中国激光, 2021, 48 (4): 0401018, 网络出版: 2021-02-08   

基于深度卷积神经网络的大气湍流强度估算 下载: 1565次

Atmospheric Turbulence Intensity Estimation Based on Deep Convolutional Neural Networks
马圣杰 1,2郝士琦 1,2,*赵青松 1,2王勇 1,2王磊 1,2
1 国防科技大学脉冲功率激光技术国家重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230037
2 电子制约技术安徽省重点实验室, 安徽 合肥 230037
提出了一种基于深度卷积神经网络估算大气湍流折射率结构常数 Cn2的方法。将湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像作为神经网络的输入,利用深度卷积神经网络提取图像的特征信息,得到 Cn2大小,并采用平均绝对误差、平均相对误差、均方根方差和相关系数四个统计量来衡量模型的估算效果。结果表明,该模型能够根据湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像对 Cn2进行估算,当迭代500次时,相关系数为99.84%,各项误差均在2%左右。该模型在大气湍流特性分析及大气湍流强度估算等领域有一定应用价值。

Objective Atmospheric turbulence causes a random fluctuation in the refractive index. When a laser propagates in atmospheric turbulence, the light intensity fluctuation phenomenon during beam propagation occurs, seriously influencing laser propagation. Because different atmospheric turbulence intensities have different effects on laser propagation, it is significantly important to estimate the atmospheric turbulence intensity. In general, the refractive index structural constant Cn2 of the atmospheric turbulence is used to measure the turbulence intensity. The value of Cn2 is directly proportional to the impact of turbulence on laser propagation. Traditional estimation methods include instrument measurement and model estimation. The instrument measurement allows building an experimental platform to directly measure Cn2, in contrast, the model estimation allows obtaining Cn2 by measuring other atmospheric parameters and establishing a model. In recent years, deep learning has allowed achieving good results in the field of image processing, which can extract the feature information of an image layer by layer. This study proposes a method to estimate the refractive index structural constant Cn2 of atmospheric turbulence based on deep convolutional neural networks. The neural network model is built to extract the features of the light spot images under the influence of atmospheric turbulence and the turbulence information is obtained to estimate the turbulence intensity.

Methods A spot image under the turbulence influence contains the turbulence information. In deep learning, neural networks can extract the characteristic parameters of an image. Based on the above mentioned information, neural network models are built to estimate the turbulence intensity. According to the phase screen theory, the Gaussian beam spot images under the influences of different turbulences are simulated. The spot images are divided into a dataset and a test set. Three-thousand images are selected as the training set, and a neural network model is used to obtain the estimation models. Three-hundred images are used as a test set to analyze the estimated results. In addition, the influences of different network structures on the estimation results are analyzed, which provides a new way for estimating turbulence intensity.

Results and Discussions In this study, a traditional AlexNet network model and a VGG16 deep convolutional neural network model are established. VGG16 is optimized on the basis of the traditional convolutional neural network, which increases the layer numbers of the network, reduces the size of the convolution kernel, and has more advantages on feature information extraction of images. The light spot images at different moments under the same turbulence intensity are selected as the inputs of the neural network to verify the feasibility of the above mentioned method and obtain the corresponding estimation results. Moreover, the standard deviation is calculated, and the estimation results are analyzed. The results show that the method can well estimate the turbulence intensity, and the standard deviation increases with the turbulence intensity. To better analyze the results of the neural network model and measure the estimation results, four statistics, i.e., mean absolute error (EMAE), mean relative error (EMRE), root-mean-square variance (ERMSE), and correlation coefficient (Rxy), are selected. The spot images under the influences of different turbulence intensities are randomly selected as the inputs of the neural network model to obtain the corresponding output. The estimation results of the two neural network models are shown in Table 5. After 20 iterations, the estimation result of the VGG16 neural network model is relatively ideal, the correlation coefficient reaches 99%, and EMAE, EMRE, and ERMSE are controlled within 5%. After 500 iterations, EMAE, EMRE, and ERMSE are further reduced to 2%. By analyzing Table 5, it can be seen that both models can well estimate the turbulence intensity after 500 iterations, and the estimation effect of VGG16 is better than that of the AlexNet neural network model. When the number of iterations is the same, EMAE,EMRE, and ERMSE estimated by the VGG16 neural network model are less than half of those of the AlexNet neural network model. Compared with the traditional AlexNet neural network model, the VGG16 neural network model optimizes the network structure and improves the estimation effect to a certain extent.

Conclusion In this study, a method based on deep convolutional neural network model is proposed to estimate turbulence intensity. First, the laser spot images under the influence of turbulence can be simulated according to the classical phase screen theory. Then, the laser spot images under the influence of turbulence are taken as the inputs of the deep convolutional neural network model, and the convolutional layer of the deep convolutional neural network model is used to extract feature information of images layer by layer. After the training of a large number of datasets, the network model is obtained, and the turbulence intensity is estimated. Finally, the estimated effect is analyzed. Compared with the traditional AlexNet neural network model, the VGG16 model adopts a small convolution kernel, which can better retain the image properties, and has high advantages on image feature extraction and better estimation effect. Therefore, the neural network model can be further optimized to improve the estimation effect, which provides a new way to estimate turbulence intensity.

1 引言

当激光在大气中传输时,由大气湍流引起的折射率随机起伏[1]破坏了激光光束的相干性,导致激光发生光强起伏、光束漂移、光束扩展和到达角起伏等现象[2-3],使得激光光束质量下降。因此,了解大气湍流的性质具有重要意义。通常采用折射率结构常数 Cn2衡量大气湍流强度,以进一步分析大气湍流对激光传播的影响。

仪器测量和模式估算是获取 Cn2时空分布的两种最常用方法。Wyngaard等[4]首次引入了温度结构常数 CT2以间接估算 Cn2。Friehe等[5]引入温度-水汽互相关结构常数CTq,并证明了CTqCn2的贡献率高达24%。Davidson等[6]利用bulk方法估算了海洋表面的 Cn2。Andreas[7]根据MOS理论,并结合Wyngaard等得到的 CT2与高度的经验函数,对雪面及海面上的 Cn2进行了估算。然而,上述方法在中性和稳定大气条件下的误差较大。20世纪90年代以后出现了利用数值预报模式对 Cn2进行估算的方法。Frehlich等[8]基于WRF模式对 Cn2进行了估算,并与高空测量结果进行了对比,估算结果与原始数据吻合较好。青春等[9-11]使用WRF模式对不同地点的 Cn2进行了估算,并与探空气球测量的数据进行了对比,结果显示,垂直廓线方向上的估算结果与探空气球测量数据具有较好的吻合度。

近些年,机器学习算法被广泛应用于气象等领域。Wang等[12]使用人工神经网络,将温度、相对湿度等气象参数作为神经网络的输入,对Mauna Loa附近海面的 Cn2进行了估算,结果表明该方法能够较为准确地估算出湍流强度,突出了人工神经网络估算 Cn2的优势。吕洁[13]采用BP神经网络对成都地区和青海省德令哈地区的 Cn2进行了估算,但估算精度有待提高。

本文提出了一种利用大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像估算 Cn2的方法。该方法将大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像作为神经网络的输入,通过大量训练获得了网络模型,利用深度卷积神经网络强大的数据拟合与图像处理能力,完成了从图像到 Cn2数值的估算。在实际应用中,可以用相机接收不同强度大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像,并通过仪器测量对应的 Cn2以建立数据集,进而对神经网络进行训练得到网络模型。将湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像作为神经网络的输入即可估算出对应的 Cn2,为估算大气湍流强度提供了一种新思路。

2 大气湍流对激光传播的影响

2.1 大气湍流模拟





式中: Cn2(z)为传播方向上的折射率结构常数;K为三维空间波数。与z轴方向垂直的任意薄层切片上的大气相位功率谱为


式中: k为波数;z为高斯光束传播距离;Δz为相邻两个相位屏之间的距离;Kr= Kx2+Ky2

图 1. 多相位屏模型

Fig. 1. Model of multi-layer phase screen

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2.2 湍流影响下的高斯光束



式中:E0为常数;r2=x2+y2,其中 x,y为点坐标;波数k=2π,其中λ为波长;高斯光束的共焦参数f= πw02λ,其中w0为高斯光束的腰斑半径;传播距离为z时高斯光束等相位面上的光斑半径w(z)=w01+(zf)2;传播距离为z时高斯光束等相位面的曲率半径R(z)=z+ f2z。根据多相位屏模型,高斯光束经过j+1个相位屏后的光场表达式为



表 1. 仿真参数

Table 1. Simulation parameters

ParameterSimulation value
λ /nm632.8
w0 /cm2
z /m1000
Number of grid elements768
Width of phase screen L /m0.5
Distance of phase screen l /m200
Cn2 /m-2/31.0×10-16--1.0×10-13


图2(a)为未受湍流影响的标准高斯光束的光斑图像,图2 (b)~(g)为不同 Cn2影响下的高斯光束光斑图像。可以看出,标准高斯光束的光斑图像呈现规则的圆形,湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑分布不再均匀。从光斑的变化趋势可以看出,光斑畸变程度随着湍流强度的增强而增加。当湍流强度较小时,如图2(b)、(c)所示,高斯光束光斑中心区域受到的影响较小,只有边缘有轻微程度的畸变,此时光斑形状仍大致保持圆形;随着湍流强度的增大,高斯光束中心也发生轻微程度的畸变,边缘部分的畸变程度增加,此时光斑形状也发生改变,不再呈现圆形;当 Cn2增加到10-14m-2/3数量级时,边缘部分发生了严重的畸变,光斑形状难以辨认,湍流对高斯光束的影响非常大。

图 2. 标准高斯光束及不同强度大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像。(a)标准高斯光束; (b) Cn2=1.0083×10-16 m-2/3;(c) Cn2

Fig. 2. Spot images of standard Gaussian beam and Gaussian beams under influence of atmospheric turbulence with different intensities. (a) Standard Gaussian beam; (b) Cn2=1.0083×10-16 m-2/3; (c) <

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3 基于深度卷积神经网络的 Cn2估算

3.1 VGG16模型

根据上述分析,大气湍流对高斯光束的影响相当于附加了一个相位扰动项,文献[ 18]利用深度卷积神经网络对大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像进行了相位提取。在此基础上,本文提出了一种基于深度卷积神经网络的 Cn2估算方法,将大气湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像作为神经网络的输入,利用深度卷积神经网络对湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像进行特征提取并得到 Cn2

深度卷积神经网络在卷积神经网络的基础上增加了神经网络的深度,在图像处理方面更有优势。本文采用的VGG16模型是由牛津大学VGG团队提出的,该模型在2014年ImageNet竞赛定位任务中获得第一名,在分类任务中获得第二名。如图3所示,VGG16模型是由13个卷积层和3个全连接层叠加而成的。VGG16模型的输入为湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像,输入图像大小为224×224。当输入图像经过2个3×3大小的卷积层(convolution)后,得到大小为224×224的特征图;经过最大池化层(max pooling)后得到大小为112×112的特征图,经过2个3×3大小的卷积层后,得到大小为112×112的特征图;经过最大池化层后得到大小为56×56的特征图,经过3个3×3大小的卷积层后,得到大小为56×56的特征图;经过最大池化层后得到大小为28×28的特征图,经过3个3×3大小的卷积层后,得到大小为28×28的特征图;经过最大池化层后得到大小为14×14的特征图,经过3个3×3大小的卷积层后,得到大小为14×14的特征图;经过最大池化层后得到大小为7×7的特征图,并与之后的3个全连接层(fully connected layer)相连,最后由softmax层得到输出结果。神经网络模型中激活函数选取Relu函数。

图 3. VGG16模型结构

Fig. 3. Structure of VGG16 model

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3.2 VGG16估算结果及分析

本文随机选取1.0×10-16~1.0×10-13 m-2/3范围内的 Cn2,并得到对应的湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像。选取3000张图像作为训练集进行训练以得到网络模型,选取300张图片作为测试集以分析模型的训练效果。为了衡量估算结果的可靠性,本文选取平均绝对误差(EMAE)、平均相对误差(EMRE)、均方根方差(ERMSE)以及相关系数(Rxy)四个统计量作为衡量依据,具体计算公式[19]


式中:Δi=yi-xi为第i个实际值yi与对应估算值xi之间的误差; x¯xi的平均值; y¯yi的平均值;N为数据的个数。



图 4. VGG16模型下lg Cn2估算值与实际值的散点图、频率分布直方图和累积概率分布图。(a1)(a2)(a3)迭代1次; (b1)(b2)(b3)迭代10次;(c1)(c2)(c3)迭代20次;(d1)(d2)(d3)迭代500次

Fig. 4. Scatter plots, frequency distribution histograms, and cumulative probability distribution diagrams of estimation value and actual value of lg Cn2 by VGG16 model. (a1) (a2) (a3) Number of iterations is 1;(b1) (b2) (b3) number of iterations is 10;(c1) (c2) (c3) number of iterations is 20; (d

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表 2. 不同迭代次数下VGG16模型的四个统计量

Table 2. Four statistics of VGG16 model under different numbers of iterations

Number of iterationsEMAEEMREERMSERxy


为了进一步验证该方法的可行性,降低随机性对估算效果的影响,将同一湍流强度下不同时刻的高斯光束光斑图像作为测试集,对VGG16神经网络的估算效果进行分析。当 Cn2分别为1.0×10-16,1.0×10-15,1.0×10-14,1.0×10-13 m-2/3时,对估算结果的标准差进行计算,结果如表3所示,可以看出,VGG16神经网络在弱湍流条件下的估算效果较好,而在强湍流条件下的估算效果较差。

表 3. 不同湍流强度下估算结果的标准差

Table 3. Standard deviation of estimation results under different turbulence intensities

Cn21.0×10-16 m-2/31.0×10-15 m-2/31.0×10-14 m-2/31.0×10-13 m-2/3
Standard deviation0.0710.09960.14530.2669


3.3 VGG16模型估算效果与AlexNet模型估算效果的对比

为了验证基于深度卷积神经网络的方法在估算大气湍流强度方面的优势,本文用传统的AlexNet神经网络模型对 Cn2进行估算,并进行对比分析。AlexNet模型是由5个卷积层、3个全连接层和1个Softmax层组成,因此在网络结构上VGG16的结构更为具体,且VGG16模型用多个3×3大小的卷积核代替AlexNet模型中7×7大小的卷积核[20],能够更好地保留图像的性质,并且在保证具有相同感知野的条件下,增加了网络的深度,系统能学习更复杂的模式[21]

AlexNet模型的估算结果如图5所示。对比图4、5可得,在相同迭代次数下,VGG16模型的估算结果具有更好的相关性,AlexNet神经网络的估算效果不如VGG16。表4为AlexNet模型在不同迭代次数下的四个统计量,结果表明,当迭代次数为500时,AlexNet模型也能很好地对 Cn2进行估算,但迭代次数较小时估算效果不是很理想。表5为两种模型在相同迭代次数下的四个统计量的对比,可以看出,在相同的迭代次数下,VGG16模型三种误差的大小几乎为 AlexNet模型相同误差的一半,这充分证明了深度卷积神经网络在图像处理领域的优势;从相关性的角度来看,VGG16模型得到的结果有更高的相关系数。结果表明,相对于传统的AlexNet神经网络,VGG16模型在湍流强度估算上更具优势。

图 5. AlexNet模型下lg Cn2估算值与实际值的散点图、频率分布直方图和累积概率分布图。(a1) (a2) (a3)迭代1次;(b1) (b2) (b3)迭代10次;(c1)(c2) (c3)迭代20次;(d1)(d2) (d3)迭代500次

Fig. 5. Scatter plots,frequency distribution histograms, and cumulative probability distribution diagrams of estimation value and actual value of lg Cn2 by AlexNet model. (a1) (a2) (a3) Number of iterations is 1; (b1)(b2)(b3) number of iterations is 10; (c1)(c2)(c3) number of iterations is 20; (d1

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表 4. 不同迭代次数下AlexNet模型的四个统计量

Table 4. Four statistics of AlexNet model under different numbers of iterations

Number of iterationsEMAEEMREERMSERxy


表 5. 不同迭代次数下两种模型的四个统计量

Table 5. Four statistics of two models under different numbers of iterations

Number of iterationsModelEMAEEMREERMSERxy



4 结论

提出了一种基于深度卷积神经网络估算 Cn2的方法,将湍流影响下的高斯光束光斑图像作为深度卷积神经网络的输入,利用卷积层逐层提取图像的特征信息,再经过大量数据集的训练,得到网络模型,进而估算出 Cn2的大小。相比于传统的AlexNet神经网络,VGG16模型采用更小尺寸的卷积核,能够更好地保留图像的特征,在图像的特征提取上更具优势,估算效果更好。因此,可以通过进一步优化神经网络结构来提高估算效果,这为湍流强度的估算提供了一种新思路。


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