中国激光, 2023, 50 (21): 2107203, 网络出版: 2023-11-01  


Quantitative Analysis of Hemoglobin Based on SiPLS‑BP Model
张朱珊莹 1,2,3朱思聪 1,2,3张献文 4付保荣 5,*李智 1,2,3曹汇敏 1,2,3,**刘繄 3,6
1 中南民族大学生物医学工程学院,湖北 武汉 430074
2 认知科学国家民委重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
3 医学信息分析及肿瘤诊疗湖北省重点实验室,湖北 武汉 430074
4 临沂格莱普园林机械有限公司,山东 临沂 276700
5 武汉长海高新技术有限公司,湖北 武汉 430223
6 武汉理工大学机电工程学院,湖北 武汉 430070

Hemoglobin is a special protein responsible for transporting oxygen in red blood cells. Hemoglobin concentration is an important parameter in routine blood tests and an important index for the diagnosis of anemia and other blood diseases in clinical medicine. Changes in hemoglobin concentration can directly reflect changes in human health; therefore, it is important to detect the hemoglobin concentration in the human body accurately for the diagnosis of many blood diseases. Current clinical medical treatments mainly rely on chemical reagents to detect hemoglobin concentrations, resulting in high detection costs, long analysis time, complicated operations, and trauma to the human body. Infrared spectroscopy can detect hemoglobin concentrations without reagents efficiently and noninvasively. However, the blood composition is complex, and the spectral overlap is serious. This complex background information makes it difficult to construct a high-precision quantitative hemoglobin analysis model. The model developed in this study is based on a backpropagation (BP) neural-network model combined with synergy interval partial least squares (SiPLS). This model uses SiPLS to eliminate most of the interference information, accelerates the modeling speed, and can achieve high-precision quantification of hemoglobin concentration in a complex background. It is believed that the proposed model can be helpful in promoting noninvasive detection of hemoglobin.


In this study, the near-infrared spectral data of 186 blood samples with different concentrations of hemoglobin and 39 near-infrared spectral data of hemoglobin imitation solution samples with different concentrations under a complex background are used as the research objects. The best dataset division method, best division ratio, and best pretreatment method are selected. Four quantitative analysis models [SiPLS, SiPLS-BP, full-spectrum partial least squares (PLS), and full-spectrum BP] are constructed using SiPLS preferred bands, analyzed, and compared.

Results and Discussions

The best quantitative model for both samples is SiPLS-BP. The correlation coefficient of the prediction set based on the SiPLS-BP model for blood samples reaches 0.9907, and the root mean square error of the prediction set (RMSEP) is 1.807 (Table 2). The correlation coefficient of the prediction set based on the SiPLS-BP model for the imitation solution sample reaches 0.9975, and the RMSEP is 1.017 (Table 3). The characteristic bands selected by the SiPLS model for the blood samples are 1100?1298 nm, 1600?1798 nm, and 2100?2198 nm (Table 4), and the characteristic bands selected by the SiPLS-BP model are 1100?1310 nm, 1630?1840 nm, and 2054?2370 nm (Table 4). The SiPLS and SiPLS-BP models of the imitation solution samples adopt bands at 1141?1220 nm and 1301?1380 nm. Even when the same characteristic wavelength optimization method is used, the preferred bands of each model are not exactly the same. For the imitation solution and blood with a complex background and large sample difference, the SiPLS-BP model has a better prediction effect (Figs.5 and 6). The predicted value of the model is the closest to the actual value, the degree of dispersion is the smallest, and the quantitative effect is the best.


To quantify hemoglobin concentration accurately in complex backgrounds using infrared spectroscopy, a model using SiPLS-BP is proposed. To verify the effectiveness of the SiPLS-BP model, four models (full-spectrum PLS, SiPLS, full-spectrum BP, and SiPLS-BP) are constructed to predict 39 complex-background hemoglobin imitation solution samples and 186 blood samples. The results show that the SiPLS-BP model has the best quantitative effect on hemoglobin in a complex background. The correlation coefficient of the prediction set under the SiPLS-BP model for the imitation solution sample reaches 0.9975, and the prediction effect of the model is 44.2% higher than that of the SiPLS model. The correlation coefficient of the prediction set under the SiPLS-BP model for blood samples is 0.9907, and the prediction effect of the model is 7.2% higher than that of the SiPLS model. The results show that the nonlinear BP model has a better prediction effect for the solution with a complex background and large sample difference. The SiPLS combined with the BP or PLS model improves the predictive effect of the model significantly for the two samples. This shows that an appropriate characteristic wavelength optimization method can eliminate interference information and simplify the model, greatly improving the prediction effect of the model and increasing the modeling speed. This research provides a new method for the construction of a hemoglobin quantitative analysis model in a complex background by near-infrared spectroscopy and provides a new approach for noninvasive detection of hemoglobin.

1 引言

血红蛋白(Hb)是一种在红细胞内负责运输氧气的特殊蛋白质,血红蛋白浓度的变化可直接反映红细胞浓度的变化。血红蛋白浓度是临床医学上诊断贫血症和其他血液疾病的一项重要指标,血红蛋白浓度的变化可以反映人体健康情况的变化,许多疾病如缺铁性贫血症,恶性贫血、肾功能衰竭、乙肝病毒感染等都会导致血红蛋白浓度的异常变化。精准检测人体内的血红蛋白浓度对于许多人类血液疾病的诊断是十分重要的,目前测量血红蛋白浓度的主要方法有氰化高铁血红蛋白(HiCN)测定法1、十二烷基月桂酰硫酸钠血红蛋白(SLS-Hb)法2、叠氮高铁血红蛋白(HiN3)测定法3及碱羟血红蛋白(ADH 575 nm)测定法等,临床上规定统一使用HiCN测定法作为人血红蛋白测定的标准方法1。但这些方法都需要采集血液,配合化学试剂进行体外分析,成本高,分析时间长,操作复杂,且对人体有创伤。




2 实验部分

2.1 仪器与试剂


2.2 实验方法

2.2.1 血红蛋白仿体溶液的配置

采用母液配置法,配置40种血红蛋白仿体溶液,质量浓度范围为122~160 g/L,质量浓度间隔为2 g/L。为了构建血红蛋白仿体溶液的复杂背景,在血红蛋白仿体溶液中加入了质量浓度为1.5 g/L的胆固醇以及质量浓度为0.8~1.4 g/L的葡萄糖,并且样本中intralipid背景溶液的质量分数为10%和5%的两种样本各占20个。

2.2.2 近红外光谱测量

用吸管将配置好的血红蛋白仿体溶液移入比色皿,将比色皿放入仪器内,扫描光谱范围为600~1800 nm,采样间隔为1 nm,光谱分辨率为0.1 nm,检测器单元为积分球。背景光谱为空气中的光谱(以空白石英比色皿作为参比),比色皿厚度为5 mm,依次采集每个样本在每个波长处的吸光度并保存光谱数据。

另外一组数据系研究者在光谱仪上收集的血液样本的近红外光谱透射数据,共计190个样本,剔除异常样本后剩余186个样本,光谱范围为1100~2498 nm,采样间隔为2 nm,共记录700个波长点,血红蛋白的质量浓度范围为103~173 g/L。

2.2.3 光谱数据集的划分

目前常用的四种数据集划分方法有等间隔划分法(Rank)、K-S(Kennard Stone)法、Duplex法、SPXY法,使用这四种方法分别划分两个光谱数据集。基于不同的划分结果建立PLS模型,比较模型预测效果,探索PLS模型最优的数据集划分方法及比例。后续BP建模中由于BP模型的动态变化,也是采用PLS最优数据集划分方法训练出最佳BP网络,然后基于此BP网络对其他三个数据集划分方法进行筛选,优选出BP模型最优的数据集划分方法。

2.2.4 光谱预处理


2.2.5 特征波长优选


2.2.6 建立最优模型


3 结果与讨论

3.1 PLS模型

3.1.1 血液样本

课题组的前期工作17是基于PLS模型对血液样本进行了最佳数据集划分方法及划分比例和最佳预处理方法组合的探寻。文献[18]对血液样本PLS模型进行特征波长优选探寻,其结果为血液样本的最佳数据集划分方法为SPXY法,最佳划分比例为校正集为60个,预测集为126个,最佳预处理组合为SNV+SG一阶导数;SiPLS挑选的波段为1100~1298 nm、1600~1798 nm和2100~2198 nm,基于特征波段建立的最佳SiPLS模型效果为校正集相关系数Rc=0.9937,测试集相关系数(RMSEC)为1.968,测试集相关系数Rp=0.9894,测试集相关系数(RMSEP)为1.947。

3.1.2 仿体溶液样本 数据集划分方法和结果分析

在实验采集的40个复杂背景血红蛋白溶液的吸收光谱图中,一个样本的光谱和其他样本有明显的偏差,属于异常样本,因此剔除此异常样本(21号样本)。光谱图中波长800 nm处明显出现了饱和现象,因此选择900~1700 nm波段进行研究。剔除异常样本后的光谱图(900~1700 nm)如图1所示。

图 1. 仿体溶液样本的原始光谱

Fig. 1. Original spectra of imitation solution samples

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采用等间隔划分法、K_S法、Duplex法、SPXY法四种不同的数据集划分方法,对39个样本进行校正集和预测集的划分,然后建立PLS模型,通过比较模型的预测效果优选划分方法及划分比例。在四种不同的数据集划分方法中,K_S法的结果最好,最佳划分为校正集为30个,预测集为9个,此时模型结果为Rc=0.8857,RMSEC为5.367,Rp=0.957,RMSEP为3.2282。 预处理结果对比

仿体溶液样本利用优选的K_S法划分光谱数据,然后结合四种预处理方法(MSC、SNV、DOSC、移动平均法)分别建立PLS模型。本文采用的四种预处理方法均会削弱PLS模型的预测效果,其中MSC、SNV和DOSC三种预处理方法大幅提高了PLS模型对校正集的训练效果,但预测集的效果并没有提升,表明模型处于过拟合状态,所以对仿体溶液样本的PLS模型不进行预处理。 特征波长优选

仿体溶液样本的光谱区域划分为1号区间(901~980 nm,x1)、2号区间(981~1060 nm,x2)、3号区间(1061~1140 nm,x3)、4号区间(1141~1220 nm,x4)、5号区间(1221~1300 nm,x5)、6号区间(1301~1380 nm,x6)、7号区间(1381~1460 nm,x7)、8号区间(1461~1540 nm,x8)、9号区间(1541~1620 nm,x9)、10号区间(1621~1700 nm,x10)。各个区间的主因子数(f)及交叉验证均方根误差(RMSECV)如图2所示。

图 2. 仿体溶液样本在不同区间的建模结果分析

Fig. 2. Analysis of modeling results of imitation solution samples in different intervals

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根据图2的结果,将RMSECV最小的四个区间(x3、x4、x5、x6)作为最优区间,然后对它们进行随机排列组合(不考虑顺序)以进行PLS定量分析,一共得到15种不同的组合,具体结果如表1所示。综合比较表1中各个模型的评价指标可知,区间x4、x6组合下建立的模型最好,此时优选波段为1141~1220 nm和1301~1380 nm,最终SiPLS模型的结果为Rc=0.8439,RMSEC为5.9276,Rp=0.9912,RMSEP为1.8211。血液样本和仿体溶液样本挑选的血红蛋白特征波段在1141~1220 nm这个区间内是完全重合的,而血液样本选出的1600~1798 nm和2100~2198 nm区间与仿体溶液样本不同,这是因为仿体溶液样本的全谱区间只有900~1700 nm,所以仿体溶液样本选出的波段与血液样本稍有出入。

表 1. 仿体溶液样本最佳波段及其组合的定量分析结果

Table 1. Quantitative analysis results of optimal bands and their combinations of imitation solution samples

Full-spectrum PLS model0.88575.3670.9573.2282


3.2 BP建模



3.2.1 血液样本


图 3. BP模型下血液样本预测值与实际值的相关图

Fig. 3. Correlation between predicted value and actual value of blood sample under BP model

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3.2.2 仿体溶液样本


图 4. BP模型下仿体溶液样本预测值与实际值的相关图

Fig. 4. Correlation between predicted value and actual value of imitation solution sample under BP model

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3.3 SiPLS‑BP建模

3.3.1 血液样本

前文SiPLS挑选的波段(即1100~1298 nm、1600~1798 nm和2100~2198 nm)是基于PLS模型挑选的,BP模型的特征波段可能与PLS模型不同。采用SiPLS遍历10~17个划分区间,在每个区间内构建BP模型,由于BP模型的特性,将第一个划分区间内的模型训练好后并固定下来,相同划分区间数下的后续单个区间均基于此网络进行训练。当区间数为13时,总体光谱的差异性较大,筛选的相关性较大的特征波段有5段。遍历2~7个区间组合,当区间组合数为7时相关性最大,保存此时的网络模型,即为最佳SiPLS-BP模型,优选出的波段范围为1100~1310 nm、1630~1840 nm和2054~2370 nm。血液样本SiPLS-BP模型最优的数据集划分方法为SPXY,无预处理时效果最优,此时血液样本真实值与预测值的相关图如图5所示,最终模型结果为Rc=0.9865,RMSEC为2.910,Rp=0.9907,RMSEP为1.807。

图 5. SiPLS-BP模型下血液样本预测值与实际值的相关图

Fig. 5. Correlation between predicted value and actual value of blood sample under SiPLS-BP model

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3.3.2 仿体溶液样本

为进一步验证SiPLS模型的效果,利用仿体溶液样本,依据前文SiPLS挑选的波段(即1141~1220 nm和1301~1380 nm)建立SiPLS-BP模型,模型定量分析结果如图6所示,此时Rc=1,RMSEC为7.305×10-9Rp=0.9975,RMSEP为1.017。由图6可知,样本浓度点均匀分布在线上及其周围,结合模型结果参数可知,在同一波段下,相比SiPLS模型,SiPLS-BP模型对复杂背景下的血红蛋白溶液的定量分析效果更佳。

图 6. SiPLS-BP模型下仿体溶液样本预测值与实际值的相关图

Fig. 6. Correlation between predicted value and actual value of imitation solution sample under SiPLS-BP model

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3.4 模型结果的对比分析

3.4.1 血液样本


表 2. 不同模型下血液样本的结果对比

Table 2. Comparison of results of blood samples under different models

Full-spectrum BP0.98273.3920.97423.066


3.4.2 仿体溶液样本

复杂背景血红蛋白仿体溶液样本的定量分析模型包括全谱PLS、SiPLS、全谱BP和SiPLS-BP,4种模型的结果对比如表3所示。由表3可知,4种模型中SiPLS-BP的定量分析效果最好,且全谱BP模型的各项指标均比SiPLS模型更加理想,验证了非线性回归模型更适合处理复杂背景下定量分析问题。SiPLS-BP模型的Rp达到了0.9975,预测效果在全谱BP的基础上提升了34.6%,SiPLS模型的预测效果比全谱PLS模型提升了43.6%,这表明使用等间隔偏最小二乘法优选出的特征波长进行建模可以有效提高模型的预测能力,同时也能加快模型建立的速度。SiPLS-BP模型的预测效果比SiPLS模型高44.2%,表明SiPLS-BP 模型比SiPLS模型更适用于在复杂背景下定量分析血红蛋白。

表 3. 不同模型下仿体溶液样本的结果对比

Table 3. Comparison of results of imitation solution samples under different models

Full-spectrum BP12.765×10-100.99151.554


3.5 波段结果对比分析


表 4. 不同模型下血液样本的筛选波段

Table 4. Screening bands of blood samples under different models

ModelBand range /nm


4 结论



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