1 重庆理工大学智能光纤感知技术重庆市高校工程研究中心重庆市光纤传感与光电检测重点实验室,重庆 400054
2 眉山三苏祠博物馆,四川 眉山 620010
3 重庆自然博物馆,重庆 400711
为了实现相对湿度高灵敏、快速、准确的检测,本文提出了一种基于壳聚糖/聚乙烯醇/纳米碳粉复合物涂敷的光纤布拉格光栅湿度传感器。建立了传感器检测相对湿度的理论模型。实验研究了湿度敏感(简称湿敏)膜成分与厚度、温度及光辐射对传感器性能的影响。研究表明,当壳聚糖与聚乙烯醇中纳米碳粉掺杂的质量分数为10%、湿敏膜厚度为185 μm时,相对湿度在20%RH~90%RH(相对湿度单位)范围内传感器灵敏度达到57.7 pm/(%RH),响应时间为420 s,恢复时间为540 s。将传感器封装在黑色聚四氟乙烯毛细管内,且通过引入温度补偿光纤布拉格光栅(FBG-T)的方法对温度进行解耦后,在温度为5~65 ℃、光辐射波长为220~1200 nm、光辐射强度为50 mW/cm2时,传感器测量结果可免疫温度和光辐射的影响,测量结果准确性高、重复性好,且最大相对误差小于5.8%。
光纤布拉格光栅 湿度传感器 灵敏度 响应时间 准确度 
2024, 44(4): 0428003
Author Affiliations
1 College of Optical and Electronic Technology, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
2 College of Materials and Chemistry, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
The pandemic of respiratory diseases enlightened people that monitoring respiration has promising prospects in averting many fatalities by tracking the development of diseases. However, the response speed of current optical fiber sensors is still insufficient to meet the requirements of high-frequency respiratory detection during respiratory failure. Here, a scheme for a fast and stable tachypnea monitor is proposed utilizing a water-soluble C60-Lys ion compound as functional material for the tracking of humidity change in the progression of breath. The polarization of C60-Lys can be tuned by the ambient relative humidity change, and an apparent refractive index alteration can be detected due to the small size effect. In our experiments, C60-Lys is conformally and uniformly deposited on the surface of a tilted fiber Bragg grating (TFBG) to fabricate an ultra-fast-response, high-sensitivity, and long-term stable optical fiber humidity sensor. A relative humidity (RH) detecting sensitivity of 0.080 dB/% RH and the equilibrium response time and recovery time of 1.85 s and 1.58 s are observed, respectively. Also, a linear relation is detected between the resonance intensity of the TFBG and the environment RH. In a practical breath monitoring experiment, the instantaneous response time and recovery time are measured as 40 ms and 41 ms, respectively, during a 1.5 Hz fast breath process. Furthermore, an excellent time stability and high repeatability are exhibited in experiments conducted over a range of 7 days.
humidity sensor fullerene derivative optical fiber sensing tilted fiber Bragg grating nanomaterials 
Chinese Optics Letters
2024, 22(2): 021201
1 厦门大学 仪器与电气系,福建厦门36000
2 厦门理工学院 机械与汽车工程学院,福建厦门361000
三维导电结构的低温、高结合力直写喷印是柔性电子复合器件制造应用所面临的挑战。本文基于银氨络合机理制备出可用于三维导电结构成型的无颗粒直写溶液,克服了金属颗粒团聚的问题,做到了长期保存。50 ℃低温烧结条件下,银氨络合溶液制备的导电纤维与银纳米颗粒溶液制备的导电纤维相比导电性能优异,电阻低至365 Ω/mm。银氨络合溶液直写制备的纤维结构与柔性基底之间有着强附着性,并具备良好的自堆叠特性,可以通过调节纤维堆叠层数在10层到50层变化,控制导电纤维的电阻在6.7~34.1 Ω/mm范围内改变。在不同饱和盐溶液建立的湿度环境下,对基于银氨络合溶液设计的湿度传感器进行测试,传感器展现出良好的湿度响应性能,迟滞低至3.2%,同时在湿度循环变化下实时响应效果优良。无颗粒直写溶液在制备柔性电子产品方面有着可观的前景,并且在运动检测和健康管理等领域有广泛的应用。
电纺直写 银氨络合 低温烧结 湿度传感器 electrohydrodynamic direct writing silver ammonia complexation low temperature sintering humidity sensor 
光学 精密工程
2023, 31(22): 3279
浙江科技学院信息与电子工程学院,浙江 杭州 310023
提出一种太赫兹(THz)超构材料的湿度传感器,可用于测量4%~76.1%范围内的空气湿度。该湿度传感器由周期排列的哑铃型不锈钢孔构成,其工作波段位于太赫兹波段。仿真结果表明,该传感器具有较高的折射率灵敏度。为进一步提高对湿度的灵敏度,还选择对水分子较敏感的丝素蛋白作为湿敏材料,将其涂覆于传感器表面。研究表明,该传感器的湿度灵敏度仿真和实验结果分别为0.20 GHz/%和0.11 GHz/%,高于已有报道的一些超构材料湿度传感器。
材料 超材料 湿度传感器 太赫兹 丝素蛋白 
2023, 43(19): 1916001
邢心魁 1,2,3蒋雪 1,2,3刘凡凡 1,2,3邝卡斌 1,2,3覃荷瑛 1,2,3,*
1 桂林理工大学土木与建筑工程学院,广西 桂林 541004
2 桂林理工大学有色金属矿产勘查与资源高效利用协同创新中心,广西 桂林 541004
3 广西岩土力学与工程重点实验室,广西 桂林 541004
提出了一种以聚酰亚胺(PI)为湿敏材料的FBG湿度传感器。首先,在PI毛细管内灌注PI溶液,以在光纤布拉格光栅(FBG)表面实现均匀涂膜。然后,用偶联剂增强湿敏材料和光栅之间的粘结。最后,制作了三组不同厚度和长度的湿度传感器,测试了其湿度传感特性和温度交叉敏感特性。实验结果表明,PI薄膜越厚,湿度传感器的拟合度越低,灵敏度越高,薄膜厚度为0.13 mm的FBG湿度传感器灵敏度为5.5 pm/%RH、量程为30%RH~98%RH、拟合度为0.99、非线性误差为2%,具有良好的可操作性、推广性和适用性。
传感器 光纤传感器 湿度传感器 聚酰亚胺 湿敏材料 
2022, 59(13): 1328002
王蓉 1,2钟用 2赵雅 2,3巫涛江 2,4
1 九江职业技术学院 电气工程学院, 江西 九江 330007
2 重庆理工大学 智能光纤感知技术重庆市高校工程研究中心, 重庆 400054
3 重庆第二师范学院,重庆 400065
4 电梯智能运维重庆市高校工程中心, 重庆 402260
为了提高塑料光纤湿度传感器的灵敏度, 该文利用商用塑料光纤、聚砜、二氧化锗(GeO2)和聚酰亚胺构建了一种新型结构的塑料光纤湿度传感器。首先将长度为0.5 m的商用塑料光纤中心部分(长5 cm)包层去除, 并弯曲成U形(弯曲半径为2 cm), 再将聚砜与GeO2的混合物涂覆在商用光纤纤芯表面, 然后将涂覆聚砜与GeO2的塑料光纤在70 ℃下干燥10 h, 最后涂覆上聚酰亚胺湿敏材料, 在60 ℃下干燥后形成塑料光纤湿度传感器。实验研究了不同涂覆对塑料光纤传感器光传输特性及其灵敏度的影响, 实验结果表明, 在温度40 ℃、相对湿度10%RH~80%RH下, 当塑料光纤纤芯直径为900 μm、聚砜与GeO2涂覆层厚200 μm、聚酰亚胺湿敏膜厚 20 μm时, 传感器对湿度的响应灵敏度可达到-0.9 nW/(1%RH), 是将20 μm聚酰亚胺湿敏材料涂覆在1 500 μm塑料光纤纤芯表面响应灵敏度的6.9倍。
塑料光纤 聚砜 二氧化锗(GeO2) 聚酰亚胺 湿度传感器 灵敏度 plastic optical fiber polysulfone germanium dioxide(GeO2) polyimide humidity sensor sensitivity 
2021, 43(5): 726
1 重庆大学光电工程学院光电技术与系统教育部重点实验室,重庆 400044
2 重庆大学附属肿瘤医院,重庆 400030
呼吸率检测中存在主观因素强、信号提取复杂、设备不易获取和有线连接不方便测试者移动等问题。人体呼吸周期为3 s?6 s,呼吸气流是呼吸动作的最直接反应,与周围空气存在湿度差。本文采用研制的新型无机卤化物钙钛矿湿度传感器测量呼吸率,克服了市面上湿度传感器响应和恢复时间长(10 s以上)的问题。系统使用Zigbee无线通信传输检测信号,使信号检测和处理部分分离,方便测试者移动。使用上位机软件进行数据处理计算呼吸率,并根据呼吸暂停阈值判断呼吸状态。测试结果表明,系统可实时准确监测呼吸率,最大误差1次/分钟,具有准确率高、信号处理简单、便携和成本低的优势。
呼吸气流 湿度传感器 呼吸率监测 无线通信 上位机设计 respiratory airflow humidity sensor respiratory rate monitoring wireless communication upper computer design 
2021, 48(3): 200100
Author Affiliations
1 Department of Physics, Faculty of Science, Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
2 Laser Center, Ibnu-Sina Institute for Scientific and Industrial Research (ISI-SIR), Universiti Teknologi Malaysia, Johor Bahru 81310, Malaysia
3 School of Engineering, Faculty of Engineering and Physical Sciences, University of Southampton Malaysia, Iskandar Puteri 79200, Malaysia
4 Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur 50603, Malaysia
A sensitive tapered optical fiber sensor incorporating graphene oxide (GO) and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) composite film for the rapid measurement of changes in relative humidity was proposed and experimentally demonstrated. The sensing principle was based on the intensity modulation of the transmitted light induced by the refractive index changes of the sensitive coatings. The sensing region was obtained by tapering a section of single-mode optical fiber (SMF) from its original 125 μm diameter down to 9.03 μm. The tapered structure was then modified through deposition of GO/PVA nanocomposites by using the dip-coating technique. The field emission scanning electron microscope (FESEM) and Raman spectroscopy were used to characterize the structure of the composite film. As evidenced by a Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis, the presence of oxygen functional groups (such as –OH and COOH) on the GO structure enabled the attachment of PVA molecules through hydrogen bonding and strong adhesion between GO/PVA layers. The performance of the sensor was tested over a wide range (20% RH to 99.9% RH) of relative humidity. The sensor showed a good response with its signal increasing linearly with the surrounding humidity. The tapered optical fiber sensor with the coating of GO/0.3 g PVA achieved the highest sensitivity [0.5290 RH (%)]. The stability, repeatability, reversibility, as well as response time of the designated sensor were also measured and analyzed.
Humidity sensor tapered optical fiber Graphene Oxide PVA 
Photonic Sensors
2021, 11(3): 314
邓理 1张建奇 1孙浩 1,*李金泽 1[ ... ]洪登 2
1 西安电子科技大学物理与光电工程学院,陕西 西安 710071
2 长飞光纤光缆股份有限公司光纤光缆制备技术国家重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430073
设计一种由锥形无芯光纤级联光纤布拉格光栅组成的温湿度传感器,并在锥区采用静电纺丝的方式制备一层聚乙烯醇/羧甲基纤维素的复合纳米纤维膜。湿度的变化可以改变纳米纤维膜的有效折射率和厚度,从而影响光纤中光的传输损耗,进而使输出光谱功率发生变化,温度的波动会引起光纤光栅中心波长的漂移,通过监测输出光谱波峰功率和中心波长的变化量即可实现温湿度传感。对所设计的传感器进行温湿度响应测试,传感器的相对湿度灵敏度为0.0198 dB/%,相对温度灵敏度为11.730 pm/℃。结果表明静电纺丝法是一种制备光纤传感器表面湿度敏感涂层的有效方法。
光纤光学 光纤传感器 温湿度传感 静电纺丝 聚乙烯醇 羧甲基纤维素 
2021, 58(9): 0906006
Author Affiliations
1 Islamic University of Gaza, Electrical Engineering Department, Gaza-108, Palestine
2 Bangkok University, BU-CROCCS, School Of Engineering, Pathumthani 12120, Thailand
This paper presents a theoretical study of the utilization of the shift in the reflection peak of the thin dielectric film with embedded metal nanoparticles (NPs) towards humidity and vapor applications. The presence of the NPs in the film results in a complex effective index. Hence, the reflected light at the superstrate-film interface causes a phase shift when the index of the surrounding is changed. This alters the reflected spectrum of the formed Fabry-Perot, for both the reflection peak wavelength and intensity. Here, the dynamic range of the proposed sensor is optimized through the variation of the film thickness and nanoparticle metal type, as well as the volume fraction.
Nanoparticles polymer film humidity sensor 
Photonic Sensors
2020, 10(2): 155

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