湿度的水雾环境中实验数据分析可知:随着水雾环境湿度的增加,偏振度是不断降低的,而且圆偏振光与线偏振光在低湿度30%−40%情况下较为接近,随着湿度的增加,圆偏振光的偏振度明显高于线偏振光。


图 7. 波长450 nm偏振度与湿度关系实验图

Fig. 7. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 450 nm polarized light experiment

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图 8. 波长532 nm偏振度与湿度关系实验图

Fig. 8. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 532 nm polarized light experiment

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图 9. 波长671 nm偏振度与湿度关系实验图

Fig. 9. Relationship between the polarization degree and humidity of 671 nm polarized light experiment

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$M = 1 - \left( {\sum\limits_1^n {\frac{{\left| {R - {R_m}} \right|}}{{{R_m}}}} } \right)/n \times 100\% $  (21)

式中:RRm分别为同一条件下的仿真和实测得到的偏振度值,由于对7种湿度进行了仿真与实测实验,所以n=7,分别计算了6种偏振态的偏振度置信度,450 nm的0°、90°、45°、135°、左旋、右旋偏振光的置信度分别为63.9%、64.1%、64.2%、64.1%、75.4%、75.5%;532 nm的置信度分别为73.1%、73.2%、73.1%、73%、82.6%、82.5%。671 nm的置信度分别为74.0%、74.1%、74.4%、74.1%、85.4%、85.3%。仿真模型置信度均大于60%,结果可信。

4 结 论

采用改进蒙特卡洛的仿真方法计算了不同湿度环境对可见光偏振特性的影响情况,并与通过室内实验分析偏振光传输特性影响。在450 、532 、671 nm三个波段条件下,偏振光的偏振度随水雾环境湿度是呈下降趋势,但是随着波长的增大,偏振度变化趋于平缓,出射偏振度随着波长的增加而变大。圆偏振光入射,圆偏振光的旋性对于偏振度没有影响,且高于线偏振度值。因此,对于水雾这种容易受湿度影响较大的环境而言,在可见光波段,应该尽量选择较长波长的偏振光进行传输探测,因为湿度对较短波长的影响比较长波长的影响要大,所以,在湿度较大的环境中,较长波长的圆偏振光是偏振保持特性最好的。在湿度较大的环境中,应尽量选取波长较长的偏振光成像,以达到较好的成像效果。接下来需要开展多波段条件下的不同粒子偏振传输特性研究工作,丰富偏振特性规律,为雾天的偏振成像探测提供更有利的理论依据。


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