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50 Gbit/s无源光网络(PON)标准已趋于完善,后50 Gbit/s PON时代的技术标准尚属空白,亟待开展相关研究以推动整个产业链从系统、模块和芯片等方面提前进行布局。文章判断单波长200 Gbit/s速率和相干技术将会是继50 Gbit/s PON之后下一代PON系统的两大关键特征。单波长200 Gbit/s速率对运营商具备更大的吸引力,而强度调制/直接检测(IM/DD)技术难以持续满足200 Gbit/s速率下系统对Class C+等级功率预算的要求,需要采用灵敏度更高的相干技术。然而PON系统是一种典型的点对多点(P2MP)拓扑架构,将相干技术下沉到PON还有许多关键技术需要攻克,其中,涉及PON系统设备和媒体访问控制(MAC)芯片的架构重构、相干PON光模块的单纤双向(Bi-Di)技术改造、突发模式的相干发送与接收技术以及相干PON系统的波长管控技术。时分复用(TDM)仍然是实现P2MP传输的推荐方式,在TDM基础之上可以叠加新的复用维度,例如子载波复用(SCM)。新复用维度的引入给PON系统带来了灵活性,但同时也增加了设计的复杂度,将会颠覆当前的PON系统架构。叠加了SCM的相干PON系统将不再采用数字化接口方式与光模块进行连接,光模块本身需要具备高度线性驱动和调制能力。此外,用户侧光模块需要具备瞬时开关能力,以避免对其他用户造成干扰,因此需要开发新型的支持突发控制功能的相干光芯片。考虑到上行P2MP的突发相干接收环境,需要从系统层面实现对多个用户激光器的波长管控,避免上行方向因多用户波长快速切换造成的局端频偏估算偏差问题。综上,将相干技术应用于PON将会是一个全新的复杂系统工程,难以直接继承现有相干系统架构,需要匹配P2MP的应用需求,从芯片、模块和设备多个方面实现技术创新。
相干技术 50 Gbit/s无源光网络 时分复用 突发模式 coherent technology 50 Gbit/s PON TDM burst mode 
2024, 50(1): 23016701
中山大学 a.电子与信息工程学院;b. 广东省光电信息处理芯片与系统重点实验室,广州 510006
相比于传统的强度调制/直接检测(IM/DD)系统,相干系统具有更高的容量和功率预算,能更好地满足高容量无源光网络(PON)的需求。近年来,如何将相干应用于PON场景以更好地支撑未来高带宽业务已成为研究热点。文章从系统架构、相干简化、上行突发模式检测以及灵活PON 4个方面对相干PON关键技术研究现状进行了总结,并展望提出了激光共享上下行滤波器组多载波(FBMC)-PON和半导体光放大器(SOA)电流调控灵活PON方案。
相干无源光网络 系统架构 相干简化 上行突发模式 灵活无源光网络 coherent PON system architecture coherent simplification uplink burst mode flexible PON 
2024, 50(1): 23016201
Shuailin Liu 1,2,3Bin Zhang 1,2,3,*Yuanzhuang Bu 1,2,3Desheng Zhao 1,2,3[ ... ]Jing Hou 1,2,3,*
Author Affiliations
1 College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
2 Nanhu Laser Laboratory, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha, China
3 Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Technology, Changsha, China
We report a Yb-doped all-fiber laser system generating burst-mode pulses with high energy and high peak power at a GHz intra-burst repetition rate. To acquire the uniform burst envelope, a double-pre-compensation structure with an arbitrary waveform laser diode driver and an acoustic optical modulator is utilized for the first time. The synchronous pumping is utilized for the system to reduce the burst repetition rate to 100 Hz and suppress the amplified spontaneous emission effect. By adjusting the gain of every stage, uniform envelopes with different output energies can be easily obtained. The intra-burst repetition rate can be tuned from 0.5 to 10 GHz actively modulated by an electro-optic modulator. Optimized by timing control of eight channels of analog signal and amplified by seven stages of Yb-doped fiber amplifier, the pulse energy achieves 13.3 mJ at 0.5 ns intra-burst pulse duration, and the maximum peak power reaches approximately 3.6 MW at 48 ps intra-burst pulse duration. To the best of our knowledge, for reported burst-mode all-fiber lasers, this is a record for output energy and peak power with nanosecond-level burst duration, and the widest tuning range of the intra-burst repetition rate. In particular, this flexibly tunable burst-mode laser system can be directly applied to generate high-power frequency-tunable microwaves.
burst-mode laser fiber laser high peak power high pulse energy 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2023, 11(6): 06000e81
Zaiwei Cai 1†Zihao Li 1Yingtao Zhang 1Chiyi Wei 1[ ... ]Zhongmin Yang 1,2,3,4,5,*
Author Affiliations
1 South China University of Technology, School of Physics and Optoelectronics, Guangzhou, China
2 South China University of Technology, State Key Laboratory of Luminescent Materials, Guangzhou, China
3 South China University of Technology, Guangdong Engineering Technology Research and Development Center of Special Optical Fiber Materials and Devices, Guangzhou, China
4 South China University of Technology, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Fiber Laser Materials and Applied Techniques, Guangzhou, China
5 South China Normal University, Research Institute of Future Technology, Guangzhou, China
Laser processing with high-power ultrashort pulses, which promises high precision and efficiency, is an emerging new tool for material structuring. High repetition rate ultrafast laser highlighting with a higher degree of freedom in its burst mode is believed to be able to create micro/nanostructures with even more variety, which is promising for electrochemical applications. We employ a homemade high repetition rate ultrafast fiber laser for structuring metal nickel (Ni) and thus preparing electrocatalysts for hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) for the first time, we believe. Different processing parameters are designed to create three groups of samples with different micro/nanostructures. The various micro/nanostructures not only increase the surface area of the Ni electrode but also regulate local electric field and help discharge hydrogen bubbles, which offer more favorable conditions for HER. All groups of the laser-structured Ni exhibit enhanced electrocatalytic activity for HER in the alkaline solution. Electrochemical measurements demonstrate that the overpotential at 10 mA cm - 2 can be decreased as much as 182 mV compared with the overpotential of the untreated Ni (-457 mV versus RHE).
high repetition rate ultrafast laser burst mode operation nickel electrocatalyst hydrogen evolution reaction 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2023, 2(5): 056009
江苏大学机械工程学院,江苏 镇江 212013
激光技术 超快激光 碳化硅 隐形切割 脉冲串模式 崩边 断面粗糙度 
2023, 50(20): 2002405
宋越 1,2,3王志敏 1,2,*杨熙航 1,2,3薄勇 1,2[ ... ]彭钦军 1,2
1 中国科学院理化技术研究所中国科学院固体激光重点实验室,北京 100190
2 中国科学院理化技术研究所中国科学院功能晶体与激光技术重点实验室,北京 100190
3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
提出了一种高光束质量、窄纳秒脉宽、高重复频率脉冲串输出的电光调Q激光器。通过优化键合Nd∶YVO4板条晶体掺杂区域的纵横比,结合腔模的最佳设计,限制腔内的高阶模式振荡,获得了两方向相近的高光束质量激光输出。利用激光二极管侧面泵浦键合的Nd∶YVO4板条晶体,采用电光调Q技术,研究了不同重复频率下1064 nm脉冲串激光的输出特性。在输出镜最佳透过率为40%、子脉冲调Q重复频率为80 kHz的条件下,获得了平均输出功率为5.03 W、子脉冲能量为0.50 mJ、子脉冲宽度为5.9 ns的脉冲串激光输出。在谐振腔内加入小孔光阑,获得了平均输出功率为2.56 W、子脉冲能量为0.26 mJ、子脉冲宽度为7.2 ns的脉冲串激光输出,对应的xy方向的光束质量因子分别为1.42和1.49。
激光器 电光调Q 脉冲串 高光束质量 窄脉宽 
2023, 50(7): 0701004
刘骁征 1李有楠 2张海涛 3,*顾瑛 1,4,**[ ... ]张童 2
1 北京理工大学光电学院,北京 100081
2 清华大学附属北京清华长庚医院血管外科,清华大学临床医学院,北京 102218
3 清华大学精密仪器系激光与光子技术研究室,光子测控技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100084
4 中国人民解放军总医院第一医学中心激光医学科,北京 100853
医用光学 飞秒激光 组织消蚀 脉冲串模式 三维显微成像 
2023, 43(2): 0217001
吴恩利 1,2代守军 1,2,3轩新想 4何建国 1,2,3[ ... ]余锦 1,2,*
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,北京 100094
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 中国科学院计算光学成像技术重点实验室,北京 100094
4 中国电子科技集团公司第三研究所,北京 100015
5 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所,陕西 西安 710119
介绍了一种基于多脉冲模式的皮秒激光脉冲沉积方法,采用该方法在玻璃基底和单晶硅基底上沉积了透明导电氧化锌(ZnO)薄膜,使用光谱椭偏仪、原子力显微镜、扫描电子显微镜、X射线衍射仪、分光光度计和四探针测试仪分析了激光的不同脉冲串模式对ZnO薄膜厚度、粗糙度、表面形貌、晶体结构、光学性能以及电学性能的影响。结果表明:沉积速率随着子脉冲串数量的增加而减小;随着子脉冲串数量的增加,薄膜表面粗糙度减小,颗粒尺寸减小,薄膜变得更加致密光滑;所有样品均呈现多晶结构;ZnO薄膜的透过率在可见光区域内高于92.95%,且禁带宽度在3.317~3.427 eV范围内;薄膜电阻率随着子脉冲数量的增加而减小。相比于单脉冲,利用多脉冲沉积产生的薄膜具有更高的表面质量、更好的光学性能和更低的电阻率。
薄膜 脉冲激光沉积法 脉冲串模式 皮秒脉冲激光 氧化锌薄膜 
2022, 49(6): 0603003
陈忆兰 1,2朱小磊 1,2,*
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所空间激光传输与探测技术重点实验室,上海 201800
2 中国科学院大学材料与光电研究中心,北京 100049
激光技术 簇式脉冲激光器 高重复频率 大能量 主振荡功率放大技术 
2021, 58(17): 1700003
Xuan He 1Bin Zhang 1,2,3Shuailin Liu 1Linyong Yang 1,2,3[ ... ]Jing Hou 1,2,3,*
Author Affiliations
1 College of Advanced Interdisciplinary Studies, National University of Defense Technology, Changsha410073, China
2 State Key Laboratory of Pulsed Power Laser Technology, Changsha410073, China
3 Hunan Provincial Key Laboratory of High Energy Laser Technology, Changsha410073, China
Narrowband microwave generation with tuneable frequency is demonstrated by illuminating a photoconductive semiconductor switch (PCSS) with a burst-mode fibre laser. The whole system is composed of a high-power linearly polarized burst-mode pulsed fibre laser and a linear-state PCSS. To obtain a high-performance microwave signal, a desired envelope of burst is necessary and a pulse pre-compensation technique is adopted to avoid envelope distortion induced by the gain-saturation effect. Resulting from the technique, homogenous peak power distribution in each burst is ensured. The maximum energy of the laser burst pulse reaches 200 μJ with a burst duration of 100 ns at the average power of 10 W, corresponding to a peak power of 4 kW. When the PCSS is illuminated by the burst-mode fibre laser, narrowband microwave generation with tuneable frequency (0.80–1.12 GHz) is obtained with a power up to 300 W. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, it is the first demonstration of frequency-tuneable narrowband microwave generation based on a fibre laser. The high-power burst-mode fibre laser reported here has great potential for generating high-power arbitrary microwave signals for a great deal of applicable demands such as smart adaptive radar and intelligent high-power microwave systems.
burst-mode pulse fibre laser linear polarization microwave signals 
High Power Laser Science and Engineering
2021, 9(2): 02000e13

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