Hengtian Zhu 1†Junxian Luo 2†Qing Dai 3†Shugeng Zhu 1[ ... ]Fei Xu 1,*
Author Affiliations
1 College of Engineering and Applied Sciences and Collaborative Innovation Center of Advanced Microstructures, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
2 School of Physics, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210023, China
3 Department of Cardiology, Affiliated Drum Tower Hospital, Medical School of Nanjing University, Nanjing 210008, China
Systemic blood circulation is one of life activity’s most important physiological functions. Continuous noninvasive hemodynamic monitoring is essential for the management of cardiovascular status. However, it is difficult to achieve systemic hemodynamic monitoring with the daily use of current devices due to the lack of multichannel and time-synchronized operation capability over the whole body. Here, we utilize a soft microfiber Bragg grating group to monitor spatiotemporal hemodynamics by taking advantage of the high sensitivity, electromagnetic immunity, and great temporal synchronization between multiple remote sensor nodes. A continuous systemic hemodynamic measurement technique is developed using all-mechanical physiological signals, such as ballistocardiogram signals and pulse waves, to illustrate the actual mechanical process of blood circulation. Multiple hemodynamic parameters, such as systemic pulse transit time, heart rate, blood pressure, and peripheral resistance, are monitored using skin-like microfiber Bragg grating patches conformally attached at different body locations. Relying on the soft microfiber Bragg grating group, the spatiotemporal hemodynamic monitoring technique opens up new possibilities in clinical medical diagnosis and daily health management.
spatiotemporal hemodynamic monitor skin-like photonic devices microfiber Bragg grating 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2023, 6(11): 230018
广东工业大学 机电工程学院,广州 510006
提出了一种基于聚乙烯醇(PVA)涂覆的U型超细光纤湿度传感器。光纤熔融拉锥机将单模光纤拉制成微米级的超细光纤,采用滴涂法将PVA溶液均匀的涂覆在光纤表面。为了减小传感器体积使其便于测量,将超细光纤固定为U型。实验发现,未涂覆PVA时,U型传感器的湿度灵敏度极低;涂覆PVA后,传感器在34%RH~90%RH的检测范围内湿度灵敏度高达146.1 pm/%RH。温度实验表明,传感器在40 ~80 范围内温度灵敏度为15.8 pm/。该传感器制备过程简单、灵敏度高、便于携带、成本低、温度串扰影响较小,在湿度检测领域有广泛的应用前景。
超细光纤 U型 聚乙烯醇 温度 湿度 Microfiber U-shaped Polyvinyl alcohol Temperature humidity 
2023, 52(12): 1206002
上海大学特种光纤与光接入网重点实验室,特种光纤与先进通信国际联合研究实验室,上海 200444
在通信波段研究了基于亚波长尺寸微纳光纤的光热光谱气体传感技术,利用锥腰直径为1 μm的微纳光纤代替传统的自由空间光气室和空芯光纤实现紧凑的全光纤结构,其引导的倏逝场被气体吸收后会激发光热效应。仿真结果表明,约25%的光波以倏逝场的形式沿光纤表面传播,可提供的光热效应强度约为空芯光纤的187倍。通过外差干涉法在微纳光纤提供的4 mm超短有效传感光程上实现了1512.24 nm处10-6级别氨气(NH3)检测。当使用的泵浦光功率为3.6 mW时,得到1σ噪声等效检测下限为39×10-6,30个泵浦调谐周期内探测信号的不稳定性小于0.5%。
光谱学 光热光谱 微纳光纤 外差干涉 光纤传感器 NH3检测 
2023, 43(16): 1623026
1 重庆理工大学光纤传感与光电检测重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400054
2 重庆理工大学药物化学与分子药理学重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400054
提出一种基于氧化石墨烯(GO)微纳光纤的生物传感器,将其用于狂犬病毒(RV)的免疫检测研究。首先,将标准单模光纤通过熔接机放电形成双锥形光纤,再对双锥形光纤进行熔融拉锥制作出高灵敏度的微纳光纤。然后,在微纳光纤表面修饰GO,并将RV抗原固定于该传感器表面,用于对RV抗体的特异性检测实验。实验结果表明:该生物传感器对RV抗体的检测范围为200 fg/mL~1 ng/mL,检测极限(LOD)约为225.56 fg/mL,其检测灵敏度约为1.099 nm/log(mg·mL-1),解离系数约为2.92×10-11 M;当用于不同的抗体溶液样本和RV阳性血清的对照检测及临床检测时,该免疫传感器对前者的响应非常微弱,而对后者有明显的响应,说明其对RV抗体具有良好的特异性。基于GO修饰微纳光纤的免疫传感器具有制作简单、微纳尺寸、灵敏度高、成本低等优点。
遥感与传感器 光纤光学 微纳光纤 氧化石墨烯 狂犬病毒 生物传感器 
2023, 60(7): 0728004
贾灵艳 1,2梁丽丽 2,*谢飞 2王志达 2[ ... ]刘明生 1,2,3
1 河北工业大学电子信息工程学院,天津 300401
2 邯郸学院信息技术研究所,河北省光纤生物传感与通信器件重点实验室,河北 邯郸 056005
3 石家庄铁路职业技术学院,河北 石家庄 050041
提出了一种干涉型微纳光纤磁场传感器,由微纳光纤干涉仪和TbDyFe 超磁致伸缩棒构成,单模光纤经过熔融拉锥形成双锥型微纳光纤干涉仪,与TbDyFe 超磁致伸缩棒平行固定封装,磁场作用下磁致伸缩棒和微纳光纤干涉仪发生轴向应变,引起干涉谱的波长漂移,形成波长编码型的光纤磁场传感器。实验结果表明,相同应变特性的微纳光纤干涉仪,磁致伸缩棒直径越小,磁场灵敏度越高,直径为2 mm的TbDyFe磁致伸缩棒组成的光纤磁场传感器灵敏度可以达到0.178 nm/mT,该传感器结构简单,易于制备,成本低廉,响应快,可以实现微弱磁场的高灵敏探测。
传感器 光纤传感 微纳光纤干涉仪 磁场传感 超磁致伸缩棒 
2023, 60(7): 0728003
中国电子科技集团公司 第二十七研究所 激光雷达与大功率应用技术重点实验室,郑州 450047
采用有限元法仿真了微纳光纤中模式在镀膜前后的能量、电场及有效折射率变化,分析了HE11、TE01、HE21和TM01模式在微纳光纤中的传输特性以及与铂金膜的相互作用原理。采用缓冲氧化物刻蚀液制作了微纳光纤并用离子喷溅法镀铂金膜,得到直径为13.2 μm、铂金膜厚度为40 nm的微纳光纤器件,测试了其可饱和吸收特性,调制深度和饱和强度分别为0.57%和0.8 MW/cm2。制作了全光纤锁模激光器,锁模阈值为180 mW。锁模脉冲重复频率为17.93 MHz,脉冲宽度为103 ps,中心波长为1031.6 nm,半高宽约为3.5 nm。
光纤激光器 锁模 可饱和吸收体 微纳光纤 铂金膜 fiber laser mode lock saturable absorber microfiber platinum film-coated 
2023, 35(3): 031002
华南农业大学水利与土木工程学院, 广州 510642
基于修正的Furnas堆积模型和骨料紧密堆积试验设计了一种高弹性模量混凝土, 并利用微细钢纤维改善高弹性模量混凝土的韧性,研究了钢纤维体积掺量对骨料紧密堆积状态下混凝土流动性能、强度、弹性模量及弯曲韧性的影响规律。结果表明: 采用紧密堆积骨料和适量微细钢纤维可以构筑高弹性模量韧性混凝土, 其静弹性模量和动弹性模量最高分别可达50.15 GPa和53.23 GPa, 断裂能可达5 680.45 N/m, 残余弯曲韧度比从0增加到0.43; 高弹性模量混凝土的流动性能随着钢纤维掺量的增加而降低, 抗折强度、弹性模量及弯曲韧性则均随着钢纤维掺量的增加而增加, 混凝土的抗压强度随着钢纤维掺量增加先增加后降低。在骨料紧密堆积状态下, 综合考虑流动性能、力学性能和工程经济性, 高弹性模量混凝土中微细钢纤维的合理掺量为0.4%(体积分数)。
高弹性模量混凝土 微细钢纤维 Furnas模型 堆积密度 弹性模量 断裂韧性 high elastic modulus concrete steel microfiber Furnas model packing density elastic modulus fracture toughness 
2022, 41(12): 4225
南京大学现代工程与应用科学学院,江苏 南京 210023

微光纤 谐振腔 光纤传感 光调制 microfiber resonator optical fiber sensing optical modulation 
2022, 49(8): 220006
Author Affiliations
1 School of Optical and Electronic Information & National Engineering Laboratory for Next Generation Internet Access System (NGIA) & Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics (WNLO), Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074, China
2 Aston Institute of Photonic Technologies, Aston University, Birmingham B4 7ET, UK
A microfiber with large evanescent field encapsulated in PDMS is proposed and demonstrated for ultrasound sensing. The compact size and large evanescent field of microfiber provide an excellent platform for the interaction between optical signal and ultrasound wave, exhibiting a high sensitivity of 3.5 mV/kPa, which is approximately 10 times higher than the single-mode fiber sensor. Meanwhile, a phase feedback stabilization module is introduced into the coherent demodulation system for long-term stable measurement. In addition, a photoacoustic tomography experiment with the microfiber ultrasound sensor is implemented to verify the excellent performance on imaging, with the depth of 12 mm, the highest lateral resolution of 65 μm and axial resolution of 250 μm, respectively. The highly sensitive microfiber ultrasound sensor provides a competitive alternative for various applications, such as industrial non-destructive testing, biomedical ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging.A microfiber with large evanescent field encapsulated in PDMS is proposed and demonstrated for ultrasound sensing. The compact size and large evanescent field of microfiber provide an excellent platform for the interaction between optical signal and ultrasound wave, exhibiting a high sensitivity of 3.5 mV/kPa, which is approximately 10 times higher than the single-mode fiber sensor. Meanwhile, a phase feedback stabilization module is introduced into the coherent demodulation system for long-term stable measurement. In addition, a photoacoustic tomography experiment with the microfiber ultrasound sensor is implemented to verify the excellent performance on imaging, with the depth of 12 mm, the highest lateral resolution of 65 μm and axial resolution of 250 μm, respectively. The highly sensitive microfiber ultrasound sensor provides a competitive alternative for various applications, such as industrial non-destructive testing, biomedical ultrasound and photoacoustic imaging.
ultrasound sensor microfiber photoacoustic tomography 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2022, 5(6): 200076
南京邮电大学电子与光学工程学院,江苏 南京 210023
提出并研究了一种基于二模-单模光纤复合型微纳光纤Sagnac环(TS-MSL)的高灵敏度光纤温度传感器。TS-MSL采用两段单模光纤中间熔接一段二模光纤并经熔融拉锥制备而成,基于聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)材料进行封装。实验结果表明,TS-MSL的光场干涉增强效应结合PDMS材料的光热敏感特性,有效提升了微纳光纤的温度感知能力,实现了高灵敏度温度传感。相比于普通单模微纳光纤Sagnac环,该光纤传感器的温度灵敏度提升了120倍,高达8.13 nm/℃。该传感器具有较高的灵敏度,在有毒气体和腐蚀环境等特殊场合的精确温度监测中有较大的实用价值。
光纤光学 二模-单模光纤复合 微纳光纤Sagnac环 干涉 温度传感 高灵敏度 
2022, 42(16): 1606001

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