光学学报, 2024, 44 (5): 0507001, 网络出版: 2024-03-19  


Chirp Noise Analysis in Laser Doppler Vibration Measurement and Its Suppression Methods
1 中国科学院空天创新信息研究院,北京 100094
2 中国科学院大学光电学院,北京 100049

Based on the physical principle of the heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement process, we analyze the measurement process of high-frequency and low-speed movement in the presence of low-frequency and high-speed background movement. In the process, the measurement noise generated by the presence of stray light exhibits chirp characteristics, with the effects and patterns of chirp noise explained. In response to the chirp noise, we propose a derivative preprocessing method for demodulation. The theoretical analysis shows the method exerts a significant effect on suppressing chirp noise, which is verified by simulations and experiments. Meanwhile, we set a heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement system with stray light and measure the target vibration. The normal method and derivative preprocessing method are adopted respectively for demodulation. The experimental results verify the existence of chirp noise and the effectiveness of the derivative preprocessing method in suppressing chirp noise, which decreases the chirp noise power by about 81.8%. The method can effectively reduce the influence of stray light on vibration measurement.

Heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement technology is a widely adopted non-contact and non-destructive movement measurement method, with the advantages of fast response speed and high resolution. It has a strong detection ability for single frequency movement and can quickly identify the characteristic frequency of target movement. However, in the presence of low-frequency high-speed background movement, the measurement of high-frequency low-speed movement is severely affected by chirp noise, which is caused by stray light and closely related to low-frequency high-speed background movement. The chirp noise can seriously affect the measurement of high-frequency low-speed movement, with errors even reaching tens of times larger than those of real movement. There is a lack of research on the principle of chirp noise caused by stray light and suppression methods of chirp noise. We deeply analyze the principle of chirp noise caused by stray light and propose a novel demodulation method called the derivative preprocessing method (DPM). This demodulation method is easy to implement and exhibits a good effect for suppressing chirp noise. This demodulation method is expected to provide a reliable noise suppression method for measuring high-frequency low-speed movement in the presence of low-frequency high-speed background movement. This plays a significant role in analyzing high-frequency vibration modes of precision devices in some special measurement scenarios, such as in the presence of background movement.


Our study consists of theoretical analysis, simulation, and experimental verification. Firstly, the working principle and demodulation method of the heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement system, which is in the presence of stray light, are deeply analyzed. According to the analysis, the stray light would generate chirp noise in the process of normal demodulation method (ARCTAN). Based on the generation and characteristics of the chirp noise, a new demodulation method DPM is proposed. Then, the influence of chirp noise on the measurement of target movement velocity and the effect of DPM on chirp noise suppression are simulated. In the simulation, a low-frequency sinusoidal movement is utilized as the background movement, while a high-frequency sinusoidal movement is employed as the target movement. In the simulation, the background movement generates corresponding chirp noise to affect demodulation results severely. The normal demodulation method DPM is leveraged to restore the target movement by demodulating the overall movement and performing high-pass filtering. Finally, a heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement experiment is conducted to utilize a piezoelectric ceramic plate fixed on the pendulum device. In the experiment, the piezoelectric ceramic plate vibrates at a single and high frequency, which is regarded as the target movement, and the pendulum's movement is considered as the background movement. According to the experiment results, the existence of chirp noise is verified, and the DPM suppresses the chirp noise too.

Results and Discussions

In the process of the normal demodulation method (ARCTAN), the cause of chirp noise is the combination of stray light and background movement. The frequency of chirp noise changes in real time with the background movement speed, and specifically, it is proportional to the absolute speed of background movement and inversely proportional to the laser wavelength (Formula 11). When the background movement is low-frequency high-speed movement and the target movement is high-frequency low-speed movement, the chirp noise will seriously affect the measurement of high-frequency part movement [Fig. 2(b)]. Compared with the normal demodulation method, DPM can effectively restore target movement [Fig. 2(c)], but will generate erroneous velocity spikes in the positions that are near zero speed locations. Since adopting the normal demodulation method's results to partly replace the demodulation results of the DPM at the corresponding positions (near zero speed locations), the velocity spikes can be suppressed, and the demodulation results approach target movement more closely. In the experiment, the background movement of the pendulum indeed generates corresponding chirp noise [Figs. 4(a) and (b)], and DPM can effectively suppress the chirp noise [Fig. 4(c)]. DPM has a significant suppression effect on chirp noise, which reduces the power of chirp noise by about 81.8% at the peak of the chirp noise (Fig. 5).


The principle of heterodyne laser Doppler vibration measurement is deeply analyzed. It is pointed out that chirp noise is generated due to stray light and background movement. The frequency of the chirp noise changes in real time with the background movement speed, which is proportional to the absolute background movement speed and inversely proportional to the laser wavelength. Simulations and experiments have confirmed the existence of chirp noise and its frequency variation pattern. A novel demodulation method DPM has been proposed for this type of chirp noise. Simulations and experiments prove that DPM can effectively suppress chirp noise. Above the target movement frequency, the chirp noise power can be reduced by about 81.8%.

1 引言






2 基本原理

2.1 外差激光多普勒测振信号解调原理


图 1. 一种典型外差激光多普勒测振仪的主要组成部分示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic of the main composition of a typical heterodyne laser Doppler vibrometer

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φdopt+φs=arctan QI,


2.2 杂散光存在导致解调相位误差原理




Q=12EsErsinφdopt+φs+12ErEnsin φn,I=12EsErcosφdopt+φs+12ErEncos φn,


φdemot=arctan QI=           arctansinφdopt+φs+EnEssin φncosφdopt+φs+EnEscos φn,


2.3 解调速度与真实速度之间的误差——啁啾噪声


dφdemodt=1+EnEscosφdopt+φs-φn1+EnEs2+2EnEscosφdopt+φs-φn×                 dφdopt+φsdt,vdemot=1+acosΔφ1+a2+2acosΔφvrealt,                        (8)


ηt=1+acos Δφ1+a2+2acos Δφ







2.4 微分预处理方法抑制啁啾噪声原理





     φdemo2t=arctan-dI/dtdQ/dt=          arctansinφdopt+φscosφdopt+φs=φdopt+φs,



3 仿真分析

通过MATLAB程序,对存在杂散光和低频高速背景运动的情况下测量物体高频低速的待测运动时常规解调方法所产生的啁啾噪声的效果,以及微分预处理方法对啁啾噪声的抑制作用进行仿真。仿真中,选取一个振幅为10 nm、频率为10 kHz的正弦运动作为待测物体的待测运动,而附加的背景运动为一个振幅为5 mm、频率为0.5 Hz的正弦运动,信号光与杂散光的场强比值a设为0.1,激光波长设置为1550 nm。

通过常规解调方法和微分预处理方法,可以得到两个不同的解调结果。对常规方法解调速度、微分预处理方法解调速度的高频部分进行短时傅里叶变换,获取它们的时频图。为了使显示效果更明显,图2中将强度转化为对数显示,以dB为单位,其计算方式为n=20lgpp0,其中n为强度值,p为速度在对应频段内的幅值强度,单位取m/s,p0=1 m/s,为归一化量。

图 2. 仿真结果。(a)常规方法得到的解调速度的绝对值;(b)常规方法得到的解调速度的时频图;(c)微分预处理方法得到的解调速度时频图

Fig. 2. Simulation results. (a) Absolute value of demodulated velocity obtained by normal method; (b) spectrogram of demodulated velocity obtained by normal method; (c) spectrogram of demodulated velocity obtained by DPM

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4 实验验证

4.1 实验设置


图 3. 微分预处理方法验证实验实物图。(a)测量目标;(b)测量系统

Fig. 3. Verification experiment objects of derivative preprocessing method. (a) Measurement target; (b) measurement system

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图3中的激光器波长为1550 nm,声光移频器的调制频率为50 kHz。其余器件的功能作用与图1中的对应器件基本一致,系统的测量原理已在前文中说明,不再赘述。

图3中的实验测量目标的主体是一个固定在摆装置的摆锤上的压电陶瓷片,摆锤运动方向与测量系统的光轴方向基本相同。该实验装置的摆长约为0.5 m,对应的运动周期约为1.42 s,即频率约为0.7 Hz,将摆锤的运动作为实验中的低频高速背景运动。

在实验过程中,通过给压电陶瓷片施加频率为10 kHz、电压峰峰值为1 V的单频正弦电激励,使其产生基频为10 kHz的运动,10 kHz基频运动的速度相对摆锤的摆动来说属于高频低速运动。

实验时,先将实验装置布置在测振系统镜头外约5 m的位置,调整测振系统以使得测量光能够在摆锤自然悬垂、静止不动时,聚焦在压电陶瓷片表面中心附近。将摆锤由自然悬垂状态向一旁拨动约1 cm并固定,确认此时测量光仍能照射在压电陶瓷片表面上,之后通过信号发生器向压电陶瓷片施加电激励,并快速解除对摆锤的固定,摆开始运动。

摆开始运动后,通过该外差激光多普勒测振系统对待测目标进行测量,并使用图4中的平衡探测器将采集到的光信号转换为电信号。采集到的信号通过采集卡被上位机接收,以200 kHz的采样频率进行采样,直至肉眼基本观察不到摆的运动时,停止采集,通过常规解调方法对其进行解调。

图 4. 验证实验结果图。(a)常规方法得到的解调速度绝对值;(b)常规方法得到的解调速度时频图;(c)部分替换后的微分预处理方法得到的解调速度时频图

Fig. 4. Verification experiment results. (a) Absolute value of demodulated velocity obtained by normal method; (b) spectrogram of demodulated velocity obtained by normal method; (c) spectrogram of demodulated velocity obtained by DPM after partial replacement

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4.2 实验结果及分析


可以明显地看出,图4(a)中运动速度的绝对值与图4(b)中的啁啾噪声谱线是完全一致的,这再次验证了式(11)所表明的关系;而在图4(c)中,这种啁啾噪声得到了很好的抑制,10 kHz处的待测速度得以凸显。

图4中可以看出,在速度较大时,啁啾噪声较为明显,尤其是在10 kHz以上处。通过比较常规方法的解调速度和部分替换后的微分预处理方法的解调速度在10 kHz以上的功率谱密度的差别,可以看出微分预处理方法对啁啾噪声的有效抑制效果,如图5所示。

图 5. 两种方法所得解调速度的功率谱密度。(a)常规方法得到的解调速度的功率谱密度;(b)部分替换后的微分预处理方法得到的解调速度的功率谱密度

Fig. 5. Power spectral density (PSD) of demodulated velocity of two methods. (a) PSD of demodulated velocity of normal method; (b) PSD of demodulated velocity of DPM after partial replacement

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图5中可以看出,在10 kHz以上,噪声功率明显下降。对比二者在10 kHz以上频段内的积分值可发现,部分替换后的微分预处理方法的结果相比常规方法的解调结果下降了约81.8%。

5 结论





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