光学学报, 2024, 44 (6): 0601001, 网络出版: 2024-03-15  


Parameter Retrieval of Transparent Cirrus Clouds over South China Sea Based on Artificial Neural Networks
陆文强 1,2,3杨世植 1,2,3,*罗涛 1,2,3李学彬 1,2,3崔生成 1,2,3程晨 2,5韩露 2,4石建军 1,2,3韩叶颜 1,2,3
1 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所中国科学院大气光学重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031
2 中国科学技术大学研究生院科学岛分院,安徽 合肥 230026
3 先进激光技术安徽省实验室,安徽 合肥 230037
4 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所基础科学研究中心,安徽 合肥 230031
5 中国科学院合肥物质科学研究院安徽光学精密机械研究所通用光学定标与表征技术重点实验室,安徽 合肥 230031
基于中分辨率成像光谱仪/云和气溶胶探测激光雷达(MODIS/CALIOP)的匹配数据集,提出一个分类神经网络进行透明卷云的识别,利用两个回归神经网络对透明卷云的光学厚度和云顶高度进行反演。结果表明,分类网络的精确度可达到84%,检测率达到79%。对成功识别的透明卷云参数进行了反演,得到透明卷云光学厚度的平均绝对误差为0.2,均方根误差为0.25,相关系数为0.79。对云顶高度进行了反演,得到云顶高度的平均绝对误差为0.61 km,均方根误差为0.74 km,相关系数达到0.87。本研究利用MODIS/CALIOP匹配数据集以及神经网络算法,可得到透明卷云的分布以及其参数特性,为其在南海海域上空的分布情况提供了数据支撑,有助于相关研究人员了解该地区透明卷云的分布情况,提高辐射计算的精度。

Cirrus clouds are located in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere and are mostly composed of ice crystal particles with a cloud top pressure of less than 440 hPa. Meanwhile, they are widely distributed, covering an area of approximately 20%-35% of the earth. In tropical regions, the coverage area of cirrus clouds reaches 70%. Cirrus clouds play a very important role in the earth atmosphere system by reflecting solar shortwave radiation and absorbing surface thermal radiation. Passive remote sensing features wide spatial coverage and high temporal resolution, but its detection for thin cirrus clouds is relatively limited. A large number of thin cirrus clouds with optical depth of less than 0.4 are missed by passive remote sensing. This phenomenon is particularly serious in tropical areas, which greatly underestimates the coverage of cirrus clouds and causes large errors in radiation calculation. Fortunately, the dual-wavelength cloud aerosol lidar infrared with orthogonal polarization (CALIOP) onboard the CALIPSO has unparalleled advantages in detecting thin cirrus clouds, which can detect thin cirrus clouds with optical depth less than 2. However, CALIOP cannot penetrate thick cirrus clouds, with limited spatial coverage. Therefore, we combine active and passive remote sensing to identify and retrieve optical depths and top heights of single-layer transparent cirrus clouds over the South China Sea. We hope that our research can provide quantitative support for the distribution of thin cirrus clouds over the South China Sea, and help improve the radiation calculation accuracy.


Artificial neural networks have powerful nonlinear function fitting ability and can employ multi-channel information, which makes them widely applicable in cloud parameter retrieval. Based on a matched dataset from MODIS/CALIOP, we utilize back propagation (BP) neural networks for the identification and parameter retrieval of single-layer transparent cirrus clouds over the South China Sea. First, to obtain a perfect dataset, we conduct several steps, including MODIS/CALIOP data collection, data processing, data conversion, data resampling, data matching, and data filtering. Additionally, we collect MODIS/MYD02_1 km and CALIOP/Level2_CloudLayer_5 km data for a total of six years from 2009 to 2015 over the South China Sea. MODIS raw data are converted to brightness temperature as inputs of neural networks. Due to the spatial resolution of 1 km for MYD02 data, it is necessary to resample it to 5 km for data matching with CALIOP. Meanwhile, data filtering based on three conditions is conducted, including CAD_Score and Number_Layers_Found from CALIOP, and MODIS/CALIOP pixel distance. We set the threshold of CAD_Score as 50. Since we only focus on single-layer transparent cirrus clouds, Number_Layer_Found is set as 1 and the distance between MODIS/CALIOP is ensured to be no more than one pixel (5 km). After filtering, a total of 274786 data samples were obtained from 2009 to 2015, including 120980 single-layer transparent cirrus samples and 153806 clear sky samples. To increase the proportion of positive samples (transparent cirrus clouds) to improve the model accuracy, we randomly downsample the clear sky samples by 0.6 times to obtain 92284 clear sky samples. Therefore, a dataset containing 213264 samples is finally acquired. We divide the dataset into training, testing, and validation sets in a 6∶3∶1 ratio, and three neural networks are proposed, including one for detecting transparent cirrus clouds, one for retrieving optical depths, and one for retrieving top heights.

Results and Discussions

In the identification of transparent cirrus clouds, the probability threshold of the network output is set to 0.56, which can achieve the optimal detection rate and false alarm rate, with a detection rate of 79%, a false alarm rate of 9.8%, and an AUC of 0.92 [Fig. 3(a)]. A large number of transparent cirrus clouds with optical depth less than 0.1 result in a low detection rate and a high false alarm rate, which is because it is difficult to distinguish these cirrus clouds from clear skies. The detection rate rapidly increases with the rising optical depth [Fig. 3(b)]. When the optical depth is less than 0.03 or greater than 0.4, the detection rate is only 36% or over 95% respectively. Among them, when the optical depth is greater than 1, the detection rate can reach 100%, indicating that the neural network can detect transparent cirrus clouds in the region, but the detection performance on the subvisual cirrus clouds with optical depth less than 0.03 is poor. For the optical depth retrieval of transparent cirrus clouds, the error exceeds 500% under the optical depth of less than 0.03. As the optical depth gradually increases, the error rapidly decreases to within 100%. When the optical depth is greater than 0.2, the error is within 50% [Fig. 5(a)]. The reason for the large overall error is that the neural network has a significant error in retrieving cirrus clouds with optical depth less than 0.03. The error for the top height of cirrus clouds is mainly distributed around 5%. In the parts with cloud top heights less than 10 km and greater than 17.5 km, greater errors can be observed [Fig. 5(b)], and the main reason for speculation is that the sample sizes in these two intervals are relatively small. The scatter plots reveal good linear relations between the predicted and true values (Fig. 6), with correlation coefficients reaching 0.79 (for optical depth) and 0.87 (for top height). The mean absolute error and root mean square error for the optical depth are 0.2 and 0.25 respectively. The mean absolute error and root mean square error of the top height retrieval are 0.61 km and 0.74 km respectively. In a case study, the comparison with CALIOP data shows that the research results have a certain reliability degree (Figs. 9 and 10).


Based on the MODIS/CALIOP matched dataset, neural networks are adopted to first detect transparent cirrus clouds, then retrieve the optical depth and cloud top height of the detected transparent cirrus clouds, and compare the results with the CALIOP data. The results show that the classification neural network can detect transparent cirrus clouds with a detection rate of 79%. The retrieval results show that it has a high agreement with CALIOP data. The correlation of the optical depth is 0.79 and that of the cloud top height is 0.87. The classification neural network has poor detection ability for subvisual cirrus clouds with optical depth less than 0.03, with a detection rate of only 36% and a larger retrieval error. As the optical depth increases, the detection rate rises rapidly. For the parts with optical thickness greater than 0.4, the detection rate reaches more than 95% and the retrieval error decreases rapidly. Finally, we perform a case study. The results show that the detection results of the neural network are more consistent with the observations of CALIOP than the official MODIS product. The retrieval results are in good agreement with CALIOP data. The results can provide references for the distribution of transparent cirrus clouds missed by MODIS, and help improve the radiation calculation accuracy.

1 引言

卷云位于对流层上部和平流层下部,云顶气压小于440 hPa,多由冰晶粒子组成1-2。卷云分布广泛,约覆盖地球面积20%~35%,热带地区的卷云覆盖面积达到70%3。卷云通过反射太阳短波辐射和吸收地表热辐射,在地气系统中扮演着非常重要的角色4。其次,卷云会干扰空间信息的传输,对空间目标识别的准确性造成很大的影响5。此外,卷云是激光大气传输的重要影响因素,随着卷云光学厚度的增加,激光的透过率会大大降低6。张秀再等7的研究表明,卷云对量子通信光信号的传输有极大的影响。

卫星遥感探测卷云的手段分为被动探测和主动探测8。其中,被动探测器具有空间覆盖广、时间分辨率高等优势,主动探测器具有高灵敏度以及可提供目标的空间垂直结构信息的优点9-10。然而,被动探测器对薄卷云的探测有限,漏检了大量光学厚度小于0.4的薄卷云11-12,导致辐射计算产生较大的误差。Gao等13的研究表明,热带地区近40%的薄卷云被中分辨率成像光谱仪(MODIS)官方云检测算法标记为晴空像元。Sun等14指出光学厚度小于0.3的薄卷云可使日均反射太阳短波辐射量增加2.5 W·m-2,光学厚度为0.1的薄卷云可使热辐射增加15 W·m-2。搭载在CALIPSO卫星上的双波长激光雷达CALIOP对薄卷云的探测具有无可比拟的优势,可有效探测光学厚度小于2的薄卷云,但由于消光作用,其对厚卷云的探测能力不足,而且空间覆盖范围有限15-16



2 实验数据与方法


搭载在Aqua卫星上的MODIS可获得从可见光(0.405 μm)到红外(14.385 μm)共计36个波段的观测数据。每1~2 d对地球观测一次,获取陆地和海洋温度、云、气溶胶等目标的图像23。本文针对中国南海海域(0°N~25°N,100°E~125°E),收集了2009—2015年的MYD02数据,作为神经网络的输入特征参数。

CALIOP由于敏感性较高,以及可以探测目标的垂直结构信息,它的探测数据经常和被动遥感数据结合起来,以提供更为全面的云层空间信息24。本文使用的是CALIOP Level2_05 km云层产品。由于MODIS MYD02数据的空间分辨率为1 km,因此需要对其进行重采样至5 km,以便进行数据匹配。匹配方法采用最近邻法,数据处理流程如图1所示。

图 1. 数据处理流程图

Fig. 1. Data processing flowchart

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表 1. MODIS部分红外波段校正系数

Table 1. MODIS correction coefficients for infrared bands

Band No.λ /μmFscale /10-4doffset


读取的CALIOP数据参数有特征分类标记、云-气溶胶区分置信度CAD_Score、532 nm特征光学厚度、特征层顶高度、特征层数以及经纬度。CALIOP数据处理中的位运算是对特征分类标记进行操作。该参数用16位二进制数表示,通过位运算可以得到透明卷云的信息。

本文根据CAD_Score、特征层数以及MODIS/CALIOP像元距离进行数据筛选。CAD_Score的值介于-100和100之间,其中0~100表示云的分类置信度,-100~0则代表气溶胶分类的置信度。CAD_Score的绝对值越大,分类正确的可信度就越高。本文只选取CAD_Score大于50且特征层数为1的云层信息,同时保证MODIS/CALIOP之间的距离不超过5 km。


2.2 BP神经网络


fx=0,   x0x,   x>0






此外,本文使用早停法Early Stopping防止模型过拟合。实验中,训练批次batch_size设为128,使用He初始化方法对权重和偏置进行初始化。隐含层神经元的数量通常是输入特征个数的1~2倍,本文有12个输入参数,因此隐含层的神经元数量设为16。


网络以MODIS各波段的亮温、亮温差等信息作为输入,包括bt6.7 μm、bt7.3 μm、bt8.5 μm、bt11 μm、bt12 μm、bt13.34 μm、bt13.64 μm、bt13.94 μm、btd6.7-7.3、btd8.5-12、btd11-12。考虑到卷云随季节的变化情况,本文加入了当天天数的信息(D),且为了消除2009—2015年每年的12月31日至次年1月1日之间的差距,将其转换成正弦值sin2πD/365,将CALIOP数据作为标签值。在训练之前,需要对输入数据进行标准化,以缩小数据量级之间的差距。标准化公式如下:



2.3 验证指标






3 分析与讨论

3.1 透明卷云参数的分布


图 2. 透明卷云光学厚度和云顶高度。(a)透明卷云光学厚度;(b)云顶高度

Fig. 2. Histograms of transparent cirrus cloud optical depth and top height. (a) Transparent cirrus cloud optical depth; (b) top height of cirrus cloud

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图2(a)表明,透明卷云的光学厚度主要分布在1.5以内。其中,光学厚度在0~0.1之间的透明卷云约为36%,光学厚度大于2的透明卷云占比非常小,因此,本文只针对光学厚度小于2的透明卷云进行反演。图2(b)展示了透明卷云的云顶高度分布。云顶高度主要分布在12~17 km以内,其中在云顶高度为16 km处出现峰值,约为19%。经过透明卷云的识别之后,参数的各范围比例发生了明显的变化。其中,在0~0.1内的透明卷云的光学厚度从36%下降到了23%左右,说明该部分透明卷云由于光学厚度太小而难以与晴空区分。云顶高度的分布未出现明显的变化。本文针对数据分布不平衡的问题,对光学厚度大于1.5的部分透明卷云进行了1倍过采样。

3.2 透明卷云的识别结果分析


图 3. 检测率POD与误报率RFA的ROC曲线以及检测率POD随透明卷云光学厚度的变化曲线。(a)ROC曲线;(b)检测率POD随透明卷云光学厚度的变化曲线

Fig. 3. ROC curve of probability of detection POD and rate of false alarm POD,and probability of detection POD varying with transparent cirrus optical depth. (a) ROC curve; (b) probability of detection POD varying with transparent cirrus optical depth

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表 2. 混淆矩阵

Table 2. Confusion matrix

ItemPredicted value
Transparent cirrus cloudsClear sky
True valueTransparent cirrus clouds28873 NTP7509 NFN
Clear sky2716 NFP24881 NTN



3.3 透明卷云参数反演结果分析


图 4. 透明卷云光学厚度和云顶高度的MPEMAPE。(a)光学厚度的MPE;(b)云顶高度的MPE;(c)光学厚度的MAPE;(d)云顶高度的MAPE

Fig. 4. MPE and MAPE of optical depth and top height of transparent cirrus clouds. (a) MPE of optical depth; (b) MPE of top height; (c) MAPE of optical depth; (d) MAPEof top height

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图5展示了平均误差百分比MPE和平均绝对误差百分比MAPE随参数值的变化曲线。图5(a)表明,当光学厚度小于0.03时,其误差较大,这是因为该部分卷云的红外信号太弱。当光学厚度逐渐变大时,误差迅速下降至100%以内。当光学厚度大于0.2时,误差均在50%以内。导致光学厚度整体误差较大的原因是神经网络对光学厚度小于0.03的卷云的反演结果误差较大。图5(b)展示了误差随云顶高度的变化情况。当云顶高度在15.5~16 km时,MPE接近于0,MAPE主要分布在5%左右。可以看出,在云顶高度小于10 km和大于17.5 km的部分,误差较大,主要原因是这两个区间的样本量较少,代表性较差。

图 5. MPEMAPE随光学厚度和云顶高度的变化曲线。(a)光学厚度;(b)云顶高度

Fig. 5. MPE and MAPE varying with optical depth and top height. (a) Optical depth; (b) top height

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图 6. 预测值与真值的散点图。(a)光学厚度;(b)云顶高度

Fig. 6. Scatter plots of predicted values and true values. (a) Optical depth; (b) top height

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表 3. 算法对比结果

Table 3. Comparison of results of related algorithms

Optical depthTop height
Algorithm proposed by Kox et al.0.24/0.610.71 km/0.82
Algorithm proposed by Strandgren et al.Not given/0.65Not given/0.90
Ours0.25/0.790.74 km/0.87


3.4 个例分析


图 7. MODIS云量和CALIOP轨道(直线)

Fig. 7. MODIS cloud fraction and CALIOP trajectory (line)

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图 8. MODIS产品云量分布。(a)检测前;(b)检测后

Fig. 8. Distributions of MODIS cloud fraction. (a) Before detection; (b) after detection

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图 9. 检测结果对比。(a)MODIS晴空观测结果;(b)神经网络检测结果;(c)CALIOP观测结果

Fig. 9. Comparison of detection results. (a) MODIS clear sky observation results; (b) detected results of neural network; (c) CALIOP observation results

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图 10. 反演值与真值对比。(a)光学厚度;(b)云顶高度

Fig. 10. Comparison of inverse values and true values. (a) Optical depth; (b) top height

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图11给出了MODIS漏检的透明卷云。图12(a)和(b)分别展示了光学厚度和云顶高度分布。从图12中可以看到,MODIS漏检的这些云的光学厚度较小,大部分在0.3以内,且云顶高度较高,主要分布在14 km以上。

图 11. MODIS漏检的部分透明卷云

Fig. 11. Transparent cirrus clouds undetected by MODIS

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图 12. MODIS漏检透明卷云的光学厚度和云顶高度分布。(a)光学厚度;(b)云顶高度

Fig. 12. Distributions of optical depth and top height of transparent cirrus clouds undetected by MODIS. (a) Optical depth; (b) top height

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4 结论



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