1 中铁第五勘察设计院集团有限公司,北京02600
2 南京大学 现代工程与应用科学学院,南京1003
3 南京法艾博光电科技有限公司,南京21115
4 德克萨斯州立大学 工学院,圣马科斯78666,美国
提出了一种基于K近邻(K‑nearest neighbors,KNN)算法和相位敏感光时域反射(Phase‑sensitive optical time domain reflectometry,φ‑OTDR)系统的高铁声屏障故障识别方法。设计了V字型光缆敷设方式,能够感知声屏障不同高度吸声板在脉动力冲击下的振动,并利用φ‑OTDR系统采集振动信号。对振动信号进行多域特征提取以及K近邻分类后,可以实现对声屏障故障状态识别。实验结果表明,在复杂场景下对于故障点的识别正确率达到了90.9%。该方法为声屏障故障识别提供了一条可行的技术路线,能够减少对专业人员的依赖,对于提升高铁声屏障智能运维水平具有重要意义。
相位敏感光时域反射 声屏障 多域特征提取 K近邻 phase‑sensitive optical time domain reflectometry(φ‑OTDR) noise barrier multi‑domain feature extraction K‑nearest neighbors (KNN 
2023, 43(3): 261
沈阳理工大学理学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110158
乳腺癌是世界上对于女性非常危险的疾病, 其患病率逐年增长, 是世界妇女死亡的主要原因。 在大样本情况下, 乳腺癌临床诊断受优质医疗资源相对短缺的限制, 诊断周期长、 检测费用高。 因此, 高效、 准确、 性价比高的乳腺癌诊断方法具有广阔的应用前景, 为临床诊断迫切需求。 荧光光谱检测是一种可以表征细胞中物理和化学综合变化的方法, 可用于表征正常和癌变细胞的特征。 机器学习擅长从大量数据中挖掘有用信息, 是进行分类和预测的有效手段。 以往机器学习多使用包含部分生化信息的数据库训练模型, 易导致信息缺失。 荧光光谱是细胞多种物质的叠加光谱, 使用荧光光谱特征峰诊断乳腺癌存在量化不确定性问题。 因此, 提出了机器学习结合乳腺癌样本荧光光谱的诊断方法。 使用405 nm波长的激光, 采集了正常和癌变乳腺组织(已做出病理诊断)的荧光光谱数据, 以此作为数据集, 比较了K-近邻(KNN)、 支持向量机(SVM)、 随机森林(RF)三种算法对正常和癌变乳腺组织荧光光谱的分类能力。 判别结果显示: 与SVM算法相比, KNN和RF算法的准确率更高、 平衡召回率和精度的能力更强, 对乳腺癌荧光光谱的分类能力更好, 其准确性、 召回率、 精度以及F1-score函数结果均在95%之上, 更利于乳腺癌的诊断。 进而探讨了权重KNN(WKNN)算法对正常和癌变乳腺组织荧光光谱的分类能力。 WKNN较KNN算法的分类评估结果有小幅度提升, 且具有更好的抗噪和适应能力, 算法简单。 综上所述, 本文提出的机器学习结合荧光光谱的乳腺癌诊断方法, 精度高、 速度快、 性价比高, 是未来乳腺癌诊断方法的发展方向, 具有重要的临床应用价值。
荧光光谱 乳腺癌 机器学习 Fluorescence spectrum Breast cancer Machine learning K-nearest Neighbor KNN 
2023, 43(8): 2407
1 新疆农业大学数理学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
2 新疆农业科学院综合试验场, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830013
3 新疆农业大学机电工程学院, 新疆 乌鲁木齐 830052
可溶性固形物含量(SSC)是反映苹果品质和成熟度的重要生理指标, 能够用于苹果品质分析和成熟度预测。 以新疆阿克苏冰糖心红富士苹果为研究对象, 从果实膨大定形期至完熟期, 以等间隔周期3 d采摘样本, 测其380~1 100 nm的可见/近红外光谱和SSC, 共552个样本。 然后融合分数阶微分(FD)及置换重要性-随机森林(PIMP-RF)算法, 构建成熟期苹果SSC预测的集成学习模型。 结果表明, 基于PLS模型优选的分数阶微分阶次为0阶、 0.4阶、 1.1阶和1.6阶, 且通过PIMP-RF算法进行特征重要性和可解释性分析结果显示, 利用可见/近红外光谱预测成熟期苹果SSC的关键波长主要为可见光波段, 这为今后研发新疆冰糖心红富士苹果的快速无损检测设备提供参考; 基于分数阶微分技术和PIMP-RF算法构建的成熟期苹果SSC集成学习模型具有很好的预测能力, 其训练集的相关系数r等于0.989 2, 平均绝对误差MAE等于0.241 2, 均方根误差RMSE等于0.309 1, 平均绝对百分误差等于0.018 3; 测试集的相关系数r等于0.903 8, 平均绝对误差MAE等于0.549 9, 均方根误差RMSE等于0.740 8, 平均绝对百分误差等于0.043 4, 相比于FD0-PIMP-RF、 FD0.4-PIMP-RF、 FD1.1-PIMP-RF和FD1.6-PIMP-RF模型, 集成学习模型为最优。 故而, 集成分数阶微分技术与PIMP-RF算法, 结合可见近红外光谱技术可有效地实现成熟期苹果的可溶性固形物含量预测。
可见/近红外光谱 分数阶微分 置换重要性-随机森林 K近邻(KNN)回归 可溶性固形物含量 Visible/near-infrared spectrum Fractional differential Permutation importance-random forest K-nearest neighbors (KNN) regression Soluble solids content 
2023, 43(10): 3059
南京电子技术研究所, 南京 210000
强海杂波是对于对海雷达目标检测性能影响最大的干扰项, 目前已有的单一检测量和多特征联合检测算法性能极不稳定。针对上述难题, 提出基于聚类的对海雷达目标检测算法。所提算法提取了3个特征量--相对幅度方差(RAV)、相对平均能量(RAP)和相对向量熵(RVE), 对聚类算法中的k-近邻(kNN)算法进行模型改造, 完成了虚警可控的kNN检测器, 在该特征空间中利用kNN检测器实现目标与杂波分离。实测雷达数据实验结果显示, 在观测时间0.512 s与1.024 s时, 所提算法比基于分形的检测器的平均检测概率分别提高了56.2%和58.3%(HH极化模式下), 相比基于三特征的检测器的平均检测概率分别提高了29.2%和31.3%。可以得出结论: 所提算法能够实现复杂海况下的对海雷达目标检测, 且检测效果明显优于基于三特征的检测器算法。
目标检测 海杂波 target detection sea clutter kNN kNN 
2023, 30(6): 36
谷学静 1,2杨宝上 2,3,*刘秋月 2,3
1 华北理工大学 电气工程学院,河北 唐山 063210
2 唐山市数字媒体工程技术研究中心,河北 唐山 063000
3 华北理工大学 人工智能学院,河北 唐山 063210
针对图像匹配中AKAZE(Accelerated-KAZE)算法匹配精度较低以及计算复杂等问题,提出了一种基于高斯滤波和AKAZE-LATCH(AKAZE-Learned Arrangements of Three Patch Codes)算法相融合的图像匹配算法。首先,对输入图像进行高斯滤波预处理,去除高斯噪声等连续性噪声,并且保留图像的边缘信息。然后通过LATCH算法为AKAZE算法构建高效的二进制描述子,再通过KNN(K Nearest Neighbors)算法得到对应的匹配对。最后结合USAC(Universal RANSAC)去除误匹配对方法进行再次筛选,得到最终的匹配结果。经实验对比,所设计的算法相较于AKAZE算法匹配精度更高,且具有良好的鲁棒性和可靠性,可用于多数复杂场景下的图像匹配。
图像匹配 高斯滤波 LATCH算法 KNN算法 image matching Gaussian filtering LATCH algorithm KNN algorithm USAC USAC 
2023, 44(4): 639
Author Affiliations
1 Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, 194 Stachki Avenue, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia
2 Department of Physics, Southern Federal University, 5 Zorge Street, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia
3 Institute of High Technologies and Piezotechnics, Southern Federal University, 10 Milchakov Street, Rostov-on-Don 344090, Russia
4 Institute of Nanotechnologies, Electronics and Equipment Engineering, Southern Federal University, Taganrog 347922, Russia
5 Research Laboratory of Functional Nanomaterials Technology, Southern Federal University, Taganrog 347922, Russia
The paper reports results on the complex study on ferroelectric ceramics that represent solid solutions containing components with a perovskite-type or columbite-type structure. Solid solutions of a three-component (1xy)NaNbO3xKNbO3yCdNb2O6 system are manufactured at x = 0.05–0.20 and y = 0.10. Domain structures in ceramic grains are studied. The consistency between experimental and calculated results is examined for coexisting phases split into non-180 domains (mechanical twins) in the solid solution with x = 0.15. A correlation between the internal structure (crystal, domain, granular, and defect) and fundamental electromechanical and polarization properties is stated for the studied three-component solid solutions.
Ferroelectric materials KNN elastic matching crystal structure domain structure electrophysical properties 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2023, 13(2): 2250023
Author Affiliations
1 School of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Jinan, Jinan 250022, P. R. China
2 Electronic Materials Research Laboratory, Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Education and International Center for Dielectric Research, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710032, P. R. China
3 Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Electronic Functional Materials and Devices, Huizhou University, Huizhou, Guangdong, 516001, P. R. China
With the increasing demand of high-power and pulsed power electronic devices, environmental-friendly potassium sodium niobate ((Na0.5K0.5)NbO3, KNN) ceramic-based capacitors have attracted much attention in recent years owning to the boosted energy storage density (Wrec). Nevertheless, the dielectric loss also increases as the external electric field increases, which will generate much dissipated energy and raise the temperature of ceramic capacitors. Thus, an effective strategy is proposed to enhance the energy storage efficiency (η) via tailoring relaxor behavior and bad gap energy in the ferroelectric 0.9(Na0.5K0.5)-NbO3–0.1Bi(Zn2/3(NbxTa1x)1/3)O3 ceramics. On the one hand, the more diverse ions in the B-sites owing to introducing the Ta could further disturb the long-range ferroelectric polar order to form the short–range polar nanoregions (PNRs), resulting in the highη. On the other hand, the introduction of Ta ions could boost the intrinsic band energy gap and thus improve theEb. As a result, highWrec of 3.29 J/cm3 and ultrahighη of 90.1% at the high external electric field of 310 kV/cm are achieved inx = 0.5 sample. These results reveal that the KNN-based ceramics are promising lead-free candidate for high-power electronic devices.With the increasing demand of high-power and pulsed power electronic devices, environmental-friendly potassium sodium niobate ((Na0.5K0.5)NbO3, KNN) ceramic-based capacitors have attracted much attention in recent years owning to the boosted energy storage density (Wrec). Nevertheless, the dielectric loss also increases as the external electric field increases, which will generate much dissipated energy and raise the temperature of ceramic capacitors. Thus, an effective strategy is proposed to enhance the energy storage efficiency (η) via tailoring relaxor behavior and bad gap energy in the ferroelectric 0.9(Na0.5K0.5)-NbO3–0.1Bi(Zn2/3(NbxTa1x)1/3)O3 ceramics. On the one hand, the more diverse ions in the B-sites owing to introducing the Ta could further disturb the long-range ferroelectric polar order to form the short–range polar nanoregions (PNRs), resulting in the highη. On the other hand, the introduction of Ta ions could boost the intrinsic band energy gap and thus improve theEb. As a result, highWrec of 3.29 J/cm3 and ultrahighη of 90.1% at the high external electric field of 310 kV/cm are achieved inx = 0.5 sample. These results reveal that the KNN-based ceramics are promising lead-free candidate for high-power electronic devices.
Lead-free dielectric ceramic capacitor KNN-based ceramics energy storage efficiency band gap energy relaxor behavior 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2023, 13(1): 2242001
上海理工大学 光电信息与计算机工程学院, 上海 200093
在传统焦度计测量中, 由于被测镜片后表面曲率半径变化, 使得镜片后顶点与光阑表面无法完全重合, 造成焦度测量误差随镜片度数增大而增大的情况。针对此传统测量上无法克服的测量误差, 提出了一种利用不同焦度镜片图像提取不同特征的方法, 获得了不同焦度镜片的特征数据集, 并将特征数据集利用机器学习中k-近邻聚类算法(KNN algorithm)进行分类。选取折射率为1.551的-20 ~+20m-1每隔1m-1的单焦点镜片, 折射率为1.56与1.60的-15 ~+8m-1每隔0.5m-1的单焦点镜片进行镜片图像采集。实验结果表明, 所提方法下分类的精准度、召回率与F1评分均为100%, 三个模型均能正确识别其对应的所有测试镜片, 克服此测量误差。
焦度计 测量误差 KNN算法 focimeter measurement error KNN algorithm 
2022, 48(6): 690
Author Affiliations
1 Research Institute of Physics, Southern Federal University, 194 Stachki Avenue, 344090, Rostov-on-Don
2 Southern Scientific Centre, Russian Academy of Sciences, Chehov av., 41, 344000 Rostov-on-Don
This paper studies the dielectric spectra of solid solutions (SS) of the system (1 − xy)NaNbO3xKNbO3yCdNb2O6y= 0.075, x= 0.05 ÷ 0.30 in the temperature range (10 ÷ 900) K. The formation of a local maximum was established in the interval (260 ÷ 300) K at small x values, which, as KNbO3 increases, is gradually blurred and becomes an inflection point. Detected in SS with x = 0.05 ÷ 0.10, the shift of the maxima of dependences 𝜀/ 𝜀0(T) and 𝜀′′/𝜀0 (T), depending on the frequency of the electric field at the temperature ranges (300 ÷ 304) K and (258 ÷ 271) K, is not related to relaxation. This anomaly may indicate a crystallographic disorder to A and B positions. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using the obtained results for the development of functional ferroactive materials.This paper studies the dielectric spectra of solid solutions (SS) of the system (1 − xy)NaNbO3xKNbO3yCdNb2O6y= 0.075, x= 0.05 ÷ 0.30 in the temperature range (10 ÷ 900) K. The formation of a local maximum was established in the interval (260 ÷ 300) K at small x values, which, as KNbO3 increases, is gradually blurred and becomes an inflection point. Detected in SS with x = 0.05 ÷ 0.10, the shift of the maxima of dependences 𝜀/ 𝜀0(T) and 𝜀′′/𝜀0 (T), depending on the frequency of the electric field at the temperature ranges (300 ÷ 304) K and (258 ÷ 271) K, is not related to relaxation. This anomaly may indicate a crystallographic disorder to A and B positions. The conclusion is made about the expediency of using the obtained results for the development of functional ferroactive materials.
Dielectric spectroscopy lead-free ceramics KNN 
Journal of Advanced Dielectrics
2022, 12(4): 2244001
上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院,上海 201620
光计算 边缘提取 KD-tree KNN搜索 圆孔识别 
2022, 59(8): 0820002

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