中国激光, 2023, 50 (9): 0907206, 网络出版: 2023-04-24  

光动力疗法产生疼痛的机制以及临床干预手段 下载: 601次

Mechanism of Pain in Photodynamic Therapy and Clinical Interventions
1 西安交通大学生命科学与技术学院生物医学信息工程教育部重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
2 西安交通大学第二附属医院皮肤病院,陕西 西安 710004

Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a new method that uses cytotoxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), which are generated through the interaction of oxygen in tissues and photosensitizers excited by the light of a specific wavelength, to erode the nidus. Currently, PDT has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the clinical treatment of skin diseases (such as superficial skin cancer, actinic keratosis, squamous cell carcinoma, basal cell carcinoma, port-wine stains, and malignant tumors) and malignant tumors (such as esophageal, gastric, and lung cancers). Compared with traditional treatment methods, PDT has the following advantages: it results in highly selective tissue destruction, is non-invasive, has low side effects, is with no obvious drug resistance, and is easy to combine with other treatment methods.

In the clinical practice of treating skin diseases, patients experience burning, tingling, or pain during treatment with PDT. In contrast, in the treatment of malignant tumors, patients rarely report pain because they are treated with PDT under general anesthesia. The discomfort experienced during PDT often influences the treatment, greatly reducing the efficacy of PDT; some patients even cease the treatment because of the excruciating pain. Figuring out the mechanism of pain during PDT is of great importance because researchers and clinicians can develop targeted drugs and design interventions according to the mechanism.


At present, the underlying mechanism of pain during PDT has not been fully elucidated even though the mechanism of pain and changes in the microenvironment caused by PDT have been well studied. In short, the mechanism of pain is explained as follows (Fig. 1). After the tissue is subjected to a specific physical or chemical stimulus, the primary afferent nociceptor converts the painful stimulus into an electrical signal by opening ion channels such as the transient receptor potential vanilloid 1 (TRPV 1) and transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA 1). Subsequently, a large influx of calcium ions occurs, the cumulative voltage change results in an action potential in the damaging fibers, and the electrical signals travel from these fibers to the cerebral cortex, where they are perceived as pain. The TRPV 1 and TRPA 1 ion channels are expressed abundantly on the skin surface. When PDT is performed, the light and ROS can stimulate the TRP channels and cause the original potential change and subsequently produce a sense of pain. As for the changes in the microenvironment, an acute inflammation occurs after PDT, and cytokines such as histamine, glutamate, prostaglandin, 5-hydroxytryptamine, substance P, nerve growth factor, and tumor necrosis factor-α are generated, binding to receptors such as α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole-propionic acid receptor (AMPA), N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor (NMDA), γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA), neurokinin 1 receptor (NK1R), nerve growth factor receptor (NGFR), and tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR), which then cause a nerve impulse (Fig. 2).

Various clinical interventions have been applied to manage pain during PDT (Fig. 3), such as drug coating, intravenous injection, inhalation, scalp nerve blocks, treatment site cooling with cold air or water spray, treatment parameter optimization, and sunlight PDT. However, the efficacies of these interventions differ (Table 1): some drug interventions, such as oral drug and facial coating, cause no obvious pain-relieving effect during PDT, while the pain-relieving effect of some other drug interventions, such as intravenous drugs, depends on the treated disease and analgesic type. Unexpectedly, physical interventions (mainly referring to water spray) have a great pain-relieving effect during PDT. This intervention is now chosen by most clinicians because it does not require additional drugs, has minor side effects, and does not influence the therapeutic effect. A reasonable explanation is that by decreasing the temperature of the surface of the skin, the activation threshold of the TRPV 1 channel is lowered, and the original nerve impulses are not easily produced. Therefore, the interventions for targeting the TRP channels are effective to reduce the pain of patients during PDT treatment. Nevertheless, this intervention requires additional instruments, which are not allowed in most hospitals.Therefore, it is promising for researchers or clinicians to develop more targeted drugs or interventions for TRP channels to relieve pain generated during PDT.

Conclusions and Prospects

In clinical practice, PDT has been widely applied to cure various skin diseases; however, patients always experience excruciating pain and often discontinue the treatment. The main reason for the pain is that PDT has a direct effect on nerve endings by directly stimulating TRP channels. The laser used in PDT directly activates the TRPV1 and TRPA1 channels, causing nerve impulses that eventually send signals to the brain and result in pain. In addition, large amounts of ROS produced locally during PDT can irritate the TRPV1 and TRPA1 channels, causing acute pain. However, at present, there are no clinical intervention measures or drugs targeting the TRPV1 and TRPA1 channels, which are very valuable directions of research on relieving pain generated during PDT.

1 引言





2 疼痛

2.1 产生疼痛的机理

所有的感官系统都必须将环境刺激转换为电化学信号。在视觉或者嗅觉中,初级感觉神经元只需要检测一种类型的刺激(光或者气味),然而由于具有疼痛感知能力的初级感觉神经元能检测多种刺激方式,疼痛产生的机理与别的感受相比更加复杂15图1简单阐释了大脑感受疼痛的机制:在经过特定的物理或化学刺激后,这些刺激首先作用于初级传入伤害感受器(Primary Afferent Nociceptor),通过打开离子通道将疼痛刺激转化为电信号,累积的电压变化将导致伤害性纤维产生动作电位,电信号被这些纤维传递到大脑皮层并被感知为疼痛。虽然疼痛的感知和传导过程十分复杂,但是所有痛感的起始部位均为初级传入伤害感受器16。初级传入感觉神经检测到伤害性刺激后,神经纤维支配外周靶,通过上行神经回路将该信息传递给脊髓背角内的神经元,然后传递给大脑17。初级感觉神经元能够被有害的热量、高压或者刺激性化学物质激发,使机体避免有害刺激18。伤害感受器是初级感觉神经元的一个亚群,可以被一些可能造成组织损伤的有害刺激激活。另外,伤害感受器的可塑性对中枢神经系统的可塑性发展和维持至关重要19,在很大程度上也会导致受伤时疼痛感的剧烈增加。因此,初级传入神经纤维是否受到刺激以及受到何种程度的刺激成为镇痛的有效靶点17

图 1. 感受疼痛的机制

Fig. 1. Mechanism of feeling pain

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2.2 TRP通道

瞬时受体电位通道是一系列细胞的环境信号传感器,目前受到学者的极大关注20。而TRP通道的一个亚型——TRPV1蛋白的发现使人们在分子层面对疼痛有了更好的理解21。TRPV1通道能够被外界有害环境刺激,比如高温(>43 ℃)21-22、酸性环境(pH<5.9)23,也能被一些有刺激性的物质激活,比如辣椒素21、樟脑24、胡椒粉25等。另外,一些炎性因子,如细胞因子、前列腺素、缓激肽、谷氨酸、5-羟色胺、神经生长因子等也能刺激TRPV1通道26-28,使体内的炎症环境可以被检测到。皮肤中的初级传入感觉纤维和非神经元细胞(角质细胞、肥大细胞、树突状细胞、T细胞、内皮细胞等)均有TRPV1的表达29-31,因此TRPV1通道对皮肤中的免疫调节也有非常关键的作用32。TRPV1激活会引起持续性的膜去极化、激发动作电位和增加突触活动,将电信号传导至中枢神经系统,使人体感受到疼痛33



3 PDT与疼痛

在临床治疗过程中,光敏剂的给药方式有“局部涂敷”和“静脉注射”两种方式,然而在治疗过程中,接受两种给药方式的患者均会有不同程度的疼痛感,这证明PDT产生的疼痛与给药方式无关。我们从PDT造成的微环境变化与疼痛产生的机制两个角度,论述了PDT造成疼痛的潜在机制。在PDT治疗过程中,体内微环境会发生一系列的变化,除了光敏剂被激发后会直接产生ROS外,体内免疫系统也会被激活,并与神经系统相互作用,产生的神经冲动最终被传递到大脑,使人体感受到疼痛(图2)。一般认为PDT治疗过程中的疼痛会分为两个不同的阶段,即急性疼痛阶段和慢性疼痛阶段。在急性疼痛阶段,患者一般在开始治疗后的几秒钟内便会开始感受到疼痛,并且在1 min内疼痛感达到顶峰,在接下来的几个小时之内,疼痛的感觉会逐渐减弱,并逐步进入持续数天的慢性疼痛阶段。目前,PDT治疗过程中疼痛产生的机制尚不清楚,一般认为PDT中的疼痛是由原卟啉Ⅸ产生的ROS介导的,ROS既可以直接刺激神经末梢,也可以通过炎症反应的产物介导疼痛。如图2所示,目前认为PDT诱导产生疼痛的因素有:PDT产生ROS直接刺激神经外周;PDT造成局部急性炎症,人体免疫系统分泌的一系列炎性因子刺激神经系统。PDT治疗过程中产生疼痛的可能原因有以下几种。

图 2. PDT治疗过程中疼痛产生的潜在机制

Fig. 2. Potential mechanisms of pain production during PDT therapy

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3.1 PDT产生的ROS诱导疼痛



3.2 PDT造成的局部炎症诱导疼痛

3.2.1 PDT造成的局部炎症

在PDT中,对细胞产生直接毒性并导致细胞死亡的是光敏剂激活后与氧气反应生成的ROS。短时间内产生大量ROS,会造成体内氧化应激,释放肿瘤坏死因子α(TNF-α)、一氧化氮(NO)、组胺(histamine)、前列腺素E2(prostaglandin E2)和其他细胞因子,导致炎症反应发生47。在PDT治疗后,经常会出现组织水肿的现象,这可能是生成的伤害性神经肽——P物质(substance P)导致的34




3.2.2 炎性因子刺激TRPV1和TRPA1






3.3 光刺激神经系统诱导疼痛

光敏化是一种对无害光过度敏感的现象。Babes等9发现,卟啉病患者皮肤暴露在405 nm光下会出现中度疼痛,这是由于蓝光能够显著激活TRPA1通道,并轻度激活TRPV1通道。另外,蓝光(470~480 nm)直接刺激角质细胞中的TRPV1通道,导致NF-κB和AP-1信号通路被激活,最终造成促炎因子的分泌13。Negri等72利用激光刺激含有TRPV1的内皮集落形成细胞,并用TRPV1的抑制剂——辣椒平作对照实验,发现在不加入辣椒平的实验组中,其钙离子内流现象明显,证明了光可直接刺激TRPV1通道,进而导致钙离子内流。



4 干预措施


图 3. 临床缓解PDT治疗过程中产生的疼痛的干预手段

Fig. 3. Clinical interventions to relieve pain during PDT treatment

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4.1 药物干预

4.1.1 口服镇痛药物

Hambly等74总结了200例日光性角化病、鲍恩病和浅表性基底细胞癌在PDT治疗过程中产生的疼痛情况。在这些病例中,有20%的患者在治疗前30 min服用止痛药,其中服用扑热息痛的患者占88%,服用氨酚待因的患者占10%,服用布洛芬的患者占2%。未服用止痛药物患者的平均VAS值为37.8,而服用止痛药患者的平均VAS值为56.6,证明服用止痛药并不会缓解PDT治疗过程中产生的疼痛。Miller等75也发现,服用止痛药患者的疼痛评分明显高于未服用止痛药的患者,说明服用止痛药对缓解PDT过程中的疼痛并没有益处。

4.1.2 静脉注射镇痛药物


4.1.3 皮下浸润麻醉


4.1.4 头皮神经阻滞

Klein等79利用MAL-PDT治疗日光性角化病患者,在治疗前30~40 min时间内,采用头皮神经阻滞的方式缓解疼痛,并将该方法与静脉注射哌腈米特(7.5 mg,治疗前30 min注射)、口服安乃近联合冷风镇痛两种干涉策略进行对比。研究发现,相较于另外两种干预措施,头皮神经阻滞方法有效缓解了患者在PDT治疗过程中的疼痛感,是一种有效的缓解疼痛的干预措施。

4.1.5 面部涂敷或者喷雾



4.1.6 吸入气体镇痛



4.2 物理干预

临床中采用的物理干预手段主要是冷喷方式。皮肤伤害神经末梢有高度表达的TRPV1,采用物理干预手段,主要目的是降低治疗部位温度,进而降低TRPV1通道的激活阈值,最终达到缓解疼痛的效果。冷喷装置易于应用,而且目前已经有大量临床数据证明,采用冷喷装置并不会影响PDT的治疗效果。因此,临床中倾向于选择冷喷装置(喷水器或者空气冷却装置)来缓解治疗过程中的疼痛感86-88。Wiegell等45在利用MAL-PDT治疗日光性角化病的过程中,采用冷喷水雾(水雾温度为5 °C)和表面覆盖“冷却包”的方法来缓解患者在治疗过程中的疼痛感,但是这两种方法都只能缓解一小部分的疼痛。虽然治疗过程中的冷却措施能够使治疗更具有耐受性,但这与疼痛减轻程度关系不大,更多的是试图减轻疼痛的心态以及冷却过程中护士一直在现场带来的镇静效果,以上因素缓解了患者对疼痛的感知。


4.3 调整治疗参数

4.3.1 激光波长对疼痛的影响


4.3.2 激光辐照度对疼痛的影响

高光剂量率往往会使光敏剂在短时间内被漂白,使局部氧气耗尽,最终导致动力效率的丧失,而且会增加治疗期间的疼痛感90。改变光源辐照度可以通过降低光源能量、增加光源距离、延长曝光时间等手段来实现。辐照度与光源和治疗区域之间的距离成反比。在治疗过程中,当光源与皮肤之间的距离从8 cm增加到25 cm时,光源辐照度下降了一半,患者在治疗过程中的疼痛感也降低了91。但Ericson等46利用ALA-PDT治疗日光性角化病时,使用辐照度为30~75 mW/cm2的光源,发现疼痛在治疗开始时最剧烈,随后趋于平稳,这一事实可能与光敏剂水平有关,光敏剂在治疗开始时水平较高。随着PpⅨ浓度的降低,治疗过程会减慢,从而疼痛感减轻。这一论点暗示疼痛对光动力过程有时间和剂量依赖性,但不能排除伤害感受器的脱敏和/或患者对治疗的适应导致了疼痛减轻。另外,低剂量LED光源在临床中也会有很好的治疗效果92

Gholam等93使用ALA-PDT治疗日光性角化病时发现,与传统PDT相比,低辐照度PDT(激光辐照度比传统PDT中使用的激光低25%)下患者在治疗过程中的中断次数显著减少,而且治疗效果相当。Cottrell等94在利用ALA-PDT治疗浅表性基底细胞癌的过程中,先采用低辐照度激光对病灶部位进行治疗,在光敏剂被漂白90%之后,换用高辐照度的激光进行连续照射,直至光剂量达到200 J/cm2,这种方案的临床疗效与连续使用高光剂量率的激光进行连续治疗相当,但是患者的疼痛感却有明显的缓解。

4.3.3 日光‑PDT

日光-PDT已被广泛用于治疗日光性角化病,治疗过程中的疼痛感和炎症非常轻95。Nguyen等96综述了与日光-PDT相关的研究,总结出2 h的日光照射足以保证治疗完成,而且疗效似乎不受天气条件的限制,适用于疼痛耐受度低或计划不可用的患者。然而,由于地理位置不同,各地阳光辐照强度也不尽相同,而且日光-PDT有明显的季节依赖性,因此需要进一步研究日光-PDT,确定不同地理位置处日光-PDT具有最佳疗效的时间97-98表1所示为PDT治疗过程中缓解疼痛的干预手段以及效果。

表 1. PDT治疗过程中缓解疼痛的干预手段以及效果

Table 1. Intervention means and effects of relieving pain during PDT treatment

Intervention meansDiseaseDrug or measure taken for relieving painPain-relieving effectRef.
Oral drugsActinic keratosis,Bowens disease,superficial basal cell carcinomaParacetamol,aminophenol codeine,ibuprofenNo obvious effect74-75
Intravenous injectionPort-wine stainFlurbiprofenEffective76
Actinic keratosisPiritramideNo obvious effect79
Subcutaneous infiltration anesthesiaActinic keratosis

Ringer’s solution,ropivacaine,


Scalp nerve blockActinic keratosisRopivacaineEffective79
Facial coatingActinic keratosisMorphine gelNo obvious effect80
Port-wine stainLidocaine creamNo obvious effect81
Actinic keratosis,Bowens disease,superficial basal cell carcinomaTetracaine gelNo obvious effect82
Drug/water sprayActinic keratosisChamomile and mentholEffective83
InhalationLichen sclerosusMixture of N2O(volume fraction of 50%)and O2 (volume fraction of 50%)Effective84-85
Cold airHypertrichosis,port-wine stains,hemangioma,essential telangiectasias,superficial skin cancers,basal cell carcinomas,actinic keratosis-Effective4586-88
Adjusting light wavelengthActinic keratosisChanging green light to red lightEffective89
Adjusting irradiance

Actinic keratosis,

basal cell carcinomas

Reducing irradianceEffective919394
Sun-PDTActinic keratosis-Effective96


5 结束语





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