中国激光, 2022, 49 (23): 2306001, 网络出版: 2022-11-21   

基于光广义空间调制的VLC-MIMO系统研究 下载: 614次

Research on VLC-MIMO System Based on Optical Generalized Spatial Modulation
西安工业大学电子信息工程学院,陕西 西安 710021
针对传统光空间调制(OSM)传输速率低、发射天线数必须是2的整数次幂等缺陷,提出了一种光广义空间调制(OGSM)方案。该方案通过同时激活多根发射天线并结合多相制调制方式来提高传输速率。在此基础上引入基于范数的天线选择算法,在可见光通信(VLC)情形下,通过选取信道范数最大的子信道传输信息,降低了信号间干扰,改善了误码性能。利用分段式界理论推出了多输入多输出(MIMO)信道下的误码率理论上界。结果表明:当误码率达到10-4时,采用基于范数的天线选择算法,光广义空间调制系统信噪比提升了3.1 dB;与3根接收天线的方案相比,4根接收天线的方案信噪比减少了8.4 dB。当误码率达到10-3、激活天线数为2根时,正交振幅调制、脉冲振幅调制、正交相移键控与二进制相移键控相比,传输速率按每信道比特数计都增加了2,信噪比分别增加了0.7 dB、3.2 dB、5.1 dB。总之,通过增加调制阶数和接收天线数,光广义空间调制系统提升了传输速率,改善了误码性能。

Visible light communication (VLC) needs to take into account both lighting and communication, so multi-light-source distribution is required, and optical multiple input multiple output (OMIMO) technology emerges. The traditional OMIMO system improves the channel capacity by activating all antennas to transmit information, resulting in strong co-channel interference between channels and poor information reliability. Optical spatial modulation (OSM), as a new type of OMIMO technology, activates one transmit antenna at every moment to avoid co-channel interference between channels. At the same time, since the transmitting antenna itself carries some bit information, the transmission rate of the system is improved. However, OSM must meet the requirement that the number of transmit antennas is an integral power of 2, and only one antenna is used at the same time, which limits its application. On the basis of the OSM system, the optical generalized spatial modulation (OGSM) system transmits information by activating multiple antennas. At the same time, all activated antennas can transmit the same or different data information, thereby further improving the transmission rate. But the antenna selection of OGSM is random, so we propose a VLC multiple input multiple output (MIMO) system scheme based on OGSM. The scheme improves the transmission rate by activating multiple transmitting antennas and combining with modulation methods such as multiple phase shift keying (MPSK) system; at the same time, a norm-based antenna selection algorithm is introduced, which greatly reduces the computation complexity.


In order to analyze the performance of OGSM system, we combine OGSM system with OMIMO system. At the transmitter, the number of activated transmit antennas is used to carry the constellation modulated transmission symbols to construct a constellation mapping table; at the same time, in order to improve the bit error performance, a norm-based antenna selection algorithm is introduced in combination with the channel characteristics. The system selects the sub-channel with the largest channel norm to transmit information in turn, and then selects the optimal antenna combination. At the receiving end, in order to obtain the antenna combination and modulation symbols, the maximum likelihood (ML) detection algorithm is used to obtain the Euclidean distance. The theoretical bit error rate (BER) of the OGSM system is analyzed through the segmented boundary theory. Furthermore, the spectral efficiency, transmission rate and complexity of the OGSM system under different conditions are analyzed (Table 2).

Results and Discussions

For reliability, we use a norm-based antenna selection algorithm to improve the bit error performance. When the number of active antennas Na at the transmitting end is 2, the modulation method is binary phase shift keying (BPSK), and the transmission rate is 4 bpcu, it can be obtained that for the BER of 10-4, using the norm-based antenna selection algorithm, and for 2, 3, and 4 receiving antennas, the average signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is improved by 3.1 dB (Fig. 2). When the modulation method is BPSK, the number of active antennas Na at the transmitting end is 2, and the number of receiving antennas Nr is 1 and 2 respectively, for the BER of 10-4, the SNR of 4 receiving antennas scheme is reduced by 8.4 dB in comparison with the 3 receiving antennas scheme (Fig. 3). When the number of active antennas Na at the transmitting end is 2, the number of receiving antennas Nr is 2, and the modulation methods are BPSK, 4-pulse amplitude modulation (4PAM), quadrate amplitude modulation (QAM), and quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK), for the BER of 10-3, compared with BPSK, the transmission rates of the other three modulation methods are all increased by 2 bpcu, and the SNRs are increased by 0.7 dB, 3.2 dB, and 5.1 dB, respectively (Fig. 4). For effectiveness, with the increase of the modulation order and the number of activated transmit antennas, the transmission rate and spectral efficiency will increase (Table 2).


Aiming at the disadvantage that OSM can only activate one antenna at the same time, an OGSM scheme is proposed. This scheme significantly improves the transmission rate of the system by changing the transmitting antenna number from one to multiple and by using modulation methods such as MPSK. At the same time, using the norm-based antenna selection algorithm, the system gets better bit error performance than those using the traditional random antenna selection algorithm. The main conclusions include: by increasing the number of receiving antennas, the bit error performance will be improved; when the number of activated transmitting antennas is constant, by using different modulation methods, such as BPSK, QPSK, 4PAM, and QAM, with the increase of the modulation order, the transmission rate of the system will increase, but the bit error performance will be impaired.

1 引言





2 基本原理






图 1. 基于范数天线选择的OGSM系统模型

Fig. 1. OGSM system model based on norm antenna selection

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2.7 OGSM调制原理




经过调制后的符号矢量通过Nr×Nt维的无线信道H传输出去,H的每个元素都服从方差为1、均值为0的复高斯分布,η为光电转化效率。接收信号模型可以表示为yuηHxun, yuCNr×M

H写为H[h11       h12        h1Nth21       h22        h2Nt                                hNr1    hNr2        hNrNt]式中:hNrNt表示信道矩阵的第Nr行第Nt列;yuCNr×M为接收信号矢量;n为均值为0、方差为δ2的复高斯加性白噪声矢量。


2.8 天线选择


假设信道状态信息(CSI)已知,且系统的传输速率为4 bpcu(bpcu指每信道中传输的比特数),其中发射天线数Nt=4,接收天线数Nr=4,调制阶数M=2,且根据复高斯分布可得信道状态矩阵为H[0.75580.7730i     0.22990.8585i     0.61150.7700i     0.07220.5442i0.57240.7843i   0.53380.7873i    0.02120.0230i     0.17070.2626i2.08190.6106i       0.96890.0048i     0.11650.3906i         0.22570.1595i  101700.0547i     1.21021.0837i      0.44380.7782i         0.22120.7900i]




表 1. 基于范数天线选择的OGSM映射

Table 1. OGSM mapping based on norm antenna selection

Input signalAntenna mapping bitAntenna combinationConstellation mapping bitConstellation modulationOutput signal
(0   0   0   00   0   0   1)T(0 0)(1,2)(0    00    1)(1    11        1)(1    1    0    01        1     0    0)T
(0   0   1   00   0   1   1)T(0 0)(1,2)(1    01    1)(1    11        1)(1    1    0    01        1      0    0)T
(0   1   0   00   1   0   1)T(0 1)(1,3)(0    00    1)(1    11       1)(1    0    1    01    0       1      0)T
(0   1   1   00   1   1   1)T(0 1)(1,3)(1    01    1)(1    11       1)(1    0    1   01    0       1     0)T
(1   0   0   01   0   0   1)T(1 0)(1,4)(0    00    1)(1    11       1)(1    0     0  11    0     0      1)T
(1   0   1   01   0   1   1)T(1 0)(1,4)(1    01    1)(1    11       1)(1    0     0  11    0     0      1)T
(1   1   0   01   1   0   1)T(1 1)(2,3)(0    00    1)(1    11       1)(0    1    1    00    1        1     0)T
(1   1   1   01   1   1   1)T(1 1)(2,3)(1    01    1)(1    11       1)(0    1    1    00     1      1      0)T


3 误码率分析










P(xux^u|H)只是条件概率,将仿真中生成的信道信息代入式(20),多次仿真后平均即可得到最终的成对出错概率P(xux^u|H)。记e(u,u^), 为将激活天线索引位置判决为u^时错误的索引比特数,即两者之间的汉明距离。则有me012ROGSMu12ROGSMu^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)e(u,u^)

星座符号错误由两部分组成,即索引位置错误时me10和索引位置正确时me11。当索引位置错误时,意味着星座符号比特需要由非激活天线的数据来恢复,则会导致log2M/2错误比特。将所有天线索引位置遍历可得到me1012ROGSMu12ROGSMu^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)log2M2当索引位置正确时,其概率上界位置可以表示为1u^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)P(yu)表示索引位置正确时对激活天线检测的BER,即MPSK的BER,对于二进制相移键控(BPSK),其可以表示为P(yu)Q(2|HAu|2/N0),于是可得到me1112ROGSMu1 2ROGSM[1u^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)]·(log2M)P(yu)

由式(21)、式(22)、式(24)可得总的BER表达式:Pb12ROGSMu12ROGSMu^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)e(u,u^)12ROGSMu12ROGSMu^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)log2M212ROGSMu12ROGSM [1u^u12ROGSMP(xux^u)](log2M)P(yu)

4 仿真分析


4.2 OGSM系统性能

图2为采用不同天线选择算法的OGSM系统的误码率。其中,激活天线数Na=2,接收天线数Nr分别为2根、3根、4根,调制方式为BPSK,传输速率为4 bpcu。以4*4-2*2为例说明图中表示天线组合的形式:4*4-2*2表示由4根发射天线和4根接收天线组成信道,只激活2根发射天线并且只用2根天线接收。从仿真结果可以看出,相比于随机选择算法,基于范数的天线选择算法的OGSM系统误码性能更优。当误码率达到10-4时,采用基于范数的天线选择算法,OGSM系统接收天线数Nr为2根、3根、4根时,平均误码性能提升了3.1 dB,这是因为本文提出的算法充分利用了信道特征来传输信息。

图 2. 采用不同天线选择算法的OGSM系统的误码率

Fig. 2. BERs of OGSM systems with different antenna selection algorithms

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图3为基于范数天线选择算法的OGSM系统的理论和仿真误码性能。仿真条件为:调制方式采用BPSK,发射端激活天线数Na=2,接收天线数Nr分别为1根、2根、3根、4根。从仿真结果可以看出:(1)当信噪比比较低时,OGSM系统的理论误码率高于实际误码率,当信噪比比较高时,理论误码率与实际误码率基本相同;(2)相同的调制方式下,增加接收天线数,会改善误码性能,当误码率达到10-4时,与3根接收天线的方案相比,4根接收天线的方案信噪比降低了8.4 dB。

图 3. 基于范数天线选择算法的OGSM系统的理论误码性能和仿真误码性能

Fig. 3. Theoretical and simulation BER performance of OGSM system based on norm antenna selection algorithm

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图4为激活相同数量发射天线、采用不同调制方式的OGSM系统的误码率。其中,发射端激活天线数Na=2,接收天线数Nr=2,调制方式为BPSK、4阶脉冲振幅调制(4PAM)、QAM、QPSK。从仿真结果可以看出,随着调制阶数的增大,系统的传输速率会提高,但会损坏误码性能,当误码率达到10-3时,高阶调制方式4PAM、QAM、QPSK相比BPSK传输速率都增大了2 bpcu,信噪比分别增加了0.7 dB、3.2 dB、5.1 dB。主要原因是发射天线数量相同时,映射关系越复杂,ML检测算法检测时出错的可能性越大。

图 4. 激活相同数量发射天线、采用不同调制方式的OGSM系统的误码性能

Fig. 4. BER performance of OGSM systems with same number of activated transmitting antennas and different modulation methods

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4.3 系统频谱效率、传输速率和复杂度




表 2. 不同调制方式OGSM方案的传输速率、频谱效率与ML复杂度

Table 2. Transmission rate, spectral efficiency and ML complexity of OGSM schemes with different modulation modes

ModulationTransmission rate /(bit·s-1)Spectral efficiency /(bit·s-1·Hz-1)ML complexity


5 结论



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