中国激光, 2021, 48 (3): 0307001, 网络出版: 2021-02-02   

基于结构照明的超分辨荧光显微成像重建算法 下载: 1719次

Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy Image Reconstruction Algorithm Based on Structured Illumination
刘智 1,2罗泽伟 1,2王正印 1,2涂壮 1,2庄正飞 1,2陈同生 1,2,*
1 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院, 教育部激光生命科学重点实验室, 广东 广州 510631
2 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院, 广东省激光生命科学重点实验室, 广东 广州 510631

Significance Super-resolution microscopy overcomes the 200 nm spatial resolution limitation of traditional optical microscopy and has been widely used to image subcellular structures in living cells. Super-resolution microscopy mainly includes stimulated emission depletion (STED) microscopy, structured illumination microscopy (SIM), and single-molecule localization microscopy (SMLM). Super-resolution structured illumination microscopy (SR-SIM) is the most widely used super-resolution microscopy technique. Owing to the low phototoxicity, high-speed wide field of view, and multichannel three-dimensional super-resolution imaging capabilities, SR-SIM is especially suitable for real-time detection of dynamic fine structures in living cells. SR-SIM has high-speed wide-field imaging capabilities that enable rapid dynamic measurement of living cells. Compared with STED and SMLM microscopy imaging under a light intensity of ~1000 W/cm 2, SR-SIM allows imaging under a low light intensity of ~10 W/cm 2, which meets the requirement of long-term imaging of living cells. At the same time, multicolor and multichannel imaging by SR-SIM is beneficial to the study of molecular interactions.

The super-resolution structured illumination reconstruction algorithm (SIM-RA) is the key to realizing fast, long-term, and nondestructive super-resolution imaging of SR-SIM. SR-SIM uses structured light in different directions and phases to excite the fluorescent sample for acquiring multiple original images with illumination patterns and then reconstructs a single super-resolution image through mathematical calculations. Owing to the imperfection of the experiment and the inevitable uncertainty in the measurement of experimental parameters, the estimation of the reconstruction parameters results in false signal and noise, which reduces the resolution of the SR-SIM image and introduces artifacts that can be misinterpreted as biologically relevant features. An excellent SIM-RA can improve the accuracy of reconstruction parameters and filter out noise to reduce artifacts and ensure image quality. In addition, a long exposure time will increase the phototoxicity and photobleaching, which is not conducive to the long-time observation of living cells. SIM-RA can reduce the exposure time by two orders of magnitude for the reconstruction of SR-SIM images, allowing the use of fewer original images to achieve SR-SIM image reconstruction, providing longer and faster super-resolution imaging. Initially, SR-SIM requires users to have professional knowledge. The development of SIM-RA makes it unnecessary to manually set parameters, automatically obtain reconstruction parameters and estimate their uncertainty, and thus to reconstruct super-resolution images with a considerably reduced threshold. The super-resolution structured illumination microscopic image reconstruction process requires strict analysis and calculation to ensure the final super-resolution image quality and imaging speed, which relies on an efficient and stable SIM-RA.

In the past two decades, to achieve automatic, simple, and stable acquisition of high-quality and high-spatial-resolution reconstruction images, the development of super-resolution SIM image reconstruction algorithms has never stopped. Systematic summary and analysis of SIM-RA are necessary for users who want to construct a higher-performance super-resolution structured illumination microscopy system.

Progress This article systematically elaborates and analyzes the reconstruction algorithm of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy. First, it briefly introduces the realization principles and respective advantages of the three super-resolution microscopy techniques, i.e., STED, SIM, and SMLM, and expounds the necessity of studying SIM-RA based on the characteristics of SR-SIM imaging. Second, it introduces the imaging principle of SR-SIM based on structured illumination in detail, and focuses on SIM-RA. In view of the possible reasons for the poor imaging quality caused in the SR-SIM image reconstruction process and the improvement of the algorithm for fast, long-term, and nondestructive imaging of SR-SIM, the calibration and parameter value acquisition algorithms of SR-SIM, SIM-RA, and SR-SIM toolbox are analyzed and summarized. Initially, Gustafsson extended the Wiener filter and applied it to SR-SIM image reconstruction to solve the problem of reconstruction artifacts. Compared with Wiener filtering, the R-L deconvolution algorithm reduces the influence of photon noise on the imaging results, and MAP-SIM further reduces the influence of noise by suppressing defocused light (Fig.4). System calibration before SR-SIM imaging helps reduce artifacts, and the accuracy of reconstruction parameters determines the quality of the reconstructed image. Using algorithms including iterative calculations to accurately determine reconstruction parameters such as illumination frequency and illumination phase is a prerequisite for achieving artifact-free SR-SIM imaging. The inversion of SR-SIM images based on Bayesian theory allows automatic acquisition of parameters and reduces the number of reconstructed original images, which is helpful for the realization of fast automatic imaging. The Hessian-SIM algorithm automatically filters the original image to reduce artifacts and uses methods such as rolling reconstruction to achieve fast and long-term imaging (Fig.5). To promote the development of SR-SIM, FairSIM and SIMcheck have been developed to provide general reconstruction algorithms. OpenSIM and SIMToolbox provide open-source codes to help researchers further study SIM-RA. In addition, machine learning is also used to achieve fast SR-SIM image reconstruction. At the end of the article, five problems to be solved in the current development of super-resolution structured illumination microscopy image reconstruction algorithms are summarized.

Conclusion and Prospect The super-resolution SIM image reconstruction algorithm has a decisive influence on the imaging quality and imaging speed of super-resolution SIM. To achieve fast, stable, and automatic acquisition of high-quality, high-temporal-resolution super-resolution SIM images without artifacts, it is necessary to build better imaging algorithms. Excellent SIM-RA is necessary for reconstructing higher-resolution, faster, longer, and nondestructive SR-SIM images.

1 引言

超分辨显微术突破了光衍射极限对传统光学显微成像分辨率的限制[1-2]。超分辨显微术主要包括受激发射损耗显微术(STED)、结构照明显微术(SIM)和单分子定位显微术(SMLM)三种。STED利用荧光分子的自发辐射和受激辐射来压缩光学传递函数对应光斑的大小[3],SIM使用结构照明对荧光样品的发射光进行调制[4],SMLM通过持续收集处于激活状态的荧光分子发出的荧光实现单分子定位。光活化定位显微术(PALM)[5]与随机光学重建显微术(STORM)[6-7]是两种经典的SMLM,它们的区别在于使用的荧光分子类型不同。超分辨显微术不仅具有超高的空间分辨率,还具有与其原理相匹配的独特优势。STED理论上能够将分辨率级别降低到无限小,但受照明强度、标记密度和成像时间的限制,目前的横向分辨率仅可达到30~80 nm[8]。线性SIM允许在低光照强度下以约80 nm的横向分辨率对活细胞进行快速动态成像[8];SMLM的横向分辨率可以达到20 nm且轴向分辨率可以达到50 nm,能提供分子数量的信息和高精度的细胞结构图像[9]。超分辨显微术的时空分辨率需要匹配研究对象的尺寸与运动特征[2]。为了提高超分辨显微术的可用性,研究人员发展了一系列新的超分辨成像方法,包括由STED扩展的可逆饱和光学荧光跃迁(RESOLFT)显微术[10]、基于多点扫描的Instant-SIM显微术[11]、基于全内反射荧光(TIRF)的TIRF-SIM显微术[12],以及结合结构照明和单分子定位的最小光学通量(MINFLUX)显微术[13]等。超分辨成像方法的选择需要在时间分辨率和空间分辨率间进行权衡,用户可以根据成像目标的特点选择合适的超分辨显微术[2,9,14]

由于同时具有高时间分辨率和空间分辨率,结构照明激发的超分辨结构照明显微术(SR-SIM)特别适用于对活细胞进行实时动态超分辨成像[15]。2000年,Gustafsson[4]利用结构化光激发荧光样品,获得了不同方向和不同相位照明模式下含照明条纹的图像,然后采用图像重建算法获得了超分辨图像。SR-SIM将对应于精细结构的高频信号调制为低频信号,显微镜接收低频信号后通过解调来获取样本的高频(细节)信息,实际过程并未违背阿贝衍射极限理论[16]。STED能获得30~80 nm的横向高分辨率,而线性SR-SIM只能使横向分辨率达到100 nm左右,轴向分辨率达到300 nm左右[7];但其十分“温和”,照明强度仅约为10 W/cm2,从而使其能用于活细胞的长时间动态成像[9,17]。此外,在对成像速度和成像时间无严格要求的条件下,非线性结构光显微术(NL-SIM)在足够明亮和稳定的荧光样品上也能实现小于60 nm的横向分辨率[18]。SR-SIM能以毫秒级的时间分辨率和80~90 nm的横向分辨率成像[12],且无需复杂的样品制备流程[15]

SR-SIM已被广泛应用于活细胞精细结构和快速动态事件的研究中。SR-SIM可用于研究生物的中心体结构和动力学[19-21]、肌动蛋白网络动力学[22]和线粒体嵴[12]。2012年,Sonnen等[23]使用3D-SIM通过观测特异性结合的抗体发现了Cep152的C端比N端更接近中心体。2014年,Burnette等[22]使用商用ELYRA SIM系统观察细胞顶部由肌动蛋白弧和肌球蛋白IIA细丝组成的收缩性网状结构时发现,当网状结构收缩时,它会将背侧纤维拉离基底,背侧纤维与黏着斑的附着力会抵消这种拉力,使背侧纤维向下弯曲并使细胞变得扁平,从而证明了肌动蛋白可控制细胞的形状。2018年,Huang等[12]通过自主搭建的Hessian-SIM系统成功地观察到线粒体嵴,同时也观察到了新的现象,即融合孔在囊泡胞吐过程中的扩大。此外,SIM也可以被应用于DNA复制[24-25]、内吞[26]和核结构[27-28]等方面的研究。在经典线性2D-SIM和3D-SIM的基础上,研究人员还发展了一些新的SR-SIM系统[29],包括Instant-SIM[11]、掠入射SIM、Hessian-SIM[12]和偏振光SIM[30]


2 SR-SIM的成像原理








式中: D˙(k)、 I˙ex(k)、 S˙(k)、 H˙(k)分别对应D(r)、Iex(r)、S(r)、fPSF(r)的傅里叶变换结果。 H˙(k)是决定成像系统可观测频率范围的光学传递函数,其截止频率是kem=2NA/λem[14],如图1所示。

图 1. 使用宽场照明的荧光显微系统可探测到的频率范围[14]

Fig. 1. Detectable frequency range of a fluorescence microscope with wide-field illumination[14]

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式中: S˙(k)为宽场照明下的样本荧光信息频谱; S˙(k-pθ)和 S˙(k+pθ)为正弦照明图案调制扩展的样本荧光信息频谱,该部分频谱携带样本的细节(超分辨)结构信息。由于系统对照明图案同样存在衍射限制,因此正弦照明模式下的SR-SIM可以观察到的最高样本频率为kem+pθ,其中pθ不大 kem[16]


图 2. SR-SIM的原理[14]。宽场照明的荧光显微系统改用照明频率为pθ、方向为θ的正弦强度结构光照明后,荧光样本的频谱S˙(k)被移动至S˙

Fig. 2. Principles of SR-SIM[14]. After the wide-field fluorescence microscope is switched to be illuminated by the sine intensity structure illumination with frequency pθ and the direction θ, the spectrum S˙(k) of the fluorescence sample will be mov

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为求解 S˙(k)、 S˙(k-pθ)和 S˙(k+pθ),需要获取三个相位不同的SR-SIM图像 Dθ,φ1(r)、 Dθ,φ2(r)、 Dθ,φ3(r),用以构建方程




图 3. 重建SR-SIM图像[14]。(a)(b)(c)单方向结构光照明荧光染料样本后可观察到的频率信息含量是3个圆形区域的线性组合,参见(5)式;(d)3个方向合并后覆盖的频率信息含量,可用于构建样本的超分辨图像;(e)(f)(g)将频率分量频移回正确位置后所得的频率信息含量,参见(6)式;(h)通过组合频移最终获得的超分辨图像的频率信息含量

Fig. 3. Reconstruct SR-SIM image[14]. (a)(b)(c) Observable frequency information content of a fluorescent dye sample under unidirectional structured light illumination is a linear combination of three circular regions, see equation (5); (d) frequency information content covered by the combination of the three directions can be used to construct a super-resolution image of the sample; (e)(f)(g) frequency information content obtained after the frequency co

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在理想情况(无噪声和无偏移误差等影响)下, H˙(k)是可提前测量的系统参数,照明频率pθ、方位角θ和相位φ均为精确值,调制对比度m=1,I0为常数。通过(6)式可解出分量 S˙(k) H˙(k)、 S˙(k+pθ) H˙(k)和 S˙(k-pθ) H˙(k),再根据确定的±pθ将分量在频域内移动到正确的位置,就可实现垂直于θ方向的样本频率信息的获取[33]。进行步骤相同的计算,获取3个不同方位角θ下的频率信息,组合3个方向的样本频率信息,使用傅里叶逆变换将频域图像还原到空间域,即可获得分辨率提高两倍的全视场超分辨图像S'(x)。

3 SR-SIM图像重建算法

3.1 SR-SIM去卷积重建算法



式中:δmin为最小均方差; S(k)为重建图像的频谱; S˙(k)为荧光样本的频谱。对于单张宽场图像,利用维纳滤波重建可以获得 S(k)为




式中:fOTF(k)为系统光学传递函数; D˙(k)为测量的像频谱;*为共轭符号;αSNR(k)为图像的信噪比;Φs(k)为样本信号功率谱的均值;ΦN(k)为噪声功率谱的均值。

Gustafsson[4]将维纳滤波扩展到SR-SIM,并利用9张原始图像获得了单帧高质量超分辨图像。在SR-SIM中用广义维纳滤波重建[4,48]可以获得 S(k),即


式中: S˙n(k)为移回正确频率位置的图像频谱; fOTFn(k)是与 S˙n(k)对应的光学传递函数;N为结构光照明获得的原始图像的数量;w是控制重建图像内噪点的常数[49]。对滤波得到的 S(k)进行切趾操作,以减少傅里叶光谱尖锐边缘引起的振铃伪影[41,50],再将其变换回实空间,就可获得超分辨重建图像S'(x)。





通过合理构造约束函数和控制迭代次数[55]可以使反卷积重建算法在SR-SIM图像重建中达到更好的效果,实现精确获取样本信息的同时减少由噪声和误差导致的伪影。2014年,K rˇížek等[48]构建了最大后验概率结构照明显微算法(MAP-SIM),该算法通过确保成本函数最小化来实现高分辨率图像重建。成本函数的表达式为






图 4. MAP-SIM成像效果与算法流程图[49]。(a)经典的结构照明显微维纳重建算法与MAP-SIM的成像效果对比;(b)MAP-SIM流程图

Fig. 4. MAP-SIM imaging effect and algorithm flow chart[49].(a) Comparison of imaging effects between the classic structured illumination microscopy Wiener reconstruction algorithm and the maximum posterior probability structured illumination microscopy algorithm; (b) flow chart of maximum posterior probability structured lighting microscopy algorithm

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3.2 SR-SIM的校准与参数值获取




3.3 SIM-RA和SR-SIM工具箱

为实现自动、简单和稳定地获取高质量、高时空分辨率的重建图像,针对SIM-RA及其工具的开发从未停止。在对Gustafsson经典重建算法进行扩展的同时,一些更加高效的算法不断出现[4,27,36,39-44,64-67]。2012年,Orieux等[44]基于贝叶斯理论对SR-SIM图像进行了反演,他们使用贝叶斯估计重建了超分辨图像。该算法将所有参数进行联合估计,无需人为设置参数,能自动估计最佳重构超参数及其不确定性,并支持用4张原始图像重建一张超分辨图像。2012年,Mudry等[68]搭建了盲结构照明显微镜(blind-SIM),该显微镜只需简单地用几个不受控制的随机散斑照亮样品,就可获得比传统宽视野显微镜高约两倍的分辨率。2013年, Ayuk等[69]扩展了blind-SIM算法,该算法在光照严重失真下的情况下也能处理SR-SIM数据。2014年,Chu等[70]基于全变分(TV)约束成功地对降低两个数量级曝光时间下获取的原始图像进行了重建。由于短时曝光下荧光染料的光毒性和光漂白减少了,因此SR-SIM连续成像的时间点翻了15倍。2015年,Dong等[71]通过改变照明图案的方向,使用3个方向各两次相移(共6张原始图像)实现了超分辨成像,使用两垂直方向且各方向两张相位互补的原始图像(共4张原始图像)实现了超分辨成像。2018年,Lal等[31]发展了一种基于最小二乘法的频域算法(该算法允许使用4张原始图像成像),并分析了使分辨率翻倍所需最少原始图像数量的根本原因。2018年,Huang等[12]利用Hessian重建来减少随机噪声引起的伪影,利用拟合优度函数对原始图像质量进行控制和筛选,同时对原始图像进行滚动重建,并使用快速求解惩罚函数的Split-Bregman算法,极大地提高了SR-SIM的时空分辨率,如图5所示。2019年,Markwirth等[72]将具有视频速率的SR-SIM和FairSIM重建软件结合,通过GPU(Nvidia GTX 1060)加速重建,实现了测量和重建图像显示之间延迟小于250 ms的即时成像。

图 5. Hessian-SIM系统硬件图、长时间成像效果对比和算法流程图[12,73]。(a) Hessian-SIM系统硬件图(AOTF表示声光可调滤波器,L1~L5表示透镜,PBS表示偏振分束器,HWP表示半波片,SLM表示空间光调制器,PR表示偏振旋转器,DM表示二向色镜);(b)传统的SR-SIM和Hessian-SIM长时间成像过程中3个不同时间的成像效果,第1次(上),第601次(中),第3001次(下);(c)Hessian-SIM算法流程图,其中R2是质量控制函数,SIMCheck是用于检查原始图像质量的软件,MCNR是调制对比度噪声比,MIV是运动和照明变化

Fig. 5. Hessian-SIM system hardware diagram, long-term imaging effect comparison and algorithm flow chart[12,73]. (a) Hessian-SIM system hardware diagram(AOTF represents acousto-optic tunable filter; L1, L2, L3, L4, and L5 represent lenses; PBS represents polarization beam splitter; HWP represents half-wave plate; SLM represents spatial light modulator; PR represents polarization rotator; DM represents dichroic mirr

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MATLAB是数学模型建立和算法分析的主流软件,正确使用该软件有助于研究人员发展和学习SIM-RA。2016年,K rˇížek等[48]发布了用于结构照明荧光显微术的MATLAB工具箱SIMToolbox。SIMToolbox支持处理由结构化照明显微术获得的2D和3D图像数据,并为用户配备了友好的图形界面,其MATLAB代码同样开源。SIMToolbox集成了光学切片算法和经典的SIM-RA实现模块,同时支持使用最大后验概率图像估计(MAP-SIM)算法。2016年,Lal等[33]为行业研究人员提供了开源代码OpenSIM,同时系统地说明了SR-SIM重建算法的经典流程,使研究者能够更好地理解、学习SIM-RA;同时,SR-SIM使用交互的方式调整参数,可以最大程度地减少SIM重构误差和伪像,实现高效的超分辨图像重建。2018年,Huang等[12]在实现Hessian-SIM的同时开源了Hessian-SIM-RA,Hessian-SIM-RA包含多种SIM-RA的实现代码。

3.4 单帧成像

采用机器学习可以实现SR-SIM超分辨图像的获取。2019年,Wang等[76]通过配有GPU(NVDIA GeForce GTX1080)的计算机对样本数据进行训练生成了对抗网络(GAN),该网络可以将衍射受限的输入图像转换为超分辨图像。该方法无需在成像过程中针对性地进行数学建模,亦无需对系统的点扩散函数进行估计。GAN通过匹配低分辨率图像与高分辨率图像实现跨模态超分辨率[76],对包含细胞和组织的亚细胞结构全内反射荧光(TIRF)显微图像进行转换,输出与TIRF-SIM超分辨图像近似的结果。深度网络无需任何迭代或精确参数即可快速输出SR-SIM超分辨图像,使SR-SIM超分辨图像的获取更加方便。


4 结束语








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