激光与光电子学进展, 2019, 56 (4): 040002, 网络出版: 2019-07-31   

三维点云场景数据获取及其场景理解关键技术综述 下载: 2397次

3D Point Cloud Scene Data Acquisition and Its Key Technologies for Scene Understanding
1 东北大学信息科学与工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110819
2 河北交通职业技术学院电气与信息工程系, 河北 石家庄 050091
3 北京师范大学遥感科学国家重点实验室, 北京 100875
Scene understanding is an important research content in information science. Compared with the two-dimensional (2D) data, the three-dimensional (3D) data has many advantages. At present, there are many ways to acquire the point clouds, and meanwhile the point clouds with different acquisition methods have different characteristics. In addition, there lacks a complete and systematic research review on the key techniques for 3D scenes understanding. Thus, the different methods for point cloud acquisition are summarized, and the different point cloud data and related databases are compared and analyzed as well. Based on the current research progress of 3D scene understanding, the techniques for point cloud filtering, feature extraction, point cloud segmentation, and point cloud semantic segmentation in 3D scene understanding are compared and summarized. By the summary of the domestic and foreign literatures published in recent years, the problems occurred in the key technologies for 3D scene understanding are condensed, and the development trend of the 3D scene understanding problems is prospected. The 3D scene understanding based on point clouds is widely used in many fields due to its richness of data. However, as for the scene understanding effect of 3D point clouds, especially the scene understanding of laser point clouds with color information, there are still many contents needed to be investigated in depth.

1 引言




2 点云场景数据获取

2.1 3D重建数据获取的传感器


2.2 3D数据重建方法

目前,常用的3D数据获取方法主要分为基于立体视觉、激光和视觉与激光联合重建的方法。基于立体视觉的3D重建方法进行3D重建本质上均是模仿人眼的“视差原理”,这种使用视觉方法进行3D重建的稳健性很差。虽然在比较理想的情况下,目前好的多目视觉方案精度可以达到厘米级别,但是当外界光线由强变弱时,或者物体表面纹理信息缺乏时,容易产生误匹配,精度会大打折扣。因此,基于立体视觉进行3D重建,其精度会随着周围环境的变化而受到影响,不但不具有良好的实时性反而具有相当大的局限性,限制了此方法在3D重建领域的广泛应用。而基于Kinect和TOF(Time of Flight)的3D重建,由于摄像头拍摄视野范围比较小,只能探测几米的范围,所以一般只能应用于室内场景。对于激光3D重建方法,虽然激光的探测距离相对较远,但是得到的只有场景的几何结构信息,缺乏场景的彩色信息,因此不利于后期基于场景的语义分割、场景理解等上层研究。

此外,基于合成孔径雷达(SAR)成像和高清影像可以生成地面场景的彩色点云数据,例如Seasat SAR、Almaz SAR、JERS-1 SAR等。这类数据虽然具有颜色信息且为大尺度场景,但是地面底部信息精度不高,会有一定的遮挡和信息缺失。然而,利用相机和激光点云的联合3D重建不但可以得到大尺度场景的几何结构信息和场景的彩色信息,而且能够适应地面上更多的环境场景,从而可以获得精度较高、信息丰富、场景多元化的3D重建效果。现有的联合重建方法中3D点云数据获取通常是如图1(a)所示的基于车载的移动测绘系统,如基于激光扫描与全景影像的车载测量集成系统[12],它采用了高精度全球定位技术、激光扫描直接测量技术和实景全景图像测量技术相结合的综合性技术。但现阶段移动测量系统均需要全球导航卫星系统(GNSS)和惯导,只能用于室外环境,由于室内没有GNSS信号,现有的移动测量系统无法正常工作。虽然如图1(b)所示的固定式激光扫描可以用于室内室外的环境,但是作业方式效率低下,复杂场景需要大量换站再进行点云拼接。即时定位与地图构建(SLAM)的方法在移动的3D重建问题上具有较好的应用,如基于SLAM技术的推车[13]使用了2D的SLAM 技术,但该方法只能在水平面上使用,如图1(c)给出了3种手推车式采集系统。相比于上述采集系统,背负式激光雷达可移动性强,受空间限制最小,获取的点云数据更为完整。如图1(d)所示的背负式采集系统,不仅可以用于室内场景,也适用于非水平面采集场景,采集的数据可以满足测量等精细作业方面的要求。基于背负式全景影像和激光点云的数据采集系统针对场景通过性好,实现了场景的点云和全景影像全覆盖,是新一代的数据采集平台。

图 1. 3D数据采集系统。(a)车载系统;(b)固定式扫描仪;(c)手推车式采集系统;(d)背负式采集系统

Fig. 1. Three-dimensional data acquisition systems. (a) Vehicle system; (b) fixed scanner; (c) trolley type acquisition system; (d) backpack type acquisition system

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图 2. 场景理解示例。(a)图像语义分割;(b)点云目标检测;(c)点云语义分割

Fig. 2. Examples of scene understanding. (a) Semantic segmentation of image; (b) target detection of point cloud; (c) semantic segmentation of point cloud

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3 3D场景数据类型对比及数据库

3.1 场景理解不同数据的对比



图 3. 2D图像受环境因素影响示例。(a)目标严重遮挡;(b) a图语义分割结果;(c)目标受光照影响;(d) c图语义分割结果

Fig. 3. Examples of 2D images affected by environmental factors. (a) Severe occlusion of target; (b) semantic segmentation of (a); (c) target affected by light; (d) semantic segmentation of (c)

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表 1. 场景理解不同数据的优缺点对比

Table 1. Comparison of advantages and disadvantages of different data in scenario

NameInstanceAdvantage characteristicDisadvantage
2D RGB image2D information,color textures, etc.Image is susceptible toillumination, lacks depthinformation, cannot directlyacquire geometric information.
Point cloud databased on image3D reconstruction3D scenes, color textures andother sparse point clouds,with depth information, distance.Point cloud is susceptible tolight and environment, andreconstruction information is lost.
Kinect-basedRGB-D pointcloud data3D indoor small scene, densepoint cloud, only for closerange, with depth.Point cloud is susceptible tolight, only for indoor scenes,small field of view.
Point cloud databased onvehicle lidarHigh-precision, dense point clouds,and three-dimensional spatialinformation and intensity information.Less affected by environmental factors.Limited by platform, only point cloudscenes with linear road trajectoriescan be generated. Unable to extractscene color. information
Point cloud databased onstatic lidar3D outdoor scene, high-precision,dense point cloud, 3D spatialinformation and intensity.Collection device cannot bemoved, and point cloudscene is incomplete.
Point cloud databased onaerial lidar3D outdoor scene, high-precisioninformation, sparse point cloud,suitable for large-scalerough modeling.Unable to reproduce ground details,laser radar cannot extractscene color information.
Collision-basedpanoramic imageand laser pointcloud fusion data3D outdoor scenes, high-precisioninformation, dense point clouds,mobile modeling, full-frame3D space, color and intensity.Scene color informationcannot be extracted by thelaser point cloud alone.



图 4. 3D彩色点云室外场景语义分割

Fig. 4. Semantic segmentation of semantic 3D color point cloud of outdoor scene

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此外,相比于车载激光雷达、静态激光雷达以及航拍激光雷达,背负式激光雷达在复杂环境下的数据采集具有更多的优势。图5图6所示为基于背负式全景影像和激光点云数据采集系统所采集的室外场景点云数据。该系统实现了全景影像和激光点云的高精度配准,彩色激光点云数据具有空间信息(x, y, z)、颜色信息(R, G, B)以及强度信息(I)。并且,针对复杂的场景通过性好,不受铺装道路的行走限制,获取的点云数据更为完整,可以复现出场景中丰富的几何信息,更适合室外环境的场景理解,如图6所示。

图 5. 小区彩色点云图像

Fig. 5. Color point cloud image of community

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图 6. 背负式全景影像移动轨迹(黄色线条)

Fig. 6. Trajectory (yellow lines) of collision-based panorama image

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3.2 3D场景数据库


基于Kinect采集的数据库,如NYUv2 dataset[10]和SUN RGB-D dataset[11]等。此类数据库面向室内场景居多,且数据精度及点云模型的完整性并不高。

基于激光点云的数据库,如Laser Registration Datasets[14];基于单站式的静态激光扫描的公共数据集Semantic 3D[8],航拍影像与激光扫描结合的点云数据库,如Aerial Inspection Datasets[7];其他车载激光点云数据,如德国Toposcan公司通过Lynx平台获取的Enschede数据、芬兰赫尔辛基大学通过ROAMER平台获取的Espoonlahti数据、Sydney Urban Object[15], ModelNet[16]等。此类数据库多数缺乏颜色信息或数据库表征场景单一或精度较低、场景完整度较差,在场景理解应用中效果较差。


图 7. 室外场景的完整彩色点云

Fig. 7. Complete colorful point cloud of outdoor scene

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4 场景理解关键技术


4.1 点云的滤波



表 2. 噪声点的滤波方法比较

Table 2. Comparison of noise filtering methods

ThroughfilterAccording to point cloud, threshold should be set inrange of X, Y, and Z axes, and then threshold isfiltered to remove points that are out of range.Fast, but not accurate enough,mostly used for rough processingin the first step.
StatisticalfilteringNoise point is removed according to point density.The denser the points at certain area, the larger theamount of information. The noise information is useless,and amount of information is small. By calculating averagedistance of each point to its nearest k points,Gaussian distribution of distances of all pointsin point cloud is obtained to eliminate noise.The effect is better than the pass-throughfilter, which can accurately filter out noisepoints inside bounding box.
RadiusfilteringGiven a radius threshold, calculate the number ofpoints in its radius for each point in the point cloud.When the number is greater than a given number ofthresholds, point is retained, otherwise point istaken as a noise point and rejected.Filter out noise points insidebounding box at a faster rate.



表 3. 地面滤波方法比较

Table 3. Comparison of ground filter methods

Elevation basedfiltering methodAccording to point distribution filtering in point cloud,manually set or adaptively find z-direction threshold,and filter out point where z-value is less than thresholdin point cloud as ground.Fast, low robustness.
Model basedfiltering methodSelect a model to fit ground (such as RANSAC-basedplanar model, CSF cloth simulation) and usefitted inner point as ground point.The algorithm is suitable forspecific environments, and the robustness ispoor, but the filtering effect is relatively good.
Filtering methodbased onregion growingTaking normal vector direction of point as criterion forregional growth, first adaptively find the point that ismost likely to be the ground. Based on this, based onangular difference between normal vector direction of itsneighborhood point and its normal vector direction, it isjudged whether it grows or not. Continuous iteration tofind all ground points.When the ground is not undulating,the algorithm can separate the ground well,but the time and space cost are relatively large.
Method based onwindow movementPoints distributed on ground should be of a continuousnature. Set a suitable window size to find the lowestpoint in current window. Then set threshold by thelowest point calculation model and filter out all pointswhere elevation difference exceeds threshold.Faster, but the window size is toodependent on manual settings, andonly local features are considered.
Triangulationbased filteringmethodThe discrete points are connected according to a certainrule into a plurality of triangles covering entire areawithout overlapping each other to form an irregulartriangular network. The sparse TIN is generated by theseed point, and slope of model is analyzed to performinitial segmentation, and slope is eliminated. Largetriangular regions, and then through connectivityanalysis to obtain features such as elevationdifferences for each segment.It avoids data redundancy when terrain isflat, but data structure is complexand space complexity is high.


4.2 点云的特征提取与分割


4.3 3D点云的语义理解



图 8. 点云特征提取及点云分割研究现状

Fig. 8. Research status of point cloud feature extraction and point cloud segmentation

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这类基于机器学习的方法主要是通过大量样本训练有效的分类器,然而,有效的特征描述是这个分类模型的关键内容。用于点云描述的特征如4.2节所述,虽然目前提出了大量的特征描述方法,但是其表征能力有限,并不适用于所有的点云。目前点云分类常用的机器学习分类器主要有SVM[38],cascaded AdaBoost[39],random forest[40-41]等,但这些分类器的训练还是依赖于有效特征的选取。

表 4. 常用的点云特征描述方法及比较

Table 4. Common methods and comparison of point cloud feature descriptions

SpinimageLocalfeatureCount projection coordinates of allvertices to base plane to obtain descriptor.Resistance to rigid transformationand background interference;sensitive to density changes.
3DSCLocalfeatureCounting number of points in different grids ofspherical neighborhoods to obtain descriptors.Strong discrimination, anti-noise.
PFHLocalfeatureParameterize the spatial difference between pointand neighborhood and form a multi-bit histogram.Highly robust to point cloud densitychanges; high computational complexity.
FPFHLocalfeatureRecalculate K neighborhood by calculatingtuple of the query point and its neighborscompared to the PFH.Retains most of recognition capabilitiesof PFH, and reduces computationalcomplexity compared to PFH.
SHOTLocalfeatureSpherical neighborhood rasterization, construct ahistogram according to the angle of normal vector,and then concatenate histogram.Descriptive, anti-noise;large amount of calculation,sensitive to density changes.
ESFGlobalfeatureDescribe angle, distance, and triangle area ofthree random points in a point cloud.No need for pre-processing,strong feature description.
VFHGlobalfeatureAdd pilot direction to relative normalcalculation after extending FPFH.Strongly discernible.



计算能力的提高及张量数据理论的发展推动了深度学习在场景理解方面的广泛应用,对于点云理解的深度网络被不断地提出。目前,基于深度学习的点云理解,主要面临3个方面的挑战:1) 点云数据是分布在空间中的任意点(X,Y,Z),属于非结构化的数据,由于没有结构化的网格而无法直接使用卷积神经网络(CNN)滤波器;2) 点云本质上是3D的一长串点,从几何意义上来讲,点的顺序不影响它在底层矩阵结构中的表示方式,相同的点云可以由两个完全不同的矩阵表示;3) 点云的数量不同于图像中像素,像素的数量是一个给定的常数,取决于相机。然而,点云的数量是不确定的,点云的多少取决于传感器及扫描的场景等因素。


1) 基于2D投影的深度学习网络

受深度学习在2D图像上取得较好的效果的启发,文献[ 42]和文献[ 43]将3D点云投影到2D图像后作为CNN的输入。常用的2D投影图像有基于虚拟相机的RGB图像、基于虚拟相机的深度图、基于传感器获取的距离图像和全景图像等映射图像。这些投影的方法通过利用2D图像中已经经过大量图像训练好的目标检测[43]与语义分割的网络模型作为预训练的模型进行微调,可以在2D图像上获取较好的检测与分类效果。常用的预训练模型主要有:VGG-16、Alexnet、Googlenet、FCN、U-NET等。

MVCNN[42]、Snapnet[44]和DeePr3SS[45]等方法采用多视角投影的方法进行点云的分类。目前,Snapnet和DeePr3SS的分类效果在Semantic 3D数据集的reduced-8上的Benchmark排名分别为第7和第9[46]。由此可知,这类方法还存在很多改进的空间。此外,这类方法容易造成3D结构信息的丢失,而且投影角度的选取和同一角度的投影对物体的表征能力也不同,对网络的泛化能力有一定的影响。

2) 基于3D体素化的CNN

为了保留更多的3D结构信息,研究人员在对2D CNN模型的基础上进行改进,通过对点云进行体素化等预处理操作,提出了基于3D CNN模型。最早的是由Maturana等[47]基于监督3D CNN和点云体素化提出的VoxNet网络模型;Gernot团队提出OctNet网络模型,通过非平衡八叉树和3D CNN,对点云进行了高分辨率体素表征,并且将表征后的结果在目标分类、点云标记等工作中进行了验证[48]。这类方法保留了大量的3D结构信息,但如文献[ 49]提出的基于3D CNN的大场景标注方法虽取得了不错的效果,但只考虑了单一的体素尺度。为了进一步提高体素的表征能力,相继地提出了多种多尺度体素的CNN方法,如Semantic 3D Net[8]、MS3_DVS[50]和MVSNet[51]

体素化是这类方法的基础,目前体素化的方法通常有基于0-1表示是否有点的体素方法、基于体素网络密度的方法和基于网格点的方法[47]。现有的体素化的尺寸主要有11×11×11[51]、16×16×16[8]、20×20×20[49]和32×32×32[50]。此外,由于点云的数据量大,有研究人员采用降采样体素化的方法降低数据量[49],也有研究者通过体素化的方式将点云结构化,然后利用3D CNN、3D FCN等方法进行语义分割[52]

基于3D体素化的CNN方法在Semantic 3D数据集上的Benchmark排名相对靠前。此外,这类方法通过网格化提供了点云结构,网格的转换解决了排列问题,同时也得到了数量不变的体素。然而3D CNN卷积时计算量非常大,通常会降低体素的分辨率,增加了量化的误差。此外,网络中仅利用了点云的结构信息,没有考虑到点云的颜色、强度等信息。

3) 基于点云中单个点的网络模型



鉴于基于点的网络模型在点云分类上取得的较好效果,越来越多的研究对这类方法进行改进。由于原始的PointNet对于大规模点云具有局限性,有研究者预先对大规模点云进行分割或者分块处理,然后利用PointNet网络进行分类,如SPGraph[9],该方法在目前的Semantic 3D数据集的Semantic-8和reduced-8上的Benchmark均排名第一。


5 结束语


1) 针对基于学习方法需要大量有标注的样本问题,海量3D数据,尤其是彩色激光点云数据,人工标注效率低,需要研究快速的、高精度的自动标注方法;此外,对于内容丰富的、有标签的室外点云场景理解数据集相对较少,构建一套作为Benchmark的数据库也十分重要。

2) 目前多数3D点云场景理解网络模型需要对点云进行大量预处理,如体素化等,增加了算法的复杂度。并且很多方法将3D信息投影到2D,再利用深度学习网络模型进行场景理解,丢失了部分3D信息。为了提高场景理解的效率,充分利用点云的3D信息,基于深度学习的端到端场景理解模型,即构建出由点到点标签的稳健性的网络模型是重要的研究方向。

3) 由于点云数据样本中各类目标的点数并不均衡,且室外大场景的点云较为复杂、差异大,例如街景场景中车辆、行人、建筑物等目标的个数不同,且各类目标中的点云的点数相差较大,从而导致在深度学习网络模型训练时存在样本不均衡问题,容易导致网络模型的识别结果偏向于样本较大的类别。因此,解决训练样本不均衡问题是重要的研究内容。

4) 目前获取的3D点云场景数据的精度和点云与颜色配准的效果还有待进一步提高。近年来,随着传感器的发展,3D点云数据获取装置的研究更注重其高精度、信息丰富性、高通过性、获取数据规模的广阔性以及装置的便携性等。

5) 目前基于3D点云数据的场景理解大多是对点云数据进行目标检测与语义分割,获取场景中的目标位置、种类和语义信息等内容,感知场景中感兴趣的内容,但对整个场景的理解还不够充分。除了端到端更加完善的目标检测、语义分割和场景分类的深度网络模型是关键的技术重点外,对场景中各个目标的拓扑关系、场景中目标的行为与分析等内容的理解也是场景理解需要突破的关键技术与发展方向。


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