光学学报, 2024, 44 (6): 0601008, 网络出版: 2024-03-19  


Effects of Unstable Stratified Ocean Turbulence on Hermite-Gaussian Optical Communication System
丁桂璇 1,2杜星 1,2杜浩 1,3,*王生 1,2敖磊 1李崔春 1
1 中国科学院空天信息创新研究院,北京 100094
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 海南空天信息研究院海南省地球观测重点实验室,海南 文昌 571300

Underwater wireless optical communication (UWOC) has caught much attention due to its wide frequency band, high information capacity, and fast data transmission rate. However, ocean turbulence causes light intensity scintillation during beam propagation, which increases the difficulty of optical signal resolution in UWOC systems. During establishing underwater optical communication links, Hermite-Gaussian (HG) beams can help to improve system performance by reducing scintillation. Most of the performance studies on current HG UWOC systems employ stable stratification turbulent power spectra, whose computational accuracy cannot match unstable stratification cases. Additionally, current research on UWOC is at the level where the system pointing error must be considered, but this aspect is not addressed in the study of the HG UWOC. According to the literature findings, the study of average bit error rate (BER), average channel capacity, and outage probability of UWOC systems based on unstable stratified ocean turbulence and HG beam pointing error is not reported. Therefore, we investigate the performance of the HG beam wireless optical communication system under unstable stratified ocean turbulence.


We derive the theoretical formulae for the HG optical scintillation index under unstable stratified ocean turbulence and the probability distribution function of the channel coefficients of UWOC systems considering the combined effects of ocean turbulence and pointing error. Meanwhile, theoretical formulae for the main performance parameters of the system are derived, including BER, channel capacity, and outage probability. Additionally, we derive the closed-form expressions for these three performance parameters using the Gaussian-Hermite orthogonal integral approximation method, thus conducting an in-depth analysis of the system performance. To more comprehensively evaluate the system performance in different conditions, we perform simulations to analyze the effects of beam modulus, transmission distance, ocean turbulence, and pointing error on the average BER, average channel capacity, and outage probability of the system under unstable stratification and stable stratification turbulence.

Results and Discussions

We investigate the performance of HG beam wireless optical communication system under unstable stratified ocean turbulence. The results show that the system BER can be reduced by decreasing the beam width, the HG beam width is reduced from 0.05 m to 0.01 m at an SNR of 30 dB, and the average BER is reduced from 6.18×10-7 to 2.0×10-8. The increase in transmission distance results in the rising system BER. Additionally, we compare the differences in the effects of system performance on unstable stratification and stable stratification turbulence. It is found that the average BER for the stable stratification case in temperature-induced ocean turbulence is much lower than the average BER for the unstable stratification case. Since the eddy thermal diffusivity of seawater should be greater than the salt diffusivity in a temperature-induced ocean environment, the stable stratification assumption underestimates the ocean turbulence intensity. The system performance in the unstable stratification case is better when induced by salinity. Under the stable stratification assumption, the average channel capacity can be close to 0 in certain conditions to prevent reliable communication. In contrast, the average channel capacity in the unstable stratification case is greater than that in the stable stratification case. Meanwhile, the increase in the mean square temperature dissipation rate and the decrease in the turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate per unit mass of fluid lead to decreased average channel capacity and increased outage probability. This indicates turbulence intensity increase, thus causing deteriorated system performance. Finally, as the variance of the pointing error increases, the light intensity at the receiver end becomes weaker and cannot meet the requirements of the resolved signals, with degraded system performance.


We investigate the performance of a wireless optical communication system using the HG beam under unstable stratified ocean turbulence. Meanwhile, The closed-form expressions for the scintillation index of the HG beams and the average BER, average channel capacity, and outage probability of the optical communication system which take into account the pointing error are derived from the power spectra of the unstable stratified ocean turbulence. The simulations analyze the effects of beam modulus, transmission distance, ocean turbulence, and pointing errors on the system performance. The results show that the unstable stratification theory can correct the bias of ocean turbulence intensity caused by the stable stratification assumption, and then reduce the calculation errors of BER, channel capacity, and outage probability of the UWOC system, and have better system performance in the salinity-induced cases. Additionally, the increasing mean square temperature dissipation rate leads to a decreasing turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate per unit mass of fluid, rising pointing error, reducing system channel capacity, and increasing outage probability. The results have implications and significance for studying underwater optical communications.

1 引言





2 理论分析

2.1 HG光束的闪烁指数


u(s)=Hn(sx /αs)Hm(sy /αs)exp-αs-2(sx2+sy2)2





Y(ς,κ,θ,L)=ikexp-0.5i(L-ς)(kαs2+iς)κ2k(kαs2+iL)Hnαs(ς-L)kαs2-iLκcos θ×Hmαs(ς-L)kαs2-iLκsin θ


Φn(κ)=(4πk2)-1C0α2χTω2ε-13κ-531+C1κη23× ω2e-ATδ+dre-ASδ-ω(dr+1)e-ATSδ

式中:a=2.6×10-4 L/°C0=0.72C1=2.35AT=C0C1-2PT-1AS=C0C1-2PS-1ATS=0.5C0C1-2PTS-1PTPS分别表示温度和盐度的普朗特数;PTS=2PTPS/(PT+PS)δ=8.284κη4/3+12.978κη2η为Kolmogorov微尺度,取值范围为6×10-5~0.01 m;ε为湍流动能耗散率,从浅海碎浪区到深海区域ε的取值为10-1~10-10 m2·s-3χT为均方温度耗散率,取值范围为10-4~10-10 K2·s-1,当其大于10-5 K2·s-1时,水域为强分层;ω为温度诱致与盐度诱致的比值,其取值范围为-5~0,ω趋近-5表示湍流以温度诱致为主,趋近0时表示湍流以盐度诱致为主;海水湍流的涡流扩散率drKSKT的比值23,通常表示为

      dr=KSKT=ωRF=     1/1-ω-1/ω,ω11.85ω-0.85,0.5ω10.15ω,ω0.5


2.2 HG光UWOC系统的性能









                   us,LPE=4αs0αr2+4σr29/2exp-2s2αr2+4σr2αr8+8αr6(-s2+σr2)+16αr4(s4+2s2σr2+3σr4)+                                               256αr2σr4(s2+σr2)+512σr8,                                                                                                                      (9)





2.2.1 平均误码率





Pbe=0fhhphehdh=0Qγ¯h1h2πσI2×      exp-lnh/hp+σI2/222σI2dh



2.2.2 平均信道容量






2.2.3 中断概率


      Pout=P2Pt2h2R2σn2μth=phμthσn22Pt2R2=          0Ufhhdh



3 数值仿真

本节将对第2节中推导的不稳定分层海洋湍流中HG光UWOC系统性能的理论公式进行仿真验证。假定沿水平方向传播的HG UWOC链路的仿真计算参数为:激光波长为532 nm、束宽αs=0.01 m、水平传输距离为35 m。仿真所使用的湍流参数数值除特别说明外,采用以下数值:PT=7PS=700η=0.01 mε=10-2 m2s-3χT=3.2×10-7 K2s-1ω=-1.5

3.1 平均误码率

图1所示为在不同束宽和传输距离下HG光UWOC的平均误码率与平均SNR的关系。随着平均SNR的增加,平均误码率降低。图1(a)对比了HG光UWOC[(2,2)模式]与高斯光UWOC[(0,0)模式]在束宽为0.01、0.03、0.05 m时误码率的差别。在这3种取值情况下,高斯光通信系统的误码率始终高于HG光通信系统的误码率。减小HG光束的束宽可显著降低UWOC系统的误码率。当SNR为30 dB时,束宽为0.01 m的HG光相比于高斯光的系统误码率降低了两个量级;HG光束的束宽从0.05 m降到0.01 m,平均误码率由6.18×10-7降低到2.0×10-8图1(b)展示了传输距离对于系统误码率的影响。随着传输距离的增加,系统的误码率增大,当距离超过70 m,且SNR小于30 dB时,平均误码率维持在10-1量级的水平。这是因为HG光束在海洋湍流中传播时,其闪烁指数与传输距离呈正相关,在达到一定的传输距离后,光强闪烁出现饱和现象,导致信道出现强衰落,通信链路中断。因此,为了提高UWOC系统的通信性能,可通过提高系统信噪比来提高系统的通信质量。

图 1. 平均误码率与平均信噪比的关系。(a)不同束宽和光束模数;(b)不同传输距离

Fig. 1. Relationship of average SNR and average BER. (a) Different beam widths and beam modulus; (b) different transmission distances

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图 2. 两种情况下ω对平均BER的影响。(a)不稳定分层情况;(b)稳定分层情况

Fig. 2. Effect of ω on average BER under two conditions. (a) Unstable stratification; (b) stable stratification

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3.2 平均信道容量


图 3. 平均信道容量与海洋湍流参数的关系。(a)均方温度耗散率;(b)湍流动能耗散率

Fig. 3. Relationship between average channel capacity and ocean turbulence parameters. (a) Mean square temperature dissipation rate; (b) turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate

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图4所示为存在瞄准误差的情况下,UWOC系统平均信道容量的变化情况。可以看出,随着瞄准误差的方差增大,平均信道容量减小,当信噪比为30 dB时,瞄准误差的方差从0增大到20 μrad,平均信道容量从9.85 bits-1Hz-1减低到8.36 bits-1Hz-1。瞄准误差的增大,意味着接收端的光强减弱,无法满足解析信号的要求,使得平均信道容量减小,系统性能变差。

图 4. 平均信道容量与瞄准误差的关系

Fig. 4. Relationship between average channel capacity and pointing error

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3.3 中断概率


图 5. 归一化判决阈值U与中断概率的关系。(a)不稳定分层;(b)稳定分层

Fig. 5. Relationship between normalized decision threshold and outage probability. (a) Unstable stratification; (b) stable stratification

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图6所示为海洋湍流参数和瞄准误差对系统中断概率的影响。与图3的结果类似,不论是否存在瞄准误差,均方温度耗散率χT增大,湍流动能耗散率ε减小,导致湍流强度增加,中断概率随之增大。而在同一判决阈值U下,相比于不存在瞄准误差的情况,UWOC系统的中断概率在存在瞄准误差时要高得多。瞄准误差增加5 μrad,UWOC系统的归一化判决阈值需要减小5 dB左右才能达到相同的中断概率。

图 6. 海洋湍流参数和瞄准误差对系统中断概率的影响。(a)均方温度耗散率;(b)湍流动能耗散率

Fig. 6. Effect of ocean turbulence parameters and pointing error on outage probability. (a) Mean square temperature dissipation rate; (b) turbulent kinetic energy dissipation rate

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4 结论



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