红外与毫米波学报, 2014, 33 (1): 1, 网络出版: 2014-03-14  

Background millimeter radiation influence in cardiology on patients with metabolic and pre-metabolic syndrome

Background millimeter radiation influence in cardiology on patients with metabolic and pre-metabolic syndrome
1 Belgorod State National Exploratory University, Belgorod, Russian
2 Home Address: via E.Piaggio, Riva Trigoso (GE)Italy
3 via Doberdo 3, Fontane di Villorba (TV)Italy
4 Central hospital FTS. Moscow, Russian
The effects of background millimeter radiations (BMR) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD), hypertension and in subjects with Inherited real risk of CAD, were investigated through invariant statistic measures, typical of nonlinear dynamics analysis of biological systems. The experimental evidences show that BMR ameliorate the nonlinear complexity in biosystems, recognized sign of physiological behavior, by increasing both the rate of unpredictability of heart rate variability (HRV) in patients with metabolic syndrome and the fractal dimension of coronary microvessel oscillations in subjects with pre-metabolic syndrome, healing their genetic alteration and CAD Inherited real risk.

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