贾锐 1许靖 2张振伟 1,2,*黄辉 3[ ... ]赵跃进 2
1 首都师范大学 物理系,北京 100048
2 北京理工大学 光电学院,北京 100081
3 北京芯宸科技有限公司,北京 100029
4 北京航天计量测试技术研究所,北京 100076
伴随着6G 通信的发展,雷达遥感、检测成像等多个领域向太赫兹频段拓展,获取材料在该频段的介电常数显得愈发重要。本文基于NR 迭代法提取了太赫兹频率下样品的复介电常数,分析了迭代法的初值选取对提取结果的影响。在325~500 GHz 频段(Y 频段)搭建了一套由矢量网络分析仪(VNA)、扩频模块和四抛物面镜组成的8f 准光系统,实现散射参数S 2 1 的自由空间测量。由电磁波传输模型推导出复介电常数与S 2 1 之间的关系式, 利用迭代法提取出了特氟龙(Teflon)、丙烯腈-丁二烯-苯乙烯共聚物(ABS)和聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)样品的复介电常数谱,与其他文献报道的结果一致,验证了系统和方法的有效性。
复介电常数 矢量网络分析仪 迭代法 太赫兹 自由空间法 complex permittivity Vector Network Analyzer iterative method terahertz free space method 
2023, 21(6): 759
浙大城市学院 信息与电气工程学院,杭州 310015
提出了一种基于交指电容裂环谐振器的差分微波传感器。通过把交指电容结构嵌入到裂环谐振器的开口处以增强电场束缚效应,并且为了抑制外界环境因素的干扰,制作成差分结构。差分结构采用两个裂环谐振器分别分布于单根微带线两边的结构形式,谐振器与微带线呈磁耦合效应。该传感器结构可以克服传统微波传感器的低灵敏度和易受外界干扰的问题。在实验中,将一个谐振器作为参考单元,另一个谐振器作为测量单元,待检测液体样本放置于测量交指电容处,随着不同浓度的乙醇-水混合溶液的注入,测量单元的谐振频率相较于参考单元会发生明显的频率偏移和陷波幅值的偏差,由此可以拟合出复数介电常数与它们之间的关系以预测不同浓度的乙醇-水混合溶液的复数介电常数值。实验结果表明:所提出传感器的单位体积平均灵敏度可达3.630 8%/μL,比同类型的传感器提高了几倍至几十倍。
微波微带传感器 裂环谐振器 差分结构 交指电容 复数介电常数 灵敏度 Microwave microstrip sensor Split-ring resonator Differential structure Interdigital capacitance Complex permittivity Sensitivity 
2023, 52(10): 1052411
1 河海大学力学与材料学院,南京 211100,中国
2 江苏省建筑科学研究院有限公司,高性能土木工程材料国家重点实验室,南京 210008,中国
3 纽约州立大学布法罗分校机械与航空航天工程学院,布法罗 14260-4400,美国
4 东南大学材料科学与工程学院,南京 211189,中国
5 北京理工大学机电学院,北京 100081,中国
水泥基材料 介电性能 介电常数 极化 电导率 cement-based materials dielectric behavior electrical permittivity polarization electrical conductivity 
2023, 51(8): 2074
Author Affiliations
Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, No. 194 Stachki Avenue, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia
In this report, the processes of texture formation in grain-oriented ferroelectric ceramics based on layer-structured ferroelectric Bi4Ti3O2 (LSBT) prepared by hot forging method are considered. The microstructural and X-ray methods revealed the axial textured formation in ferroelectric ceramic that are used to estimate the orientation factor of ceramics. For the first time, the domain structure changes when poling the anisotropic ferroelectric ceramics are investigated. The anisotropy of electromechanical, piezoelectric and ferroelectric properties of ferroelectric ceramics due to the crystal texture existence in it is studied. The aim of this study is to study the processes of crystalline texture formation in polycrystalline BLSF and to establish the dependence of the electrophysical properties of ceramics on the degree of texturing. Ceramics were textured using the hot stamping (HS) method developed at the Research Institute of Physics. The mechanism of the method is that the workpiece is subjected to uniaxial pressure and free radial deformation occurs due to the plastic flow of the material until the workpiece fills the free volume of the mold, which is created by placing the workpiece in the mold with a gap. The study of the microstructure of ceramics showed that an increase in the firing temperature in the range 950–1050C causes a sharp decrease in porosity and increases the density to 7.95 g/cm3, which is 98% of theoretical. An X-ray analysis was performed and microstructural studies were carried out, which revealed the formation of an axial texture in ceramics. The features of the switching processes of textured ceramics are revealed. The characteristics of the polarization switching of ceramics in the directions parallel and perpendicular () of the pressure axis during hot processing were obtained from the dielectric hysteresis P(E) loops, i.e., axis axial texture. The -cut ceramics are characterized by a more complete polarization switching, which is associated with the additional orientation of the (001) crystallographic planes in the textured material, as well as the presence of a threshold switching field. In the temperature range from -196 to + 600C, the anisotropy of the electro physical properties of ceramics due to the presence of a crystalline texture in it was studied. The dielectric constant, electrical conductivity, piezoelectric and elastic coefficients were measured for sections of ceramics of different orientations relative to the axis of the texture. The anisotropy of the dielectric constant and electrical conductivity manifests itself weakly at room temperature and increases sharply when approaching the Curie temperature. In the temperature range +20–400C, the high thermal stability of the piezoelectric module d33, measured by the quasistatic method, was established.
Textured ceramics microstructure domain structure permittivity piezoelectric modules elastic coefficients 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2023, 13(3): 2350011
王威 1张玲 1,2吴亚光 3乔峰 1,2[ ... ]周迪 1
1 西安交通大学电信学部电子科学与工程学院, 西安 710049
2 成都宏科电子科技有限公司, 成都 610101
3 河北半导体研究所, 石家庄 050051
4 西安交通大学材料科学与工程学院, 西安 710049
5 西安交通大学电气工程学院, 西安 710049
在新一代高速无线通信技术推动下, 低温共烧陶瓷技术(LTCC)正处于重大变革时期。采用低介电常数(K)、低损耗、谐振频率温度稳定型LTCC作为高频基板材料, 可以满足无线技术高速率、低延时、高可靠的需求, 是当前热点研究之一。因此商用基板材料的现状和一些候选材料的研究工作被主要评述, 重点对玻璃/陶瓷体系、氧化物助烧体系、氟化物助烧体系、本征低温烧结体系等低K值LTCC材料的组成、结构特征、介电性能、热膨胀系数等具体指标及相应优缺点进行了讨论。同时介绍了一些热门体系的改性工作及其毫米波适用性, 最后对未来低K值LTCC材料的发展进行展望。
微波/毫米波 高频基板 低介电常数 低温共烧陶瓷技术 介电性能 microwave/millimeter wave ceramic substrate low-permittivity low temperature co-fired ceramics dielectric properties 
2023, 51(4): 934
北京理工大学物理学院,北京 102401
表面光学 光学超材料 转移矩阵理论 有效介质理论 有效介电系数 复合体系 
2023, 43(5): 0524001
为替代矢量网络分析仪,形成一套专用于闭式谐振腔的测量系统,本文采用频谱分析仪模块和跟踪发生器模块,基于C++和VISA 库函数进行系统控制,使两模块可以同步收发射频信号,实现闭式谐振腔谐振频率和Q 值的测量功能,最终实现微波介质材料的介电常数的测量,形成一套一体化闭式谐振腔介电常数测量系统。该系统与矢量网络分析仪对比测量微波介质陶瓷材料K65, 介电常数的相对误差为5.5×10- 3, tanδ 的相对误差为-3.74×10- 2; 对比测量材料K35,介电常数的相对误差为-1.69×10- 3,tanδ 的相对误差为1.08×10- 1。测量结果相对误差较小,介电常数的相对误差小于0.01,tanδ 的相对误差小于0.5,说明一体化介电常数测量系统的测量结果准确,可用于闭式谐振腔方法下的介电常数测量,也可推广用于其他介电常数测量系统。
介电常数 一体化系统 闭式谐振腔 品质因数 permittivity integrated system closed resonant cavity quality factor 
2022, 20(11): 1163
Author Affiliations
1 Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, av. Stachki 193, Rostov-on-Don, 344090, Russia
2 Research Institute of Solid State Electronics Materials, MIREA-Russian Technological University (RTU MIREA), 5th Street of Sokolinaya Gora 22, Moscow, 119454, Russia
3 Technological Department, Platov South-Russian State Polytechnic University (NPI), Prosvescheniya Str. 132, Novocherkassk, 346428, Russia
The comparative analysis of the dielectric properties of bismuth-containing pyrochlores with different manifestation of atomic order/disorder was carried out. We examined the dielectric properties (including behavior in electric fields) of two pyrochlore compounds: BZN (presumably a composition close to Bi1.5Zn0.5Nb1.5O6.5) ceramics with chemical disorder in both A and B cation sublattices and Bi2Ti2O7 single crystal with fully chemical ordered structure. The fundamental differences between the dielectric properties of the BZN ceramics and Bi2Ti2O7 single crystal were shown. In particular, in the dielectric relaxation behavior (which cannot be described via Arrhenius law in the Bi2Ti2O7) or in the influence of the electric fields on the dielectric permittivity (splitting of the field-cooled and zero-field-cooled behaviors was observed for Bi2Ti2O7 below estimated freezing temperature). The results of this study highlights the special role of Bi2Ti2O7 as a candidate material for studying aspects of geometric frustration related with pyrochlore structure in non-magnetic medium and specifies the future directions of research.The comparative analysis of the dielectric properties of bismuth-containing pyrochlores with different manifestation of atomic order/disorder was carried out. We examined the dielectric properties (including behavior in electric fields) of two pyrochlore compounds: BZN (presumably a composition close to Bi1.5Zn0.5Nb1.5O6.5) ceramics with chemical disorder in both A and B cation sublattices and Bi2Ti2O7 single crystal with fully chemical ordered structure. The fundamental differences between the dielectric properties of the BZN ceramics and Bi2Ti2O7 single crystal were shown. In particular, in the dielectric relaxation behavior (which cannot be described via Arrhenius law in the Bi2Ti2O7) or in the influence of the electric fields on the dielectric permittivity (splitting of the field-cooled and zero-field-cooled behaviors was observed for Bi2Ti2O7 below estimated freezing temperature). The results of this study highlights the special role of Bi2Ti2O7 as a candidate material for studying aspects of geometric frustration related with pyrochlore structure in non-magnetic medium and specifies the future directions of research.
Pyrochlores relaxor behavior bismuth titanate dielectric permittivity geometric frustration 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2022, 12(2): 2160017
1 北京航空航天大学电子信息工程学院,北京 100191
2 北京航空航天大学微波感知与安防北京市重点实验室,北京 100191
基于相干探测的太赫兹频域光谱仪(THz-FDS)是国际上正在发展的一种高分辨率太赫兹光谱测量与分析系统。本团队搭建了连续波透射式THz-FDS和反射式THz-FDS系统,并利用两种系统对固体、液体和气体样品进行测量,介绍了测量数据的分析处理方法。采用透射式THz-FDS系统对比研究了极值法和希尔伯特变换法提取样品折射率的特性,同时将希尔伯特变换法用于处理系统信号,准确获取了乳糖一水合物的折射率,并获得了极高的频率分辨率;采用透射式THz-FDS系统结合传输矩阵法,消除了测量液体样品过程中的Fabry-Pérot谐振,成功获得了非极性有机液体样品正己烷和环己烷的折射率。在反射式THz-FDS系统的研究方面,通过自参考方法准确获得了甲醇和乙醇在太赫兹频段的介电常数;研究了单减Kramers-Kronig (SSKK)估计相位误差的方法,成功提取了固体掺杂硅样品在太赫兹频段的折射率和吸收系数,测量和计算数据与前人研究结果基本吻合。本研究为频域太赫兹光谱技术的发展与应用奠定了基础。
光谱学 太赫兹频域光谱 连续波 透射式太赫兹频域光谱系统 反射式太赫兹频域光谱系统 介电常数 折射率 
2022, 49(19): 1914002
王衡 1,2李贵新 2,*梅霆 1,*
1 西北工业大学 物理科学与技术学院,西安 710129
2 南方科技大学 材料科学与工程系,广东 深圳 518055
介电常数 光学特性 等离激元 非线性光学 透明导电氧化物 Permittivity Optical properties Plasmonics Nonlinear optics Transparent conductive oxide 
2022, 51(5): 0551308

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