中国激光, 2023, 50 (18): 1813004, 网络出版: 2023-08-10  

基于超构表面的多维光信息加密 下载: 1070次亮点文章特邀综述

Metasurface-Based Multidimensional Optical Information Encryption
暨南大学纳米光子学研究院广东省纳米光学操控重点实验室,广东 广州 511443

Optical encryption is a technique that uses light as a multidimensional carrier of information to encode and decode plaintext images through optical transformations. It has advantages over traditional encryption methods in terms of complexity, security, robustness, and reliability. However, conventional optical encryption schemes often rely on complex and bulky optical components that limit their efficiency and portability. Metasurfaces are artificial structures that can manipulate light at subwavelength scales and control its amplitude, phase, and polarization. They provide a flexible and efficient platform for optical encryption by using different metasurface structures to modulate the incident light and generate encrypted images. The basic principle of metasurface optical encryption is to use the structure to control the input and output keys of the light, the optical parameters modulating the incident light and encrypted image respectively. Only by knowing the correct input and output keys can one decrypt the image and recover the original information. The metasurface structures can utilize different dimensions of light at the input and output ports, such as wavelength, polarization, incident angle, and distance, to achieve single- or dual-port encryption. This study summarizes and discusses three types of metasurface optical encryption schemes, namely, single-input port, single-output port, and input-output port combination, as shown in Fig. 1.


Metasurface-based optical encryption can utilize the multiple dimensions of light at the input and output ports. For any light beam, all of its parameter dimensions at the input and output ports have definite values, and identifying the dimensions that are used for encryption when information for only one image exists is difficult. Therefore, we focus on the optical encryption that changes at least one or more dimensions to encrypt multiple image signals. The optical encryption based on a single-input port is first discussed, where the analyzed parameters at the output port are fixed. For optical encryption at an input port, we discuss the use of only one parameter dimension, such as wavelength, polarization, and incident angles, to encrypt image signals (Fig. 2). The multiple optical parameter dimensions at the input port can be combined to encrypt different image signals to provide more independent encryption information channels (Fig. 3). At the output port, the dimensions of light can be used for optical encryption, whereas those at the input port are fixed (Fig. 4). Finally, input-output port joint optical encryption schemes are discussed, where different combinations of optical parameter dimensions at the input and output ports are used to encrypt and decrypt the image signals. These include polarization dimension input-polarization dimension output (Fig. 5), polarization dimension input-multiple dimension output (Fig. 6), wavelength dimension input-other dimension output (Fig. 7), incidence angle dimension input-diffraction distance dimension output (Fig. 8), and multiple dimension input-other dimension output (Fig. 9).

Conclusions and Prospects

We discuss the recent progress and challenges of metasurface optical encryption. Various optical-field manipulation mechanisms have been previously proposed based on metasurfaces, which can achieve different degrees of freedom of the Jones matrix from one to eight, the highest possible in nature. This multiple-degree-of-freedom optical-field manipulation and new mechanisms lay the foundation for enhancing the complexity and security of optical information encryption. However, challenges remain in the field of metasurface optical encryption, such as the crosstalk phenomenon, limited utilization of light dimensions, lack of integration with other physical signals, and absence of dynamic control capabilities. We suggest that further research can be conducted to optimize and improve the performance and reliability of metasurface optical encryption and storage.

1 引言




图 1. 基于超构表面结构的多维光信息加密示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic of metasurface-based multi-dimensional optical information encryption

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2 单一输入端光学加密


2.1 单一维度信息加密


图 2. 纯输入端单一维度超构表面结构光学信息加密。(a)基于结构空间复用的波长维度光学加密50;(b)入射角度维度复用的光学加密53;(c)基于入射角度维度的四通道加密54;(d)左右旋圆偏振光学加密方案36;(e)通过在琼斯矩阵中引入噪声,实现11个偏振复用通道37

Fig. 2. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with single dimensional for single pure input. (a) Wavelength-dimensional optical encryption based on spatial multiplexing[50]; (b) optical encryption based on angle-of-incidence dimensional multiplexing[53]; (c) four-channel optical encryption based on angle-of-incidence dimension[54]; (d) optical encryption scheme with left and right circular polarization[36]; (e) realizing 11 polarization multiplexing channels by introducing noise into Jones matrix[37]

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2.2 多维度信息加密



图 3. 多重维度输入的超构表面结构光学信息加密。(a)基于空间与相位维度组合而成的涡旋光,实现轨道角动量全息图43;(b)波长和偏振维度组合输入实现两幅独立全息图59;(c)基于相干像素设计实现输入端波长、偏振、入射角度维度组合的光学加密55

Fig. 3. Metasurface-based multidimensional optical information encryption at pure input. (a) Achieving orbital angular momentum hologram based on vortex light combined with space and phase dimensions[43]; (b) two independent holographic images with input combining wavelength and polarization dimensions[59]; (c) optical encryption based on coherent pixel design realized by combining wavelength, polarization, and incident angle dimensions at input[55]

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利用偏振和波长两个维度的组合实现双维度光加密的一个例子59图3(b)所示。通过优化设计TiO2纳米结构的尺寸,实现了可见光波段双波长正交线性偏振光的独立全息显示。具体而言,当波长为532 nm的x线偏振光和波长为633 nm的y线偏振光分别入射到超构表面上时,在同一观察平面上可以获得低串扰的不同显示输出图像。


3 单一输出端光学加密


图 4. 单一输出端超构表面光学信息加密。(a)信息隐藏在特定的单个线偏振光中60;(b)两幅图像信息隐藏在正交偏振态中61;(c)两幅图像信息隐藏在非正交线偏振态中62;(d)基于大尺寸光栅像素结构的多观测角度图像加密65;(e)基于超构表面结构的大规模观测角度复用的光学加密66;(f)衍射距离维度光学加密67;(g)立体琼斯矩阵全息术68

Fig. 4. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with pure single output. (a) Information hidden in specific single linearly polarized light[60]; (b) two images hidden in orthogonal polarization states[61]; (c) two images hidden in non-orthogonal linearly polarized states[62]; (d) optical encryption of multiple images with different observation angles based on large-scale grating pixel structures[65]; (e) optical encryption with large-scale observation angle multiplexing based on metasurface[66]; (f) optical encryption with diffraction distance dimension[67]; (g) stereoscopic Jones matrix holography [68]

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在探测端,通过选取不同偏振态的输出可以得到不同的图像信号,从而将特定信号加密到特定偏振态中。通常选取的偏振态为线偏振态,其偏振角度可作为一个自由度提供加密维度。根据Malus定律,当强度为I0 的线性偏振光通过一个线性偏振片时,透射光强可表示为I=I0 cos²θ,其中θ是入射线偏光的偏振方向与偏振片的主轴之间的夹角。基于此,Yue等60设计了一种超构表面结构,将具有256级灰度的图像编码为具有空间变化的偏振态分布。由于输出端的强度分布均匀,不使用任何偏振器时将看不到任何信息。只有利用一个合适角度的偏振片才能获得加密信息[图4(a)]。然而,上述方案并没有实现不同偏振态下的多图像加密。本课题组基于相干像素设计,实现了任意振幅、相位和偏振态的光场,其可分解为两个具有任意复振幅的任意正交偏振态。因此在输出端,通过选择不同的正交偏振态,可以实现不同图像的解密61,如图4(b)所示。我们提出的这一方案仍然要求两个偏振态正交。基于复合单元的设计,Deng等62在任意非正交偏振下实现了两幅灰度图像的加密和隐藏[图4(c)]。


与全息图像可以在空间上分开不同,平面打印图像在不同观测角度下的位置重合。当在不同观测角下观测一个平面图像时,相当于进行了角谱滤波,这会导致图像的改变,从而可实现光学加密。一种方案是通过设计多套结构分别将光衍射到不同角度,从而产生不同的图像观测效果。例如,在一个大像素中设计3×3共9个子像素[图4(d)],每个子像素都是一个光栅结构,能够将入射光衍射到9个不同的角度65。通过在结构后方入射特定分布的光场分布,可以在不同视角下观测到不同图像的变化。然而,这种方法设计的像素尺寸大,分辨率低。例如,每个子像素光栅为了将光衍射到特定角度,尺寸达到50 μm,因此可以通过裸眼观测图像变化。通过亚波长尺度的超构表面结构可实现分辨率增大。将不同角度的加密图像的复振幅相干叠加66,得到最终超构表面的复振幅,可以实现25个角度通道下的图像加密[图4(e)]。显然,为了实现更大角度的图像加密,超构表面结构的单元像素尺寸需要更小。

在输出端,光在传播的过程中会发生衍射,从而在不同的距离处具有不同的光响应,因此衍射距离也可以作为一个维度进行加密。如图4(f)所示,基于GS迭代算法和超构表面结构的几何相位,2016年,Huang等67通过在距离样品50、100、150 μm的三个独立平面上重建三个全息图像,实现了衍射距离维度的光学加密。进一步,基于超构表面单元对偏振调控的能力,将衍射距离与偏振维度结合,可实现输出端多维光学加密68-69。例如,Zhao等68基于一种“立体琼斯矩阵”的全息术方法,将传统的迭代算法与琼斯矩阵方法相结合,实现了光场纵向的偏振、振幅和相位的连续变化。这一方法使得单层结构沿纵向具有任意偏振响应,研究者演示了在纵向上具有连续偏振变换的空心螺旋图案[图4(g)]。

4 输入-输出端联合光学加密


4.1 偏振维度输入



图 5. 偏振维度输入-偏振维度输出的超构表面光学信息加密。(a)基于几何相位和结构空间复用的全息加密74;(b)将入射光两个圆偏振态之间的相位差作为额外自由度,实现三通道的全息加密38;(c)基于几何相位和传输相位,实现任意正交偏振态下的独立相位控制39;(d)基于各向异性单元结构线偏振态下的连续和简并输出,实现灰度图像和二元图像的光学加密41;(e)基于不同入射和出射线偏振态角度下形成的第三个杂化通道图像实现光学加密76

Fig. 5. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with polarization dimension at both input and output terminals. (a) Holographic encryption based on geometric phase and spatial multiplexing[74]; (b) three-channel holographic encryption realized by introducing phase difference between two circular polarization states of incident light as additional degree of freedom[38]; (c) independent phase control achieved under arbitrary orthogonal polarization states based on geometric and propagation phases[39]; (d) optical encryption of grayscale and binary images based on continuous and degenerate output under linear polarization states of anisotropic unit structure[41]; (e) optical encryption based on third hybrid channel image formed under different incident and outgoing linear polarization angles[76]

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图 6. 偏振维度输入-多重维度输出的超构表面光学信息加密。(a)双通道左右旋偏振加密77;(b)基于平面结构最高六自由度琼斯矩阵的三通道线偏振加密78;(c)基于双层结构最高八自由度琼斯矩阵的四通道线偏振加密79;(d)输出端结合偏振、衍射距离、观测角度三种维度的全息图像信息加密80

Fig. 6. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with polarization dimension at input terminal and multi-dimension at output terminal. (a) Two-channel encryption with left and right rotation polarization[77]; (b) three-channel linear polarization encryption based on highest six degree-of-freedom Jones matrix of planar structure[78]; (c) four-channel linear polarization encryption based on highest eight degree-of-freedom Jones matrix of double-layer structure[79]; (d) optical information encryption of holographic images combining with three dimensions of polarization, diffraction distance, and observation angle at output terminal[80]

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4.2 波长维度输入


图 7. 波长维度输入-其他维度输出的超构表面光学信息加密。(a)基于纳米结构滤色片机制82;(b)基于不同波长下不同尺寸纳米块具有不同共振衍射的机制83;(c)基于三基色混合实现任意亮度、饱和度和色度的全彩颜色显示84;(d)三波长通道下的线偏振输出随空间变化的全息图像光学加密85;(e)双波长通道下不同线偏振输出纳米打印图像的光学加密86

Fig. 7. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with wavelength dimension at input terminal and other dimensions at output terminal. (a) Based on nanostructure color filter mechanism[82]; (b) based on mechanism that nanostructures with different sizes have different resonance diffraction under different wavelengths[83]; (c) full-color display with arbitrary brightness, saturation, and hue based on three primary colors mixing theory[84]; (d) three-wavelength channel holographic optical encryption with linearly polarized output varying in space[85]; (e) two-wavelength channel optical encryption of nanoprinting images with different linearly polarized output[86]

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4.3 入射角度维度输入


图 8. 入射角度维度输入-衍射距离维度输出的超构表面光学信息加密87-88。(a)通过建立角度编码响应的结构数据库实现角度多路复用加密;(b)利用角度照明改变表面等离子体共振和法布里-珀罗纳米腔共振,针对不同的入射角进行编码加密

Fig. 8. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with incident-angle dimension at input terminal and diffraction-distance dimension at output terminal[87-88]. (a) Angle-multiplexed encryption by building structured database of angle-encoded responses; (b) encoding encryption for different incident angles by using angular illumination to change surface plasma resonance and Fabry-Perot nanocavity resonance

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4.4 多维光参量输入


图 9. 多维度输入-其他维度输出的超构表面光学信息加密。(a)入射角度和偏振双维度输入、偏振维度输出的光学信息加密89;(b)基于结构空间复用设计和圆偏振态的光学加密90;(c)基于单个纳米结构像素构造非复用基本单元下圆偏振态的光学加密52;(d)基于神经网络实现线偏振态的光学加密91;(e)涡旋光(相位+空间)和偏振三维度输入、线偏振态维度输出的光学加密92;(f)涡旋光(相位+空间)和偏振三维度输入、衍射距离维度输出的光学加密46

Fig. 9. Metasurface-based optical information encryption with multi-dimension at input terminal and other dimensions at output terminal. (a) Optical information encryption with polarization dimension at output terminal and dual dimensions of incident angle and polarization at input terminal[89]; (b) optical encryption based on structural spatial multiplexing design and circular polarization state[90]; (c) optical encryption of circular polarization state under non-multiplexing basic unit constructed based on single nanostructured pixel[52]; (d) optical encryption of linear polarization state based on neural network[91]. (e) optical encryption with three dimensions of vortex light (phase and spatial) and polarization at input terminal and linear polarization state dimension at output terminal[92]; (f) optical encryption with three dimensions of vortex light (phase and spatial) and polarization at input terminal and diffraction distance dimension at output terminal[46]

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对于偏振,其有2个自由度,结合波长的维度(N),可得到共2N个通道。图9(b)给出了左右旋偏振以及红绿蓝三基色波长下的多维度加密示意图90,共6个通道。这6个入射通道有两种状态,即入射或非入射,因此共存在多达26-1=63幅全息图。然而,该结构设计仍然采用了空间复用技术,存在效率低、衍射视角小等问题。Jin等52提出了一种多波长的Gerchberg-Saxton算法,无须空间复用,基于单个结构的像素即可实现63种全息图生成[图9(c)]。上述两种方案都基于几何相位,因此入射偏振局限于圆偏振态。近日,Ma等91基于深度学习网络,构建了超构表面结构单元的结构参数与目标之间的关系,避免了在结构设计中使用空间复用和几何相位,从而可以在线偏振态下高效率工作。当入射频率为350 THz和400 THz时,在x偏振和y偏振输入下,他们的设计实现了输出端不同衍射距离处全息成像的功能[图9(d)]。


5 总结与展望




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