中国激光, 2023, 50 (9): 0907203, 网络出版: 2023-03-28  


Influence of Natural Curved Bone Surface on Evolution Behavior of Laser‑Induced Cavitation Bubble
1 北京工业大学材料与制造学部激光工程研究院,北京 100124
2 北京工业大学跨尺度激光成型制造技术教育部重点实验室,北京 100124
液体辅助红外激光消融硬生物组织的准确性和兼容性均优于机械工具,而在骨科手术中往往会遇到骨组织自然曲面位置的钻切需求。系统研究了波长约为2 μm的中红外激光诱导空泡在自然骨曲面边界附近的演化行为规律,总结了不同无量纲距离(γ)空泡的非球形演变规律和空泡脉动周期的时间长度的变化趋势,并对空泡收缩过程进行了数值模拟分析。发现了空泡演化行为受骨曲面边界影响的机制,自然骨曲面边界的不对称性使空泡收缩时两侧泡壁处的压力梯度和移动速度不同,导致空泡在收缩时质心与两侧泡壁向自然骨曲面边界较高的一侧发生偏移,并引起空泡微射流向相同方向偏移。给出了用于补偿微射流作用点定位误差的光纤预置偏移量,得到了自然骨曲面附近0.2≤γ≤0.6的空泡产生的微射流速度。

The liquid-assisted infrared laser ablation of hard biological tissue in clinical surgery is superior to the use of mechanical tools in terms of accuracy and compatibility. Owing to the pressure gradient inside and outside the bubble, the laser-induced bubbles expand, contract, and eventually collapse in the liquid environment. As the bubble collapses, the released energy causes the surface of the biological hard tissue to ablate. Moreover, the dynamic behavior of laser-induced bubbles is affected by boundary constraints. During pulsation, the nearby boundary can significantly affect the shape of the bubble and make it deviate from the original spherical shape, which results in the generation of a high-speed microjet when the bubble collapses. Therefore, the existence and shape of the boundary directly affect the ablation of the bubble microjet on the material. Bone tissue has a natural curvature and often imposes requirements associated with the drilling and cutting of curved surfaces during orthopedic surgery. Moreover, studying effects of curved surfaces of natural bones on the evolution behavior of nearby bubbles and generated microjets can improve the accuracy and rate of bone ablation and contributes to the practical application of laser ablation in orthopedic surgery. Therefore, this paper presents research on the effect of the curved boundary of natural bones on the bubble evolution behavior and generation of microjets and relative mechanisms, which is significant for guiding the improvement of laser water-assisted bone ablation.


The experimental system used in this study is shown in Fig. 1. Laser pulses with a wavelength of approximately 2 μm are transmitted from a fiber to a bone target immersed in distilled water to induce a bubble, and a high-speed camera is used to capture the transient features of the bubble. Fresh pork bones are used as the target material; the curved boundary of the joint (curvature radius r≈10 mm) is used as the target position, and distilled water is used as the liquid environment. Moreover, the bone target is fixed on the jig to ensure the target position is immersed in distilled water at a depth of 10 mm, and the distance between the end of the fiber and target surface is adjusted to obtain bubbles at different distances from the boundary. To study and compare the evolution characteristics of bubbles with different Rmax, the dimensionless distance γ=d/Rmax is defined, where d is the distance between the initial position of the bubble and vertex of the natural bone curved boundary, and Rmax is the maximum radius of the bubble. The two-phase flow solution based on the volume of fluid (VOF) method is then used to simulate the evolution process of the bubble contraction stage near the natural bone curved boundary using γ=0.5 as an example.

Results and Discussions

The shape of the bubble is asymmetric during stage Ⅰ owing to the extrusion of the bubble by the boundary of the bone surface ( column 2 in Fig. 2). During stage II, the bubble deviates from nearly spherical ( column 5 in Fig. 2) and becomes attached to the curved surface of the bone with a disc shape ( column 6 in Fig. 2) until its disappearance at the end of stage IV. During stage II, the bubble appears to shift to one side. As shown in Table 1, the time period of stages I and II of the bubble decreases with a decrease in the value of γ, and the time period of stage II is shorter than that of stage I. The time period of stages III and IV first decreases and then increases with the value of γ, reaching a minimum when γ=0.4. During stage II, the centroid of the bubble significantly shifts toward the higher side of the natural bone curved boundary. By analyzing the change in the position of the bubble centroid, the fiber preset offset for the positioning error compensation of the microjet effect is obtained. The numerical simulation results indicate that the pressure gradient at the bubble wall near the higher side of the surface boundary is smaller owing to the asymmetry of the natural bone curved boundary, and it is larger on the lower side of the surface boundary. This results in different moving speeds on the different sides of the bubble wall, causing the centroid of the bubble to shift to the higher side of the surface boundary. The direction of deflection of the micro-jet generated by the bubble is also similar to that of the displacement of the bubble centroid in late stage II of bubble formation. The micro-jet velocity generated by the bubble near the natural bone surface with 0.2≤γ≤0.6 is obtained, and the velocity of the micro-jet generated by the bubble increases as γ decreases.


In this study, the evolutionary behavior and mechanism of a 2 μm wavelength laser-induced bubble with 0.2≤γ≤0.6 near the boundary of a natural bone curved surface are investigated. Based on the results, the time period of stages I and II of bubble pulsation near the boundary of the curved surface of the natural bone decreases with a decrease in γ, the time period of stages III and IV first decreases and then increases with γ, and the periods of the bubble expansion and contraction phases are different. Owing to the irregular shape of the natural bone curved boundary, the shape and evolutionary behavior of the bubble may appear asymmetrical. When the bubble contracts, the centroid of the bubble is shifted to the higher side of the natural bone curved boundary, and the microjet generated by the bubble deflects in the same direction. The numerical simulation results show that the asymmetry of the natural bone curved boundary causes a pressure gradient and different moving speeds near the two sides of the bubble wall when the bubble shrinks, causing the centroid of the bubble and bubble wall to shift to the higher side of the natural bone curved boundary. Owing to the deviation in the microjet direction, the ablation accuracy in certain applications such as laser water-assisted bone ablation is affected. Moreover, the fine error compensation is performed in this study for related operations by presetting the offsets of the fiber at a natural bone surface position and using different γ values. Laser water-assisted bone ablation can actually be applied in surgery when the micro-jet velocity increases with a decrease in γ, and the ablation rate of bone tissue can be improved by appropriately reducing γ.

1 引言




2 实验材料与方法

图1所示为自然骨曲面处激光诱导空泡演化规律研究的实验系统。波长为~2 μm的中红外激光(单脉冲能量为2 J,重复频率为30 Hz)由石英光纤传输至浸在蒸馏水中的骨靶位,诱导产生空泡。采用高速相机捕捉空泡的瞬态特征,帧速率设置为105 frame/s,曝光时间为1 μs。

图 1. 实验系统结构示意图

Fig. 1. Structural diagram of experimental system

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采用新鲜的离体猪胫骨用于激光消融实验,选取了曲率半径与人掌骨头和尺骨头相似的自然曲面骨作为消融靶材(曲率半径r≈10 mm)19,离体骨靶材按照标准的生物骨样品处理方法获得16。实验中,将离体骨靶材固定在调节精度为0.01 mm的夹具上,以调节光纤端部到离体骨靶材的垂直距离。离体骨靶材浸没在无杂质的蒸馏水中,骨靶材顶部到蒸馏水液面的距离为10 mm。每组实验后更换靶材。为了便于研究和对比具有不同最大半径(Rmax)的空泡的演化特性,定义无量纲距离γ=d/Rmax14,其中d为空泡产生位置与骨曲面边界顶点的距离。调整光纤端面与靶材表面的距离,使无量纲距离γ分别取0.6、0.5、0.4、0.3、0.2。

采用基于液体体积(VOF)模型的两相流求解器对非对称曲面附近空泡收缩阶段的演化过程进行仿真,以空泡演化过程中偏移现象较为显著的γ=0.5的情况为例进行描述。该求解器的控制方程包括连续性方程、动量方程、能量方程、状态方程。基于流体不可压缩假设,空泡中只包含可视为理想气体的水蒸气,忽略空泡与液体环境间的传热传质以及温度对空泡体积的影响20。由于空泡初始半径达到了0.3 mm,因此水的黏度和表面张力的影响可以忽略1421

3 实验结果与分析

由于自然骨曲面并非规则几何形状,因此其表面轮廓不对称。如图2第1列~第4列所示,在输入激光能量的作用下,空泡首先进入第一周期膨胀阶段(stage Ⅰ)。在图2第4列所示时刻,空泡达到最大尺寸,随后进入第一周期收缩阶段(stage Ⅱ),空泡向骨靶材表面收缩,至图2第7列所示时刻,空泡收缩到最小尺寸,并产生微射流作用于骨靶材上。之后空泡在靶材表面再次发生膨胀(如图2第8列所示,stage Ⅲ)与收缩(如图2第9列所示,stage Ⅳ),并最终破碎消失。

图 2. 自然骨曲面边界附近空泡演变的时间序列图

Fig. 2. Time series diagrams of evolution of cavitation bubble near boundary of natural curved bone surface

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表 1. 不同γ值下空泡各演化阶段的时间长度

Table 1. Duration of each evolution stage of cavitation bubbles with different γ values

γDuration of stage Ⅰ /μsDuration of stage Ⅱ /μsDuration of stage Ⅲ /μsDuration of stage Ⅳ/μs


表 2. 不同γ值下空泡溃灭微射流作用位置的偏移

Table 2. Deviation of impact position of cavitation bubble collapse micro-jet with different γ values

ΔX /μm43830821516115


表 3. 不同γ值空泡形成的微射流的速度

Table 3. Velocity of micro-jet formed by cavitation bubble with different γ values

vj /(m·s-126.9238.4740.9344.9364.81



表1给出了不同γ值下骨曲面边界附近空泡演化周期的时间长度。第Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段的时间长度随γ值的减小而降低,这是由于随着γ值的减小,骨边界作用在空泡上的Bjerknes力增加,在演化过程中边界对空泡的吸引更强,从而影响了空泡的运动特性。而第Ⅲ、Ⅳ阶段,时间长度的变化则不同,第Ⅲ阶段从110 μs降低至80 μs后又增加至110 μs,第Ⅳ阶段从190 μs降低至120 μs后又增加至150 μs,都在γ=0.4时达到最低。可见,自然骨曲面附近的空泡在脉动过程中,无论是第一周期还是第二周期,空泡膨胀阶段和收缩阶段的时间长度不对称,这与无边界域中空泡膨胀与收缩阶段时间长度相同的特性不同23。第一周期内空泡的膨胀阶段明显长于收缩阶段,而第二周期内空泡的膨胀阶段明显短于收缩阶段,且与γ值无关。第一周期内空泡的收缩阶段更短,意味着空泡收缩时空泡壁的移动速度更快,有利于提高空泡产生的微射流速度。


使用Image-Pro Plus软件逐帧测量高速摄影图像中空泡的质心坐标位置,以骨曲面顶点为原点,图像中从左至右为X轴正方向,从下至上为Z轴正方向,获得的质心位置随时间的变化规律如图3所示。对于不同的γ值,空泡的质心Z坐标变化的整体趋势较为相似。第Ⅰ阶段随着空泡出现并开始膨胀,质心Z坐标在小幅波动后,于50 μs前后开始迅速增加,反映了随着空泡的膨胀,空泡质心向远离骨曲面方向移动,至第Ⅰ阶段结束时空泡达到最大尺寸,质心也达到最高点,如图3(a)~(e)所示,第Ⅰ阶段质心高度最大值分别为2109、1859、1726、1630、1480 μm;随后第Ⅱ阶段空泡收缩,空泡质心的Z坐标开始下降,在第Ⅱ阶段的中后期迅速降低,空泡收缩至最小时(图2第7列)达到最低,如图3(a)~(e)所示,第Ⅱ阶段质心高度最小值分别为154、102、72、43、18 μm。随着γ的减小,由于初始位置的降低,空泡质心Z坐标最大值降低,且空泡收缩至最小时的质心Z坐标最小值也降低。在第Ⅲ、Ⅳ阶段时,空泡再次膨胀与收缩,空泡质心Z坐标值的变化趋势与第Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段相似。在空泡初始形成时,空泡质心X坐标值经过最初的波动后迅速稳定,质心位于光纤端面中心附近,一直持续到第Ⅱ阶段中期。此后空泡开始加速收缩,γ=0.6和γ=0.5时空泡质心X坐标显著减小,空泡质心持续向左偏移;γ=0.4和γ=0.3时空泡质心X坐标出现增加,空泡质心发生右移;γ=0.2时空泡质心X坐标持续小幅波动,没有明显的变化。在第Ⅱ阶段结束时,前4组的空泡质心X坐标都出现了一个尖峰,这是由于此时泡壁速度很大,空泡收缩至最小,质心位置的变化显著。此时,如图3(a)~(e)所示,空泡质心X坐标分别为-438、-308、215、161、-15 μm。当第Ⅲ阶段开始时,随着空泡的再次膨胀,γ=0.6和γ=0.5的空泡质心X坐标值迅速减小,空泡质心显著向左偏移;γ=0.4和γ=0.3的空泡质心X坐标在波动后增大,质心开始向右移动;γ=0.2的空泡则仍在骨曲面顶点中心附近波动,没有明显偏移。这些趋势一直持续至第Ⅳ阶段结束。在最终空泡消失前,不同γ的空泡质心Z坐标均接近0,即空泡紧贴靶材表面,空泡质心X坐标分别为-1945、-2006、731、143、51 μm,如图3(a)~(e)所示。可见,空泡第二周期的质心偏移比第一周期更加明显。

图 3. 不同γ值下空泡质心位置随时间的变化。(a)γ=0.6;(b)γ=0.5;(c)γ=0.4;(d)γ=0.3;(e)γ=0.2

Fig. 3. Position of cavitation bubble centroid versus time under different γ. (a) γ=0.6; (b) γ=0.5; (c) γ=0.4; (d) γ=0.3; (e) γ=0.2

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由于运动特性的不对称,无法利用Rayleigh-Plesset方程对自然骨曲面附近空泡的形状尺寸与泡壁速度进行预测。选取VOF模型对非对称曲面附近空泡的收缩过程进行数值模拟,探究自然骨曲面附近空泡质心偏移的原理,数值模拟结果如图4所示。将数值模拟结果与γ=0.5时的高速摄影照片进行对比,可以看到,在空泡演化的相同时刻,数值模拟结果中空泡的形状尺寸与实验结果相对应,微射流形成处泡壁的收缩速度也与实验结果相同。如图4(a)所示,当空泡演化至650 μs时,由于曲面边界高度不对称,空泡壁附近的压力场在曲面边界两侧不对称。在曲面边界较高的一侧,泡壁附近的压力梯度较小,而在曲面边界较低的一侧,压力梯度较大;如图4(d)所示,当空泡演化至660 μs时,这一现象更为明显。如图4(b)所示,当空泡演化至650 μs时,边界较低一侧的空泡壁处的速度比边界较高一侧的更快,同时空泡顶部泡壁处的流体已经具有较大的速度,使顶部泡壁中心迅速向骨曲面移动,顶部泡壁中心即为微射流产生的位置。如图4(e)所示,当空泡演化至660 μs时,空泡两侧的泡壁速度增大,边界较低一侧的空泡壁速度仍然更高。空泡顶部的泡壁中心向内凹陷,该处速度进一步提高,且空泡两侧泡壁也开始向内收缩。此时,空泡与光纤完全脱离,空泡周围液体的压力梯度使得空泡上壁发生凹陷,周围液体在此处形成微射流,微射流的尖端在670 μs前穿透空泡中心,作用在骨靶材表面上。自然骨曲面边界形状不规则导致空泡质心与泡壁偏移,因此空泡产生的微射流方向也发生了相同方向的偏移,其作用于靶材表面的位置也会偏移。

图 4. 非对称曲面边界附近γ=0.5的空泡非对称收缩时周边压力与速度的数值模拟图及对应的高速摄影图。(a)当空泡演化至650 μs时空泡附近的压力分布;(b)当空泡演化至650 μs时空泡附近的流体速度分布;(c)当空泡演化至650 μs时的高速摄影图;(d)当空泡演化至660 μs时空泡附近的压力分布;(e)当空泡演化至660 μs时空泡附近的流体速度分布;(f)当空泡演化至660 μs时的高速摄影图

Fig. 4. Numerical simulation of pressure and velocity when cavitation bubble shrinks asymmetrically near asymmetric boundary with γ=0.5 and corresponding high speed photographies. (a) Pressure distribution near cavitation bubble as bubble evolves to 650 μs; (b) fluid velocity distribution near cavitation bubble as bubble evolves to 650 μs; (c) high speed photography as bubble evolves to 650 μs ; (d) pressure distribution near cavitation bubble as bubble evolves to 660 μs; (e) fluid velocity distribution near cavitation bubble as bubble evolves to 660 μs ; (f) high speed photography as bubble evolves to 660 μs

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4 结论

研究了激光(波长~2 μm)诱导空泡在自然骨曲面边界附近的演化规律及其机制。自然骨曲面边界附近空泡脉动的第Ⅰ、Ⅱ阶段的时间长度随γ值的降低而减小,第Ⅲ、Ⅳ阶段的时间长度随γ值的降低先减小后增加,且空泡的膨胀阶段与收缩阶段的时间长度不同;由于自然骨曲面边界的形状不规则,自然骨曲面边界上的空泡形状和演化行为也出现了明显的不对称,空泡收缩时质心向自然骨曲面边界较高一侧发生偏移,空泡产生的微射流方向也向曲面边界较高一侧偏移。同时,得到了自然骨曲面附近0.2≤γ≤0.6的空泡产生的微射流速度。空泡收缩过程的数值模拟分析结果表明,自然骨曲面边界两侧高度不同使得附近空泡收缩过程中左右两侧泡壁处的压力梯度不同,泡壁移动速度不同,导致空泡质心和两侧泡壁向曲面边界较高的一侧偏移。由于微射流方向发生偏移,在激光水辅助骨消融手术等应用中,这一现象会影响消融精度,通过给出不同γ下光纤向自然骨曲面较低位置的预置偏移量,为相关术式提供精细的误差补偿。由于微射流速度随着γ的减小而提高,当激光水辅助骨消融技术应用于手术时,可以通过适当减小γ来提高骨组织消融的速率。


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