Yong Sun 1,2,*Wei Zhang 1,2Shuang Han 1,2Ran An 1,2[ ... ]Jing-Lin Xiao 1,2
Author Affiliations
1 Institute of Condensed Matter Physics, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao 028043, China
2 College of Physics and Electronic Information, Inner Mongolia Minzu University, Tongliao 028043, China
Excitons have significant impacts on the properties of semiconductors. They exhibit significantly different properties when a direct semiconductor turns in to an indirect one by doping. Huybrecht variational method is also found to influence the study of exciton ground state energy and ground state binding energy in AlxGa1?xAs semiconductor spherical quantum dots. The AlxGa1?xAs is considered to be a direct semiconductor at Al concentration below 0.45, and an indirect one at the concentration above 0.45. With regards to the former, the ground state binding energy increases and decreases with Al concentration and eigenfrequency, respectively; however, while the ground state energy increases with Al concentration, it is marginally influenced by eigenfrequency. On the other hand, considering the latter, while the ground state binding energy increases with Al concentration, it decreases with eigenfrequency; nevertheless, the ground state energy increases both with Al concentration and eigenfrequency. Hence, for the better practical performance of the semiconductors, the properties of the excitons are suggested to vary by adjusting Al concentration and eigenfrequency
exciton effects aluminum gallium arsenide crystal direct band gap semiconductor indirect band gap semiconductor 
Journal of Semiconductors
2024, 45(3): 032701
郭威 1常浩 2徐灿 3周伟静 2[ ... ]姬刚 2
1 航天工程大学研究生院, 北京 101416
2 航天工程大学宇航科学与技术系, 北京 101416
3 航天工程大学航天指挥学院, 北京 101416
太阳能电池作为一种高效的光电转化器, 被广泛地应用于光伏发电系统中。 激光作为一种高亮度光源辐照电池时, 会导致其出现损伤, 可利用电池的表面散射光谱特性, 对其损伤程度进行判别。 通过目标表面散射光谱测量系统, 对激光辐照后的三结砷化镓电池散射光谱进行测量, 并计算双向反射分布函数(BRDF)。 其中测量系统主要由FX 2000和NIR 17型光纤光谱仪组成, 针对电池表面的强镜反射特性, 在实验中采用了入射角和反射角为30°的测量几何模型。 原始三结砷化镓太阳能电池的结构主要包括减反射膜DAR层、 顶电池GaInP层、 中电池GaAs层和底电池Ge层, 其散射光谱特征包括可见光谱段(500~900 nm)的吸收特性及近红外谱段(900~1 200 nm)的类周期振荡特性, 在对连续激光辐照损伤后电池的光谱特性进行实验测量后, 得到了损伤电池光谱BRDF的变化, 并结合基于薄膜干涉理论的电池散射光谱模型, 对各膜层损伤后的特征进行了分析。 结果表明: DAR层的主要作用是降低光谱反射能量, 对光谱曲线的特性影响较小; Ge层对光谱曲线形状基本无影响; 电池散射光谱吸收和干涉等特征主要由GaInP层和GaAs层所引起, 其中, GaInP层主要影响可见光谱段的吸收特性, 并对近红外谱段内的干涉特性起到调制作用, 而GaAs层主要影响近红外谱段的干涉特性, 当其损伤到一定程度后, 会导致可见光谱段内出现干涉特性。 最后, 在实验结果分析的基础上, 通过模型研究了电池各层对散射光谱特性的影响, 并讨论了基于散射光谱特性的电池损伤程度判别, 研究结果可为电池激光损伤判别提供参考。
激光辐照 三结砷化镓电池 散射光谱 表面形貌 损伤特性 Laser irradiation Triple junction gallium arsenide battery Scattered spectrum Surface appearance Damage characteristics 
2023, 43(12): 3674
Author Affiliations
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, SRM University-AP, Andhra Pradesh, India
This review article discusses the development of gallium arsenide (GaAs)-based resonant tunneling diodes (RTD) since the 1970s. To the best of my knowledge, this article is the first review of GaAs RTD technology which covers different epitaxial-structure design, fabrication techniques, and characterizations for various application areas. It is expected that the details presented here will help the readers to gain a perspective on the previous accomplishments, as well as have an outlook on the current trends and future developments in GaAs RTD research.
gallium arsenide microfabrication resonant tunneling devices 
Journal of Semiconductors
2023, 44(10): 103101
国防科技大学 前沿交叉学科学院,长沙 410073
基于TCAD数值仿真软件,建立了异面结构砷化镓光导开关(GaAs PCSS)的二维数值计算模型,研究了触发区域宽度对GaAs PCSS输出特性影响。首先分析了PCSS的瞬态导通特性,结果表明,急剧增加的载流子浓度与快速演化的空间电离畴使PCSS工作在超快速导通模式。基于此,研究了触发区域宽度对PCSS输出特性影响,结果表明,宽度变大会促进载流子密度急剧倍增和雪崩电离畴的快速演化,缩短PCSS的延迟时间和导通时间。研究分析了不同触发位置对延迟时间与导通时间影响,结果表明,阴极触发的延迟时间明显低于阳极触发,而导通时间受触发位置的影响不显著。
砷化镓 光电导半导体开关 异面电极 雪崩电离畴 超快速导通 gallium arsenide photoconductive semiconductor switch opposed structure electrode multiple avalanche domains ultrafast-switching mode 
2023, 35(10): 105004
1 有研国晶辉新材料有限公司,廊坊 065001
2 西北工业大学伦敦玛丽女王大学工程学院,西安 710000
GaAs单晶是当前光电子器件的主要衬底材料之一,在红外LED中有着重要应用。但杂质浓度高、迁移率低等缺点会严重影响红外LED器件性能。为生产出低杂质浓度、高迁移率、载流子分布均匀、高利用率的红外LED用掺硅垂直梯度凝固(VGF)法GaAs单晶,本文研究了热场分布、合成舟和炉膛材质、工艺参数对单晶的成晶质量、杂质浓度、迁移率、载流子分布的影响。利用CGSim软件对单晶生长热场系统进行数值模拟研究,温区一至温区六长度比例为8∶12∶9∶5∶5∶7时,恒温区达到最长,位错密度达到1 000 cm-2以下,成晶率达到85%。采用打毛石英合成舟进行GaAs合成,用莫来石炉膛替代石英炉膛,可以获得迁移率整体高于3 000 cm2/(V·s)的GaAs单晶,满足红外LED使用要求。对单晶生长工艺参数展开研究,采用提高头部生长速度、降低尾部生长速度的方式提高单晶轴向载流子浓度均匀性,头尾部载流子浓度差降低33%,尾部迁移率从2 900 cm2/(V·s)提高到3 560 cm2/(V·s)。单晶有效利用长度提高33%,单晶利用率达到75%,大幅降低了原料损耗成本。
砷化镓 垂直梯度凝固 位错密度 载流子 迁移率 热场 炉膛 gallium arsenide vertical gradient freeze dislocation density carrier migration rate hot field furnace 
2023, 52(2): 235
Author Affiliations
Aix-Marseille University, CNRS, LP3, UMR7341, 13009 Marseille, France
Ultrafast laser inscription (ULI) inside semiconductors offers new perspectives for 3D monolithic structures to be fabricated and new functionalities to be added in electronic and photonic microdevices. However, important challenges remain because of nonlinear effects such as strong plasma generation that distort the energy delivery at the focal point when exposing these materials to intense infrared light. Up to now, the successful technological demonstrations have primarily concentrated on silicon (Si). In this paper, we target at another important semiconductor: gallium arsenide (GaAs). With nonlinearities higher than those of Si, 3D-machining of GaAs with femtosecond pulses becomes even harder. However, we show that the difficulty can be circumvented by burst-mode irradiation. We generate and apply trains of pulses at terahertz repetition rates for efficient pulse-to-pulse accumulation of laser-induced free carriers in the focal region, while avoiding an overdose of prefocal excitations. The superior performance of burst-mode irradiation is confirmed by a comparative study conducted with infrared luminescence microscopy. The results indicate a successful reduction of the plasma density in the prefocal region so that higher pulse energy reaches the focal spot. The same method is applied to identify optimum irradiation conditions considering particular cases such as asymmetric pulse trains and aberrated beams. With 64-pulse trains, we successfully manage to cross the writing threshold providing a solution for ULI inside GaAs. The application potential is finally illustrated with a stealth dicing demonstration by taking benefit of the burst mode. The irradiation method opens wide possibilities for 3D structuring inside GaAs by ULI.
laser processing ultrafast laser inscription THz-repetition-rate burst semiconductors gallium arsenide 
International Journal of Extreme Manufacturing
2022, 4(4): 045001
1 上海空间电源研究所,上海 200245
2 上海航天技术研究院,上海 201109
太阳电池 三结砷化镓 反向生长多结电池 薄膜电池 太阳电池阵 solar cell triple junction gallium arsenide inverted metamorphic multi-junction cell thin film solar cell solar cell array 
2022, 50(5): 1436
沙慧茹 1,2肖龙飞 1,2,*栾崇彪 3冯琢云 1,2,3[ ... ]徐现刚 1,2
1 山东大学 新一代半导体材料研究院,济南 250100
2 山东大学 晶体材料国家重点实验室,济南 250100
3 中国工程物理研究院 流体物理研究所,四川 绵阳 621900
制作了同面型砷化镓光导开关,并测试了其导通性能。在偏置电压8 kV、激光能量10 mJ、重复频率10 Hz的条件下,研究了光导开关触发104次后器件表面的损伤形貌。利用激光扫描共聚焦显微镜,对电极边缘及电极间的损伤形貌进行分析,研究发现阳极边缘由于热积累形成热损伤,而阴极边缘的热损伤来源于热应力,并对电极间损伤形貌进行细致表征及分类。
光导开关 砷化镓 损伤 形貌 热效应 photoconductive semiconductor switch gallium arsenide damage morphology heat effect 
2022, 34(9): 095018
1 1.上海理工大学 机械工程学院, 上海 200093
2 2.上海微高精密机械工程有限公司, 上海 201203
砷化镓因其良好的光电特性被广泛应用于电子与半导体领域, 为推动砷化镓解理加工技术, 对砷化镓材料力学特性的各向异性进行计算并分析。本研究对砷化镓各个晶面之间的夹角、面间距、原子的密度等结构参数进行计算, 基于广义胡克定律结合压痕实验, 分析砷化镓材料表层弹性模量、泊松比、剪切模量、硬度、断裂韧性等力学特性在{100}晶面沿不同晶向力学性能的变化规律。结果表明: 砷化镓不同晶面间结构参数的不同是导致砷化镓力学特性呈现各向异性的主要原因; 砷化镓在{100}晶面上弹性模量、泊松比、剪切模量的各向异性均呈现出周期性变化, 且{100}晶面的剪切模量为恒值59.4 GPa; 砷化镓{100}晶面硬度的各向异性变化幅度较小, 断裂韧性变化幅度较大, 最小值为0.304 MPa·m1/2, 位于<110>晶向, 确定<110>晶向是裂纹最容易扩展的晶向。
砷化镓 力学特性 各向异性 压痕实验 gallium arsenide mechanical property anisotropy indentation test 
2021, 36(6): 645
中国电子科技集团公司第四十六研究所, 天津 300220
为了获得高电阻率及迁移率的半绝缘GaAs单晶材料, 采用经高压及水平合成不同工艺制得的GaAs多晶料, 进行垂直梯度凝固(VGF)法半绝缘GaAs单晶生 长, 测试和分析相应单晶片的EL2浓度、C浓度及电阻率、迁移率等性能参数, 对比和分析了GaAs化学计量比的不同对单晶EL2浓度及电学参数的影响, 经多炉 次实验, 确定出GaAs单晶电阻率>1×108 Ω?cm及迁移率>5×103 cm2/(V?s)时C浓度及EL2浓度的合理范围, 并据此结论, 指导MBE外延用半绝缘GaAs单晶生 长, 保证了半绝缘GaAs单晶在满足高电阻率和迁移率的同时, 具有较高的重复性和一致性。
砷化镓 垂直梯度凝固法 半绝缘 晶体生长 gallium arsenide vertical gradient freeze semi-insulating crystal growth EL2 EL2 
2020, 49(3): 412

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