Author Affiliations
1 School of Optoelectronic Engineering and Instrumentation Science, Dalian University of Technology, No. 2 Linggong Road, High-tech Zone, Dalian 116024, P. R. China
2 School of Electronics and Information Technology, Yat-sen University, No. 135 Xingang Xi Road, Guangzhou 510006, P. R. China
3 School of Biomedical Engineering, Dalian University of Technology, No. 2 Linggong Road, High-Tech Zone, Dalian 116024, P. R. China
Physiotherapeutic effects of infrared lasers have been proved in clinic. These infrared-based regulations of the bioelectrical activities can roughly be classified into enhancement and suppression of action potential (AP), which are described by sodium (Na) and potassium (K) transmembrane current equations, named as Hodgkin and Huxley (HH)-model. The enhancement effect is able to evoke or strengthen the AP when infrared light is applied. Its corresponding mechanism is commonly ascribed to the changes of the cell membrane capacitance, which is transiently increased in response to the infrared radiation. The distinctive feature of the suppression effect is to inhibit or reduce the AP by the designed protocols of infrared radiation. However, its mechanism presents more complexity than that in enhancement cases. HH-model describes how the Na current determines the initial phase of AP. So, the enhancement and suppression of AP can be also ascribed to the regulations of the corresponding Na currents. Here, a continuous infrared light at the wavelength of 980nm (CIS-980) was employed to stimulate a freshly isolated hippocampal neuron in vitro and a suppression effect on the Na currents of the neuron cell was observed. Both Na and K currents, which are named as whole cell currents, were simultaneously recorded with the cell membrane capacitance current by using a patch clamp combined with infrared irradiation. The results demonstrated that the CIS-980 was able to reversibly increase the capacitance currents, completely suppressed Na currents, but little changed K currents, which forms the steady outward whole cell currents and plays a major role on the AP repolarization. A confirmation experiment was designed and carried out by synchronizing tens of milliseconds of infrared stimulation on the same kinds of hippocampal neuron cells. After the blocked K channel, a reduction of Na current amplitude was still recorded. This proved that infrared suppression of Na current was irrelevant to K channel. A membrane capacitance mediation process was preliminarily proposed to explain the Na channel suppression process.Physiotherapeutic effects of infrared lasers have been proved in clinic. These infrared-based regulations of the bioelectrical activities can roughly be classified into enhancement and suppression of action potential (AP), which are described by sodium (Na) and potassium (K) transmembrane current equations, named as Hodgkin and Huxley (HH)-model. The enhancement effect is able to evoke or strengthen the AP when infrared light is applied. Its corresponding mechanism is commonly ascribed to the changes of the cell membrane capacitance, which is transiently increased in response to the infrared radiation. The distinctive feature of the suppression effect is to inhibit or reduce the AP by the designed protocols of infrared radiation. However, its mechanism presents more complexity than that in enhancement cases. HH-model describes how the Na current determines the initial phase of AP. So, the enhancement and suppression of AP can be also ascribed to the regulations of the corresponding Na currents. Here, a continuous infrared light at the wavelength of 980nm (CIS-980) was employed to stimulate a freshly isolated hippocampal neuron in vitro and a suppression effect on the Na currents of the neuron cell was observed. Both Na and K currents, which are named as whole cell currents, were simultaneously recorded with the cell membrane capacitance current by using a patch clamp combined with infrared irradiation. The results demonstrated that the CIS-980 was able to reversibly increase the capacitance currents, completely suppressed Na currents, but little changed K currents, which forms the steady outward whole cell currents and plays a major role on the AP repolarization. A confirmation experiment was designed and carried out by synchronizing tens of milliseconds of infrared stimulation on the same kinds of hippocampal neuron cells. After the blocked K channel, a reduction of Na current amplitude was still recorded. This proved that infrared suppression of Na current was irrelevant to K channel. A membrane capacitance mediation process was preliminarily proposed to explain the Na channel suppression process.
Na channel suppression AP whole cell currents infrared suppression of bioelectrical activity photothermal effect on the membrane capacitance continuous infrared laser physiotherapy 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2023, 16(2): 2244002
1 上海工程技术大学机械与汽车工程学院, 上海 201620
2 东华大学材料科学与工程学院, 上海 201620
随着半导体技术的广泛应用, 低维纳米材料及其范德瓦尔斯异质结以其独特的结构、优异的性能以及广阔的潜在应用前景而得到广泛关注。二维过渡金属二硫化物(Transition Metal Dichalcogenide Family of Materials, TMDs)的出现, 为解决石墨烯材料带隙设计问题提供了新思路和新方案。主要介绍了二硫化钼及其与金属氧化物、金属颗粒、低维碳材料、MXenes等材料耦合形成的异质结材料的合成技术。综述了二硫化钼及其范德瓦尔斯异质结材料在新能源领域、光电子领域的应用。最后, 展望了二硫化钼及其范德瓦尔斯异质结材料与金属等离子体纳米结构组成的新型复合材料及其在光电领域的应用潜力。
二硫化物 异质结 电催化 光热效应 光电器件 molybdenum disulfide heterjunction electrocatalysis photothermal effect optoelectronic device 
2022, 20(4): 66
1 北京航空航天大学仪器科学与光电工程学院,北京 100191
2 北京航空航天大学医学科学与工程学院,北京 100191
激光技术 血栓消融 光化学效应 光热效应 光机械效应 
2022, 49(19): 1907001
1 西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710049
2 西安交通大学第二附属医院眼科,陕西 西安 710004
激光热疗是多种眼底视网膜疾病的首选疗法。然而,激光参数选取不当造成的感光细胞损伤概率可达50%以上。构建准确的全眼三维传热模型可为临床医生选取激光参数提供依据。为此,本团队基于真实眼球结构建立了全眼宏观传热模型,通过数值模拟分析了人眼外部环境、眼前部组织吸收和脉络膜血流灌注对激光手术过程中眼底温度分布的影响。结果显示:角膜与环境间的对流换热会导致眼球温度发生变化,但对眼底手术的影响较小;在临床常用的450~900 nm波段内,不考虑眼前部组织对激光能量的吸收时,眼底各层温升误差可达24%;脉络膜血流灌注项对激光手术中眼球温度分布的影响主要取决于脉宽,经瞳孔温热疗法下考虑和忽略脉络膜血流灌注效应时眼底温升分别为11.54 ℃和21.15 ℃,计算误差可达83%。
医用光学 激光 眼底疾病 光热效应 生物传热 血流灌注 
2022, 49(20): 2007101
中国海洋大学青岛市光学光电子重点实验室,山东 青岛 266100
为了解决目前水中纳米塑料颗粒难以富集和检测的问题,基于金(Au)纳米粒子和聚苯乙烯(PS)纳米粒子的混合流体,使用自搭建的光操控-显微拉曼系统实现了PS纳米粒子的光热效应捕获和检测,并研究了混合流体中PS纳米粒子的光热效应及表面增强拉曼散射(SERS)信号增强效果。结果显示,PS纳米粒子(80 nm)的运动速度受到金纳米粒子粒径和浓度的影响,随着时间的增加光热阱中会形成直径为30 μm的Au-PS聚集体。PS纳米粒子的SERS信号强度在聚集体内比金溶胶基底提高了7倍,并且密度随着聚集体半径的扩展先增加后减小。该方法实现大量PS纳米粒子的光热效应捕获和SERS检测,显著提高PS纳米粒子的SERS信号强度并且降低了检测限。该方法在纳米器件自组装、环境污染监测等方面具有极大的应用潜力。
表面光学 光操控 光热效应 纳米塑料 金纳米粒子 表面增强拉曼散射 
2022, 42(16): 1624001
黎黎 1张悦 1李萌茜 1张真 1[ ... ]杨延龙 2,*
1 西安交通大学第一附属医院眼科,陕西 西安 710061
2 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所瞬态光学与光子技术国家重点实验室,陕西 西安 710119
激光技术 眼科激光应用 光爆破效应 光切割效应 光热效应 光化学效应 光生物调节效应 
2022, 49(5): 0507103
北京大学 材料科学与工程学院, 北京 100871
光响应液晶聚合物在光化学(如偶氮苯)或者光热(如氧化石墨烯)作用下发生有序-无序转变, 进而产生宏观形变, 是一类被广泛研究的智能材料。目前光驱动液晶聚合物振动器的实现主要有两种途径: 一是紫外或者可见光连续照射时, 偶氮苯液晶聚合物的力学特性发生非线性变化, 驱动器呈现无规振动; 二是通过构筑非平衡系统, 利用驱动器运动过程中的自遮挡效应, 在光源连续照射下自发地产生周期性、连续性运动, 可用于光学信号调制、移动机器人、能量转换、轧机、马达等。本文综述了光驱动液晶聚合物振动器领域的研究进展, 详细介绍了其设计原理、运动机理以及应用领域, 对未来的发展趋势做出了展望。
液晶聚合物 光化学作用 光热作用 振动器 liquid-crystalline polymer photochemical effect photothermal effect oscillator 
2022, 37(2): 186
华东理工大学物理学院, 上海 200237
利用光诱导原子解吸附效应,无需加热就可实现碱金属原子浓度的调控,简易有效,故常被应用于光纤内碱金属原子的充载和磁光阱内单原子的捕获等。在使用460 nm的发光二极管阵列进行原子解吸附时,发现铷原子池的温度上升,说明光解吸效应受到了光热效应的影响,但目前关于光解吸附实验中的光热效应研究鲜有报道。当解吸光功率密度较小时,光热效应的影响几乎可忽略。当增大解吸光功率密度时,光解吸效应以及光热效应的影响不断增大且对原子浓度增长的贡献趋于接近,在两种效应的共同作用下,原子浓度的增长幅度得到进一步提高。研究结论对光子芯片研究具有参考意义。
量子光学 光诱导原子解吸附 光热效应 光学深度 原子浓度 
2021, 48(23): 2312001
赵鹏辉 1冯璟 1邢林庄 1李东 1,*[ ... ]廖丁莹 2,**
1 西安交通大学动力工程多相流国家重点实验室, 陕西 西安710049
2 西安交通大学第二附属医院眼科, 陕西 西安 710004
激光技术 纳米金棒 激光诱导光学击穿 光热效应 电子-声子双温度模型 
2021, 48(22): 2202014
高灵敏度的单粒子检测技术是纳米粒子在生物医学、 化学、 光电子等领域应用的前提条件。 常见的单粒子检测技术主要包括基于粒子的荧光、 拉曼、 散射和吸收等信号而发展起来的光学显微成像及光谱技术。 其中, 拉曼光谱和荧光光谱技术主要适用于一些具有拉曼活性的分子/粒子或可发光的荧光分子或粒子, 然而即使对于荧光效率高的有机染料分子和半导体纳米粒子, 固有的光漂白和blinking现象也对单粒子探测形成了挑战。 散射光谱测量是应用于单粒子检测的另外一种方法, 从理论上讲, 由于瑞利散射随着尺寸的减小而呈六次方减弱的趋势, 在细胞或生物组织内, 小尺寸粒子的散射信号很难从背景散射噪声中分离出来。 众所周知, 介质吸收激发光后会引起介质内的折射率变化, 进而在光加热区附近出现折射率的梯度分布, 称为光热效应(photothermal effect)。 基于粒子光热效应的光学显微成像和光谱测量技术具有信号灵敏度高、 无背景散射、 原位和免标记等优点, 在单粒子检测领域展现了良好的应用潜力。 综述了近年来基于光热效应的显微光谱技术在单粒子检测中应用和研究发展, 首先介绍了光热效应的测量原理; 接着分别讨论了光热透镜测量技术、 微分干涉相差测量技术和光热外差测量技术的实验装置, 比较了各种测量技术的信噪比、 灵敏度、 分辨率等特点, 并且介绍这些测量技术在单粒子检测中的应用研究进展; 接着, 论述了近年来研究人员在提高光热显微测量的信噪比、 改善动态测量性能以及在红外波段拓展等方面的最新研究成果; 最后, 简单总结了光热测量技术在单粒子检测领域所面临的挑战。
单粒子检测 光热显微镜 光热效应 Single particle detection Photothermal microscopy Photothermal effect 
2021, 41(2): 379

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