中国激光, 2022, 49 (4): 0405001, 网络出版: 2022-01-18   

风控热晕下椭圆激光光束质量的优化研究 下载: 776次

Beam Quality Optimization of Elliptical Laser Under Wind-Dominated Thermal Blooming
四川师范大学物理与电子工程学院,四川 成都 610068

In practice, the beam produced by a high-energy laser is more nearly elliptical in its cross section, such as a semiconductor laser and a spectral beam combining system. When a high-energy laser propagates in the atmosphere, a fraction of the laser power is absorbed by the atmosphere along the propagation path. The absorbed power first heats the air and alters the refraction index of the path, and then causes laser distortion and divergence. This self-induced effect is called thermal blooming. Moreover, the energy transmission efficiency of a high-energy laser is severely limited by the thermal blooming effect. Thermal blooming depends on the distribution of the laser beam and the state of the atmosphere. Until now, the effect of thermal blooming on an elliptical Gaussian beam (EGB) propagating in the atmosphere has not been reported. In this paper, the beam quality optimization of an EGB under wind-dominated thermal blooming is studied analytically and numerically. The results obtained in this paper are useful for the applications of high-energy lasers propagating in the atmosphere.


Thermal blooming of a laser beam propagating through atmosphere can be described by the paraxial wave equation and the hydrodynamic equation. When the diffraction effect is neglected under the geometric optics approach, the intensity expression for steady-state thermal blooming and the distortion parameter of an EGB propagating in the atmosphere are respectively derived, and their correctness is proved. Besides, numerical simulation is very useful to study thermal blooming. We design 4D computer code of the time-dependent atmospheric propagation of a focused EGB by using the multi-phase screen method and the finite difference method. A grid size of 512×512 is used. The numerical calculation results remain almost constant when the number of grid size increases. The transient-state thermal blooming and steady-state thermal blooming are investigated in this paper.

Results and Discussions

In this paper, the intensity expressions for steady-state thermal blooming and the distortion parameter of an EGB propagating in the atmosphere are derived, respectively. It is proved that the distortion parameter (Eq. (4)) we obtained is valid. In the atmosphere, as the beam width in the windward direction of the source plane is large (the same spot area), the distortion parameter is small and the thermal blooming effect on the EGB is weak (Figs.1 and 2). The relative peak intensity of an EGB and its displacement at the target are discussed. As the beam width in the windward direction of the source plane is large, the relative peak intensity at the target is large, and its displacement is small (Fig. 3). The 4D computer code of the time-dependent atmospheric propagation of a focused EGB is designed. It is found that in free space, the long and short axes of an EGB are interchanged at the target. In particular, in free space, the focused EGBs with the same spot areas return to the symmetric Gaussian beam at a certain propagation distance, whose formula is derived (Eq. (13)). However, in the atmosphere, different EGBs do not become symmetrical at a certain propagation distance because of thermal blooming (Fig. 5). Due to the astigmatism of an EGB, the influence of atmospheric thermal blooming on its propagation depends on the wind direction. The thermal blooming can be weakened by making the short axis of a focused EGB along the general wind direction. As the beam width in the windward direction of the source plane is large (the same spot area), the thermal blooming effect on a focused EGB is weak, which results in a better symmetrical spot (Fig. 6) and a small focal shift (Fig. 8). The time required to achieve the steady-state thermal blooming for a focused EGB is proportional to the beam width along the wind direction in the source plane (Fig.10).


In this paper, the beam quality optimization of an elliptical Gaussian beam under wind-dominated thermal blooming is studied analytically and numerically. The expression of distortion parameter of an elliptical Gaussian beam propagating in the atmosphere is derived, and its correctness is proved. Due to the astigmatism of an elliptical Gaussian beam, the influence of atmospheric thermal blooming on its propagation depends on the wind direction. Thermal blooming can be weakened by making the short axis of a focused EGB along the general wind direction. In the atmosphere, as the beam width in the windward direction of the source plane is large (the same spot area), the thermal blooming effect on the EGB is weak, which results in a better symmetrical spot and energy focus ability at the target, i.e. better beam quality at the target. The time required to achieve steady-state thermal blooming for a focused elliptical Gaussian beam is proportional to the beam width along the wind direction in the source plane.

1 引言

高能激光在大气中传输时会遭遇非线性热晕效应。热晕效应会使激光畸变和发散,从而严重限制了高能激光的能量传输效率[1-4]。因此,人们对此进行了广泛的研究。在实验方面,Smith [5]研究了激光束的稳态热散焦效应以及湍流热晕的综合效应[6]。在理论解析方面,Gebhardt等[7]给出了激光束大气近场传输的稳态热晕光强解析公式,该公式可描述热晕的基本特征。文献[8]运用菲涅耳-基尔霍夫近似和格林函数法得到了热晕方程的积分表达式。数值模拟是研究热晕效应非常有效的一种方法[9-16]。文献[12]使用广义热畸变参数,较好地定标了自适应光学系统对聚焦光束热晕效应的相位补偿效果。Vorob’Ev 等[13]研究了环状光束在移动介质中传输时的热晕效应。最近,文献[14]报道了涡旋光束在大气中传输时的稳态热晕效应,指出在光束近场传播中,采用多层相位屏法与采用一阶扰动法获得的结果基本相同。本课题组用数值模拟方法研究了热晕效应对艾里光束[15]、平顶光束[16]及厄米高斯光束[11]等传输的影响,发现对于不同光强分布激光的传输,热晕效应的影响不同,且差异显著。

实际高能激光器出射的激光束存在椭圆分布。例如,半导体激光器快慢轴的非对称性导致出射的激光束存在椭圆分布[17];在光谱合束系统中,由于激光热效应致光栅畸变和各子束存在线宽,出射的激光束存在椭圆分布[18-19]。关于椭圆高斯光束在自由空间和湍流等线性介质中的传输研究已有报道[20-24]。吴逢铁课题组分析了椭圆高斯光束经轴棱锥后的近轴光场分布特性[20]。Zheng[21]研究了椭圆高斯光束通过带孔傍轴光学系统的传输特性。另一方面,椭圆高斯光束在非线性介质中的传输特性研究也有少量报道[25-30]。陈国柱等[26]利用椭圆高斯光束产生了266 nm紫外连续激光,并且指出椭圆高斯光束可以有效改善走离效应,提高倍频转化效率。Cornolti等[29]发现椭圆高斯光束在Kerr介质中的自陷阈值随着椭圆率的增加而增加。本课题组研究了聚焦像散椭圆高斯光束在Kerr非线性介质中的传输特性,发现利用光束像散可以调控光束焦点个数[30]。然而,大气非线性热晕效应对椭圆高斯光束传输特性的影响鲜有报道。


2 稳态热晕下椭圆高斯光束的光强及其扭曲参数解析式


在几何光学近似下,激光束在沿x正轴方向的风速为v的均匀风的作用下,传输距离z后的稳态热晕光强[7]I(xyz)I(xy0)eαzexp[2nTαn0ρ0cpv0z0z'(Ix+122y2xIdx'+12IIyxIydx')dzdz]式中:I(xyz)为传输距离z处的畸变光强;I(xy,0)和I为源平面处的光强;αnTcp分别是大气吸收系数、热光系数和等压比热容;ρ0n0是未受干扰的大气密度和折射率。我们将源平面处椭圆高斯光束的光强I(xy,0)=EE*(*表示取复共轭)代入(2)式,推导得到稳态热晕下椭圆高斯光束的靶面光强解析式为 I(xyz)I(xy0)exp{αzN{b2a32xw0exp(x2a2w02y2b2w02)π2(14y2b2w02)×[erf(xaw0)1]exp(y2b2w02)}}式中:椭圆高斯光束的扭曲参数为 Nπ2nTzPn0ρ0cpvβ03/2S03/2(11eαzαz)式中:S0为源平面处的光斑面积(S0πabw02);erf(·)为误差函数。由(4)式可知,在相同功率P下,光斑面积S0越大,扭曲参数N越小,即热晕效应越弱。这是由于随着光斑面积的增大,光束的功率密度减小,大气折射率受到的扰动减小,热晕效应变弱。特别地,当β0=1时,(4) 式简化为圆高斯光束扭曲参数,与文献[7]中一致。需指出的是,为了保证源平面处的光束平均功率密度相同,以下研究均是在相同光斑面积S0条件下。


图 1. 相对扭曲参数随β0的变化

Fig. 1. Relative distortion parameter versus β0

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图2为由(3)式得到的椭圆高斯光束(EGB)分别在源平面和靶面上的光强图。计算参数为:n0=1.000313,ρ0=1.3025 kg/m3cp=1.006 J·g-1·K-1α=6.5×10-5/m,S0=400π cm2w0=20 cm,v=5 m/s。如图2(a)~(f)所示,β0≤1,风向沿着光束的长轴。β0越大,光束迎风面越大,沿风向的束宽越小[图2(a)~(c)],月牙形光斑越不明显[图2(d)~(f)],发生的畸变越小,即光束受热晕的影响越小。如图2(g)~(l)所示,β0≥1,风向沿着光束的短轴。β0越小,光束迎风面越小,沿风向的束宽越大[图2(g)~(i)],月牙形光斑越明显[图2(j)~(l)],发生的畸变越大,即光束受热晕的影响越大。以上结论与 (4) 式所得结论一致。

图 2. 椭圆高斯光束的光强分布。(a)β0=0.25,z=0,P=25 kW;(b)β0=0.49,z=0,P=25 kW;(c)β0=1.00,z=0,P=25 kW;(d)N=0.3025,z=2 km,P=25 kW;(e)N=0.1102,z=2 km,P=25 kW;(f)N=0.0378,z=2 km,P=25 kW;(g)β0=4.00,z=0,P=250 kW;(h)β0=1.69,z=0,P=250 kW;(i)β0=1.00,z=0,P=250 kW;(j)N=0.0473,z=2 km,P=250 kW;(k)N=0.1721,z=2 km,P=250 kW;(l)N=0.3781,z=2 km,P=250 kW

Fig. 2. Intensity distributions of elliptical Gaussian beam. (a) β0=0.25,z=0,P=25 kW; (b) β0=0.49,z=0,P=25 kW; (c) β0=1.00,z=0,P=25 kW; (d) N=0.3025, z=2 km, P=25 kW; (e) N=0.1102,z=2 km,P=25 kW; (f) N=0.0378,z=2 km, P=25 kW; (g) β0=4.00,z=0,P=250 kW; (h) β0=1.69,z=0,P=250 kW; (i) β0=1.00, z=0, P=250 kW; (j) N=0.0473,z=2 km,P=250 kW; (k) N=0.1721,z=2 km,P=250 kW; (l) N=0.3781,z=2 km,P=250 kW

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图3(a)给出了椭圆高斯光束靶面沿x方向的归一化光强。可以看出,由于热晕效应的影响,β0越小,光束的峰值光强下降越厉害,并且峰值光强位置越远离光轴。对(3)式求导,即dI(xyz)/dx=0,我们推导得到了峰值光强位移Δx/w0的近似解: Δxw0N12β022β0

图 3. 靶面归一化光强分布以及峰值光强的位移。(a) 沿风向的归一化光强分布;(b)峰值光强的位移随β0的变化,P=25 kW

Fig. 3. Normalized intensity profiles at target and displacement of peak intensity. (a) Normalized intensity profiles in wind direction; (b) displacement of peak intensity versus β0 at P=25 kW

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β0=1时,(5) 式简化为文献[7]中的公式。图3(b)为x轴上峰值光强的位移随β0的变化。可以看出,β0越大,峰值光强的位移越小,热晕效应越弱,这与图3(a)所得结论一致,即该光强位移的近似解是适用的。


3 聚焦椭圆高斯光束热晕效应的模拟仿真

傍轴近似下麦克斯韦波动方程表示[10]2ikEz2E+k2(n2n01)E,式中:2=2/x2+2/y2n是扰动后的折射率;k=2π/λ是波数(λ是波长)。在等压近似并且忽略热传导的条件下,流动力学方程表示为 ρt+v·ρ=(γ1)αcs2I,式中:ρcsγ分别是扰动密度、声速以及比热容;光强强度I定义为I=|E2|exp(-αz);v为风速矢量。基于(6)、(7)式,利用多层相位屏法和快速傅里叶变换法编制了椭圆高斯光束在大气中传输的四维仿真模拟程序。本节中源平面处放置一个焦距为f的聚焦透镜,计算参数为:zf=3 km,P=10 kW,v=4 m/s,λ=1.064 μm,α=6.5×10-5/m,γ=1.4,S0=25π cm2w0=5 cm。计算精度为512×512。值得指出的是,以下计算中焦平面即为靶面,并且除特别说明以外均为稳态热晕效应条件下的结果。

3.2 不同位置处的光强分布


图 4. 聚焦椭圆高斯光束在不同传输距离处的光斑图。(a1)~(b4)β0=0.25;(c1)~(d4)β0=1.00;(e1)~(f4)β0=4.00

Fig. 4. Spots of focused elliptical Gaussian beam at different propagation distances. (a1)(b4) β0=0.25; (c1)(d4) β0=1.00; (e1)(f4) β0=4.00

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在大气中,虽然β0=0.25和β0=4.00的光束在源平面处的像散程度相同,但是风分别沿着光束的长轴和短轴方向吹,即沿风向的束宽大小不一样,导致两者的热晕效应强弱不同。在近场传输的z=1 km处,β0=0.25的光斑畸变严重,甚至出现两个峰值[图4(b1)~(b4)],而β0=4.00的光斑畸变不明显[图4(f1)~(f4)],这与解析公式(3)式所得结论一致。在z=3 km处(靶面),与β0=4.00比较,β0=0.25的光束在x方向被压缩得更厉害,y方向束宽的扩展更大,能量集中度显著下降,受热晕的影响更大 [对比图4(b1)~(b4)和图4(f1)~(f4)]。值得一提的是,β0=4.00的光斑相比圆高斯光束,y方向束宽的扩展也较小,光斑较小[图4(d1)~(d4)和图4(f1)~(f4)]。从光强对称性和能量集中度来看,对于聚焦传输的椭圆高斯光束,风沿着短轴方向吹可获得比沿长轴方向吹更好的光束质量,甚至好于圆高斯光束。因此,在实际工作中,为了减小热晕效应的影响,可将出射光束的短轴方向尽量调整为沿着大气的总体风向。

3.3 光束质量


光束重心可以用来描述光斑的偏移程度: j¯jI(xyz)dxdyI(xyz)dxdy式中:jx or y|j¯|越大表明光斑漂移越大。

二阶矩束宽和环围束宽可以用来描述光斑大小,表达式分别为 wj24(jj¯)2I(xyz)dxdyI(xyz)dxdy0wηI(r)rdrη0I(r)rdr式中:r表示离光束重心的距离;I(r)为光强;η为束宽为wη的光斑的功率占总功率的百分比,本文中η=86.5%。

3.4 像散特性

在大气中,由于衍射效应和热晕效应的作用,椭圆光束的像散特性将发生改变。像散参数wy/wx可以描述光束的对称性,其值越接近1,光束光强分布越对称。图5给出了椭圆光束像散参数wy/wx随传输距离的变化情况。在自由空间中,由图5(a)可知,随着z的增加,椭圆光束的光斑先是逐渐变得对称后又回到不对称,最后靶面上的长短轴互换。特别地,在z≈2.5 km处,源平面上不同像散参数的光束曲线会聚在同一点,即wy/wx=1,光斑对称分布,该结论与图4(a3)、(b3)、(c3)、(d3)、(e3)、(f3)一致。

图 5. 光束对称性随传输距离的变化。(a)在自由空间;(b)在大气中,v=10 m/s;(c)在大气中,v=4 m/s

Fig. 5. Beam symmetry versus propagation distance. (a) In free space; (b) in atmosphere,v=10 m/s; (c) in atmosphere,v=4 m/s

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利用ABCD定律,可得到聚焦椭圆高斯光束在自由空间传输时xy方向的束宽[30]wx2(aw0)2[(1zf)2(zλ2πa2w02)2]wy2(bw0)2[(1zf)2(zλ2πb2w02)2]wxwy,推导得到自由空间中聚焦椭圆高斯光束呈完全对称的位置: zwy/wx12fS02S0λf由 (13) 式可知,只要源平面光斑面积相同,不同像散程度的椭圆光束经聚焦透镜后会在同一传输距离处变成圆高斯光束。在大气中,由于不同β0的椭圆光束受热晕效应的影响不同,这样的公共交点不再存在[图5(b)、(c)]。但是,图5(b)、(c)中存在一聚点,即不同β0的椭圆光束的像散参数wy/wx互相靠近。通常风速越大,激光束受大气热晕效应的影响越小。相比风速v=4 m/s[图5(c)],当风速v=10 m/s[图5(b)]时该聚点会更靠近靶面。即风速越大,热晕效应越小,该聚点越靠近靶面。同理,在瞬态热晕效应下,时间越短,该聚点越靠近靶面。

图6所示为靶面像散参数wy/wxβ0和风速v的变化情况。由图6(a)可知,wy/wxβ0的增大逐渐接近1,光束对称性变好。即有明显热晕时,风沿着椭圆光束的短轴方向吹可以得到比风沿长轴方向吹更对称的靶面光强分布[与图4(a4)、(b4)、(c4)、(d4)、(e4)、(f4)结果一致]。由图6(b)可以看出,在不同风速下,β0=4.0000的椭圆光束光斑对称性都是优于β0=0.2500的。特别地,当v>25 m/s时,β0=1(圆高斯光束)的光斑最接近于1。这是因为此时风速很大,热晕效应很弱,光束接近自由空间的状态。

图 6. 靶面像散参数随不同参数的变化。(a) β0;(b) v(实线表示光束在大气中传输,虚线表示光束在自由空间中传输,仅标注的实线对应wx/w其余对应wy/wx)

Fig. 6. Astigmatic parameter at target surface versus different parameters. (a) β0;(b) v (solid line indicates that beam is transmitted in atmosphere, while dashed line indicates that beam is transmitted in free space. Only marked solid curve corresponds to wx/wy,and other curves correspond to wy/wx)

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3.5 焦移和重心漂移

热晕效应会致使光束出现不同程度的发散,因而光束聚焦位置将发生变化,即焦移量改变。图7所示为束宽w86.5%随传输距离的变化情况。从图7可知,无论是在自由空间还是在大气中,束宽w86.5%先减小后增大,存在一个最小值,该最小值位置即为实际焦点位置。在自由空间中,椭圆高斯光束的焦点位置几乎都在靶面z=3 km附近[图7(a)],而大气热晕使焦点位置前移 [图7(b)]。

图 7. w86.5%随传输距离的变化。(a)在自由空间中;(b)在大气中

Fig. 7. w86.5% versus propagation distance. (a) In free space; (b) in atmosphere

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焦移ΔzF定义为实际焦点位置与靶面之间的距离。图8给出了焦移ΔzFβ0的变化情况。由图8可知,在自由空间中,不同像散程度的椭圆高斯光束焦移为115 m≤ΔzF≤180 m,并且像散程度越大,焦移则越大,即圆高斯光束的焦移最小。但是,在大气中,焦移ΔzF随着β0的增大而减小。这是因为随着β0的增大,热晕效应变弱,所以光束的焦移减小。

图 8. 焦移随β0的变化

Fig. 8. Focal shift versus β0

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图 9. 靶面光束重心随β0的变化

Fig. 9. Centroid position at target surface versus β0

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3.6 热晕效应的时间尺度


图 10. 热晕效应的稳态时间。(a)靶面光束重心随时间的变化;(b) 稳态时间tsβ0的变化

Fig. 10. Steady-state time of thermal blooming. (a) Centroid position at target surface versus time; (b) steady-state time ts versus β0

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4 结论



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