中国激光, 2022, 49 (4): 0406002, 网络出版: 2022-01-18   

基于APD自适应增益控制的近地无线激光通信信道大气湍流抑制方法研究 下载: 626次

Atmospheric Turbulence Suppression Methods for Near the Earth Wireless Laser Communication Channels Based on Avalanche Photodiode Adaptive Gain Control
1 长春理工大学光电工程学院,吉林 长春 130022
2 长春理工大学空间光电技术国家地方联合工程研究中心,吉林 长春 130022
3 中国科学院国家天文台长春人造卫星观测站,吉林 长春 130117

Owing to 5G, free-space optical communication (FSO) has high communication rate, long communication distance, strong anti-interference and low power consumption. It does not require laying fibre optic cables and has become the current research hot spot in wireless communication. For wireless free-space laser communication, the most severe problem is the impact of the atmospheric channel. The light intensity scintillation effect caused by atmospheric turbulence causes the communication data received by the receiver to be superimposed with jitter and fading, inevitably leading to degradation in communication quality. The front-end avalanche photodiode avalanche photodiode (APD) method is used in this study. In this technique, the reverse bias voltage is changed to control the multiplication factor of APD, which is essential in suppressing atmospheric turbulence and extending the dynamic range.


In order to improve the communication performance of laser communication systems under atmospheric channels, this study proposes a laser transmission terminal atmospheric turbulence suppression algorithm based on APD adaptive gain control (AGC). Additionally, we design an APD current feedback and bias control circuit and write a set of closed-loop regulation schemes. Furthermore, a wireless laser communication experiment with an adaptive gain control algorithm under medium and weak turbulence is developed.

Results and Discussions

A laser communication test with a 500 m communication distance was conducted at Huawei’s Songshan Lake base in Dongguan, Guangdong Province. The average temperature was 25 ℃ and weather was cloudy and breezy weather on the experiment day. The experimental system consists of an APD receiver and laser diode (LD) transmitter (Fig. 5). The probability distributions and power spectra were tested under 500 m of weak turbulence, with fixed APD gain and adaptive APD gain control, respectively. The results show that the optical power distribution ranges from 1000 to 40, 000 nA (Fig. 6) under weak turbulence conditions, with a log-normal probability density curve. In a typical Gaussian distribution, the light intensity is concentrated at 10, 00020, 000 nA (Fig. 6), with a maximum range of less than 20, 000 nA, when APD gain adaptive control is added. The optical intensity flicker variance is reduced from 0.057 to 0.023 (Fig. 7). The power spectrum shows that the slope of the curve with gain control is -1.056, and the slope of the curve without gain control is -0.364. The flatter the slope, the lower is the noise suppression effect. Thus, the power spectrum with automatic gain control is more consistent with the 5/3 power-law spectrum (Fig.8), and the system bit error rate (RBE) is reduced by two orders of magnitude (Fig.9). Furthermore, the flicker variance and BER were tested at different times of the day to verify the effect of APD adaptive gain control on the communication performance of the detection system. The flicker variance reaches its maximum at around 1: 00(PM) hours when the atmospheric turbulence is strong, and the average RBE of the system is 10-4 orders of magnitude when uncontrolled (Fig. 10). The experimental results show that the APD gain closed-loop regulation method can effectively reduce the RBE of the system and improve the communication quality. It can also increase the reliability of the laser communication performance under the atmospheric channel.


This study investigated the effect of atmospheric turbulence on laser communication systems and proposed a communication detection and reception method based on closed-loop regulation of the APD gain factor. Building a wireless laser communication experiment verifies that the APD gain closed-loop regulation method significantly improves the system performance under the turbulence fading channel. The above experiments show that the APD gain control can effectively suppress the optical power fluctuations generated by atmospheric turbulence jitter; thus, significantly improving the communication performance. Under weak turbulence conditions, the power spectrum curve with AGC is more consistent with the 5/3 power-law spectrum. The variance of light intensity flicker is reduced from 0.057 to 0.023; the system RBE is reduced from 1.75×10-8 to 3.99×10-10, a reduction of two orders of magnitude. Finally, the turbulence intensity and corresponding system average RBE variation curves under different periods are calculated. This shows that the adaptive gain control algorithm effectively suppresses turbulence-induced signal power fluctuations and achieves high interference immunity for wireless laser communication.

1 引言



在大气湍流信道中,探测器探测后进行光电转化得出的电信号可直接表征光信号的强度起伏[11-12]。Yao等[12]提出了对自由空间链路上基于雪崩光电二极管(APD)探测器的多电平脉冲幅度调制(M-PAM)光信号传播模型的性能进行表征,表明通过增加APD的增益来降低APD的噪声是提高传输速率的有效方法,分析了在相同大气湍流条件下,APD增益越大对降低平均误码率(ABER)性能效果越明显,但并未对大气湍流闪烁效应提出改善方法。从通信的角度来讲,解决信号抖动衰落等问题最直接的方法是自动增益控制,通常采用的方法是放大器自动增益控制(AMP-AGC),即在后端放大器电路上进行自动增益控制。但是这种方法抑制抖动和衰落的能力十分有限,会受到前端放大器的限制,且动态范围没有明显改变,因此本文采用的方法是对前端雪崩光电二极管进行自动增益控制(APD-AGC),该项技术是更改反偏电压以控制APD的倍增因子,总倍增因子范围可从2倍调整至20倍,因此从理论上来讲,动态范围可扩大3~13 dB,对抑制大气湍流和扩大动态范围起到了重要作用。

本文介绍了APD-AGC技术,对该技术建立了理论模型,设计了APD电流反馈和偏置控制电路,编制一套比例、积分微分(PID)闭环调节算法,并在湍流信道条件下开展了距离为500 m的弱湍流抑制FSO实验。

2 大气湍流对空间激光通信影响机理分析






由于大气湍流具有一定的不确定性,采用随机场理论对其进行分析。对于时间的确定且可积函数f(t)来说,该时间函数的频率可由傅里叶变换表示 F(ω)12πeiωtf(t)dt式中,ω是角频率。原函数f(t)可以从F(ω)的傅里叶逆变换得知 f(t)eiωtF(ω)dω

而对于复杂平稳随机过程来说,可以用黎曼积分来进行表述[16]Bx(τ)eiωτSx(ω)dω式中,Sx(ω)是随机过程x(t)的功率谱,也叫作功率谱密度。(6)式也证明了功率谱Sx(ω)是协方差函数Bx(τ)的逆变换,二者互为傅里叶变换对,即维纳辛钦定理,如下所示 Sx(ω)12πeiωτBx(τ)dτ

大气湍流是随时间和空间不断变化的,因此时间和空间统计之间的关系是大气测量的中心问题。同时,大气湍流具有各向同性及各态历经性,结合泰勒“冰冻”假说的相关内容,通过观测方向上的平均风速,将空间统计数据转换为时间统计数据,根据Ishimaru[16]和Tatarski[17]的理论,功率谱密度SI(ω)可以由时间协方差函数的傅里叶变换定义 SI(ω)2BI(τL)eiωτdτ40BI(τL)cos(ωτ)dτ式中,BI(τL)是时间的协方差函数。根据上述给出的傅里叶变换与逆变换内容,可得出傅里叶逆变换结果 BI(τL)12π0SI(ω)cos(ωτ)dω

在此,将Kolmogorov的结构函数理论推广到统计均匀的、各向同性的温度波动,得到了与纵向速度波动相同的幂律关系[14],即 Dn(R){Cn2l04/3R20Rl0Cn2R2/3l0RL0式中,Dn(R)为结构函数,Cn2是折射率结构常数,R为传播距离,l0是内尺度,L0是外尺度。

Kolmogorov通过量次分析表明,折射率的结构函数在惯性副区遵从5/3次幂律,惯性副区内的折射率波动的三维功率谱Φn(κ)可以由5/3次幂律表示 Φn(κ)Cn2ε02/3κ5/3式中:ε0为平均能量耗散率;κ是空间波数,1/L0κ≪1/l0

大气湍流引起的波动会直接影响探测器的信噪比参数,从而影响误码率(BER, RBE)[17]。定义OOK激光通信系统的误码率关系为 RBE12erfc(Q2)exp(Q2/2)Q2π式中:erfc(x)为互补误差函数;Q=(A1-A0)/(σ1σ0),A1σ1代表信息位为1时的信号幅值和噪声幅值,A0σ0为信息位为0时的信号幅值及噪声幅值。

图 1. 不同闪烁方差下的光强概率密度分布曲线

Fig. 1. Light intensity probability density distribution under different optical intensity flicker

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在此仅考虑大气湍流影响下的信噪比方程,以建立闪烁方差及误码率的关系式,信噪比的表达式如下 RSNA12σ12σ02Q21σI2结合(12)式及(13)式可得出闪烁方差变化及通信误码率之间的关系。可以看出,当误码率值在1×10-6左右,此时闪烁方差应控制在0.05左右,信噪比为20 dB;误码率值在1×10-9左右,对应光强闪烁方差在0.03之内,此时信噪比为33 dB左右。综上所述,不同光强闪烁的变化可以引起通信误码率及信噪比的变化。

3 自适应乘法APD接收机方案

在明确大气湍流对通信质量的影响之后,考虑APD增益控制补偿的原理。APD乘法闭环调节算法符合雪崩光电二极管的乘法特性。根据APD检测理论[19],APD的响应方程为 isηPM式中:P为输入光功率;is为APD的输出电流;η为探测器的响应率;M为倍增因子,倍增因子在信号放大和增益控制算法中发挥着关键作用,M的增加有助于提高APD的探测灵敏度,实现改善通信系统信噪比的目的。可利用APD此特性改善激光通信系统接收端对大气湍流闪烁效应的抑制效果。

M可表述为 M[1(VVB)n']1式中,V为反向偏压,VB为击穿电压,n′与材料、器件结构及入射波长相关且为一常数。本文采用Voxtel Siletz BSI RIP1-JJRC系列雪崩光电二极管,该APD的击穿电压为64 V,根据APD手册中的增益偏置曲线计算出n′为1.62。将(15)式代入(14)式中,可以看出反向偏置电压V对输出电流的控制效果,根据湍流大小实时调整APD增益因子M,实现APD增益因子的闭环调控,有效弥补湍流闪烁效应对通信系统的影响。


图 2. APD接收机结构图

Fig. 2. APD receiver architecture diagram

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控制算法流程图如图3所示,首先设置定时器每500 μs中断一次,并由ADC对APD的平均光电流值进行采样,该值为被测光电流,然后将被测光电流与设定的电流值进行比较,其中设定的电流值主要取决于激光通信链路接收到的平均光功率,并产生反馈误差,该反馈误差即为控制器的输入,通过PID滤波和调节高压来实现补偿。将该反馈误差与上一个积分值作为清除积分值的判据,而后开始生成积分、微分值。积分值是由上一个积分值和电流误差累加而形成的,微分值则等于电流误差减去上一个误差值,上述过程即为PID滤波器算法。kpkdki分别为比例、微分、积分系数。

图 3. 自适应控制算法流程图

Fig. 3. Flow chart of adaptive control program

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4 实验与结果


图 4. 通信系统框图

Fig. 4. Communication system diagram

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在上述理论和实践的基础上,进行了500 m弱湍流情况下等效激光通信验证实验,旨在验证在弱湍流情况下,通过APD增益闭环控制抑制湍流引起的光强抖动。

在广东省东莞市华为松山湖基地进行通信距离为500 m的激光通信试验,实验当日情况为平均气温25 ℃,天气状况为多云微风。实验系统由APD接收端和LD发射端组成,测试现场如图5所示。分别测试在500 m弱湍流情况下,固定APD增益和自适应APD增益控制两种状态下的概率分布图及功率谱。

图 5. 实验现场图。(a)A端实验现场图;(b)B端实验现场图

Fig. 5. Experimental site map. (a) A side of experimental site map; (b) B side of experimental site map

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图67是固定增益和自适应增益下光功率的时域曲线图及概率分布曲线图。从图6(a)、7(a)可看出,在湍流存在的条件下,光功率分布值在1000~40000 nA,概率密度曲线呈对数正态分布,闪烁方差为0.057。当添加APD增益自适应控制时,从图6(b)、7(b)可观察到光强明显集中于10000~20000 nA,最大范围小于20000 nA,呈典型的高斯分布。而且闪烁方差由0.057降低到0.023,说明自适应增益控制在很大程度上抑制了湍流引起的信号功率波动。

图 6. 弱湍流条件下接收光信号强度图。(a)无增益控制;(b)有增益控制

Fig. 6. Received light signal intensity map for medium turbulence conditions. (a)Without control; (b)with control

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图 7. 500 m无、有增益控制的概率分布图。(a)无增益控制;(b)有增益控制

Fig. 7. Probability distribution for 500 m without and with gain control. (a)Without control; (b)with control

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图8给出了东莞地区大气链路下未开启增益控制以及开启增益控制后的功率谱。一般地,以能谱密度S(x)为纵坐标,频率f为横坐标,绘制双对数坐标谱图,双对数坐标谱图可以使湍流功率谱低频部分横坐标被充分放大,清晰地了解到功率谱随频率的变化特征。用快速傅里叶变换的方法计算得出功率谱曲线,由于采样数据长度及采样频率限制,有效的频率范围为1000 Hz以内。其中,k为斜率。

图 8. 500 m激光通信实验功率谱

Fig. 8. Experimental power spectrum for 500 m laser communication

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图 9. 500 m通信实验误码率测试(BERT)图。(a)无增益控制;(b)有增益控制

Fig. 9. BERT charts for 500 m communication experiments. (a) Without control; (b) with control

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图 10. 不同时段测试图。(a)闪烁方差测试图;(b)误码率测试图

Fig. 10. Test plots for different time periods. (a) Flicker variance test plots; (b) BER test plots

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5 结论



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