中国激光, 2021, 48 (8): 0802012, 网络出版: 2021-04-15   

铜微纳结构的激光直写及其应用研究进展 下载: 1322次

Direct Laser Writing of Micro/Nano Copper Structures and Their Applications
北京航空航天大学机械工程及自动化学院, 北京 100191

Significance Owing to excellent adaptability to different working conditions, flexible electronics have attracted significant attention in many fields, such as wireless communication, human-machine interaction, and personal healthcare. Functional parts and conductive circuits are the basic components of electronics that respond to external stimulus and conduct signals, respectively.

Nanomaterials with unique physical and chemical properties are widely used for developing flexible electronics. Noble metals, such as silver, gold, and platinum are good candidates for manufacturing conductive parts because of their high conductivity and chemical stability. However, the high price of these metals limits their large scale production. Recently, copper has been considered a good alternative to noble metals for developing conductive component owing to its low-cost and excellent electrical properties. Furthermore, copper oxides (cuprous oxide and cupric oxide) are important transition metal oxides because of their semiconductive properties. They have been widely used as functional parts owing to their high sensitivity for external stimulation, such as humidity, temperature. Efficient manufacturing methods for materials play a major role in developing high-performance devices.

The typical “bottom-up” process, such as hydrothermal and chemical precipitation, provides a low-cost, precise control, and large-scale synthesis route to manufacture the micro/nanostructured copper. However, post-treatment processes, such as printing and sintering, are required to obtain the desired properties in a device. Such step-by-step manufacturing requires the cooperation of various techniques, which increases the process cost and complexity. Thus, developing a low-cost process for manufacturing the micro/nanostructures has attracted significant attention.

Direct laser writing, as an advanced processing technology developed recently, provides a novel approach for micro/nanostructure manufacturing. This technology has been used to process the structure, including noble metals, metal oxides, and carbon-based materials. In this study, the technical characteristics of manufacturing copper-based micro/nanostructures with direct laser writing have been summarized.

Progress The typical laser processing of micro/nanostructures, such as laser assembly, sintering, and synthesis, has been elaborated (Fig. 1). The advantages of laser processing compared with other processing technologies are presented. Then, the studies of laser sintering, reduction, and synthesis, for manufacturing copper structures are reviewed. The challenges of laser processing for copper-based materials, especially for the conductive copper structure, are highlighted. Subsequently, one-step direct laser writing technology based on the ionic precursor has been discussed. The typical manufacturing process and mechanism of the one-step direct laser writing of copper structures are revealed (Fig. 2). The effects of process parameters, such as precursor compositions, reducing agent type, laser wavelength, and laser parameters on the structure and electrical properties of patterns are discussed (Fig. 3). The tuning methods of the copper micro/nanostructures, such as topography, composition, and joining behavior during the writing process are demonstrated. The conductivity of the written structure and its influencing factors, such as porosity and composition, are comprehensively summarized according to the previously reported studies (Fig. 4). Besides, the manufacturing method of antioxidation copper structures with direct laser writing is described (Fig. 5). Typical applications of the copper-based structures in conductive (Fig. 6) and functional parts (Fig. 7) in microelectronic devices are listed. The working mechanisms of these typical devices, such as an electrode, antenna, heater, capacitor, and sensors, and their influencing factors in performance have been clarified. Finally, the development trend of laser direct writing of micro/nano copper structures has prospected.

Conclusions and Prospect In summary, direct laser writing has been an efficient manufacturing process for copper micro/nanostructures owing to its noncontact, maskless, and rapid processing characteristics. Direct laser writing based on ionic precursors integrates the synthesis, positioning, assembly, and joining of copper nanomaterials into a one-step, which shows unique advantages in structure and composition control. This process still faces challenges in processing copper structures, such as the accurate control of products, diversification of composite structures, and further expansion of application. Further, in-depth study is needed to explore the writing mechanism and fully understand the processing characteristics for copper-based micro/nanostructures.

1 引言




2 “自下而上”的微纳结构激光加工

可利用激光将分散于溶液中的预合成纳米粒子在目标基板上进行组装/图形化。相较于常用的喷墨打印技术[12],非接触式激光组装/图案化避免了诸如喷头堵塞、喷头污染带来的加工系统损耗,减小了其对结构化质量的影响。如图1(a)所示,激光所引起的局部温度梯度将在溶液中引起热对流,将纳米颗粒牵引至光斑焦点附近,并通过范德瓦耳斯力在固-液界面组装[21]。组装过程中的温度梯度主要由激光辐照目标材料所产生的表面等离子体共振(SPR)引起,不同形貌/种类纳米材料的共振波长并不一致,因此选择相应波长的激光是成功组装纳米结构的关键。例如,金纳米颗粒的共振波长约530 nm,采用532 nm波长的激光进行辐照具有较高的组装效率;而对于金纳米棒而言,785 nm波长的激光是更好的选择[21]。通过改变激光的焦点位置,可在指定区域固定纳米结构。另外,也可利用激光辐照所产生的微气泡对纳米材料进行捕获[22-23]。光诱导微气泡与溶液的界面将形成Marangoni流体,所引起的牵引力将在气泡周围组装纳米结构[24]。纳米结构的形状及尺寸可以通过微泡大小来进行调控:当微泡尺寸显著大于纳米颗粒尺寸时,将形成空心的半球形三维结构;当微泡尺寸与纳米颗粒相当时,将形成二维环状结构[25]。进一步来讲,可以通过操控激光的行进路径来移动微泡,完成连续结构的图形化设计[26]。该过程中,微泡的稳定性是成功组装纳米材料的关键因素,可通过调整激光的脉冲宽度/频率来维持。

图 1. 典型微纳结构的“自下而上”激光加工。(a)光诱导组装[21];(b)激光烧结(与炉中烧结对比)[27];(c)光诱导水热法合成[28]

Fig. 1. Typical “bottom-up” laser processing of micro/nano structures. (a) Laser-induced assembly[21]; (b) comparison of laser sintering and bulk heating[27]; (c) laser-induced hydrothermal growth[28]

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除通过分子间作用力完成纳米材料组装外,可通过激光辐照完成纳米材料的连接/烧结。传统的炉中烧结技术需要整体升温,通常需要在高温下进行(>300 ℃),不仅耗时且易造成柔性基板烧损[6]。如图1(b)所示,激光烧结将高度集中的能量控制在所需区域,避免了长时间、大面积加热对基板的损害。在激光辐照纳米材料时,不仅通过光-热作用使材料局部升温,而且辐照所引起的SPR效应亦可促进纳米材料表面的熔化并完成连接[27,29-30]。这种低热作用下局部能量的累积可进一步降低宏观温升。此外,激光烧结通过对材料连接及结构化的整合,相较于其他光子烧结方法(如强光烧结[31]),具有无掩模直接加工的能力。


3 激光直写铜基微纳结构及其电性能调控

3.1 激光直写导电铜结构工艺

基于预合成的铜纳米材料,可利用激光直写完成其连接及图形化。由于快速、低热作用的工艺特点,铜纳米材料的激光烧结无需额外的保护气氛/真空环境[38]。由于不同类型的激光具有不同的加工特性,选择合适的激光类型(尤其是激光波长)有利于抑制铜纳米材料在烧结时的氧化。例如,光诱导的SPR效应仅会在纳米结构的结节处引起局部温升形成连接,可有效避免整体加热引起的铜结构氧化。对于薄层(数纳米至数十纳米)铜纳米线的烧结而言,532 nm波长的激光(对应铜纳米线共振波长)是较优选择[27];由于激光的穿透深度与其波长正相关,对于厚层(数百纳米至微米级)纳米铜结构的烧结,近红外波长的激光更具优势:采用1064 nm波长的激光烧结铜纳米颗粒时,热量将主要向深度方向传导,仅表面与空气接触的铜纳米材料发生少量氧化[29]。但预合成的铜纳米材料容易在储存过程中氧化,导致烧结所需的能量升高,最终结构的导电性降低[39]。因此采用激光烧结铜材料前,需要额外的预处理步骤去除氧化物薄膜[40]。为克服这一问题,可采用具有更低成本、更易保存的铜氧化物作为前驱体[41]。在铜氧化物(氧化铜或氧化亚铜)中加入还原剂后,可利用激光直写将铜氧化物还原为铜纳米材料,并进一步完成其烧结。一方面,激光通过热作用分解还原剂,完成铜纳米材料的还原。另一方面,激光辐照铜氧化物引起的电子跃迁也将促进其还原[42]。激光热效应与波长正相关,但光子能量与波长成反比。光诱导电子跃迁需要光子能量高于氧化物的带隙,由于氧化铜的带隙(约1.2 eV)低于氧化亚铜(约2.1 eV)[43],故氧化铜可匹配更长波长的激光(兼具光-热作用及光致电子跃迁作用),更适合作为前驱体使用。但该还原-烧结进程仍是基于预合成材料。从工艺流程简化及成本节约的角度出发,基于离子态前驱体的激光直写一步法被认为是更加高效的铜微纳结构制造技术。离子态前驱体由铜盐及还原剂组成,激光辐照将诱导其中还原剂分解并合成铜纳米结构,同时将其原位连接为导电结构[44-45]。基于离子态前驱体的激光直写不仅可规避预合成铜纳米材料的氧化问题,且将铜纳米材料的合成、烧结及结构化整合为一个步骤,极大地提高了铜微纳结构的制造效率。


图 2. 基于离子态铜盐前驱体的激光直写典型工艺流程

Fig. 2. Typical manufacturing process of the direct laser writing based on the copper ionic precursor

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含羧基(—COOH基团)的有机物及无机物[例如聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVP)、乙酸(CH3COOH)、甲酸(HCOOH)]也可用于铜纳米材料的还原[49]。以PVP为例,激光热作用将PVP分解为亚甲基结构、甲胺和丙酸。丙酸将进一步分解成甲酸并将Cu2+还原为C u0[45,52]:


值得注意的是,激光诱导的还原/合成过程很大程度上取决于氧化还原的反应温度。这意味着虽然激光可将升温区域局限在非常小的区域内,但仍然需要达到对应的温度阈值。例如多元醇的分解温度在180 ℃左右[43],而甲酸约为100 ℃[53]。由于含羧基还原剂的分解温度更低,含羧基还原剂将比多元醇更适用于在热敏基板上直写导电铜结构。


图 3. 激光工艺参数对直写铜结构的影响[48]。(a)线宽;(b)成分;(c)微观组织

Fig. 3. Effect of laser parameters on the written copper structure[48]. (a) Width of structure; (b) composition;(c) microstructure

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3.2 激光直写铜基微纳结构的电性能及其调控

对于铜导电结构而言,导电性是其性能评价的重要指标之一。在获得高铜含量的导电结构后,其导电性能主要受到孔隙率的影响。图4列出了目前基于不同前驱体(铜纳米颗粒[29,38,55]、铜氧化物颗粒[41-42]、固/液态离子前驱体[44-45,47,56-58])所获得的典型铜导电结构的电阻率,其中插图绘制了相对应结构的典型微观形貌。可以看出,铜结构的导电性与其致密程度正相关。基于氧化铜纳米颗粒及干燥状态的铜离子前驱体所获的铜结构电阻率通常为10~103 μΩ·cm,较铜块材电阻率高出1~2个数量级。而基于预合成铜纳米颗粒及液态铜离子前驱体所获的直写结构具有更低的孔隙率,其电阻率的数量级与块材相当(≤10 μΩ·cm)。

图 4. 基于不同前驱体直写所得典型铜微结构的电阻率及微观形貌比较

Fig. 4. Comparison of resistivity and microstructure of the laser written copper structures based on different precursors

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对于导电铜微纳米结构而言,其氧化问题不仅存在于储存及加工过程中,服役过程中结构的氧化也将导致其导电性能损失[59]。在完成导电铜结构的制备后,通常利用封装层[如聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)[44]、聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯(PMMA)[60]等]来隔绝空气,避免结构氧化。显然额外的封装工艺将使导电结构的制造过程复杂化,提高了成本。制备铜基核壳结构(如铜@银[61-63]、铜@金-银合金[64]、铜@镍[65]、铜@石墨烯[66]等)是提高结构稳定性的有效手段。通过对激光直写所用前驱体成分的调控,可完成复合结构的制备。如图5(a)所示,当采用PVP还原铜结构时,PVP的分解将引入无定形碳,在激光的热作用下,无定形碳将被部分晶化为石墨,形成独特的铜碳复合结构[45]。类似地,可以有意地在前驱体中引入额外的有机物作为碳源。如图5(b)所示,通过在前驱体中添加鞣酸作为碳源,也可获得铜碳包覆结构[47]。相较于高温化学沉积(CVD)技术[67-70],激光直写过程的温度较低,因而结构中获得的碳结构主要为非晶碳。此外,在引入碳结构后,由于碳-铜间仅有范德瓦耳斯力,并未形成冶金结合,故直写结构的孔隙率将有所升高,略微地降低了其导电性,但碳对铜的包覆作用将显著提高直写结构在服役过程中的抗氧化性能。如图5(c)所示,所得结构在近100 ℃下存放于大气中后,其电阻仍然保持恒定,而铜结构已经因氧化而导致相对电阻上升。

图 5. 激光直写铜基复合微纳结构。(a)铜碳复合结构的形成机理示意[45];(b)典型铜碳复合结构的微观形貌及元素分布;(c)铜碳复合结构与铜结构的抗氧化性能比较[47];(d)低激光功率下直写铜氧化物的结构[48]

Fig. 5. Direct laser writing of Cu-based composite micro-nano structure. (a) Schematic diagram of the formation mechanism of the Cu-C composite structure[45]; (b) microstructure and elements distribution of the typical Cu-C composite structure; (c) comparison of oxidation resistance of Cu and Cu-C structures[47]; (d) structure of the directly written Cu oxides at a low laser power[48]

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4 直写铜微纳结构的典型应用

4.1 导电铜结构的应用

导电电极是激光直写铜微纳结构的典型应用之一。如图6(a)所示,直写在柔性基板上的铜电极可以在弯曲状态下工作[47]。除此之外,图案化后的导电铜结构与其他功能组件配合可实现更多的功能性器件设计。如图6(b)所示,可将铜微结构转印至PDMS上完成应变传感器的制造。将器件固定于手指后,手指弯曲会引起铜结构电阻上升,手指恢复平直状态后,结构的电阻也将随之恢复,从而达到监控手指运动的目的。如图6(c)所示,通过直写铜导电结构,并与介电层配合,可完成多点式接近/触摸传感器的制造[71]。导电结构与介电层组装的叠层结构,能够在很宽的范围内感应出很强的边缘场,移动导电物体会引起该边缘场的干扰,从而导致其电容发生变化[72-73]。可以通过监视顶部和底部电极层之间的互电容来检测传感元件附近导电物体的相对位置。如图6(d)所示,可将导电铜微结构图形化为平面天线,与商用IC芯片配合完成诸如近场通信(NFC)、射频识别(RFID)及无线充电设备的制造[45, 74-75]。对于该类器件,结构的导电性是其性能的重要决定因素之一,高电导率有利于减少电路内耗,降低器件操作电压;可提高接近传感器的监测距离[71];可提高所制备天线的效率及(有效)增益[76]等。

图 6. 导电铜结构的典型应用。(a)柔性电极[47];(b)应变传感器对手指运动的监测[44];(c)接近/触摸传感器对手指触摸的响应[71];(d)柔性平面天线及其频宽[45]

Fig. 6. Typical applications of the conductive Cu structures. (a) Flexible electrode[47]; (b) monitoring the finger movement using the strain sensor[44]; (c) response of the proximity/touch sensor to finger touch[71]; (d) planar antenna and its bandwidth[45]

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4.2 功能性铜基结构的应用


图 7. 激光直写功能性铜基结构的典型应用。(a)柔性加热器[47];(b)准固态电容器及其循环伏安曲线[46];(c)湿度传感器对呼吸频率的监测[48];(d)温度传感器及其温度响应曲线[84]

Fig. 7. Typical applications of the laser written functional Cu-based structures. (a) Flexible heater[47]; (b) quasi-solid capacitor and its cyclic voltammogram[46]; (c) monitoring the breath rate using the strain sensor[48]; (d) temperature sensor and its temperature response curves[84]

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5 结束语



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