2024, 50(12): 230231
长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130033
为解决传统柔性支撑中小口径空间反射镜组件热稳定性与结构刚度间的矛盾,提出了一种新型刚性支撑结构,并为某高分辨率空间相机研制了通光口径?214 mm的高精度次镜组件。采用“镜体-锥套-支撑筒-刚性基板”组合,通过延长、优化热应力在组件内部的传递路径实现了消热目的。刚性支撑次镜组件重2.6 kg、4 ℃均匀温升工况下面形变化均方根(RMS)仿真值为2.573 nm,装调重力工况下镜体倾角和位移分别为2.028″、0.566 μm,与传统柔性支撑方案相比具有突出的优势。实测次镜的面形精度RMS为0.0181λλ=632.8 nm),在16 ℃及24 ℃时次镜面形变化量不超过0.0025λ;组件基频达到502.1 Hz,在快速高低温循环及大量级振动后次镜面形基本维持不变;装配容差测试中,次镜在0.02 mm不平度的作用下仅发生微弱变形。刚性支撑结构可以显著提升中小口径反射镜工作性能,在遥感器光机结构研制领域内具有广阔的应用前景。
空间光学 反射镜 刚性支撑 消热 面形精度稳定性 
2024, 61(5): 0522005
福建师范大学 光电与信息工程学院 医学光电科学与技术教育部重点实验室福建省光子技术重点实验室,福建 福州 350007
离轴反射系统具有不产生色差、无中心遮拦、结构紧凑等特点,但受其非对称结构影响,其视场常常为线视场。基于Zemax设计了一种大对称视场的离轴三反系统,视场为13°×13°,相对孔径为1/5,焦距为800 mm,波长为400 mm~1 000 mm,主镜和三镜为自由曲面,次镜为二次曲面。设计结果表明:对称视场离轴三反系统的点列图直径均方根小于5 μm,80%能量在一个像元内,光学传递函数接近衍射极限,各项指标满足应用要求。
光学设计 空间光学 离轴三反系统 自由曲面 大视场 optical design space optics off-axis three-mirror reflective system free-form surface large field of view 
2023, 44(5): 952
1 中国科学院上海技术物理研究所 中国科学院智能红外感知重点实验室,上海 200083
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
遥感相机的扫描镜通常位于光学系统的最前端,容易受到在轨外热流的影响产生非规则的面型变化,进而影响相机的成像质量。针对该问题设计了基于扫描镜温度值,以神经网络算法为基本,通过温度场变化反演扫描镜面型变化的扫描镜热变形测试方法。以该方法得出的扫描镜的面型变化可以作为后续成像系统面型修正的依据。该方法能够有效地提升遥感相机在轨的温度适用性,延长遥感相机的可用时间。通过该方法计算出的面型变化与理论面型变化的差值优于RMS 12.6 nm,具有较高的面型还原精度,验证了通过扫描镜温度值变化反演其面型变化的可行性。
空间光学 热应力分析 图像分析 神经网络算法 space optics thermal stress analysis image analysis neural network algorithm 
2023, 52(10): 20230065
北京空间机电研究所 先进光学遥感技术北京市重点实验室,北京 100094
随着空间光学遥感器地面分辨率逐步提高,长焦距、大口径相机成为重点研究方向。为了克服重力变化、复合材料变形等因素带来的天地不一致性的问题,次镜调整成为校正光学遥感器离焦和主次镜相对位置变化的关键技术之一。将次镜柔性支撑、精密直线驱动与柔性铰链传动技术相结合,设计了一套高精度次镜调整机构。首先介绍了该套机构的光机构成、工作原理及传动链路,然后对超轻次镜、高精度直线致动、高精度调焦传动等设计分别进行了阐述,最后介绍了力学环境试验后的调整精度测试情况。试验结果表明,该套精密调整机构实测调整行程大于±120 μm,轴向调整步距精度0.18 μm (3σ值),调整行程内次镜的最大平移误差为1.30 μm,最大倾斜误差为1.93″,具有调整范围宽、调整精度高的特点,满足空间光学遥感器精密次镜调整的要求,已成功在轨应用于北京三号B卫星0.5 m级高分辨率空间相机。
大口径 空间光学 调整机构 遥感器 次镜 柔性支撑 large aperture space optics adjustment mechanism remote sensor secondary mirror flexible support 
2023, 52(4): 20220635
1 长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130033
2 东北大学机械工程与自动化学院,辽宁 沈阳 110819
Overview: How to further improve the lightweight ratio of high-performance meter-level space mirrors is one of the core issues in the field of large aperture optomechanical structure design. In this paper, a primary mirror blank with a clear aperture of Φ1200 mm was developed for a high-resolution space camera, which achieves the goal of designing area density below 40 kg/m2. The SiC mirror blank was manufactured by gel injection molding and reaction sintering process, with the classical back three-point support scheme together with the testing state of the optical axis being horizontally adopted to simplify the supporting structure. Novel lightweight measures such as an alternate arrangement of main and auxiliary stiffeners and the addition of lightweight holes to vertical walls were used inside the semi-closed blank, which further improves the lightweight ratio of space mirrors with the sandwich structure. Distributed datums were proposed to replace the traditional datum setting, which reduces the machining area of datums by more than 80% and improves machining efficiency significantly. A robot arm is used for polishing in optical processing, and the local surface deformation is 47 nm in PV value under the typical polishing pressure of 1.77 kPa, with the mirror surface of 4 mm thick and the spacing between stiffener ribs of 81 mm. A parametric model of the mirror blank was built with shell elements, which contains ten variables including stiffener thickness and blank height, and integrated optimization was carried out so as to determine the optimal combination of structural parameters, using the multi-island genetic algorithm. The final design weight of the mirror blank is 46.9 kg, with corresponding area density of 38.8 kg/m2. The RMS value of self-weight deformation of the mirror blank is only 2.87 nm with its optical axis being horizontal, and the free fundamental frequency is 602 Hz, indicating that the mirror blank has good dynamic and static characteristics, which satisfies the design requirements of space cameras. After machining, the measured weight of the mirror blank is 51.3 kg, about 9.4% overweight than the design, and the facesheet is about 1 mm thicker, mainly caused by the inhomogeneity of the molding process. During the centroid position test of the primary mirror blank, the deviation between the measured and theoretical centroid position is about 3.7 mm in the axial direction and 2.0 mm in the radial direction, which can be compensated through adjustment of the supporting structure and has limited influence on the optical performance of mirror assembly. At present, the primary mirror blank has already been polished to RMS λ/8 (λ=632.8 nm) of surface shape accuracy, with no obvious print-through effect observed. The lightweight structure scheme and optimization method of the mirror blank proposed in this paper can provide an important reference for the design of similar space mirrors with the characteristics of large aperture and low areal density.
空间光学 反射镜 轻量化 大口径 反应烧结碳化硅 space optics mirror lightweight large aperture reaction bonded silicon carbide 
2023, 50(4): 220225
Author Affiliations
1 Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun 130033, China
2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China
This paper utilizes uniquely decodable codes (UDCs) in an M-to-1 free-space optical (FSO) system. Benefiting from UDCs’ nonorthogonal nature, the sum throughput is improved. We first prove that the uniquely decodable property still holds, even in optical fading channels. It is further discovered that the receiver can extract each source’s data from superimposed symbols with only one processing unit. According to theoretical analysis and simulation results, the throughput gain is up to the normalized UDC’s sum rate in high signal-to-noise ratio cases. An equivalent desktop experiment is also implemented to show the feasibility of the UDC-FSO structure.
free-space optics throughput enhancement uniquely decodable code 
Chinese Optics Letters
2023, 21(3): 030603
长光卫星技术股份有限公司,吉林 长春 130033
大口径长条形反射镜是大型离轴三反相机的核心部件之一,针对“吉林一号”宽幅01C星中通光口径为1250 mm×460 mm的主反射镜,系统论述了1.2 m量级大长宽比反射镜组件的结构设计方法,并对所研制的主镜开展了详细的验证。从材料属性和现有工艺出发,镜体材料选择反应烧结碳化硅,采用半封闭式轻量化形式,通过二目标全局优化确定了镜体结构参数的最佳组合,最终镜体设计质量为41.8 kg,面板厚5 mm、最薄加强筋仅厚3 mm。采用经典背部三点支撑方案,优化柔性支撑中的双轴柔性铰链结构参数以兼顾组件基频和热稳定性,并与镜体质心位置进行匹配。提出了主镜组件的装配流程和相应的消应力措施。测试结果表明:主镜在装调重力工况下全口径面形精度均方根值为0.016λ(λ=632.8 nm),翻转180°后主镜全口径面形精度均方根值为0.019λ;实测主镜组件一阶基频为127.8 Hz,经大量级随机振动和高低温循环后,主镜面形精度均方根值基本不变。主镜组件具有良好的动、静力学特性,且面形精度高、稳定性良好,能够满足高性能空间光学系统的使用要求。
空间光学 大口径反射镜 碳化硅 离轴三反 “吉林一号”卫星 space optics large aperture mirror silicon carbide off-axis TMA "Jilin-1" satellite 
2023, 52(1): 20220363
李宗轩 1,3,*张昌昊 1,2,3张德福 1,3马斌 1,2,3李云峰 1,2,3
1 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所, 吉林 长春 130033
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
3 中国科学院天基动态快速光学成像技术重点实验室, 长春130033
1.8 m×0.5 m口径的长条形主反射镜是某空间离轴三反光学系统的重要光学元件,其面形精度的好坏是决定光学系统在轨成像质量的关键。为保证主镜组件结构的稳定性、可靠性及反射镜的面形精度,提出一种适用于大尺寸长条形反射镜的双轴柔性支撑结构。首先,基于运动学等效原理提出双轴柔性支撑的初始结构,建立了柔性环节刚度数学模型并研究了其刚度特性。然后,对柔性支撑的安装位置进行了参数化研究并对柔性支撑的关键尺寸进行了优化设计。最后,确定了反射镜组件的最终设计方案。仿真与试验结果表明,反射镜组件一阶固有频率为104 Hz。X/Y两个光轴分别对径向施加1 G重力时面形精度RMS值分别为4.81 nm、6.09 nm,优于λ/50(λ=632.8 nm),均满足设计要求。组件正样动力学环境试验表明,反射镜组件的动力学特性良好,柔性支撑系统稳定可靠,与仿真结果一致。目前反射镜全口径面形精度已加工至λ/30 RMS,并在此精度下进行了自重0°/180°的±1 G面形检测试验,结果显示其稳定性良好。
空间光学 离轴三反光学系统 长条反射镜 柔性支撑 有限元方法 动力学实验 space optics off-axis TMA optical system rectangular mirror flexural support finite element method dynamitic test 
2022, 15(5): 1079
王玉朋 1,**牛照东 1,*王东亚 2黄剑 2[ ... ]孙权 1
1 国防科技大学自动目标识别重点实验室,湖南 长沙 410000
2 北京跟踪与通信技术研究所,北京 100000
空间光学 成像方法 仿真流程 空间碎片 可见性 
2022, 59(16): 1611006

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