电子科技大学 光电科学与工程学院,成都 611731
设计了一款低相噪蓝宝石振荡器并对其进行温度控制,基于蓝宝石谐振器理论,采用有限元仿真软件完成了蓝宝石谐振器设计。蓝宝石谐振器实测中心频率为9.84 GHz,有载Q值113 000。将该蓝宝石谐振器作为选频网络与放大器、滤波器、移相器和耦合器构成低相噪蓝宝石振荡器。振荡器的输出工作频率9.84 GHz,输出功率9 dBm,偏离载波1 kHz处相位噪声为−117 dBc/Hz,偏离载波10 kHz处相位噪声为−144 dBc/Hz,偏离载波100 kHz处相位噪声为−161 dBc/Hz。该振荡器有助于提高雷达对于低慢小目标的检测能力。
低慢小目标检测 蓝宝石谐振器 回音壁模式 相位噪声 振荡器 low-slow small object detection sapphire resonator whispering gallery modes phase noise oscillator 
2024, 36(3): 033004
1 晋中学院 材料科学与工程系 山西 晋中 030619
2 中国电子科技集团公司 第三十三研究所 山西 太原 030006
为达到近中红外与激光兼容隐身的双重目的, 设计了一种由Ag和ZnS构建的含缺陷的分布式Bragg反射镜(Distributed Bragg reflector, DBR)。利用掺杂原理, 在含金属的DBR中引入缺陷, 使其在650~5?000nm禁带范围内1 060 nm处出现缺陷模。采用COMSOL研究了周期数Nc、缺陷层膜厚对近中红外及缺陷模的影响规律。研究结果表明: 缺陷模随缺陷层膜厚减少而蓝移。随含缺陷周期结构Nc增加, 缺陷模宽度变窄, 其缺陷模以中心波长为中心成对出现, 呈现出良好反射型梳状滤波器的特征。通过控制Nc, 可对梳状滤波器的齿数和齿距进行有效控制。当Nc=1时, 可实现650~5?000nm波段全反射, 1 060 nm处出现缺陷模, 其反射率仅为4%。这种具备“光谱挖空”特征的含金属的DBR, 能够进行近中红外波段和1 060 nm处的激光兼容隐身。和异质结电介质光子晶体相比, 该结构具有结构对称、结构简单、膜层层数较少的优势。
含金属的DBR 缺陷模 近中红外 激光 兼容隐身 metal-containing DBR defect modes near-mid-infrared laser compatible stealthy 
2023, 29(4): 040502
1 昆明理工大学 国土资源工程学院,昆明 650093
2 云南省中—德蓝色矿山与特殊地下空间开发利用重点实验室,昆明 650093
3 昆明理工大学 电力工程学院 ,昆明 650500
针对磁铁矿石在采选和破碎过程中耗能巨大的问题,借助分离式霍普金森压杆(SHPB)试验装置,对磁铁矿石进行不同应变率条件下的冲击压缩试验,分析磁铁矿石的动态力学特性及其破坏过程中的能量耗散特征,并借助ANSYS/LSDYNA软件模拟试样完整动态破坏过程。研究结果表明:磁铁矿石试样的动态抗压强度具有显著的应变率相关性,应变率从43.94~147.75 s-1,其动态抗压强度从126.77 MPa提高到220.62 MPa。能量传递规律分析表明,随着入射能的增大,反射能增长趋势增大,最大占比约占总入射能的22%; 而透射能增长趋势减小,且透射能占比从低入射能下的78%降低至高入射能下的38%,用于试件破碎的耗散能量逐步增多,与入射能呈线性关系。其破坏模式从中低应变率下的劈裂破坏转为高应变率下的压碎破坏,从破碎尺度来看,中低应变率下碎块多为大块状,而高应变率下碎块尺度较小且多呈细粒状及针状。数值仿真计算表明试件最开始发生破坏是由试件入射杆端面的“十字”反射拉伸波引起的。研究结果可为判断磁铁矿石动力破碎的难易程度以及提高冲击破岩效率提供参考。
霍普金森压杆 磁铁矿石 动力学特性 破坏模式 数值模拟 hopkinson pressure bar magnetite ore dynamic characteristics failure modes numerical simulation 
2023, 40(1): 21
1 青岛农业大学化学与药学院, 山东 青岛 266109
2 青岛农业大学草业学院, 山东 青岛 266109
农药残留污染使得食品安全获得广泛关注, 发展快速准确和高灵敏的农药残留检测新方法, 具有一定的理论和实际意义。 利用金纳米在聚集和分散状态下, 等离子吸收光谱的变化以及荧光分子罗丹明110与金纳米吸收光谱产生内滤效应, 设计了比色和荧光双模式光学传感器用于农药残留的高灵敏检测。 采用柠檬酸盐还原法合成直径约13 nm表面带有负电荷的金纳米粒子, 在水溶液中呈分散状态, 呈酒红色, 溶液的最大吸收波长在520 nm处。 农药分子可与金纳米通过形成Au-N或者Au-O配位键而结合, 导致分散的金纳米在农药分子诱导作用下发生聚集, 溶液颜色逐渐由酒红色变为蓝紫色, 520 nm处的吸光度逐渐降低, 根据溶液吸光度的变化即可实现农药含量的测定。 溶液颜色的显著变色即便裸眼也可以观察, 该检测方式具有简便、 快速和成本低的优势。 尽管单一的比色检测模式简单, 但存在假阳性的可能。 为进一步验证结果的准确性, 同时提高检测的灵敏度, 在金纳米溶胶中引入带正电的荧光染料罗丹明110, 其吸附在带负电荷的金纳米表面, 此时金纳米在溶胶仍处于良好的分散状态。 由于罗丹明110的荧光光谱与金纳米的吸收光谱重叠, 即二者发生了荧光的内滤效应, 此时溶液的荧光强度很弱, 甚至不发射荧光。 一旦溶液中存在农药分子, 与金纳米表面的荧光染料竞争吸附, 从而诱导金纳米聚集, 溶液由酒红色变为蓝紫色, 同时释放到溶液中的罗丹明110分子的荧光得以恢复, 根据溶液吸光度和荧光强度变化实现对目标物的比色和荧光双模式检测。 以辛硫磷为模型分子, 测试该传感器的各项性能, 比色法和荧光法的检出限分别为15.0和4.0 nmol·L-1, 实际样品测试结果表明, 该传感器在食品安全检测中具有一定的应用潜力。
比色法 荧光法 双模式 农药残留 传感器 Colorimetry Fluorescence Dual-modes Pesticide residue Sensor 
2023, 43(9): 2785
姜宗福 1,2,3,*陆瑶 1,**刘文广 1,2,3,***周琼 1,2,3[ ... ]张江彬 1,2,3
1 国防科技大学前沿交叉学科学院,湖南 长沙 410073
2 国防科技大学南湖之光实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
3 国防科技大学高能激光技术湖南省重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410073
光纤激光 模式 光子灯笼 自适应光学 
2023, 43(17): 1700002
Author Affiliations
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Optical and Electronic Information, Wuhan, China
2 Optics Valley Laboratory, Wuhan, China
3 Boston University, Boston, Massachusetts, United States
Diverse spatial mode bases can be exploited in mode-division multiplexing (MDM) to sustain the capacity growth in fiber-optic communications, such as linearly polarized (LP) modes, vector modes, LP orbital angular momentum (LP-OAM) modes, and circularly polarized OAM (CP-OAM) modes. Nevertheless, which kind of mode bases is more appropriate to be utilized in fiber still remains unclear. Here, we aim to find the superior mode basis in MDM fiber-optic communications via a system-level comparison in air-core fiber (ACF). We first investigate the walk-off effect of four spatial mode bases over 1-km ACF, where LP and LP-OAM modes show intrinsic mode walk-off, while it is negligible for vector and CP-OAM modes. We then study the mode coupling effect of degenerate vector and CP-OAM modes over 1-km ACF under fiber perturbations, where degenerate even and odd vector modes suffer severe mode cross talk, while negligible for high-order degenerate CP-OAM modes based on the laws of angular momentum conservation. Moreover, we comprehensively evaluate the system-level performance for data-carrying single-channel and two-channel MDM transmission with different spatial mode bases under various kinds of fiber perturbations (bending, twisting, pressing, winding, and out-of-plane moving). The obtained results indicate that the CP-OAM mode basis shows superiority compared to other mode bases in MDM fiber-optic communications without using multiple-input multiple-output digital signal processing. Our findings may pave the way for robust short-reach MDM optical interconnects for data centers and high-performance computing.
fiber-optic communications mode-division multiplexing spatial modes linearly polarized modes vector modes linearly polarized orbital angular momentum modes circularly polarized orbital angular momentum modes air-core fiber fiber perturbations 
Advanced Photonics
2023, 5(5): 056003
上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海 200444
医用光学 数字全息技术 振动模态 有限元仿真 形变检测 
2023, 50(15): 1507204
Author Affiliations
Xiamen University, Department of Physics, Xiamen, China
Orbital angular momentum (OAM), emerging as an inherently high-dimensional property of photons, has boosted information capacity in optical communications. However, the potential of OAM in optical computing remains almost unexplored. Here, we present a highly efficient optical computing protocol for complex vector convolution with the superposition of high-dimensional OAM eigenmodes. We used two cascaded spatial light modulators to prepare suitable OAM superpositions to encode two complex vectors. Then, a deep-learning strategy is devised to decode the complex OAM spectrum, thus accomplishing the optical convolution task. In our experiment, we succeed in demonstrating 7-, 9-, and 11-dimensional complex vector convolutions, in which an average proximity better than 95% and a mean relative error <6 % are achieved. Our present scheme can be extended to incorporate other degrees of freedom for a more versatile optical computing in the high-dimensional Hilbert space.
optical computing complex vector convolution orbital angular momentum photonic spatial modes 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2023, 2(4): 046008
1 上海交通大学材料科学与工程学院,上海 200240
2 上海航天动力技术研究所,上海 201100
为优化制造工艺和提高生产效率,针对航天固体火箭发动机壳体用30Cr3超高强度钢进行激光焊接特性研究。在焊接过程中通过对匙孔和熔池的高速摄影进行实时观察,发现在所选激光功率范围内存在三种不同的焊接熔透模式,包括匙孔未穿透型熔透模式、匙孔临界穿透型熔透模式和匙孔稳定穿透型熔透模式。采用激光测振仪对熔池表面的波动幅度进行了定量测量,并讨论了不同熔透模式下焊接过程的动态稳定性。基于熔透模式的划分,分析了匙孔动态行为与焊接接头组织和力学性能之间的关系。结果表明,在匙孔临界穿透型熔透模式下焊缝组织晶粒大小不均且接头塑、韧性较差。比较三种焊接熔透模式,发现匙孔稳定穿透型熔透模式有助于获得致密、均匀且杂质少的焊缝组织,焊接接头具备最高的断后伸长率(22.8%)和最大的冲击吸收功(14.36 J)。
激光技术 焊接熔透模式 超高强度钢 激光焊接 焊接过程稳定性 晶粒结构 力学性能 
2023, 50(12): 1202104
Jue Wang 1,2†Chengkun Cai 1,2Feng Cui 1,2Min Yang 1,2[ ... ]Jian Wang 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Optical and Electronic Information, Wuhan, China
2 Optics Valley Laboratory, Wuhan, China
Explosive growth in demand for data traffic has prompted exploration of the spatial dimension of light waves, which provides a degree of freedom to expand data transmission capacity. Various techniques based on bulky optical devices have been proposed to tailor light waves in the spatial dimension. However, their inherent large size, extra loss, and precise alignment requirements make these techniques relatively difficult to implement in a compact and flexible way. In contrast, three-dimensional (3D) photonic chips with compact size and low loss provide a promising miniaturized candidate for tailoring light in the spatial dimension. Significantly, they are attractive for chip-assisted short-distance spatial mode optical interconnects that are challenging to bulky optics. Here, we propose and fabricate femtosecond laser-inscribed 3D photonic chips to tailor orbital angular momentum (OAM) modes in the spatial dimension. Various functions on the platform of 3D photonic chips are experimentally demonstrated, including the generation, (de)multiplexing, and exchange of OAM modes. Moreover, chip-chip and chip–fiber–chip short-distance optical interconnects using OAM modes are demonstrated in the experiment with favorable performance. This work paves the way to flexibly tailor light waves on 3D photonic chips and offers a compact solution for versatile optical interconnects and other emerging applications with spatial modes.
orbital angular momentum three-dimensional photonic chips femtosecond laser writing spatial modes chip–chip chip–fiber–chip optical interconnects 
Advanced Photonics
2023, 5(3): 036004

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