中国激光, 2018, 45 (1): 0102004, 网络出版: 2018-01-24   

纳秒激光工艺参数对铝/镁异种焊缝成形的影响 下载: 878次

Effects of Nanosecond Laser Process Parameters on Al/Mg Dissimilar Metal Weld Formation
南京理工大学材料科学与工程学院, 江苏 南京 210094
利用纳秒激光对铝合金和镁合金薄板进行了中心搭接焊试验, 分析了纳秒激光工艺参数对铝/镁焊缝成形及力学性能的影响。研究结果表明, 在纳秒激光焊接能量输入低、激光功率密度大、焊接速度快的条件下, 可形成有效的铝/镁焊接接头, 剪切强度达到86 MPa。在5~10 kW激光功率范围内, 焊缝熔深与纳秒激光功率密度呈线性关系, 而与激光持续作用时间和激光点能量呈对数关系。
The center overlap welding experiments of aluminum alloy and magnesium alloy sheets are carried out by the nanosecond laser technology, and the effects of nanosecond laser process parameters on the formation and mechanical property of Al/Mg welds are analyzed. The results show that the Al/Mg joints are successfully welded by the nanosecond laser and their shear tensile strength can reach to 86 MPa under the conditions of low energy input, high power density and high welding speed. In the laser power range of 5-10 kW, the penetration depth of welds possesses a linear relationship with the nanosecond laser power density, however a logarithmic relationship with the laser duration and the laser point energy.

高琼, 王克鸿, 郭顺, 周琦, 彭勇. 纳秒激光工艺参数对铝/镁异种焊缝成形的影响[J]. 中国激光, 2018, 45(1): 0102004. Gao Qiong, Wang Kehong, Guo Shun, Zhou Qi, Peng Yong. Effects of Nanosecond Laser Process Parameters on Al/Mg Dissimilar Metal Weld Formation[J]. Chinese Journal of Lasers, 2018, 45(1): 0102004.

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