1 德宏师范高等专科学校, 云南 德宏 678400
2 上海建桥学院珠宝学院, 上海 201306
3 中国地质大学(武汉)珠宝学院, 湖北 武汉 430074
“缅绿料”是近年来滇西市场上出现的新兴缅甸石英质玉石品种, 特点是质地细腻, 绿色带深浅不同的蓝、 黄色调, 部分绿色品种与高品质澳洲绿玉髓较为相似, 但其颜色成因尚不清楚, 鉴定评价及市场推广亦亟需相关理论支持。 运用红外光谱仪、 拉曼光谱仪、 紫外-可见光谱仪、 X射线荧光光谱仪、 X射线粉末衍射仪、 岩矿薄片鉴定等方法对“缅绿料”的矿物组成及结构、 化学成分、 谱学特征及颜色成因等进行探究。 结果表明主要矿物为α-石英(含微量斜硅石), 以隐晶质为主, 少量微晶质, 含量占90%以上, 其次为显微细粒状、 鳞片状绢云母及镍滑石, 以及微量镍绿泥石、 铬钙钛矿, 局部偶见次生浸染状铁泥质, 整体呈含鳞片显微粒状结构。 红外透射光谱主要显示α-石英的红外吸收特征, 1 019、 800~600和462 cm-1处吸收峰分别归属于νas(Si—O—Si)反对称伸缩振动、 νs(Si—O—Si)对称伸缩振动及δ(Si—O)弯曲振动。 3 463及1 639、 1 399 cm-1处吸收峰由赋存于石英微空隙间的自由水分子的νas(H—O—H)反对称伸缩振动及δ(H—O—H)弯曲振动引起。 拉曼光谱除显示α-石英特征拉曼组峰204、 262、 355、 395、 463 cm-1外, 501 cm-1处的弱拉曼峰指示含微量斜硅石, 675 cm-1处拉曼峰指示含镍滑石。 综合化学成分及紫外-可见光谱特征表明, 该玉石含Mg、 Al、 Cl、 K、 Ca、 Ti、 Cr、 Fe、 Ni等杂质元素, Ni和Fe是主要致色元素。 Ni、 Fe含量的显著差异是其呈现绿-蓝绿、 绿黄-黄绿两种颜色系列的原因。 高含量Ni、 低含量Fe形成绿-蓝绿色系列, 蓝色调变化与Ni含量呈正相关性; 同等低含量的Ni和Fe形成绿黄-黄绿色系列, 黄色调变化与Fe、 Ni含量呈负相关性。 综上, “缅绿料”归属为绿玉髓, 其颜色特征由镍滑石、 绢云母及次生铁泥质等杂质矿物引起, Ni元素以游离态Ni离子和杂质矿物镍滑石两种形式存在, 其中镍滑石在其他来源的绿玉髓中较少见, 可作为产地溯源的重要参考特征。 该研究丰富了绿玉髓的种类及产地信息数据, 亦为进一步探究“缅绿料”成矿地质条件背景提供了基础数据。
“缅绿料” 石英质玉 矿物组成 谱学特征 颜色成因 “Mianlv Yu” Jade Quartzose Mineral constituent Spectral characteristics Color origin 
2023, 43(8): 2543
郑毅 1,2,*朱香平 1聂荣志 1,2,3高飞 1[ ... ]彭波 1
1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所 瞬态光学与光子学国家重点实验室,西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
3 西安交通大学 理学院,西安 710049
以铊掺杂自聚焦透镜作为光谱采集透镜,设计了一种小型可穿戴式光谱采集探头,在此基础上搭建了一种小型可穿戴式血糖喇曼光谱检测系统. 利用该系统对不同浓度的葡萄糖溶液、11只实验白鼠以及10位人体志愿者进行测试.以光谱特征峰面积作为主要计算参考,以峰强度作为辅助参考进行光谱定量分析.针对不同样本分别建立基于主导因子的非线性多变量偏最小二乘模型以计算葡萄糖水平.计算结果表明葡萄糖溶液、实验白鼠以及人体的准确度分别为98.1%、89.3%和84.4%,测试准确性得到提高. 该检测系统具有体积小、成本低、喇曼信号采集稳定、使用方便等优点,能够准确实现人体血糖的无创检测并具有较好的可重复性.
喇曼光谱 光谱仪 无创检测 血液或组织成分监测 血糖 Raman spectroscopy Spectrometers Nondestructive testing Blood or tissue constituent monitoring Blood glucose 
2017, 46(8): 0812005
1 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所应用光学国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130033
2 中国科学院大学, 北京 100049
血液成分检测是健康诊断的重要手段, 常规的血液成分检测采用抽血的方法, 不仅给病人带来痛苦, 还存在交叉感染的风险。 近红外光谱技术是无创伤血液成分检测中的研究热点。 为满足近红外无创伤血液成分检测仪器对其光谱数据采集系统提出的高速、 多通道和高信噪比的要求, 设计了一种基于现场可编程门阵列(FPGA)的高速、 多通道光谱数据采集系统。 该系统采用Altera公司Cyclone IV系列的FPGA芯片作为其微控制器, 控制两片8通道的A/D芯片并行采集16通道的人体血液脉搏波光谱信号, 采集到的数据在FPGA的控制下首先缓存在FPGA内部建立的乒乓RAM中, 然后转存至外部SRAM芯片中, 最后经USB总线传输至计算机。 实验结果表明, 在19 531 Hz的采样频率下, 该系统能够高速并行采集16个通道的信号, 重复性信噪比可达40 000∶1。 此外, 在该采样率下, 系统可以采集到高信噪比的人体血液脉搏波信号, 采集速度能够达到每秒305幅光谱图。 该系统满足近红外无创伤血液成分检测仪器对于光谱数据采集系统的基本要求。 该研究的主要创新点为将FPGA应用于近红外无创伤血液成分检测仪器的数据采集系统中, FPGA能够同时控制两片AD芯片进行16路人体血液脉搏波数据的高速并行采集, 解决了单片机作为微控制器时无法实现多通道大量数据高速采集和储存的问题, 使仪器的采集速度大大加快; 同时使用FPGA内部资源建立乒乓RAM进行数据的缓冲, 实现了不同位数数据从AD芯片到SRAM芯片的无缝连续传输。
近红外光谱 无创伤血液成分检测 数据采集 乒乓RAM Near infrared spectroscopy Noninvasive blood constituent examination FPGA FPGA Data acquisition Ping-pong RAM 
2016, 36(9): 2991
Ya Su 1,2X. Steve 1,2,3Zhuo Meng 1,2,4Longzhi Wang 1,2,5[ ... ]Tiegen Liu 1,2
Author Affiliations
1 Polarization Research Center, College of Precision Instrument &
2 Opto-electronics Engineering and Key Laboratory of Opto-electronics Information and Technical Science, Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
3 General Photonics Corporation, 5228 Edison Avenue, Chino, California 91710, USA
4 Suzhou Opto-ring Co. Ltd., Suzhou 215123, China
5 College of Automobile and Transportation, Tianjin University of Technology and Education, Tianjin 300222, China
Noninvasive glucose monitoring (NIGM) techniques based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) are affected by several perturbing factors, including variation of tissue temperature. We first design a temperature control module integrated with an optical scanning probe to precisely control the temperature of skin tissues. We investigate the influence of temperature on NIGM with OCT by correlation analysis at different depths of in vivo human skin. On average, the relative changes in attenuation coefficient ( μt ) per 1 °C of temperature lead to 0.30 ± 0.097 mmol/L prediction error of blood glucose concentration. For improving the accuracy of NIGM, this temperature dependence must be taken into account.
170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 290.1350 Backscattering 170.4500 Optical coherence tomography 
Chinese Optics Letters
2014, 12(11): 111701
Author Affiliations
A tunable pulsed laser induced photoacoustic (PA) measurement set-up is established in the forward mode to monitor in vitro glucose concentration. A series of experiments are investigated to verify the feasibility of this set-up and scheme. Peak-to-peak values (PPVs) of several glucose aqueous solutions are recorded and averaged 512 times at each wavelength. Experimental results demonstrate that the time-resolved PA profile of glucose solutions has a good agreement with the PA theories. The characteristic wavelengths of glucose solution are determined via differential method. The root-mean-square error (RMSE) of predicted concentration reaches 3.15 mg/dl at the optimum wavelength of 1 510 nm via least square (LS) fitting algorithm.
000.1430 Biology and medicine 170.1420 Biology 170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 
Chinese Optics Letters
2013, 11(s2): S21701
Author Affiliations
We present a method for the noninvasive measurement of blood glucose levels, which are determined by the ultrasound-modulated optical technique. The method is based on the optical scattering coefficient. A sensitivity analysis of the ultrasound-modulated light signals in a scattering medium is conducted. Glucose concentrations in intralipid and hemoglobin solutions are measured using the modulation depth of ultrasound-modulated scattered light. The effects of incident light intensity and sample temperature on the ultrasound-modulated signals are also estimated. Preliminary experimental results suggest that the proposed method is a promising technique for noninvasive blood glucose measurement.
170.1065 Acousto-optics 170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 170.7170 Ultrasound 
Chinese Optics Letters
2013, 11(2): 021701
Author Affiliations
State Key Laboratory of Precision Measuring Technology and Instrument, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
The reference-wavelength method is proposed to diminish the influence of noises on glucose measurement by differentially processing two signals at the reference and measuring wavelengths. At the reference wavelength, the radiation intensity is insensitive to the changes of glucose concentration. Therefore, it can be used as the internal reference to estimate the noise and then to extract the effective glucose signal at the other wavelengths. The validation experiments are constructed in the non-scattering samples with the reference wavelength of glucose at 1525 nm. The results show that the reference-wavelength-based glucose-specific signal extracting method can largely improve the glucose prediction precision from 17.56 to 8.87 mg/dL in the two-component experiment and from 26.82 to 9.94 mg/dL in the three-component experiment.
基准波长法 葡萄糖浓度 近红外光谱 170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 070.4790 Spectrum analysis 300.0300 Spectroscopy 
Chinese Optics Letters
2007, 5(12): 706
Author Affiliations
College of Precision Instrument and Optoelectronics Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072
Our preliminary results on two-dimensional (2D) optical tomographic imaging of hemodynamic changes in a preterm infant brain are reported. We use the established 16-channel time-correlated single photon counting system for the detection and generalized pulse spectrum technique based algorithm for the image reconstruction. The experiments demonstrate that diffuse optical tomography may be a potent means for investigating brain functions and neural development of infant brains in the perinatal period.
医学成像 生物成像 光子迁移 图像重建 血液/组织成分监测 光学层析 170.3880 Medical and biological imaging 170.5280 Photon migration 170.3010 Image reconstruction techniques 170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 
Chinese Optics Letters
2007, 5(8): 472
Author Affiliations
Key Laboratory of Optoelectronic Science and Technology for Medicine (Fujian Normal University), Ministry of Education, School of Physics and Optoelectronics Technology, Fujian Normal University, Fuzhou 350007
Single scattering model and Stokes-Mueller formalism are introduced to investigate the influence of glucose on backscattered polarization patterns in turbid media. Glucose molecules rotate the polarization plane and induce changes in backscattered Mueller matrix patterns. Some Mueller matrix elements present higher optical rotation as the concentration of glucose augments. Using image subtraction and integration, linear relationship between low glucose concentration in the physiological range and optical rotation degree can be derived.
医用光学与生物技术 血液/组织成份监控 偏振 散射介质 170.0170 Medical optics and biotechnology 170.1470 Blood or tissue constituent monitoring 260.5430 Polarization 290.7050 Turbid media 
Chinese Optics Letters
2007, 5(2): 102
中国科学院安徽光学精密机械研究所,安徽 合肥 230031
信息处理 高光谱 小波变换 高频分量 局部模最大 information processing hyper-spectral remote sensing wavelet transform high-frequency constituent local modulus maximum 
2006, 23(1): 0022

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