中国激光, 2021, 48 (4): 0401016, 网络出版: 2021-02-04   

扩展目标光子测距回波特性及误差研究 下载: 1184次

Echo Characteristics and Error of Extended Target for Photon Ranging
侯阿慧 1,2,*胡以华 1,2,*赵楠翔 1,2,*方佳节 1,2张鑫源 1,2
1 国防科技大学脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230037
2 国防科技大学电子制约技术安徽省重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230037

Objective Photon ranging exhibits the advantages of high sensitivity and long-distance detection. Compared with laser ranging in the linear mode, the photon detection exhibits the first photon bias effect owing to the dead-time of the single-photon detector, which results in greater distortion of the probability distribution of photon echo. This distortion is closely related to the intensity and distribution of the laser echo. There is a close relationship between the target shape and posture and the probability distribution of photon echo. As a result, the range errors in photon ranging caused by the target shape and posture cannot be ignored. Most researchers have focused on analyzing the modulation effect of target characteristics on the laser pulse echo. However, there is a lack of research on the range errors of extended targets in the photon-detection mode. Therefore, we discuss the relationship between the target shape and inclination and photon ranging for three typical extended targets.

Methods Based on the Poisson probability response model and the traditional laser radar equation, the probability distribution model for the photon detection of an extended target is established herein. Combining this with the coordinate-rotation transformation formula, the general probability distribution equation mixed with spatial and temporal distribution at different inclinations is derived for the three typical extended targets: a plane, a sphere, and an aspheric. Experimental results reveal that the probability distribution of this photon echo is consistent with the numerical results. We then simulate and analyze the differences in the photon echo probability distribution and laser pulse echo characteristics of the three typical extended targets. Finally, the variation between the range errors in photon detection and the types and inclinations of the extended targets is discussed theoretically.

Results and Discussions Compared with the laser pulse echo, the probability distribution of the photon echo moves forward as the inclination increases, and the variance decreases. At the same time, the pulse width of the laser echo modulated by the extended plane is wider than those of the extended spherical and aspherical surfaces. Furthermore, the probability distribution of the photon echo of the extended plane moves forward the most. The photon ranging error of the extended targets exponentially increases with the increase in inclination. The average number of echo photons is 3.9, the laser spot radius of the target is 0.2 m, and when the inclination is less than 20°, the difference in the photon ranging errors between the three extended targets is less than 1.23mm. As a result, the range errors in the photon detection caused by different extended target types could be ignored. In addition, when the inclination is greater than 20°, the photon ranging accuracy of the extended plane is most affected by the inclination, whereas that of the aspheric surface is the least affected. When the target inclination is 70°, the photon ranging errors for the extended plane and spherical and aspheric surfaces are 12.5cm,10.6cm, and 8.9cm, respectively.

Conclusions Based on the center-of-mass detection method, the range errors in the direct detection vary slightly with the inclination of the extended targets, which is negligible compared with those in photon ranging. The range errors in photon detection increase as the inclination of the target increases. The photon-ranging errors for the extension plane are most affected by the inclination. If the inclination was smaller, the photon ranging of the extended target would be almost independent of the shapes of the extended targets. These conclusions provide a theoretical basis for the photon ranging performance and error analysis and provide a reliable information support for range-error correction and performance improvement. Furthermore, the posture information of the extended target can be acquired by combining the equation of photon echo probability distribution with the measurement results of the photon echo.

1 引言




2 光子探测回波概率分布模型

光子测距系统扩展目标的坐标系如图 1所示,扩展目标中心位于坐标原点处,光子探测系统在z轴的负半轴,与原点的距离为r0,扩展目标相对于z轴的倾斜角度为α。发射激光服从三维高斯分布,为了准确描述发射激光的波形,z轴传输波形采用重尾函数[19]表示为



图 1. 光子测距扩展目标坐标系

Fig. 1. Coordinate system of photon ranging extended target

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目标发生姿态的变化,采用坐标变换的方法进行求解,当目标的倾斜角为α,即目标绕y轴旋转时,其变换矩阵R= cosα0sinα010-cosα0sinα,设旋转后的坐标S=(x,y,z),旋转前的坐标S0= x0,y0,z0,则S=RS0。结合二重积分的换元定理,旋转后的回波分布可用垂直入射得到回波进行转换,表示为


式中: J为雅克比行列式, J= x/x0x/y0y/x0y/y0。最终实现不同倾斜角的目标回波计算。

因此,在第ith时间栅格内的平均信号回波光子数Ns(i)= tiL(t)dt/hv,hv为单光子能量。基于单光子探测器的泊松响应分布模型[20-21],受死时间的影响[22-23],光子测距激光雷达在第ith时间栅格的探测概率[20]


式中:N(i)为第ith时间栅格内的平均回波光子数,N(i)=Ns(i)+Nn,Nn为单个时间栅格的平均噪声光子数;ddead=Ceiling Tdead/δt,Tdead为死时间,δt为时间栅格的宽度,Ceiling为向上取整;第二项是第ith时间栅格的前面i-1/ddead个栅格内探测器都未被触发的概率。因为目前光子计数激光雷达的单光子探测器死时间相对较长,且测距系统一般为一次探测一次触发以防止距离模糊,因此本文主要分析单触发模式[22]下的光子测距性能。由此,求得光子测距的回波概率分布。

基于时间相关光子计数器(TCSPC)得到的光子测距回波概率分布,结合质心算法[8-9],可得光子探测的时间均值 t¯和发射激光的时间均值 t¯0,分别表示为


光子探测的光子回波概率分布相较于激光脉冲回波前移的距离定义为光子测距的距离漂移 Rwe[7],表示为


3 实验与光子测距误差分析

为验证模型推导理论的正确性,搭建了光子计数激光雷达测距系统,进行了扩展平面目标光子测距实验,获得了扩展平面的光子回波概率分布。脉冲激光波长为1064nm,单脉冲能量为5μJ,脉宽为9ns,目标与光束垂直,时间栅格为16ps,光子测距系统示意图和光子测距系统的现场图如图 2所示,图中BS为分束器,OAS为衰减器,BPF为滤波片,FCR为光纤耦合器,GM-APD为近红外单光子探测器,TCSPC为时间相关光子计数器。图 2(b)中添加了反射镜组(RF)以增加探测距离,在接收端添加了一个光纤衰减器使得回波信号在光子级别。扩展平面光子回波概率分布的实验结果和数值计算结果如图 3所示,实际的回波光子探测概率分布与理论结果基本一致。在实际的探测中,会受到周围环境的抖动影响,使得光子回波概率分布前端出现抖动,时间栅格较小,在累积次数有限的情况下,光子累积探测概率分布的毛刺较多。

图 2. 光子测距系统。(a)光子测距系统示意图;(b)光子测距系统现场实验图

Fig. 2. Photon ranging system. (a) Schematic of photon ranging system; (b) experimental diagram of photon ranging system

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图 3. 扩展平面的光子测距实验结果

Fig. 3. Experimental results of photon ranging of extended flat

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3.1 扩展目标的回波特性分析

扩展目标可分为平面、球面和非球面三大类。扩展目标的不同样式会导致激光测距和光子测距产生误差,设置光子计数激光雷达的时间栅格为16ps,发射激光半峰全宽为100ps,单脉冲能量为1 nJ,发散角为0.02 mrad,探测距离为10 km,扩展目标为朗伯体,反射率为0.9。

扩展平面采用直角坐标系进行求解,平面目标的不同倾斜角的雅克比行列式 J=cos α。球面和非球面采用柱状坐标系,球面的雅克比行列式 J=ρcos α+ρ2cos θsin αRs2-ρ2-1/2,式中Rs为球面的曲率半径。复杂目标非球面[17]的表达式为


式中:C=1/R0,R0为曲面顶点处的曲率半径;S2=x2+y2;B= 1-K+1C2S2,K为偏心率函数;A1A2A3A4为非球面的形变参数。则非球面的雅克比行列式为 J=ρcos α+ρcos θsin α[2(1+B)+C3ρ3(K+1)B/(1+B)2+4A1S3+6A2S5+8A3S7+10A4S9]。本文假设K=-2,R0=2,A1=0.05,A2=10-3,A3=10-5,A4=10-6。三种扩展目标不同倾角的直接探测激光脉冲回波和光子计数激光雷达的光子回波概率分布如图 4所示。直接探测工作在线性模式,单次探测即可得到目标的脉冲激光回波;光子探测工作在盖革模式,通过多次累积探测,得到回波光子的概率统计直方图。为便于分析,将脉冲激光回波用光电子数表示,其中图4(a)、(c)、(e)为直接探测的激光脉冲回波,纵坐标为光电子数;图4(b)、(d)、(f)为光子回波概率分布,纵坐标为光子探测的雪崩概率。

图 4. 扩展目标的激光脉冲回波和光子回波概率分布。(a)(b)扩展平面;(c)(d)扩展球面;(e)(f)扩展非球面

Fig. 4. Laser pulse echo and photon echo probability distribution of extend targets. (a)(b) Extended flat; (c)(d) extended sphere; (e)(f) extended aspheric

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图 4所示,随着倾斜角α的增大,扩展目标的激光脉冲回波脉宽变宽,峰值降低,相较于调Q发射激光,激光脉冲回波的前端更加平缓;扩展平面目标在激光脉冲回波波形上服从高斯分布,中心位置不变;当倾斜角较大时,球面和非球面的回波波形发生畸变,重心产生一定的前移。光子回波概率分布与回波的强度和脉宽有较大的关系[9],由于单光子探测器死时间的存在,光子探测存在首光子效应[6],扩展目标的倾斜角越大,目标的激光脉冲回波脉宽越宽,光子回波概率分布前移越大,光子回波概率分布的方差也越大。相较于扩展球面和非球面目标,扩展平面目标的光子回波概率分布前移最大,且方差偏大。综上,相较于激光脉冲回波,光子测距产生的光子回波概率分布存在较大的波形前移,概率分布方差更小。

3.2 扩展目标的测距误差分析

为定量描述不同扩展目标的姿态对光子测距的影响,利用质心算法获得目标的测量距离,平面、球面和非球面三种扩展目标的距离漂移误差如图 5所示。PIN二极管探测的发射信号波形质心为参考时刻,目标的脉冲激光回波的质心为直接探测的时刻点,回波光子概率分布的质心则对应光子测距的时刻点。

图 5. 扩展目标的距离漂移误差。(a)平面;(b)球面;(c)非球面

Fig. 5. Distance drift error of extended targets. (a) Flat; (b) sphere; (c) aspheric

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图 5所示,不同扩展目标的直接探测测距结果几乎与目标的姿态倾斜角度无关,光子测距的距离漂移随倾斜角的增大而增大。仿真设置到达目标光斑直径约为0.2m,当目标的旋转角度为70°时,扩展平面激光脉冲回波的脉宽约为2ns,略大于扩展球面和非球面目标,三种扩展目标的质心仍在真实距离附近,采用质心算法求解,三种扩展目标的直接探测最大测距误差为1.4cm,甚至随着倾斜角的变化,扩展平面目标的测距误差始终为0。光子测距的测距误差随着扩展目标姿态倾斜角的增大而逐渐增大,当目标倾斜角为0°时,光子探测相较于直接探测仍存在一定的测距误差,为了更好地分析不同扩展目标的光子测距误差的来源,不同目标的单脉冲的平均回波光子数如表 1所示。可知,扩展目标的平均回波光子数约为3.9,扩展球面和非球面的平均回波光子数略大于扩展平面;倾斜角为70°时,扩展球面和非球面存在微弱遮挡效应,平均回波光子数减小,但光子探测平均回波整体上还是在3.9附近。由(8)式可知,当回波光子数波动小于0.1时,激光脉宽为2ns,光子数变化引起的距离漂移小于0.8mm,因此光子测距误差主要来源于扩展目标姿态变化引起的回波波形变化。目标扩展角越大,脉宽越宽,光子测距前移的距离漂移越大,光子测距的误差也就越大。因此在后续的光子测距误差分析中,以目标倾斜角为0°时的光子探测距离为 Rwe0参考标准,即光子探测测距误差可由光子探测的距离漂移表示为


表 1. 扩展目标不同倾斜角的平均回波光子数

Table 1. Average number of photon echo at different tilt angles of extended targets

TargetAngle /(°)


三种扩展目标的光子测距误差变化趋势相似,为进一步对比不同扩展目标的测距性能,其测距误差的结果如图 6所示。

图 6. 扩展目标的光子测距误差

Fig. 6. Photon ranging error of extended targets

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图 6可知,扩展目标的光子测距误差随倾斜角的增大呈近似指数增大,当倾斜角小于20°时,扩展目标的光子测距误差在1.1cm左右,平面、球面和非球面三种扩展目标间的光子测距误差差值小于1.23mm,因而一般情况下可忽略不同扩展目标类型带来的光子测距误差;当倾斜角大于20°时,平面目标的光子测距精度受倾斜角的影响最大,非球面受倾斜角的影响最小,当目标倾斜角为70°时,扩展平面的光子测距误差达到12.5cm,扩展非球面的光子测距误差为8.9cm。随着球面曲率半径的增大,扩展球面光子测距误差逐渐增大,逼近平面的测距误差;非球面的偏心率参数的绝对值越大,光子测距误差随倾斜角的变化越小。综上,扩展目标的光子测距误差主要与目标姿态引起的波形变化有关,平面目标的光子测距误差受倾斜角的影响最大,非球面最小;当倾斜角小于20°时,扩展目标的光子测距与扩展目标的形状几乎无关。

4 结论



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