中国激光, 2024, 51 (8): 0804007, 网络出版: 2024-04-17  


New Calibration Method for Photoelastic Modulator Without Frequency Response
杨军营 1,2韩培高 1,2,*魏莹莹 1,2
1 曲阜师范大学物理工程学院,山东 曲阜273165
2 山东省激光偏光与信息技术重点实验室,山东 曲阜273165
针对现有光弹调制器定标方法受探测器频率响应的局限性,提出一种新的光弹调制器相位调制幅值(Am)定标方法。利用起偏器、光弹调制器、波片,以及检偏器构建定标光路,利用Am=5.136 rad的二次谐波分量零值点作为定标辅助点,将待定标点与定标辅助点间的一阶贝塞尔函数比值作为定标函数,通过测量待定标点与定标辅助点的一次谐波分量比值反推出待定标点的真实相位延迟量幅值。该方法排除了由探测系统频率响应特性带来的定标偏差,并且可以对光弹调制器整个工作区间的相位延迟量幅值进行定标。该方法操作简单、系统鲁棒性强、定标范围广。

With the wide application of ellipsometry spectroscopy technology as the core device for ellipsometry spectrometers in recent years, an increasing number of researchers have begun to study photoelastic modulators (PEM). The amplitude of the phase delay generated when the PEM performs phase modulation is influenced by the control voltage, temperature, and other factors; therefore, the PEM must perform calibration before carrying out the work. Current calibration methods for the PEM mainly include the Bessel function ratio, half-wave flat-top, and fundamental frequency component maximum methods. Many calibration methods require the use of the Bessel function ratio, and the frequency response of the calibration system must be considered based on the ratio between different frequency octaves, which is also a problem likely to be ignored. Moreover, this problem is difficult to solve. To solve this problem, we propose a new calibration method that can eliminate the influence of the frequency response of the calibration system. The proposed method exhibits excellent system robustness.


The proposed system consisted of a calibration optical route polarizer, PEM, waveplate, and analyzer. This method has no special requirements for the azimuths of the polarizer, analyzer, waveplate, or the phase delay of the waveplate in the system. In this method, the zero-point of the second-harmonic component, Am=5.136 rad, was used as the calibration auxiliary point, and the ratio of the first-order Bessel function between the undetermined and calibration auxiliary points was used as the calibration function. By determining the ratio of the first harmonic component between the fixed and calibration auxiliary points, the real-phase delay amplitude of the undetermined point was derived via calculations.

Results and Discussions

The proposed method uses the ratio of the Bessel function of the same order between different values instead of the ratio between different frequencies, which solves the frequency-response problem of the calibration system. The calibration results show that the calibration curves obtained using the fourth- and second-order Bessel function ratio methods significantly differ from that without a frequency response (Fig.3). This is caused by the evident frequency-response difference between the second and fourth octaves of the detection system consisting of the detector and lock-in amplifier. The fitting curve of the proposed method is expressed by Am=1.203vm+0.098. The half-wave flat-top method is used to verify the amplitude of the π rad phase delay in the calibration curve. When the control voltage is 2.53 V, a flat-top waveform is generated (Fig.5), which is consistent with that of the simulation (Fig.4), indicating that the proposed method is feasible. In addition, we calculated the calibration deviation of the light intensity fluctuation for the method, and the deviation of most of the calibration points, Am, was less than 1%. The calibration near the extreme point of the Bessel function is significantly influenced by the light intensity fluctuation (Fig.6) owing to the insignificant change in the value of the Bessel function near the extreme point. A laser with a smaller light-intensity fluctuation or a more stable laser can be used to control the power supply to minimize the Am calibration deviation caused by light-intensity fluctuations.


In this study, a new calibration method for a PEM is proposed. In the proposed method, the zero-value point of the second-order Bessel function is used as the auxiliary calibration point. The ratio of the amplitude of the fundamental frequency component between the punctuation point to be determined and the auxiliary calibration point corresponds to the ratio of the first-order Bessel function used for calibrating the entire working range of the PEM. The experimental results show that the calibration relationship between Vm and Am is linear, except near the extreme points of the fundamental frequency components (1.841 and 5.331 rad), and the calibration results are verified using the half-wave flat-top method. The calibration deviation caused by the fluctuation in light intensity is lower than 1%, except near the extreme points of the Bessel function. The calibration method is not affected by the frequency response of the detection system and has no special numerical and accurate requirements for the azimuth angle and phase delay of the waveplate, polarizer, and polarizer. It is simple to operate and robust, and it achieves PEM calibration in the entire Vm working range.

1 引言


目前已有的定标方法,包括基频分量极值法、贝塞尔函数比值法、直流分量法等。基频分量极值法9利用一阶贝塞尔函数极值点进行标定,操作简单,但受限于一阶贝塞尔函数的特点。当Am在1.841 rad和5.331 rad附近的一定范围内时,由于贝塞尔函数的变化幅值非常小,因此在该两点附近的一倍频读数变化并不明显,导致不能准确定标到该两点的数值,且仅能对极值点定标。直流分量法610利用零阶贝塞尔函数与一阶贝塞尔函数的性质,在基频分量极值法的基础上改进而来,通过将变化率不明显的基频分量极值点转换到变化率明显的直流分量上,消去了传统基频分量极值法定标不准确的问题,但该方法的定标范围仍然较窄,仅针对基频分量极值点,并受光源波动影响较大。贝塞尔函数比值法11-15利用不同阶贝塞尔函数之间的比值关系进行定标,如四二阶贝塞尔函数比值法,利用J4(Am)J2(Am)=V4fV2f,通过探测器四倍频与二倍频信号的比值反推出真实的Am。理论上,该方法可以在较大范围内对Am进行标定,近年来受到较多关注,但探测系统的频率响应差异明显影响定标精度。

本文提出一种新的光弹调制器定标方法,利用Am=5.136 rad的二次谐波分量零值点作为定标辅助点,将待定标点与定标辅助点间的一阶贝塞尔函数比值作为定标函数,通过测量待定标点与定标辅助点的一次谐波分量比值反推出待定标点的Am值。该方法采用同阶贝塞尔函数比值,排除了探测系统频率响应特性的影响,可以对光弹调制器整个工作区间的Am值进行定标。

2 定标原理


图 1. 定标系统及各器件取向(与x轴夹角)

Fig. 1. Calibration system and orientation of each device (angle with x-axis)

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光源使用中心波长为653 nm的半导体二极管激光器(LD),峰值半高宽为2 nm,起偏器和检偏器选用消光比大于105∶1的格兰泰勒棱镜,探测器为半导体的硅光伏探测器,选用Hinds公司II/FS50型PEM及其控制器,通过控制器控制电压(vm)实现对PEM幅值电压Vm的调控,锁相放大器以控制器信号频率为参考频率,将探测器信号分频后输出至计算机。以光弹调制器应力调制方向为x轴,起偏器、检偏器透光方向与x轴夹角分别为PA,波片快轴方向与x轴夹角为θ。激光器光源发出的激光经自带的非球面透镜准直后依次经过起偏器、PEM、波片及检偏器,最后由光电探测器接收,该过程可利用琼斯矩阵进行描述16。激光经过起偏器后的线偏振光由琼斯矢量表示为

EP=I0cos Psin P



JM=cos δ2-isin δ200cos δ2+isin δ2

式中:δ为光弹调制器在xy轴方向上产生的相位延迟量差,且δ=Amsin ωt17Am为相位延迟量幅值,ω是PEM调制频率,Am可表示为



JS=cos Δ2+isin Δ2cos 2θisin Δ2sin 2θisin Δ2sin 2θcos Δ2-isin Δ2cos 2θ



JA=cos2 A12sin 2A12sin 2Asin2 A




I=I02{1+cos 2Pcos 2θcos(2A-2θ)-cos 2Psin 2θsin(2A-2θ)cos Δ+sin 2Psin 2θcos(2A-2θ)+sin 2Pcos 2θsin(2A-2θ)cos ΔcosAmsin ωt+sin(2A-2θ)sin 2Psin ΔsinAmsin ωt}


cosAmsin ωt=J0(Am)+2n=1J2n(Am)cos 2nωtsinAmsin ωt=2n=1J2n-1 (Am)sin(2n-1)ωt


V1f=T1I0sin(2A-2θ)sin 2Psin ΔJ1(Am)V2f=T2I0[sin 2Psin 2θcos(2A-2θ)+sin 2Pcos 2θsin(2A-2θ)cos Δ]J2(Am)


根据贝塞尔函数性质,二阶贝塞尔函数J2Am)在Am=5.136 rad时数值为零,如图2所示。通过PEM控制器调节PEM电压幅值Vm由零增大,V2f将先增加后减小,当V2f=0时,由式(11)可知PEM产生的Am为5.136 rad。由图2可以看出,二阶贝塞尔函数在5.136 rad附近曲线斜率相对较大,因此可以较精确地定位到该点,将其定义为定标辅助点。

图 2. 0~2阶贝塞尔函数图像

Fig. 2. Images of Bessel functions of order 0 to 2

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因此,根据式(12),利用Am=5.136 rad的定标辅助点与待定标点间的基频分量幅值V1f对比,可以计算出待定标点的一阶贝塞尔函数值J1Am),从而进一步计算出待定标点的相位延迟量幅值Am。通过PEM控制器在PEM工作电压范围内对电压幅值Vm进行逐点扫描,可以获得关于vmAm之间的定标关系曲线。


3 分析与讨论

按照图1所示的定标系统示意图构建定标光路,取PEM应力轴方向为x轴,根据消光法将起偏器和检偏器透光轴设置为±45°的正交状态,波片快轴与PEM快轴平行,波片慢、快轴间的相位延迟量为59°(波长为653 nm)。逐渐增大PEM控制电压vm,可以看到锁相放大器分离出的二倍频分量幅值V2f先增大后减小。当V2f减小到0时,即为Am=5.136 rad的定标辅助点,记录此时的基频分量幅值V1f。随后利用控制器以0.2 V为步长,逐点扫描不同vm值下的基频分量幅值,利用式(12)计算对应不同vm值下的各待定标点的Am值,得到vmAm之间的定标关系曲线,如图3所示。由图3可以看出,vmAm之间整体为线性关系。对定标曲线进行线性拟合后,得到拟合曲线方程Am=1.203vm+0.098。还可以看出,Am为1.8 rad和5.2 rad附近的数据点轻微偏离线性关系,这种现象的出现,是由于一阶贝塞尔函数的特性所引起的。

图 3. 四二阶比值法、基频分量极值法,以及无频响定标法校准曲线

Fig. 3. Calibration curve of fourth- and second-order ratio method, fundamental frequency component extreme value method and frequency-free response calibration method

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图2所示,一阶贝塞尔函数在1.841 rad和5.331 rad时出现极值,极值附近曲线变化率小,J1Am)的数值在该两点附近变化不明显,导致定标数据在1.841 rad和5.331 rad附近误差偏大。


对于所提方法的可行性,利用半波平顶法进行验证。半波平顶法是指当PEM产生的相位延迟量幅值Am为π rad或λ/2,即半波条件时,示波器上会出现上平下尖的特殊波形;当Am略大于π rad时,波形会出现上凹下尖的特点;当Am略小于π rad时,波形则会出现上圆下尖的特点。利用Mathematica软件对式(7)(移除波片)进行理论仿真,设初始光强I0为1,将Am分别设定为π rad、3.106 rad和3.178 rad,得到图4的仿真曲线。

图 4. 仿真曲线。(a)Am设定为π rad时的仿真曲线;(b)Am设定为3.106 rad时的仿真曲线;(c)Am设定为3.178 rad时的仿真曲线

Fig. 4. Simulation curves. (a) Simulation curve when Am is set to π rad; (b) simulation curves when Am is set to 3.106 rad; (c) simulation curve when Am is set to 3.178 rad

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利用半波平顶法对定标拟合曲线中的π rad相位延迟量幅值进行验证。已知新方法得到的定标拟合曲线为Am=1.203vm+0.098,产生π rad的相位延迟量幅值对应的控制电压为2.53 V。当控制电压设置为2.53 V时,示波器上出现明显的平顶波形,此时产生的相位延迟量幅值为π rad,如图5(a)所示;当控制电压设置为2.5 V和2.56 V时,通过拟合曲线计算得到对应的相位延迟量,分别为3.106 rad和3.178 rad,分别略小于π rad和略大于π rad,此时出现的波形如图5(b)、(c)所示,对应上圆下尖以及上凹下尖的波形特点,与理论情况相符。

图 5. 不同控制电压下的波形。(a)控制电压为2.53 V(对应Am为π rad)时产生的平顶波形;(b)控制电压为2.5 V(对应Am为3.106 rad)时产生的上圆下尖波形;(c)控制电压为2.56 V(对应Am为3.178 rad)时产生的上凹下尖波形

Fig. 5. Waveforms under different control voltages. (a) Flat-top waveform generated when the control voltage is 2.53 V (corresponding to Am= π rad); (b) the upper circle and lower sharp waveform generated when the control voltage is 2.5 V (corresponding to Am=3.106 rad); (c) the concave and downward tip waveform generated when the control voltage is 2.56 V (corresponding to Am=3.178 rad)

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对所使用的LD激光器进行连续30 min的输出光强采集,每次采集间隔为30 s,得到该激光器在30 min内的最大光强波动为0.385%,并依此计算了该量值的光强波动对Am定标偏差的影响,如图6所示。由图6(a)、(b)可以看出,大部分定标点Am的偏差在1%以下,在贝塞尔函数极值点附近的定标受光强波动影响较大,这是由于极值点附近贝塞尔函数的数值变化不明显引起的。为降低光强波动造成的Am定标偏差,可以选用光强波动更小的激光器或采用更加稳定的激光器控制电源。

图 6. 定标曲线。(a)带有各点定标偏差的原始定标曲线;(b)由光强波动引起的Am定标偏差曲线

Fig. 6. Calibration curves. (a) Original calibration curve with calibration deviation per point; (b) Am calibration deviation curve caused by light intensity fluctuations

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4 结论

本文提出了一种新的光弹调制器定标方法。该方法将二阶贝塞尔函数的零值点作为辅助定标点,利用待定标点与辅助定标点间基频分量幅值之比对应于一阶贝塞尔函数比的特点,实现了对PEM整个工作区间的定标。实验结果表明,除基频分量极值点(1.841 rad和5.331 rad)附近外,vmAm之间的定标关系曲线符合线性关系,且定标结果通过了半波平顶法的验证,由光强波动引起的定标偏差除贝塞尔函数极值点附近,均小于1%。所提定标方法不受探测系统频率响应影响,对波片、起偏器、检偏器的方位角及波片相位延迟量无特殊数值及精度要求,操作简单、鲁棒性强,实现了对PEM在整个Vm工作区间的定标。


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