Author Affiliations
CAS Key Laboratory of Quantitative Engineering Biology, Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Synthetic Genomics and Shenzhen Key Laboratory of Synthetic Genomics, Shenzhen Institute of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shenzhen 518055, China
Virus is a kind of microorganism and possesses simple structure and contains one nucleic acid, which must be replicated using the host cell system. It causes large-scale infectious diseases and poses serious threats to the health, social well-being, and economic conditions of millions of people worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop novel strategies for accurate diagnosis of virus infection to prevent disease transmission. Quantum dots (QDs) are typical fluorescence nanomaterials with high quantum yield, broad absorbance range, narrow and size-dependent emission, and good stability. QDs-based nanotechnology has been found to be effective method with rapid response, easy operation, high sensitivity, and good specificity, and has been widely applied for the detection of different viruses. However, until now, no systematic and critical review has been published on this important research area. Hence, in this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive coverage of various QDs-based virus detection methods. The fundamental investigations have been reviewed, including information related to the synthesis and biofunctionalization of QDs, QDs-based viral nucleic acid detection strategies, and QDs-based immunoassays. The challenges and perspectives regarding the potential application of QDs for virus detection is also discussed.Virus is a kind of microorganism and possesses simple structure and contains one nucleic acid, which must be replicated using the host cell system. It causes large-scale infectious diseases and poses serious threats to the health, social well-being, and economic conditions of millions of people worldwide. Therefore, there is an urgent need to develop novel strategies for accurate diagnosis of virus infection to prevent disease transmission. Quantum dots (QDs) are typical fluorescence nanomaterials with high quantum yield, broad absorbance range, narrow and size-dependent emission, and good stability. QDs-based nanotechnology has been found to be effective method with rapid response, easy operation, high sensitivity, and good specificity, and has been widely applied for the detection of different viruses. However, until now, no systematic and critical review has been published on this important research area. Hence, in this review, we aim to provide a comprehensive coverage of various QDs-based virus detection methods. The fundamental investigations have been reviewed, including information related to the synthesis and biofunctionalization of QDs, QDs-based viral nucleic acid detection strategies, and QDs-based immunoassays. The challenges and perspectives regarding the potential application of QDs for virus detection is also discussed.
quantum dot synthesis and biofunctionalization virus detection molecule biology detection immunoassays 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(2): 023101
中国计量大学光学与电子科技学院, 浙江 杭州 310018
拉曼光谱是提供物质结信息的强有力工具。 但由于拉曼散射信号弱, 灵敏度低, 因此应用范围受到限制。 而在共振拉曼光谱(RRS)中, 由于激发光源频率落在分子的某一电子吸收带内, 分子吸收光子向电子激发态的跃迁变成了共振吸收, 因此对入射光的吸收强度大大增加。 与常规拉曼光谱相比, RRS能够提高信号强度的106倍。 因此, RRS检测技术以其更高的灵敏度和选择性而具有更广的应用, 特别是在生物学及医学等领域。 如: (1)生物基质中的类胡萝卜素和叶绿素等色素分析; (2)细胞、 蛋白质和DNA等有机物研究以及一些临床疾病诊断。 RRS可以得到在常规拉曼光谱中隐藏的、 更为重要的分子结构信息。 RRS总是在很低的浓度下测试, 且共振拉曼增强的谱线是属于产生电子吸收的基团, 这对于有色物和生物样品尤为重要。 因为很多这类样品的活性部位接近于生色基团, 且研究对象往往是生物大分子的某一部分, 所以在研究生物物质的结构和功能的关系时, RRS起着重要作用。 近年来, 由于光谱技术的发展使得RRS检测技术得到创新与延伸, 如液芯光纤共振拉曼光谱和透射共振拉曼光谱等新技术的应用。 通过对近几年有关RRS技术应用的原始论文、 数据和主要观点进行归纳整理与分析提炼, 介绍了RRS这一专题的历史背景和研究现状, 分别对共振拉曼光谱的色素检测、 生物检测和爆炸物检测等应用领域展开详细的综述, 并介绍了相关新技术的发展应用。 随着光谱技术的快速发展, RRS必将在科研领域拥有其他光谱技术不可取代的重要地位。
共振拉曼光谱 色素检测 生物检测 爆炸物检测 Resonance Raman spectroscopy Pigment detection Biology detection Explosive detection 
2019, 39(7): 2119
Author Affiliations
State Key Laboratory on Integrated Optoelectronics, College of Electronic Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Based on natural protein materials, a series of lenses with different heights and focal lengths were assembled on glass substrates by femtosecond laser non-contact, masking, and cold processing. This lens array itself possesses unique and characteristic optical performance in three-dimensional parallel imaging and bending imaging. What is more profound is that by using equilibrium swelling of protein-hydrogel, once the lens array was placed in a liquid environment, with the change of ion concentration (e.g., pH), the refractive index and curvature of the protein-hydrogel would change, which leads to the flex of the focal plane of the lens, finally realizing the dynamical tunability of a protein microlens. These smart stress devices may have great potential in optical biosensing and microfluidic chip integration fields.
170.1420 Biology 230.3990 Micro-optical devices 
Chinese Optics Letters
2019, 17(6): 061702
田鹏 1,2严伟 1,2,*李凡星 1,2杨帆 1,2[ ... ]何渝 1,2
1 中国科学院光电技术研究所微细加工光学技术国家重点实验室, 四川 成都 610209
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
传统的小孔球面波数字同轴全息受小孔的不确定度影响, 成像质量并不理想。本文提出一种产生均匀球面波得到宽视场高分辨的显微成像方法。激光经过扩束镜、显微物镜后聚焦成一个极小的光斑, 调节针孔阵列与焦点的距离, 针孔直径与焦斑相配形成理想球面波。照明被测物后, 透射球面波和物体散射的物光波形成干涉条纹, 由大靶面图像传感器采集。载物与不载物的图像相减去掉脏点和杂光干扰。菲涅耳逆变换重构算法恢复物体信息。生物实验证明, 均匀球面波数字同轴全息能够获得高质量显微成像, 视场范围3.22 mm×3.22 mm, 分辨率5.09 μm, 其快速、非接触、灵活的放大倍率可广泛应用于光学元件检测、材料识别、生物医学领域。
数字同轴全息 均匀球面波 生物显微 digital in-line holography well-distributed sphere biology microscopy 
2019, 46(1): 180110
Author Affiliations
Photonic Device Physics Laboratory, Institute of Physics and Applied Physics, Yonsei University, 50 Yonsei-ro Seodaemun-gu, Seoul 120-749, South Korea
The denaturation of double-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (ds-DNA) has been well known to break nucleobase bonds, resulting in single-stranded deoxyribonucleic acid (ss-DNA) in solutions, which can recombine to form ds-DNA in a reversible manner. We developed an efficient process to irreversibly maintain various DNA denaturation levels in thin solid films in order to investigate the impacts of the denaturation on the optical properties of DNA films. By adding NaOH in an aqueous solution of salmon testis DNA, we flexibly controlled the level of denaturation in the solution, which was then spin-coated on Si and silica substrates to irreversibly bind ss-DNAs in a thin solid film. The denaturation of DNA in thin solid films was experimentally confirmed by ultraviolet-visible and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopic investigations, whose level could be controlled by the NaOH content in the aqueous solution precursor. By this irreversible denaturation process, we developed a new method to flexibly vary the refractive index of DNA thin solid films in a wide range of Δn>0.02 in the visible to near-infrared range. Thermo-optic coefficients dn/dT of the films were also experimentally measured in the temperature range from 40°C to 90°C to confirm the significant impacts of denaturation. Detailed thin film processes and optical characterizations are discussed.
Biology Spectroscopy, ultraviolet Thin films, optical properties 
Photonics Research
2018, 6(9): 09000918
1 东北大学中荷生物医学与信息工程学院, 辽宁 沈阳 110016
2 斯蒂文斯理工学院电气与计算机工程系, 美国 霍博肯 NJ07030
医用光学 拉曼光谱成像 拉曼光谱 成像 生物医学 
2018, 45(3): 0307007
1 南通大学机械工程学院, 江苏 南通 226019
2 南京航空航天大学生物医学工程系, 江苏 南京 210016
以波长为720 nm处的散射光强I720为评估光学参数,探讨了激光热毁损过程中用远中心处双点光学参数实时评估近中心处热毁损效果的可行性。首先,对离体猪肝进行激光热毁损实验,实时采集距离毁损中心4,8,12 mm处的I720,当8 mm处的I720上升至初值的6倍时停止加热,共进行20组实验(A组),构建加热时间、8 mm和12 mm处I720上升倍数与4 mm处I720上升倍数的数学模型;然后,分别以4 mm处I720上升至初值的3、4、5、6倍为停止加热的条件,重复上述热毁损实验和实时数据采集,每种条件下各进行10组实验,共40组(B组);最后,对B组实验的样本进行切片分析,建立I720上升倍数与毁损效果的对应关系。实验表明,利用加热时间、8 mm和12 mm处I720上升倍数估算4 mm处I720上升倍数的准确率可达90%以上。可用远离加热中心的双点光学参数实时评估近中心处激光热毁损效果。
医用光学 光谱分析 激光生物学 热毁损 实时评估 
2018, 45(2): 0207027
1 华南师范大学生物光子学研究院 激光生命科学研究所教育部重点实验室, 广东 广州 510631
2 华南师范大学物理与电信工程学院, 广东 广州 510006
3 广东轻工职业技术学院信息技术学院, 广东 广州 510330
4 华南师范大学华南先进光电子研究院, 广东 广州 510006
对流体中的微纳米材料、细胞、生物分子等进行高精度、高灵活性、无损伤操控的技术在生物医学、生物化学、纳米科学等领域的发展中有着重要的作用。作为捕获和操控的核心技术, 光镊的发展和应用也越来越广泛。本文系统地描述了各类光镊的工作原理和独特功能, 阐述了不同光镊技术在生物学上的应用, 讨论了它们在生命科学的发展前景。
光镊 生物学 optical tweezers biology 
2017, 26(4): 289
上海科技大学ihuman研究所, 上海 200120
光学显微成像技术在生命科学、生物医学、临床医学诊断和材料科学等领域有着非常广泛的应用。但由于光学衍射极限的存在, 传统光学显微镜无法观察到纳米尺度的物质及生命活动, 极大地限制科学研究和医学的发展。近年来, 随着突破光学衍射极限的超分辨成像技术的不断发展, 显微成像分辨率得到不同程度的提高。目前在基于不同原理的各种超高分辨率显微镜中, 随机光学重构显微镜 (STORM) 分辨率最高, 可达几十纳米, 真正实现了单分子水平检测。着重介绍了STORM超分辨显微成像技术的原理、实验方法及其应用。
显微 超分辨成像 随机光学重构显微镜 分子生物学 细胞生物学 
2017, 37(3): 0318005
Author Affiliations
Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Macau, Macau SAR, China
Brain regenerative studies require precise visualization of the morphological structures. However, few imaging methods can effectively detect the adult zebrafish brain in real time with high resolution and good penetration depth. Long-term in vivo monitoring of brain injuries and brain regeneration on adult zebrafish is achieved in this study by using 1325 nm spectral-domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). The SD-OCT is able to noninvasively visualize the skull injury and brain lesion of adult zebrafish. Valuable phenomenon such as the fractured skull, swollen brain tissues, and part of the brain regeneration process can be conducted based on the SD-OCT images at different time points during a period of 43 days.
170.0170 Medical optics and biotechnology 170.4500 Optical coherence tomography 170.1420 Biology 
Chinese Optics Letters
2016, 14(8): 081702

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