湖南大学生物学院病原微生物与免疫研究所医学病毒学湖南省重点实验室, 长沙 410082
近年来, 病毒感染疫情频发, 凸显了高效便利的病毒检测技术以及抗病毒药物研制的迫切性。基于成簇的规则间隔短回文重复序列(CRISPR)和CRISPR相关蛋白(Cas)的工程系统在靶向和切割核酸方面具有较高的特异性和效率, 是目前使用最为广泛的基因编辑工具。该系统目前也广泛应用于病毒学研究和相关医疗实践。本文重点介绍了Cas9、Cas12和Cas13这三种最常用的CRISPR/Cas系统在病毒检测和抗病毒治疗中的应用。在病毒检测方面, Cas9通过与荧光传感器、电化学传感器和侧流层析试纸等生物传感器相结合, 提高了生物传感器检测的灵敏度和准确性。Cas12和Cas13则基于其反式切割活性, 目前已经开发了多种技术来检测DNA和RNA病毒, 如SHERLOCK和DETECTER。在抗病毒治疗方面, Cas9已被用于靶向切割病毒DNA, 从而抑制病毒的复制, 其靶标包括DNA病毒的基因组和逆转录病毒的中间产物DNA; 而Cas13则被用于靶向病毒RNA, 其靶标包括RNA病毒的基因组和病毒mRNA。尽管CRISPR/Cas系统在灵敏度、效率和便利度等方面具有多种优势, 但在一些方面仍不可避免地存在局限性, 如脱靶效应、免疫原性和致癌性。本文全面总结了CRISPR/Cas系统应用于病毒检测和抗病毒治疗的现有进展, 为了解该领域相关技术提供了系统的参考。
CRISPR/Cas系统 病毒检测 抗病毒治疗 生物传感器 CRISPR/Cas system virus detection antiviral therapy biosensor 
2023, 32(6): 0502
刘瑶 1,2尤勋海 1,3赵冰 1,3罗晓莹 4,*陈星 1,2,3,*
1 1.合肥工业大学 工业与装备技术研究院, 合肥 230009
2 2.合肥工业大学 资源与环境工程学院, 合肥 230009
3 3.合肥工业大学 材料科学与工程学院, 合肥 230009
4 4.上海交通大学医学院附属仁济医院 上海市肿瘤研究所 癌基因与相关基因国家重点实验室, 上海 200032
新冠疫情暴发对全球公共卫生构成了巨大威胁, 病毒的快速、准确诊断对新冠疫情防控具有至关重要的作用。近年来, 以纳米材料为基础的电化学传感技术在快速、高灵敏度/高特异性分子诊断方面显示出巨大的潜力。本文简要介绍了新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)的结构特征及常规检测方法, 总结了电化学生物检测相关传感特点和机制。在此基础上, 详细评述了金纳米材料、氧化物纳米材料、碳基纳米材料等为基础的电化学传感器用于快速、准确检测新冠病毒的研究进展。最后, 展望了基于电化学传感技术在未来生物分子诊断中的应用。
SARS-CoV-2 电化学生物传感器 纳米材料 快速诊断 综述 SARS-CoV-2 electrochemical biosensor nanomaterial rapid detection review 
2023, 38(1): 32
李妍妍 1,2彭宇思 1,2林成龙 1,2罗晓莹 3[ ... ]杨勇 1,2,*
1 1.中国科学院 上海硅酸盐研究所, 高性能陶瓷与超微结构国家重点实验室, 上海 200050
2 2.中国科学院大学 材料科学与光电技术学院, 北京 100049
3 3.上海交通大学 医学院附属仁济医院, 上海市肿瘤研究所 癌基因与相关基因国家重点实验室, 上海 200032
4 4.上海市疾病预防控制中心, 上海 200336
新型冠状病毒肺炎(Corona Virus Disease 2019, COVID-19)疫情大流行引起全球对此重大突发公共卫生事件的高度关注。新型冠状病毒(SARS-CoV-2)经过多次突变, 出现传染速度加快、免疫逃逸、隐匿性传播等特性, 令防控形势至今仍异常严峻。对患者的早发现、早隔离仍然是目前最有效的防控措施。因此, 迫切需要快速、高灵敏的检测手段来甄别此病毒, 以便及早识别感染者。本文简要介绍了SARS-CoV-2的一般特征, 并针对核酸、抗体、抗原及病原体作为检测靶标的不同检测手段及最新进展进行分类概述; 对一些光学、电学、磁学以及可视化的新型纳米传感器在SARS-CoV-2检测技术上的应用进行了分析。鉴于纳米技术的应用在提高检测灵敏度、特异性以及准确率上具有优势, 本文详细介绍了新型纳米传感器在SARS-CoV-2检测中的研究进展, 包括表面增强拉曼基生物传感器、电化学生物传感器、磁纳米生物传感器以及比色生物传感器等, 并探讨了纳米材料在新型生物传感器构建中的作用和挑战, 为纳米材料研究人员开发各种类型的冠状病毒传感技术提供思路。
SARS-CoV-2 检测方法 核酸 抗体 抗原 纳米材料 生物传感器 综述 SARS-CoV-2 detection method nucleic acid antibody antigen nanomaterial biosensor review 
2023, 38(1): 3
黄成成 1张永刚 1,*梁兰菊 2,**姚海云 2[ ... ]邱福 1
1 安徽理工大学电气与信息工程学院,安徽 淮南 232001
2 枣庄学院光电工程学院,山东 枣庄 277160
提出一种由石墨烯和金属铝构成的复合结构的太赫兹超表面生物传感器。超表面由金属铝结构形成类电磁诱导透明谐振,并在铝结构表面通过湿法转移一层石墨烯。通过对石墨烯掺杂蚕丝蛋白来改变石墨烯费米能级,从而改变传感器透射光谱的振幅。实验结果表明,该传感器的检测极限可以达到0.35 ng/mL。利用石墨烯狄拉克点的电磁波调控特性和耦合模型对传感器的工作原理进行分析。在生物医学领域,该生物传感器为微量蛋白的高灵敏检测提供了一种方法。
太赫兹 石墨烯 生物传感器 类电磁诱导透明谐振 
2023, 60(15): 1517001
1 重庆理工大学光纤传感与光电检测重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400054
2 重庆理工大学药物化学与分子药理学重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400054
提出一种基于氧化石墨烯(GO)微纳光纤的生物传感器,将其用于狂犬病毒(RV)的免疫检测研究。首先,将标准单模光纤通过熔接机放电形成双锥形光纤,再对双锥形光纤进行熔融拉锥制作出高灵敏度的微纳光纤。然后,在微纳光纤表面修饰GO,并将RV抗原固定于该传感器表面,用于对RV抗体的特异性检测实验。实验结果表明:该生物传感器对RV抗体的检测范围为200 fg/mL~1 ng/mL,检测极限(LOD)约为225.56 fg/mL,其检测灵敏度约为1.099 nm/log(mg·mL-1),解离系数约为2.92×10-11 M;当用于不同的抗体溶液样本和RV阳性血清的对照检测及临床检测时,该免疫传感器对前者的响应非常微弱,而对后者有明显的响应,说明其对RV抗体具有良好的特异性。基于GO修饰微纳光纤的免疫传感器具有制作简单、微纳尺寸、灵敏度高、成本低等优点。
遥感与传感器 光纤光学 微纳光纤 氧化石墨烯 狂犬病毒 生物传感器 
2023, 60(7): 0728004
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Animal Quarantine, Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine, Beijing100176, China
2 Chinese Academy of Inspection and Quarantine Center for Biosafety, Sanya 572024, China
3 National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Beijing 102206, China
The rapid spread of viral zoonoses can cause severe consequences, including huge economic loss, public health problems or even global crisis of society. Clinical detection technology plays a very important role in the prevention and control of such zoonoses. The rapid and accurate detection of the pathogens of the diseases can directly lead to the early report and early successful control of the diseases. With the advantages of being easy to use, fast, portable, multiplexing and cost-effective, semiconductor biosensors are kinds of detection devices that play an important role in preventing epidemics, and thus have become one of the research hotspots. Here, we summarized the advances of semiconductor biosensors in viral zoonoses detection. By discussing the major principles and applications of each method for different pathogens, this review proposed the directions of designing semiconductor biosensors for clinical application and put forward perspectives in diagnostic of viral zoonoses.The rapid spread of viral zoonoses can cause severe consequences, including huge economic loss, public health problems or even global crisis of society. Clinical detection technology plays a very important role in the prevention and control of such zoonoses. The rapid and accurate detection of the pathogens of the diseases can directly lead to the early report and early successful control of the diseases. With the advantages of being easy to use, fast, portable, multiplexing and cost-effective, semiconductor biosensors are kinds of detection devices that play an important role in preventing epidemics, and thus have become one of the research hotspots. Here, we summarized the advances of semiconductor biosensors in viral zoonoses detection. By discussing the major principles and applications of each method for different pathogens, this review proposed the directions of designing semiconductor biosensors for clinical application and put forward perspectives in diagnostic of viral zoonoses.
semiconductor biosensor viral zoonoses graphene silicon nanowire carbon nanotube 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(2): 023102
Author Affiliations
1 Jiangxi Key Laboratory of Organic Chemistry, Jiangxi Science and Technology Normal University, Nanchang 330013, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Molecular Engineering of Polymers, Department of Macromolecular Science, Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China
Effective detection of methamphetamine (Met) requires a fast, sensitive, and cheap testing assay. However, commercially available methods require expensive instruments and highly trained operators, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Herein, an antibody-modified graphene transistor assay is developed for sensitive and minute-level detection of Met in complex environments. The anti-Met probe captured charged targets within 120 s, leading to a p-doping effect near the graphene channel. The limit of detection reaches 50 aM (5.0 × 10?17 M) Met in solution. The graphene transistor would be a valuable tool for Met detection effective prevention of drug abuse.Effective detection of methamphetamine (Met) requires a fast, sensitive, and cheap testing assay. However, commercially available methods require expensive instruments and highly trained operators, which are time-consuming and labor-intensive. Herein, an antibody-modified graphene transistor assay is developed for sensitive and minute-level detection of Met in complex environments. The anti-Met probe captured charged targets within 120 s, leading to a p-doping effect near the graphene channel. The limit of detection reaches 50 aM (5.0 × 10?17 M) Met in solution. The graphene transistor would be a valuable tool for Met detection effective prevention of drug abuse.
graphene field effect transistor biosensor methamphetamine antibody immobilization 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(2): 022001
Author Affiliations
1 School of Microelectronics, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen 518055, China
2 School of Fashion & Textiles, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
3 Department of Applied Biology and Chemical Technology, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
4 Research Institute for Intelligent Wearable Systems (RI-Wear), The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong SAR, China
With the rapid technological innovation in materials engineering and device integration, a wide variety of textile-based wearable biosensors have emerged as promising platforms for personalized healthcare, exercise monitoring, and pre-diagnostics. This paper reviews the recent progress in sweat biosensors and sensing systems integrated into textiles for wearable body status monitoring. The mechanisms of biosensors that are commonly adopted for biomarkers analysis are first introduced. The classification, fabrication methods, and applications of textile conductors in different configurations and dimensions are then summarized. Afterward, innovative strategies to achieve efficient sweat collection with textile-based sensing patches are presented, followed by an in-depth discussion on nanoengineering and system integration approaches for the enhancement of sensing performance. Finally, the challenges of textile-based sweat sensing devices associated with the device reusability, washability, stability, and fabrication reproducibility are discussed from the perspective of their practical applications in wearable healthcare.With the rapid technological innovation in materials engineering and device integration, a wide variety of textile-based wearable biosensors have emerged as promising platforms for personalized healthcare, exercise monitoring, and pre-diagnostics. This paper reviews the recent progress in sweat biosensors and sensing systems integrated into textiles for wearable body status monitoring. The mechanisms of biosensors that are commonly adopted for biomarkers analysis are first introduced. The classification, fabrication methods, and applications of textile conductors in different configurations and dimensions are then summarized. Afterward, innovative strategies to achieve efficient sweat collection with textile-based sensing patches are presented, followed by an in-depth discussion on nanoengineering and system integration approaches for the enhancement of sensing performance. Finally, the challenges of textile-based sweat sensing devices associated with the device reusability, washability, stability, and fabrication reproducibility are discussed from the perspective of their practical applications in wearable healthcare.
biosensor textile-based electronics wearable device sweat analysis health monitoring 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(2): 021601
Author Affiliations
1 The State Key Laboratory of Photoelectric Technology and Functional Materials, International Collaborative Center on Photoelectric Technology and Nano Functional Materials, Institute of Photonics & Photon Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China
2 The State Key Laboratory of Transient Optics and Photonics, Xi’an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi’an 710119, China
3 The School of Information Science and Technology, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China
A biosensor for bovine serum albumin (BSA) detection by graphene oxide (GO) functionalized micro-taped long-period fiber grating (GMLPG) was demonstrated. The amide bond connected between the GO and BSA enabled the BSA to attach onto the fiber surface, which changed the effective refractive index of the cladding mode and characterized the concentration of the BSA. This real-time monitoring system demonstrated a sensing sensitivity of 1.263 nm/(mg/mL) and a detection limit of 0.043 mg/mL. Moreover, it illustrated superior measurement performance of higher sensitivity in the presence of glucose and urea as the interference, which showed static sensitivities of ~1.476 nm/(mg/mL) and 1.504 nm/(mg/mL), respectively. The proposed GMLPG demonstrated a great potential for being employed as a sensor for biomedical and biochemical applications.
Graphene oxide bovine serum albumin biosensor 
Photonic Sensors
2022, 12(3): 220305


2022, 37(12): 1531

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