1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所超强激光科学与技术重点实验室,上海 201800
2 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所信息光学与光电技术实验室,上海 201800
3 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
4 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所精密光学工程部(筹),上海 201800
锡液滴发生器是激光等离子体型极紫外(LPP-EUV)光刻光源中最重要的核心部件之一。光刻光源要求锡液滴靶具备高重复频率、小直径且稳定性好的特性。综述了中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所EUV光源团队近年来在液滴发生器方面的研究进展,包括液滴直径、重复频率、间距、位置和稳定性等。现阶段研制的锡液滴发生器,在100 kHz频率下喷射的锡液滴直径约为40 μm,间距约为230 μm,工作时长接近5 h。锡液滴在10 s短时间内,竖直和水平方向的位置不稳定性分别约为2 μm和1 μm。未来锡液滴的可用性性能(如液滴直径、工作时长和长时间的位置稳定性)还需进一步提升。
极紫外 光刻光源 液滴发生器 锡液滴 
2023, 60(23): 2314001
Author Affiliations
1 State Key Laboratory of Modern Optical Instrumentations, Centre for Optical and Electromagnetic Research, College of Optical Science and Engineering, International Research Center for Advanced Photonics, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310058, P. R. China
2 Department of Chemistry, The Hong Kong Branch of Chinese, National Engineering Research Center for Tissue Restoration and Reconstruction, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Clear Water Bay, Kowloon, Hong Kong 999077, P. R. China
3 Shenzhen Research Institute of Shandong University, Shenzhen 518057, P. R. China
4 Department of General Surgery, Sir Run Run Shaw Hospital, School of Medicine, Zhejiang University, Hangzhou 310000, P. R. China
5 School of Science and Engineering, Shenzhen Institute of Aggregate Science and Technology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518172, P. R. China
Lipid droplets (LDs) participate in many physiological processes, the abnormality of which will cause chronic diseases and pathologies such as diabetes and obesity. It is crucial to monitor the distribution of LDs at high spatial resolution and large depth. Herein, we carried three-photon imaging of LDs in fat liver. Owing to the large three-photon absorption cross-section of the luminogen named NAP-CF3 (1.67×1079cm6 s2), three-photon fluorescence fat liver imaging reached the largest depth of 80μm. Fat liver diagnosis was successfully carried out with excellent performance, providing great potential for LDs-associated pathologies research.
Lipid droplets three-photon fluorescence microscopy fat liver deep-tissue imaging 
Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences
2023, 16(4): 2250033
吉林大学电子科学与工程学院集成光电子学国家重点实验室,吉林 长春 130012
脂滴是一种重要的细胞器,与细胞中多种生理活动密切相关。为了观察脂滴并研究其多种多样的功能,共聚焦荧光成像技术是最有力的工具之一。然而,细胞脂滴荧光成像所需的具有高荧光亮度和高标记选择性的脂滴荧光探针却十分有限,这严重限制了脂滴的深入研究。研制了一种具有荧光开关特性的喹啉衍生物脂滴荧光探针(Lipi-QL)。该探针因其敏感的极性淬灭荧光特性,展现出了很高的脂滴标记选择性。Lipi-QL能靶向脂滴是因为其脂溶性,进入脂滴后,荧光增强是脂滴内的较低极性引起的。给受体型分子结构还赋予了该探针高的荧光亮度以及大的斯托克斯位移。将该探针用于细胞脂滴共聚焦荧光成像,在不同浓度下都实现了显著优于脂滴商用探针BODIPY 493/503的标记选择性。此外,使用该荧光探针实现了固定细胞的三维共聚焦成像和活细胞的四色共聚焦成像。该荧光探针的研制一方面为脂滴生理功能的研究提供了强有力的工具,另一方面也为新型高标记选择性荧光探针的设计提供了新的思路。
医用光学 荧光开关特性 荧光成像 荧光探针 脂滴 
2023, 50(9): 0907102
南京理工大学 理学院, 南京 210094
为了研究超短激光脉冲与双液滴相互作用过程中的光学击穿和等离子体分布, 基于麦克斯韦方程组和电离速率方程, 构建了飞秒激光与双液滴的瞬态耦合模型, 使用有限元分析方法, 对飞秒激光辐照微米量级双液滴的自由电子密度和光场分布进行了计算, 得到了双液滴结构对液滴光学击穿和等离子体变化的影响。结果表明, 第2个液滴的击穿阈值约为同等条件下单液滴击穿阈值的35%; 等离子体的形态和击穿点的位置随双液滴间距发生变化, 且在聚焦区域产生纳米等离子体射流; 第2个液滴对激光能量的吸收随着双液滴间距的增加而减少; 当分别使用满足击穿阈值的光强入射, 双液滴吸收的能量约为单液滴的3%; 第2个液滴对激光能量的吸收随光强增大而增大, 能量吸收比例最终趋于0.01, 仅为单液滴的1.5%。该研究为激光诱导水击穿和激光在大气中的传输提供了一定的参考。
大气光学 双液滴 光学击穿 激光等离子体 能量损耗 atmospheric optics double droplets optical breakdown laser plasma energy losses 
2023, 47(2): 193
Author Affiliations
The most recent discoveries in the biochemical field are highlighting the increasingly important role of lipid droplets (LDs) in several regulatory mechanisms in living cells. LDs are dynamic organelles and therefore their complete characterization in terms of number, size, spatial positioning and relative distribution in the cell volume can shed light on the roles played by LDs. Until now, fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy are assessed as the gold standard methods for identifying LDs due to their high sensitivity and specificity. However, such methods generally only provide 2D assays and partial measurements. Furthermore, both can be destructive and with low productivity, thus limiting analysis of large cell numbers in a sample. Here we demonstrate for the first time the capability of 3D visualization and the full LD characterization in high-throughput with a tomographic phase-contrast flow-cytometer, by using ovarian cancer cells and monocyte cell lines as models. A strategy for retrieving significant parameters on spatial correlations and LD 3D positioning inside each cell volume is reported. The information gathered by this new method could allow more in depth understanding and lead to new discoveries on how LDs are correlated to cellular functions.The most recent discoveries in the biochemical field are highlighting the increasingly important role of lipid droplets (LDs) in several regulatory mechanisms in living cells. LDs are dynamic organelles and therefore their complete characterization in terms of number, size, spatial positioning and relative distribution in the cell volume can shed light on the roles played by LDs. Until now, fluorescence microscopy and transmission electron microscopy are assessed as the gold standard methods for identifying LDs due to their high sensitivity and specificity. However, such methods generally only provide 2D assays and partial measurements. Furthermore, both can be destructive and with low productivity, thus limiting analysis of large cell numbers in a sample. Here we demonstrate for the first time the capability of 3D visualization and the full LD characterization in high-throughput with a tomographic phase-contrast flow-cytometer, by using ovarian cancer cells and monocyte cell lines as models. A strategy for retrieving significant parameters on spatial correlations and LD 3D positioning inside each cell volume is reported. The information gathered by this new method could allow more in depth understanding and lead to new discoveries on how LDs are correlated to cellular functions.
lipid droplets label-free phase-contrast imaging in-flow tomography 3D imaging 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2023, 6(1): 220048
吉林大学 电子科学与工程学院 集成光电子学国家重点实验室, 吉林 长春 130012
脂滴是真核细胞中必不可少的一种球形细胞器,与很多细胞生理学过程息息相关。荧光成像技术是观察研究脂滴最有力的工具之一。受光学衍射极限的限制,传统的宽场以及共聚焦显微镜所能达到的成像分辨率约为250 nm左右,这对于观测小脂滴,尤其是新生脂滴(尺寸约30~60 nm)来说是远远不够的。在这种情况下,近年来新兴的各种能够打破衍射极限的超分辨荧光显微镜(如受激发射损耗显微镜、结构光照明显微镜以及光激活定位显微镜等)逐渐吸引了科研人员的兴趣。为了得到高分辨率脂滴荧光图像,除了上述超分辨显微镜之外,还需要具有与之相匹配的高性能荧光探针。本文将简要介绍这几种超分辨显微镜的工作原理,讨论其对荧光探针光物理性质的特殊要求,并进一步系统总结脂滴超分辨成像荧光探针的研究进展。与此同时,本文将分析对比不同超分辨显微镜在脂滴荧光成像方面的优势与不足,并对其发展趋势进行展望。
脂滴 超分辨成像 受激发射损耗显微镜 结构光照明显微镜 光激活定位显微镜 荧光探针 lipid droplets super-resolution imaging stimulated emission depletion microscopy structured illumination microscopy photoactivated localization microscopy fluorescent probes 
2022, 15(6): 1228


2022, 37(12): 1531
吉林电子信息职业技术学院, 吉林 吉林 132021
以5.0 mm厚高强钢板为试验材料, 采用CO2激光-MAG电弧复合焊接方法, 研究电弧电压与焊接电流的大小对复合焊接熔滴过渡特征、工艺稳定性和焊缝形貌的影响。结果表明, 在激光功率P=1.6 kW、焊接速度v=1.2 m/min的情况下:当电弧电压U=26 V、焊接电流I<180 A时或焊接电流I=180 A、电弧电压U<24 V时, 熔滴过渡模式为短路过渡和颗粒过渡或是二者的混合过渡, 且焊缝表面飞溅较多;当电弧电压U≥24 V时或焊接电流I≥180 A时, 熔滴的过渡模式为射滴过渡, 且焊缝表面质量较好。
激光电弧复合焊接 熔滴过渡 熔滴过渡频率 焊缝形状 电弧能量 laser-arc hybrid welding droplets transfer frequency of droplets transfer weld shaping arc energy 
2021, 41(1): 154
王一 1,2丁召 1,2,3魏节敏 2杨晨 1,3[ ... ]郭祥 1,2,3
1 贵州大学大数据与信息工程院, 贵阳 550025
2 教育部半导体功率器件可靠性工程中心, 贵阳 550025
3 贵州省微纳电子与软件技术重点实验室,贵阳 550025
4 贵州财经大学信息学院, 贵阳 550025
近年来,半导体量子点特别是InAs量子点的基本物理性质和潜在应用得到了广泛研究。许多研究者利用InAs量子点结构的改变以调制其光电特性。本文采用液滴外延法在GaAs(001)表面沉积了不同沉积量的In(3 ML、4 ML、5 ML),以研究In的成核机制和表面扩散。实验发现,随着In沉积量的增加,液滴尺寸(包括直径、高度)明显增大。不仅如此,在相同的衬底温度下,沉积量越大,液滴密度越大。利用经典成核理论,计算了GaAs(001)表面In液滴形成的临界厚度为0.57 ML,计算的结果与已报道的实验一致。从In原子在表面的迁移和扩散,以及衬底中Ga和液滴中的In之间的原子互混原理解释了In液滴形成和形貌演化的机理。实验中得到的In液滴临界厚度以及In液滴在GaAs(001)上成核机理,可以为制备InAs量子点提供实验指导。
InAs量子点 In沉积量 液滴外延 临界厚度 成核机理 光电特性 InAs quantum dot deposition amount of indium droplets epitaxy critical thickness nucleation mechanism photoelectric property 
2020, 49(12): 2268
厦门大学 电子科学与技术学院, 福建 厦门 361005
染料掺杂的带边胆甾相液晶微激光器因阈值低、无需反射镜的特点, 自提出以来便一直是研究热点。具有复杂微结构的胆甾相液晶液滴是一种新颖的三维全向微激光器, 兼具有小型化、集成化与波长可调谐的特性, 更是引起了液晶非显示领域研究者们的广泛兴趣。其复杂的球形核壳微结构, 促使诸如分布反馈、回音壁和法布-珀罗等多种激光模式的产生。而玻璃毛细管微流控技术的出现, 使大规模制备单分散、尺寸可控的胆甾相液晶液滴成为可能, 同时为制备结构复杂的多重乳液提供了必要条件。本文简要介绍了制备液晶乳液所使用的玻璃毛细管微流控技术, 并综述了近年来与单重乳液胆甾相液晶液滴及多重乳液胆甾相液晶核壳微结构中的激光行为相关的研究工作。
全向激光 玻璃毛细管微流控技术 胆甾相液晶 乳液 液滴 核壳微结构 omnidirectional laser glass-capillary microfluidic technique cholesteric liquid crystal emulsion droplets core-shell microstructures 
2020, 35(7): 697

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