1 中国科学院西安光学精密机械研究所光子制造系统与应用研究中心,陕西 西安 710119
2 中国科学院大学,北京 100049
为研究飞秒激光加工硬脆透明材料时存在的“微裂纹”与“诱导条纹”等共性工艺问题,利用飞秒时间分辨泵浦探测阴影成像技术,对飞秒激光多脉冲烧蚀石英玻璃过程中的电子动力学过程进行成像,分析了激光脉冲电离材料初期(700 fs之前)等离子体丝的演化情况。多脉冲诱导微结构的存在使成丝区域分布在微结构的两侧与光脉冲传播的轴线方向,前者主要是由微结构侧壁对光脉冲的折射造成的,而后者则是由微结构底面与侧壁形貌不同导致的光程差引起的。实验结果揭示了多脉冲加工过程中脉冲串诱导微结构对后续光场的重塑效应,该效应影响了等离子体成丝区域与能量沉积的分布,这是共性工艺问题产生的核心机制。
激光技术 飞秒激光微加工 泵浦探测阴影成像 多脉冲烧蚀 等离子体 
2023, 50(24): 2402101
1 深圳技术大学 广东省高校先进光学精密制造技术重点实验室,深圳 518118
2 深圳技术大学 新材料与新能源学院,深圳 518118
3 深圳技术大学 中德智能制造学院,深圳 518118
设计并制作了一种光纤微悬臂梁传感器,由于悬臂梁在受迫振动过程中不会产生拉伸变形,与四周固定的圆形密闭薄膜相比,会产生更高的声波灵敏度。采用飞秒激光加工制作微悬臂梁薄膜光纤声波传感器,制备出长宽均为500 μm,厚6 μm的微悬臂梁结构。通过实验得到其反射光谱对比度为8.8 dB,自由光谱范围为7.72 nm,理论计算得光纤法布里-珀罗腔长为155.6 μm。研究结果表明,该光纤声波传感器在2 200 Hz处出现明显的共振峰,对应的声压灵敏度为414 mV/Pa,在300 Hz时有最大的灵敏度675 mV/Pa,与普通硅橡胶薄膜声波传感器相比灵敏度显著提高。理论计算硅橡胶微悬臂梁光纤声波传感器的一阶共振频率为198 Hz,与实验测得的共振频率较为接近。同时悬臂梁传感器的声压灵敏度可达675 mV/Pa,声压响应线性度为0.994。
光纤声波传感器 微悬臂梁 飞秒激光微加工 声压灵敏度 法布里-珀罗干涉仪 Fiber optic acoustic sensor Micro-cantilever beam Femtosecond laser micromachining Sound pressure sensitivity Fabry-Perot interferometer 
2023, 52(10): 1052419
江毅 1,2,*张雨彤 1,2,3邓辉 1,2
1 北京理工大学光电学院,北京 100081
2 信息光子技术工业和信息化部重点实验室,北京 100081
3 包头师范学院物理科学与技术学院,内蒙古 包头 014030
提出了一种高温大量程的蓝宝石法布里-珀罗(F-P)干涉仪压力传感器。传感器由三层蓝宝石晶片直接键合而成,包括蓝宝石衬底、带通孔的蓝宝石晶片和感压蓝宝石晶片。飞秒激光用于在蓝宝石晶片的中心刻蚀通孔,并粗糙化感压蓝宝石晶片的外表面。利用蓝宝石晶片抛光面作为F-P腔的反射面,有助于降低解调出的光学腔长波动,提高压力分辨率。提出的传感器在室温、0~30 MPa的高压力范围内光学腔长随压力线性变化,压力灵敏度为0.1253 μm/MPa,相对分辨率达到0.04% FS(full scale,全量程),且能在700 ℃下稳定工作。
光纤光学 光纤压力传感器 非本征法布里-珀罗干涉仪 蓝宝石晶片 飞秒激光微加工 大压力量程 
2023, 43(15): 1506001
Jue Wang 1,2Chengkun Cai 1,2Tianhao Fu 1,2Kangrui Wang 1,2[ ... ]Jian Wang 1,2,*
Author Affiliations
1 Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics and School of Optical and Electronic Information, Wuhan, China
2 Optics Valley Laboratory, Wuhan, China
The Mathieu beam is a typical nondiffracting beam characterized by its propagation invariance and self-reconstruction. These extraordinary properties have given rise to potentialities for applications such as optical communications, optical trapping, and material processing. However, the experimental generation of Mathieu–Gauss beams possessing high quality and compactness is still challenging. In this work, even and helical Mathieu phase plates with different orders m and ellipticity parameters q are fabricated by femtosecond laser two-photon polymerization. The experimentally generated nondiffracting beams are propagation-invariant in several hundred millimeters, which agree with numerical simulations. This work may promote the miniaturization of the application of nondiffracting beams in micronanooptics.
femtosecond laser micromachining two-photon polymerization nondiffracting beams Mathieu–Gauss beams 
Advanced Photonics Nexus
2023, 2(1): 016011
何俊 1,2徐锡镇 1,2贺佳 1,2吴嘉烽 1,2[ ... ]王义平 1,2,*
1 深圳大学 物理与光电工程学院 光电子器件与系统教育部重点实验室,广东 深圳 518060
2 深圳大学 广东省光纤传感技术粤港联合研究中心,广东 深圳 518060
在高速飞行器、航空发动机、核反应堆等**安全和国民经济的重要领域,需要实现1800 ℃以上的高温原位测量。常规石英光纤传感器受限于材料特性,无法在1000 ℃以上高温环境中长期稳定使用。单晶蓝宝石光纤具有极高的熔点(2053 ℃)和较低的传输损耗,是一种良好的高温传感材料。在单晶蓝宝石光纤内部刻写布拉格光栅,可以研制出蓝宝石光纤光栅传感器,具有耐温性能好、测量精度高、便于多点测量等优点,是当前最具发展前景的新型高温传感器件。首先介绍了蓝宝石光纤光栅高温传感器的工作原理和理论模型,接着介绍了利用飞秒激光制备蓝宝石光纤光栅的三种主流技术,包括相位掩模板扫描法、双光束干涉法、直写法,并从制备效率、光谱质量等方面比较了三种技术的优劣,指出飞秒激光直写法是制备蓝宝石光纤光栅高温传感器的最佳手段;然后介绍了蓝宝石光纤光栅的光谱优化方法,包括如何减小光栅光谱带宽和如何降低光谱噪声;进一步介绍了蓝宝石光纤光栅的高温传感特性、封装工艺及高温温度、应变传感应用;最后展望了蓝宝石光纤光栅传感器的未来发展趋势。蓝宝石光纤光栅高温传感器的快速发展和大规模推广应用,必将有助于解决当前我国航空航天、核电等领域重大装备结构健康监测的卡脖子难题。
高温传感器 蓝宝石光纤光栅 飞秒激光微加工 high-temperature sensor sapphire fiber Bragg grating femtosecond laser micromachining 
2022, 51(10): 20220700
Author Affiliations
1 Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
2 Institute of Automation and Electrometry of the SB RAS, Novosibirsk 630090, Russia
3 Department of Information, Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome 00184, Italy
In this article, we review recent advances in the technology of writing fiber Bragg gratings (FBGs) in selected cores of multicore fibers (MCFs) by using femtosecond laser pulses. The writing technology of such a key element as the FBG opens up wide opportunities for the creation of next generation fiber lasers and sensors based on MCFs. The advantages of the technology are shown by using the examples of 3D shape sensors, acoustic emission sensors with spatially multiplexed channels, as well as multicore fiber Raman lasers.
multicore fiber fiber Bragg grating femtosecond laser micromachining fiber laser fiber sensor 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2022, 5(4): 210055
1 北京理工大学 光电学院 信息光子技术工业和信息化部重点实验室,北京 100081
2 包头师范学院 物理科学与技术学院,内蒙古 包头 014030
提出了一种用于超低温环境的微纳光纤非本征法布里-珀罗干涉仪压力传感器。单模光纤端面通过飞秒激光刻蚀出微孔,与无芯光纤熔接形成密闭的法珀腔。通过将无芯光纤切割、研磨等步骤,制作出微纳光纤压力传感器。利用飞秒激光微加工,可以加工出不同孔径的微孔及不同厚度的膜片,得到不同灵敏度及测量压力范围的压力传感器。实验结果表明,提出的传感器在-196 ℃、0~5 MPa的压力范围内表现出良好的线性度,压力升高和降低过程中腔长-压力灵敏度分别为110.33 nm/MPa和110.68 nm/MPa。该传感器能够满足超低温环境下的压力测量需求。
非本征法布里-珀罗干涉仪 光纤传感器 飞秒激光微加工 超低温 压力测量 Extrinsic Fabry-Perot interferometers Optical fiber sensors Femtosecond laser micromachining Ultra-low temperature Pressure measurement 
2022, 51(5): 0551315
Author Affiliations
College of Optical and Electronic Technology, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou 310018, China
The femtosecond laser has been an efficient tool for optical fiber high temperature sensor construction. Here, we review the progress of optical fiber high temperature sensors based on femtosecond laser fabricated fiber gratings and various types of fiber in-line interferometers in silica fibers and sapphire fibers.
optical fiber sensors femtosecond laser micromachining high temperature measurement 
Chinese Optics Letters
2021, 19(9): 091204
Author Affiliations
School of Physics, State Key Laboratory of Crystal Materials, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, China
Optical waveguides are far more than mere connecting elements in integrated optical systems and circuits. Benefiting from their high optical confinement and miniaturized footprints, waveguide structures established based on crystalline materials, particularly, are opening exciting possibilities and opportunities in photonic chips by facilitating their on-chip integration with different functionalities and highly compact photonic circuits. Femtosecond-laser-direct writing (FsLDW), as a true three-dimensional (3D) micromachining and microfabrication technology, allows rapid prototyping of on-demand waveguide geometries inside transparent materials via localized material modification. The success of FsLDW lies not only in its unsurpassed aptitude for realizing 3D devices but also in its remarkable material-independence that enables cross-platform solutions. This review emphasizes FsLDW fabrication of waveguide structures with 3D layouts in dielectric crystals. Their functionalities as passive and active photonic devices are also demonstrated and discussed.
femtosecond laser micromachining optical waveguide dielectric crystals photonic devices 
Opto-Electronic Advances
2020, 3(10): 10190042
湖北师范大学物理与电子科学学院, 湖北 黄石, 435002
将多模光纤两端与单模光纤正对拼接在一起,通过光纤微孔及不同芯径光纤拼接构成一个复杂的马赫-曾德尔干涉仪,利用该干涉仪构成一款新型高温与折射率传感器。实验发现,传感器透射谱中谐振峰波谷dip 1的波长只随环境温度发生线性漂移,波谷dip 1的峰值强度只随环境折射率发生线性漂移。据此利用波谷得到一个关于温度与折射率的测量矩阵,实验测得高温灵敏度达到18.55 pm/℃,折射率灵敏度达到-155.2 dB/RIU(RIU为折射率单元)。利用波谷dip 1的这个特性实现了高温与折射率同时测量,不存在交叉敏感。该传感器结构紧凑简单、性能稳定、灵敏度高。
光纤光学 温度与折射率传感器 光纤传感 飞秒激光微加工 
2019, 56(17): 170633

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