光学学报, 2024, 44 (6): 0601010, 网络出版: 2024-02-29  


Comparison and Optimization of Ground-Level NO2 Concentration Estimation in China Based on TROPOMI and OMI
1 中国矿业大学环境与测绘学院,江苏 徐州 221116
2 西安地球环境创新研究院,陕西 西安 710061
3 山西省生态环境规划和技术研究院,山西 太原 030000
由于二氧化氮(NO2)在大气中的存活寿命较短,卫星遥感反演的对流层NO2柱浓度与近地面NO2浓度关系密切。欧洲航天局(ESA)S5P卫星的对流层检测仪(TROPOMI)载荷提供了目前最高空间分辨率的对流层NO2数据,其在近地面NO2浓度估算方面的潜在优势亟待检验。为此,本文采用极限梯度提升(XGBoost)算法和4年(2018—2021年)的TROPOMI/臭氧检测仪(OMI)数据估算了我国近地面NO2浓度并开展了对比性分析。结果表明:1)TROPOMI的估算结果在精度和空间覆盖度两个方面,均明显高于OMI的结果;2)OMI数据由于自身空间分辨率的限制,无法和TROPOMI一样识别出NO2浓度高值区附近的空间分布细节,导致其估算结果存在更严重的高估或低估。进一步,针对机器学习方法估算近地面NO2普遍存在高值低估的现象,通过集成模型进行优化,得到了更优的结果(R2=0.85,slope为 0.89)。该研究结果有利于促进卫星遥感在近地面NO2浓度估算与暴露评估领域的深入应用。

Nitrogen dioxide (NO2) in the atmosphere has an important impact on air quality and climate change, and ground-level NO2 will directly affect human health. China is one of the regions with high concentrations of NO2 in the world. Long-term surface NO2 concentration data has been provided by China Environmental Monitoring Station since 2013. In addition, the satellite data can make up for the lack of coverage of ground stations. Compared with the previous ozone detector (OMI) sensor, tropospheric detector (TROPOMI) has higher data coverage and spatial resolution, but its potential for ground-level NO2 estimation needs to be proved, and the underestimation of the estimation model predicting high-value samples needs to be optimized. The purpose of this paper is to use machine learning algorithms to estimate ground-level NO2 concentration in China based on satellite observation data and obtain 0.05-degree NO2 concentration raster data from 2014 to 2021. On this basis, a systematic comparative study is carried out on the difference in the estimation results of TROPOMI and OMI sensor observations, and an optimization model is established to optimize the underestimation of the conventional machine learning model in the high-value area.


The dataset in this paper contains the observations of ground-level NO2 concentration from ground stations, the tropospheric NO2 column concentration provided by OMI and TROPOMI which come from European Space Agency and Google Earth Engine, and auxiliary data that contains meteorological data of ERA5, population data, surface elevation data, and land use data. Data preprocessing includes assigning station data to the nearest grid and resampling data with different spatial resolutions to 0.05 degrees. The dataset and the algorithm are used to build a model with the algorithm named XGBoost, which is optimized on the basis of GBDT, so as to have higher prediction accuracy. The features of the model are selected by variance inflation factor (VIF) and analyzed by shapley additive explanation (SHAP) value. By comparing the temporal and spatial coverage of TROPOMI and OMI sensor observation data and comparing satellite imagery and estimation results for a specific area, we study the difference between these two data in estimating ground-level NO2 concentration. In addition, the estimation model is optimized by establishing an ensemble model that contains a classification model and a high-value prediction model.

Results and Discussions

Uneven spatial distribution of ground stations will cause the estimation results to present the same value in the area with fewer ground stations, so the accuracy of estimation will be poor (Fig. 2). The VIF of features that connect with geographic information is much higher than the threshold, which is supposed to be 10, and the VIF of surface pressure and DSM is out of the threshold (Fig. 3). After comparing the correlation coefficient between the two and the surface observations and the update frequency of the two, we decide to remove the surface elevation and retain the surface pressure. Feature importance of the OMI data computed by SHAP value is 6.09, which is much more than those of others (Fig. 3). According to the Beeswarm from SHAP value of each feature, it can be found that when the observed value of OMI is higher, it will have a positive effect on the predicted value, or in other words, when the observed value of OMI is higher, it will lead to an increase in the predicted result, and when it is lower, it will make prediction results decrease (Fig. 3). The temporal and spatial resolution of TROPOMI data is higher than that of OMI (Fig. 4), and the machine learning accuracy evaluation index of the estimation result is better than that of OMI (Fig. 5). By comparing satellite observations and estimating specific regions with ground-based observations, it is found that TROPOMI data with higher spatial resolution can identify changes from spatial gradient that fails to be identified in OMI data, resulting in more accurate estimates (Fig. 6). By classifying high-value samples first and then building an additional high-value sample model for estimation, the optimized estimation model successfully increases the slope of the scatter diagram of the estimation results from 0.79 to 0.89, and the R2 increases from 0.79 to 0.85 (Fig. 7). It can also be seen from the image that the estimation results of the optimized model are closer to the ground observations (Fig. 8).


1) There is serious multicollinearity in the latitude and longitude information in the prediction model variables, which will affect the quality of model estimation; 2) The data coverage of TROPOMI is higher than that of OMI, and the estimation result is better than that of OMI, ten-fold cross-validation (R2: 0.79 VS 0.75, slope: 0.79 VS 0.74); 3) The high spatial resolution of TROPOMI can identify high or low NO2 near-surface areas that cannot be identified by OMI; 4) By establishing an integrated model and selecting high-value samples for separate processing, the prediction accuracy can be significantly improved; R2 is increased from 0.79 to 0.85, and the slope of the fitting line is increased from 0.79 to 0.89.

1 引言




2 数据与方法

2.1 数据与方法

本文使用的数据包括:地面观测数据、OMI和TROPOMI卫星遥感数据、欧洲中期天气预报中心(ECMWF)气象数据以及辅助数据(人口数据、地表高程以及土地利用类型数据等),数据的时间跨度为2018年7月到2021年12月,空间范围是中国大陆。地面观测数据来自国家空气质量监测站,其数据已被用于开展大气质量研究28-31。卫星数据中,OMI的 NO2对流层垂直柱浓度数据使用欧洲联盟QA4ECV计划提供的L2级数据(https://www.temis.nl/ airpollution/no2.Php),星下点空间分辨率为13 km×24 km,其反演算法精度已经过验证,与MAX-DOAS的观测值偏差为-2%,均方根误差为16%32-33;TROPOMI 的NO2对流层垂直柱浓度数据使用Google Earth Engine(GEE)提供的L3级数据(https://developers.google.com/earthengine/datasets/catalog/COPERNICUS_S5P_OFFL_L3_NO2),空间分辨率为0.05°,该数据是基于OMI的DOMINO-2产品和QA4ECV产品开发的,已有研究对精度进行了验证对比34,结果表明,TROPOMI数据月均值与地面观测数据的相关系数达到0.9,数据质量优于OMI QA4ECV。气象数据是ECMWF提供的ERA5再分析数据,包括地表温度、湿度,风速风向,地面气压以及边界层高度,时间分辨率为1 h,空间分辨率最高为0.1°。人口数据来自WorldPop提供的年度人口栅格数据,土地利用类型数据来自MODIS传感器的产品MCD12Q1,地表高程数据来自日本ALOS卫星提供的DSM产品。

2.2 数据处理

数据预处理主要包括4个方面:1)将离散的地面站观测数据整合成标准格式的栅格数据,以0.05°为范围,将地面观测值赋给最近的栅格,如果同一个栅格内不止一个观测站则取它们的均值作为栅格的值;2)选取中国区域附近的约三轨由OMI提供的L2级轨道数据,采用面积加权法,借助HARP(http://stcorp.github.io/harp/doc/html/)工具将L2数据融合裁剪为范围内的L3栅格数据作为OMI的日均值,空间分辨率为0.05°;3)ERA5气象数据原分辨率为0.1°和0.25°,采用线性插值法将其插值到0.05°,以匹配栅格数据,时间分辨率为1 h,所以可以选取卫星过境时间附近小时的数据;4)人口数据和土地利用类型数据均为年度数据。地表高程数据采用的是2021年1月发布的再处理数据Version 3.2,插值到0.05°后复制到每一天。上述数据均使用WGS84坐标系,处理成同空间分辨率的栅格后可以整合到同一个数据集中,将其向量化后以表格形式存储,按时间和经纬度的顺序排列,每一列表示一类数据,即机器学习中的一个特征。筛选出地面观测值有数据的样本作为模型训练数据集,采用XGBoost算法建模训练预测,得到模型后输入时空匹配好的数据集进行预测,即可得到高空间分辨率的近地面NO2浓度数据。数据处理流程如图1所示。

图 1. 近地面NO2浓度估算流程图

Fig. 1. Flow chart of ground-level NO2 concentration estimation

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2.3 模型介绍



表 1. 不同算法估算结果对比

Table 1. Comparison of estimated results of different algorithms

AlgorithmMAERMSER2Operation time /min



2.4 地面与卫星数据匹配


3 结果与分析

3.1 特征筛选及重要性对比


图 2. 地面站分布对估算结果的影响。(a)地面站分布情况;(b)加入经纬度坐标特征的模型估算情况;(c)加入球面坐标特征的模型估算情况;(d)去掉样本地理位置信息特征的模型估算情况

Fig. 2. Influence of ground station distribution on estimation results. (a) Geographic position of ground stations; (b) estimation of model with latitude and longitude coordinate features; (c) estimation of model with spherical coordinate features; (d) estimation of model without sample geographic information features

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图3(a)所示,表征空间位置信息的变量的VIF系数值都远大于10,存在严重的多重共线性情况,说明这些变量不适合加入预测变量进行训练。此外地表高程和地面气压的VIF也偏高,分别为47.94和47.79,计算这两个特征的Pearson系数为-0.982,二者具有很强的负相关性;计算这两个变量与地面观测值之间的相关系数,地表高程为-0.093,地面气压为0.154,且考虑到地表高程数据更新较慢,而ERA5提供的地面气压数据时间分辨率为1 h,本文选择去掉地表高程变量,保留地面气压,再次计算得到地面气压的VIF为1.26,小于阈值,即所有预测变量的多重共线性程度都在可接受范围内。

图 3. 预测变量对模型影响的分析。(a)估算模型各个特征的VIF;(b)OMI数据集中各特征的SHAP绝对均值;(c)OMI数据集中各特征SHAP值的Beeswarm图

Fig. 3. Analysis of influence of predictive variables on model. (a) Variance inflation factor (VIF) from each feature of estimation model; (b) absolute mean about SHAP value of each feature from OMI dataset; (c) Beeswarm image from SHAP value of each feature in OMI dataset

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机器学习一般用特征重要性(feature importance)来衡量数据集中每个变量的重要性,但这样无法判断变量具体在模型中起到什么作用。因此引入shapley additive explanation(简称SHAP值)对参与构建模型的特征进行解释,将模型中的特征作为“贡献者”,对于每一个样本,SHAP值指该样本预测值中每一个特征的贡献值。


3.2 OMI和TROPOMI数据估算结果对比


图 4. 卫星数据时空覆盖度。(a)OMI对流层NO2数据覆盖度的空间分布;(b)TROPOMI对流层NO2数据覆盖度的空间分布;(c)2018—2021年TROPOMI和OMI对流层NO2数据覆盖度的时间分布

Fig. 4. Spatio-temporal coverage of satellite data. (a) Spatial distribution of tropospheric NO2 data coverage by OMI; (b) spatial distribution of tropospheric NO2 data coverage by TROPOMI; (c) daily coverage of data about TROPOMI and OMI from 2018 to 2021

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图 5. 2018—2021年TROPOMI和OMI数据集进行近地面NO2估算交叉验证结果散点图。(a)TROPOMI估算结果散点图;(b)OMI估算结果散点图

Fig. 5. Scatter plot of cross-validation from ground-level NO2 estimation by TROPOMI and OMI datasets from 2018 to 2021. (a) Scatter plot of estimation from TROPOMI; (b) scatter plot of estimation from OMI

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OMI的星下点分辨率为13 km×24 km,而TROPOMI目前分辨率可达到3.5 km×5.5 km,因此在相同的范围内TROPOMI可以识别更多的空间细节。利用卫星观测值估算近地面NO2浓度时,卫星像素分辨率低是导致低估的原因之一18。对比地面和飞机观测结果表明,低分辨率的卫星数据无法识别像素内部单个点源的排放导致的高值区,从而导致对NO2高值的低估53-55。因此本文选取中国东南部区域作为研究范围,如图6所示,其中上半部分数据时间为2019年1月1日,下半部分时间为2019年12月4日,对比图6(b)、6(c)、6(d)可见,OMI对流层NO2数据无法识别出地面监测站附近的高值,对比图6(d)、6(e)、6(f)发现,OMI的估算结果低于地面站观测值,而TROPOMI估算结果更接近。

图 6. TROPOMI和OMI观测数据空间分辨率对比分析。(a)中国东南部区域的Google Earth卫星图像;(b)TROPOMI L2级轨道数据;(c)OMI L2级轨道数据;(d)地面站观测数据;(e)TROPOMI估算结果;(f)OMI估算结果;(g)中国中部区域的Google Earth卫星图像;(h)TROPOMI L2级轨道数据;(i)OMI L2级轨道数据;(j)地面站观测数据;(k)TROPOMI估算结果;(l)OMI估算结果

Fig. 6. Comparison and analysis of spatial resolution of TROPOMI and OMI data. (a) Satellite image of Southeast China from Google Earth; (b) L2 orbit data of TROPOMI; (c) L2 orbit data of OMI; (d) ground-based data; (e) estimation of TROPOMI; (f) estimation of OMI; (g) satellite image of central China from Google Earth; (h) L2 orbit data of TROPOMI; (i) L2 orbit data of OMI; (j) ground-based data; (k) estimation of TROPOMI; (l) estimation of OMI

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3.3 低估情况优化


首先划分出高值样本,按照国家大气监测标准56,NO2的年平均浓度限值不得高于40 μg/m3,因此将大于等于40的地面观测值划定为高值,即正样本1,小于40的为负样本0。然后采用正负样本训练分类模型。分类时存在正负样本差距过大的问题,正负样本数量相差过大会影响模型的精度,因此采取了增大正样本权重的方法进行调整,把正样本权重设置为17(默认为1),使之在模型中的占比与负样本相当。分类模型采用的评价标准是精确率和召回率。表2展示了2019年数据集分类结果交叉验证的情况。可以发现精确率和召回率都在94%,证明了分类模型的可靠性。

表 2. 2019年TROPOMI数据集分类情况

Table 2. Results of classification from TROPOMI dataset in 2019

Results of estimationPrecisionRecallFSample size



图 7. 2018—2021年数据原模型和优化模型散点图的比较。(a)优化后模型估算结果;(b)原模型估算结果

Fig. 7. Comparison of scatter plots between previous and optimized models from 2018 to 2021. (a) Estimation of optimized model; (b) estimation of previous model

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图 8. 高值模型优化结果对比。2019年6月5日:(a)长江三角洲附近区域原模型估算结果;(b)高值模型优化结果;(c)地面观测结果;2019年8月8日:(d)珠江三角洲附近区域原模型估算结果;(e)高值模型优化结果;(f)地面观测结果

Fig. 8. Comparison of optimization results of high-value models. June 5, 2019: (a) estimation of previous model around Yangtze River Delta; (b) estimation of optimized models; (c) ground-based data; August 8, 2019: (d) estimation results of original model in area around Pearl River Delta; (e) estimation of optimized models; (f) ground-based data

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4 结论


主要结论包括:1)预测模型变量中的经纬度信息存在严重的多重共线性,会对模型估算质量造成影响;2)TROPOMI的数据覆盖度高于OMI,估算结果优于OMI,十折交叉验证(R2:0.79 VS 0.75,斜率0.79 VS 0.74);3)具有高空间分辨率的TROPOMI数据可以识别出OMI无法识别的近地面NO2高值区或者低值区;4)通过建立集成模型,将高值样本筛选出来单独处理,可显著提升预测精度,将R2从原来的0.79提升至0.85,拟合线斜率从0.79提升至0.89。


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