中国激光, 2021, 48 (1): 0106002, 网络出版: 2021-01-13   

基于表面等离子体共振的高灵敏度光纤微流控芯片 下载: 1630次

High-Sensitivity Optical-Fiber Microfluidic Chip Based on Surface Plasmon Resonance
华中科技大学光学与电子信息学院, 湖北 武汉 430074

Objective Surface plasmon resonance (SPR) sensors based on Kretschmann prism are bulky and need to be equipped with mechanical movable parts, which is not conducive to the miniaturization and remote sensing of devices. Optical-fiber-based SPR technology has been widely used in food safety, environmental monitoring, and other fields owing to its label-free simple pretreatment, fast analysis, high sensitivity, and other excellent characteristics. However, most SPR sensors do not consider sample consumption in the process of sensor monitoring. The exposed optical fiber is fragile, which easily affects the sensor's stability. Highly sensitive optical fibers, such as tapered and D-shaped fibers, are vulnerable and unstable. In addition to the abovementioned problems, the sensitivity of existing SPR fiber sensors needs further improvement. As a high-throughput microscale analysis device, the microfluidic chip system has shown great potential in remote monitoring, biological detection, and other fields in recent years. In this paper, a microfluidic chip based on SPR fiber sensor is designed and used to measure the concentration of a solution. This chip has the advantages of small size, compact structure, and low sample consumption; it also reduces the fiber damage and effectively improves the sensing stability by embedding the sensing fiber into Polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrate. Photonic crystal fiber (PCF) is a new type of optical fiber. PCF comprises a single dielectric, in which air holes are closely arranged in the two-dimensional direction but unchanged in the axial structure to form microstructure cladding. Moreover, it can stimulate a more substantial SPR effect for its unique light-guiding characteristics.

Methods In this paper, PDMS—which has good chemical inertia and good biocompatibility—is used as the main material to fabricate the microfluidic chip. After cooling and forming in 3D mold, PDMS is stably bonded with glass sheet to form the main structure of the chip. The microchip contains a microfluidic channel (diameter: 200nm), whose length is the same as that of the chip. A sensing structure of multimode fiber-photonic crystal fiber-multimode fiber (MMF-PCF-MMF), which is coated with 60-nm gold film on the surface, is embedded in the channel to stimulate SPR effect. Then, mixed solutions of glucose solid sample and deionized water in a certain proportion with refractive index of 1.338--1.425 are used as samples to be tested. The experiment is performed at room temperature (25 °C). The glucose solution in the syringe is injected into the microfluidic chip using a syringe pump at a constant speed; the glucose solution flows through the optical fiber sensing part. When the concentration of the solution injected into the microfluidic chip is changed, the light wave meeting the resonance conditions excites the gold film to produce surface plasmon resonance and the resonant valley is generated on the transmitted spectrum. The position of the resonant valley shifts in the samples with different refractive indexes. By recording the resonance spectra of a series of samples, the sensitivity of the sensor with respect to the change in refractive index can be calibrated.

Results and Discussions When the refractive index of the liquid injected into the microfluidic chip increases from 1.338 to 1.425, the resonant wavelength of SPR spectrum shifts to longer wavelength because of the SPR resonance effect. The relationship between the refractive index and resonant wavelength of the liquid to be measured is extracted, and the sensitivity curve can be obtained by taking the resonant wavelength at n=1.338 as the starting point. The increasing speed of the sensitivity curve is related to the chip sensitivity. The experimental results show that the refractive index sensitivity of PCF SPR sensors can reach up to 8240.6nm/RIU, in which RIU is refractive index unit, thereby showing that these have good high-sensitivity characteristics and meet the application requirements of high sensitivity.

Conclusions In this paper, a novel microfluidic chip embedded with SPR sensor is designed and manufactured by combining the optical fiber structure, SPR effect, and microfluidic system. The volume of chip is approximately 3.5cm×1cm×5cm, which is much smaller than that of the traditional measurement instrument and is conducive to the integration of sensor. After testing the MMF-PCF-MMF structure based on SPR effect, the sensor sensitivity obtained is high (up to 8240.6nm/RIU) in a wide refractive index measurement range of 1.338--1.425. The proposed structure has good refractive sensitivity, small size, acid resistance, and corrosion resistance; these characteristics enable a broader application prospect in the field of biochemistry.

1 引言

光纤表面等离子体共振(SPR)技术作为一种近代物理光学、材料化学等学科交叉结合的新兴传感技术,具有免标记、预处理简单、分析快速、高灵敏等优良特性,逐渐在食品安全、环境监测等众多领域中得到广泛使用[1-3] ,目前国内外已研制出多种基于SPR的浓度传感器。吉林大学高璐等[4]设计了一种基于Kretschmann型棱镜的SPR原理折射率检测实验系统,通过MATLAB仿真得到其理论检测灵敏度为6049nm/RIU(RIU为单位折射率),实际检测出来的实验结果与仿真结果近似相等。然而基于Kretschmann型棱镜型的SPR传感器体积庞大,需配备机械可动部件,不利于器件小型化和远程传感。光纤SPR传感器凭借其体积小、结构紧凑以及可实现远程测量的优势,越来越受到研究人员的广泛关注。南京信息工程大学蔡凯杰[5]设计并制作了一种基于D型光纤的SPR传感器,在介质折射率1.33~1.39范围内,基于金膜激励SPR效应时灵敏度达2851nm/RIU,基于银膜时灵敏度更高,达3319nm/RIU;南京信息工程大学郭志勇等[6]设计了一种基于多模-单模-多模(MSM)结构的光纤折射率传感器,并且在单模光纤表面涂覆二氧化钛/银(TiO2/Ag)复合膜构成传感单元,Ag膜厚度与TiO2膜厚度达到传感器性能最优条件时,在1.33~1.41环境折射率范围内,传感器灵敏度约为6875nm/RIU。基于上述方法研制的光纤SPR 折射率传感器,虽然灵敏度较高,但大多未考虑传感监测过程中样品的消耗量,且裸露的光纤易碎,传感器的稳定性不足。


2 基本原理与实验过程

2.1 基本原理


图 1. 表面等离子共振原理图

Fig. 1. Schematic diagram of surface plasmon resonance

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当宽带光源以一定角度入射光纤时,可通过检测输出光谱的特性曲线得到吸收峰对应的光波长。普通光纤用作传感光纤时存在耦合损耗大、保偏性差等缺点,限制了SPR传感器性能的进一步提高[13],而PCF可以通过向纤芯中引入中空微结构来降低模式折射率,因此可以方便地实现纤芯模和表面等离子模的相位匹配,获得更宽的检测范围和更高的分辨率[6]。本文所提出的PCF结构及其包层模式的光场能量分布如图2所示。图2(a)为正六边形实芯PCF,空气孔孔径和相邻不同层空气孔间距分别为3.5μm和7.0μm,第一层实芯直径为14μm,光纤外边缘镀有一层60nm金膜, 光纤置于折射率液体环境中,并在最外层设置一层厚约5μm的完美匹配层(PML)用于数值分析。在COMSOL中进行数值分析,模拟波长设置为850nm,将液体、PCF空气孔和PCF包层的折射率分别设置为1.3380、1.4509和1.000,金膜的折射率设为0.2438+4.9346i。在多模干涉结构中,主要强调传感光纤中包层模式对SPR的激励作用,因此在分析中模拟了PCF中包层模式的模态分布情况。仿真结果表明,PCF气孔外侧的二氧化硅包层形成高折射率环,使得高阶包层模式的能量集中在金膜附近,如图2(b)所示。因此,PCF可以激发较强的SPR效应,提高传感器的折射率传感能力。

图 2. 仿真结果。(a)光子晶体光纤结构图 ;(b)包层模式的光场能量分布图

Fig. 2. Simulation results. (a) Schematic diagram of PCF; (b) light field energy distribution of the cladding mode

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2.2 传感结构制作


图 3. 传感光纤结构示意图

Fig. 3. Schematic diagram of sensing optical fiber structure

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图 4. 光子晶体光纤结构图。(a)光子晶体光纤的SEM剖面图;(b) PCF边界上的位置缩放图

Fig. 4. Structure diagram of photonic crystal fiber. (a) SEM profile of PCF; (b) zoom on PCF

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2.3 芯片设计


图 5. 微流控芯片结构图

Fig. 5. Structure diagram of microfluidic chip

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2.4 实验过程

实验装置如图6所示。实验系统由HL-2000卤钨光源、嵌入光纤SPR结构的微流控芯片、烧杯、导管、注射泵,光纤光谱仪USB4000及计算机组成。注射泵匀速地将注射器中的葡萄糖溶液注入微流控芯片,流经光纤传感部分,最后进入废液缸,由卤钨灯产生的光源经光纤耦合进入SPR传感器,由于传感光纤具有隐失场,满足共振条件的光波将激发金膜产生表面等离子体共振,在透射光上产生共振谷,用微型光谱仪采集、记录透射光谱并传输给计算机。折射率不同会导致共振谷的位置移动,通过记录系列样品的共振光谱,定标传感器对折射率的传感特性。在室温条件下(25 ℃),将不同质量的葡萄糖固体样品与去离子水以一定比例混合作为待测样品,该混合溶液的折射率在1.338~1.425之间。传感光纤结构部分用金膜厚度为60nm的PCF-SPR进行测试。

图 6. 实验装置图

Fig. 6. Experimental setup

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3 分析与讨论


图 7. 实验结果。(a)基于PCF-SPR传感器的归一化透射光谱;(b) PCF-SPR结构的谐振波长与折射率的关系

Fig. 7. Experimental results. (a) Normalized transmission spectra of PCF-SPR sensors; (b) relationship between resonant wavelength and refractive index of PCF-SPR structure

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4 结论



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