激光与光电子学进展, 2024, 61 (9): 0900007, 网络出版: 2024-04-29  


Summary of Research on Polarization Transmission in Three Atypical Environments
鲁东大学交通学院,山东 烟台 264025
The existence of three atypical environments involving irregular particles, nonisotropic particles, and nonuniform media is quite common. However, the transmission performance and operating distance of optical signals are badly affected due to particle scattering and absorption in the three atypical environments. For instance, low-visibility environments, such as fog, haze, and clouds, can reduce the safety of aircraft, cars, and ships, making it difficult to search and navigate in turbid waters. However, using polarization characteristics to characterize the transmission process in these atypical environments can provide feasible solution for extracting high-quality light signals and increasing operational distances. In this study, we explore the polarization transmission characteristics in three situations: irregular particles, nonisotropic particles, and nonuniform media. We analyze the domestic and international development of various nonspherical particles, present relevant data from the equivalent multilayer concentric particle model, and explain the effectiveness of addressing issues such as haze-scattering characteristics. Furthermore, we conduct a classification study on nonuniform media and analyze the impact of the medium on light transmission. By summarizing the development progress and current research status regarding scattering polarization characteristics of polarized light in the three atypical environments, we aim to clarify the importance of studying polarization transmission characteristics in such settings. Finally, we look forward to the development trend of polarization transmission problems in the three atypical environments.

孙鑫栋, 孟峰旭, 徐文森, 王栋, 陈雪叶, 曾祥伟. 三非环境偏振传输研究综述[J]. 激光与光电子学进展, 2024, 61(9): 0900007. Xindong Sun, Fengxun Meng, Wensen Xun, Dong Wang, Xueye Chen, Xiangwei Zeng. Summary of Research on Polarization Transmission in Three Atypical Environments[J]. Laser & Optoelectronics Progress, 2024, 61(9): 0900007.

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