中国激光, 1997, 24 (1): 17, 网络出版: 2006-10-31  


Dual Wavelength output of Gold Vapor Laser
中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所,上海 201800
研究了放电管尺寸为φ28×980 mm的金蒸气激光器627.8 nm和312.2 nm波长的受激发射.应用新型谐振腔,可以同时获得红光和紫外两个波长的激光,当红光的激光输出为2.3 W时,紫外312.2 nm平均输出功率为300 mW,输出光束直径为28 mm,两个波长激光的发散度为3 mrad.
An investigation was made of pulse stimulated emission at two wavelengths 627.8 nm and 312.2 nm from a gold vapor alser with a discharge tube of 980 mm long and the internal diameter 28 mm. The experimental points for the laser emission of the red and UV lights were obtained at the same time, using a specific resonator containing a mirror with high reflectivities at 627.8 nm and 312.2 nm, at a repetition rate of 8 kHz. When the average output power at 627.8 nm was 2.3 W, the average output power at 312.2 nm was 300 mW. The 28 mm diameter red and UV output beams have a divergence of 3 mrad.

韩绍琴, 汤星里. 双波长金蒸气激光器的研究[J]. 中国激光, 1997, 24(1): 17. 韩绍琴, 汤星里. Dual Wavelength output of Gold Vapor Laser[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 1997, 24(1): 17.

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