中国激光, 2024, 51 (8): 0814001, 网络出版: 2024-04-11  


Super‐Resolution Reconstruction of Terahertz Image Based on Linear Array Scanning Imaging
1 中国计量大学光学与电子科技学院,浙江 杭州 310018
2 西安应用光学研究所,陕西 西安 710065

Terahertz waves are widely used in security checks and nondestructive testing. However, because of limitations in imaging devices and algorithms, terahertz images face challenges, such as limited spatial resolution and blurry features. Currently, two main approaches are used to enhance the resolution of terahertz images. The first involves improving the imaging system, whereas the second uses super-resolution reconstruction algorithms to improve image quality. In recent years, research teams have applied convolutional super-resolution networks to terahertz image reconstruction. However, these methods construct network models by increasing the number of convolutional layers, leading to an exponential expansion of the parameters and a lack of specific structures to enhance the reconstruction of image details. Although deeper networks can extract more information for image reconstruction, overfitting complicates training. In this study, a super-resolution reconstruction algorithm is developed based on residual-attention generative adversarial networks to further improve the quality of reconstructed images.


The proposed super-resolution reconstruction algorithm is based on a residual attention generative adversarial network. First, a contrast-limited adaptive histogram equalization method is introduced for terahertz images, effectively addressing the low-contrast issue. Second, building upon the generative adversarial network, a residual generative adversarial network incorporating an improved attention mechanism achieves super-resolution reconstruction of terahertz scanning images. This algorithm features a multibranch residual block convolutional structure and extracts and fuses the feature information from each layer during the feature extraction process. In addition, an enhanced attention mechanism combining spatial and channel attention is added to the residual block. Beyond channel information extraction, it includes orientation awareness and position-sensitive information, compelling the network to focus more on texture and image details while maintaining image shape integrity and reducing the network parameters. Finally, a spectrum-normalized U-net network is employed to discriminate the reconstructed images generated by the generator, thereby enhancing training stability.

Results and Discussions

Test images from the terahertz transmission scanning dataset are selected [Fig.5(a)] to validate the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in image super-resolution reconstruction. The results of the two images indicate that the proposed algorithm clarifies edge information [Fig.5(f)]. In contrast, other algorithms such as bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN, and ESRGAN exhibit various issues [Figs.5(b)?(e)]. The traditional bicubic interpolation algorithm is overall unsatisfactory and appears blurry. Images reconstructed by the SRResNet and SRGAN algorithms show problems, such as increased noise and suboptimal visual coherence. Although the ESRGAN algorithm improves the clarity compared to the original image, pseudoartifacts in the edges lead to image blurriness. The objective evaluation metrics for the images processed using the algorithm in this study show a significant improvement over those of the original images, and the enhancement is higher compared with those of bicubic interpolation, SRResNet, SRGAN, and ESRGAN (Table 1). The experimental results demonstrate that compared to other image super-resolution algorithms, the proposed algorithm uses low-resolution image information more comprehensively, improving information utilization and exhibiting superior reconstruction performance.


A terahertz image super-resolution reconstruction algorithm based on generative adversarial networks is established to address issues, such as low clarity and blurred edges in images captured by terahertz line-scan cameras. Building on the SRGAN, a residual dense network incorporating an enhanced attention mechanism is introduced, and a spectrum-normalized U-net is used as the discriminative network. The critical parameters in this network can be adaptively updated using the attention model by incorporating pixel coordinates into the attention mechanism. A terahertz image training dataset is established to apply this network to terahertz image super-resolution reconstruction. The experimental results indicate that the proposed super-resolution reconstruction algorithm, which is based on generative adversarial networks and attention mechanisms, qualitatively aligns better with human observation habits, highlighting more nuanced edge information in the reconstructed images. Quantitatively, various metrics for the reconstructed high-resolution images show improvements, with a 7% increase in edge intensity, 12% increase in average gradient, 13% increase in peak signal-to-noise ratio, and 14% increase in structural similarity. These results validate the superiority and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in enhancing the clarity of terahertz images.

1 引言

太赫兹波位于微波和红外之间的频段,其频率范围为0.1~10.0 THz。太赫兹波具有一些独特的特性,如瞬态、低能量和穿透性,这些特点使其在医学成像1、安全检测2、爆炸物检测3-4、通信以及生物研究5等领域中展现出巨大的应用潜力。然而,受限于太赫兹波的长波长和软硬件的限制,传统太赫兹成像系统所成的太赫兹图像存在对比度低、分辨率差、边缘信息丢失严重等问题。



2 基本原理

2.1 太赫兹图像获取装置与图像预处理

实验使用的太赫兹线阵快速相机成像系统包括太赫兹雪崩发射源、反射镜、线阵太赫兹探测器、传送带、一维扫描电机等,该系统光路图如图1所示。其中,线阵太赫兹探测器的像元尺寸为256 pixel×1 pixel,像素尺寸为1.5 mm×3.0 mm,成像速率为64 frame·s-1;太赫兹雪崩发射源的工作频率为0.1 THz,输出功率为50~70 mW,成像动态范围为24 dB。太赫兹源通过喇叭口天线发射太赫兹光束,经过柱面反射镜照射到样品上,样品的透射光束聚焦形成一条平行焦线,被探测器的256个像元同时接收。成像系统通过传送带在一维方向上移动,使焦线扫描整个样品,最终构建出样品的太赫兹图像。

图 1. 太赫兹线阵扫描成像系统光路图

Fig. 1. Optical path diagram of terahertz linear array scanning imaging system

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2.2 太赫兹图像超分辨率算法的构建



图 2. 生成网络结构图

Fig. 2. Structure diagram of generative network

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第二部分为浅层特征抽取网络,提取浅层特征。低分辨率图像将被输入到一个3×3的卷积层中,并在卷积操作后应用LReLU激活函数。这个卷积层的输出通道数被设置为64,以便通过卷积操作对输入图像进行特征提取和维度调整。第三部分为深度特征映射提取模块,该模块由增强注意力残差密集块(EARDB)组成,EARDB的架构如图3所示,其中β为Leaky ReLU激活函数的负斜率。EARDB是由注意力模块、残差连接层和密集网络卷积层(Conv)组成。注意力模块可以使空间信息浓缩为通道信息,并提供更准确的注意力机制,便于根据特征的重要性对特征进行加权;残差连接层是对输入特征与注意力进行加权后,再通过与输出通道相加的方式进行融合;密集网络卷积层将生成的特征传递给后续层,增强信息的流动。EARDB包含三个注意力残差密集块(ARB),每个ARB由卷积层、Leaky ReLU激活函数以及注意力模块组成。最后一部分为上采样网络,采用两次上采样模块(Upsampling)对提取的特征进行插值,使特征像素增加4倍,图的高宽变为原来的4倍,并且实现分辨率的提升。

图 3. EARDB的结构图

Fig. 3. Architecture of EARDB

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图 4. U-net判别网络结构图

Fig. 4. Structure diagram of U-net discriminant network

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2.3 建立太赫兹图像损失函数模型













2.4 太赫兹重建图像的质量评价指标












式中:RPSNR为峰值信噪比;PmaxIHRi',j'图像的最大像素值,对于8 bit精度的图像,Pmax取值为255。


3 模型训练与结果分析

3.1 太赫兹重建图像超分辨率模型的训练

太赫兹重建图像的超分辨率模型使用PyTorch框架和NVIDIA RTX 4090 GPU进行训练。本实验采用扫描的太赫兹图像(共2000幅)构建数据集,同时再添加100幅图像作为测试集。在构建数据集的过程中,需要对太赫兹图像进行适当的样本扩充,因此针对太赫兹图像采用旋转和尺度缩放的方式进行样本扩充。同时对太赫兹图像采用自适应直方图进行均衡化处理,增加了太赫兹图像的对比度,有利于超分辨率重建。

训练生成对抗网络时,batch size设置为16,优化器设置为Adam优化器,初始学习率设置为2×10-4。优化器参数β1为0.9,参数β2为0.99,训练更新迭代次数为105

3.2 图像超分辨率重构结果的分析

为了验证本文改进算法对图像的超分辨率重构效果,选取测试集中的太赫兹透射扫描图片。对图片进行4倍放大的超分辨率重建,并将重构结果与双三次插值(bicubic interpolation)、SRResnet、SRGAN、ESRGAN算法进行比较。对不同算法的重建结果进行对比,通过主观和客观评价指标量化进行分析。


图 5. 牙刷太赫兹图像的实验结果。(a)低分辨率图像;(b)双三次插值;(c)SRResnet;(d)SRGAN;(e)ESRGAN;(f)本文算法

Fig. 5. Experimental results of toothbrush THZ image. (a) Low resolution image; (b) bicubic interpolation; (c) SRResnet; (d) SRGAN;(e) ESRGAN; (f) our method

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图 6. 剪刀太赫兹图像的实验结果。(a)低分辨率图像;(b)双三次插值;(c)SRResnet;(d)SRGAN;(e)ESRGAN;(f)本文算法

Fig. 6. Experimental results of scissors THZ image. (a) Low resolution image; (b) bicubic interpolation; (c) SRResnet; (d) SRGAN; (e) ESRGAN; (f) our method

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表 1. 不同算法重建图像的客观评价结果

Table 1. Objective evaluation results of reconstructed images by different algorithms

ParameterBicubic interpolationSRResnetSRGANESRGANOur method


4 结论



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