半导体光子学与技术, 2008, 14 (2): 69, 网络出版: 2011-08-19  

Low Noise Readout Circuit for Biosensor SoC

Low Noise Readout Circuit for Biosensor SoC
Key Lab of Ministry of Education of Photoelectric Technique and System, Chongqing University, Chongqing 400030, CHN
Presented is a low noise interface circuit that is tuned to the needs of self-assembly monolayers biosensor SoC. The correlated double sampling(CDS) unit of the readout circuit can reduce 1/fnoise, KTC noise and fixed noise of micro arrays effectively. The circuit is simulated in a 0.6μm/level 7 standard CMOS process, and the simulated results show the output voltage has a good linearity with the transducing current of the micro arrays. This is a novel circuit including four amplifiers sharing a common half-circuit and the noise reducing CDS unit. It could be widely used for micro array biosensors.

PAN Yin-song, KONG Mou-fu, LI Xiang-quan, WANG Li. Low Noise Readout Circuit for Biosensor SoC[J]. 半导体光子学与技术, 2008, 14(2): 69. PAN Yin-song, KONG Mou-fu, LI Xiang-quan, WANG Li. Low Noise Readout Circuit for Biosensor SoC[J]. Semiconductor Photonics and Technology, 2008, 14(2): 69.

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