中国激光, 2023, 50 (15): 1507302, 网络出版: 2023-08-08   

基于锥形光纤光镊的细胞操控与神经调控 下载: 1034次封底文章

Cell Manipulation and Neuron Regulation Based on Tapered Optical Fiber Tweezers
1 暨南大学纳米光子学研究院,广东省纳米光学操控重点实验室,广东 广州 511443
2 仲恺农业工程学院自动化学院,广东 广州 510225

Optical trapping is widely used in various fields ranging from biomedical applications to physics and material sciences. Recently, tapered optical fiber tweezers (TOFTs) have attracted significant attention in the optical trapping field owing to their flexible manipulation, compact structure, and ease of fabrication. As a non-invasive technique, TOFTs can be used to directly manipulate cells in multiple dimensions in different bio-microenvironments. In addition, infrared light waves penetrate biological tissues well, which enhances the performance of TOFTs technology in the biology and medicine fields. Here, we review TOFT-based trapping and manipulation at the single-, multi-, and sub-cellular levels, as well as the latest developments in neuron regulation.


Since Arthur Ashkin used two focused and counter-propagating beams to trap particles in 1970, optical forces have been widely used to manipulate and trap particles using laser beams. In 1986, Ashkin et al. discovered that a single tightly focused laser beam could achieve stable particle trapping. Subsequently, they named the optical-trapping technique as “optical tweezers,” which we now refer to as conventional optical tweezers (COTs). Over the years that followed, Ashkin et al. conducted numerous studies using a single focused laser beam for capturing particles ranging from tens of nanometers to tens of microns, including viruses and bacteria. Optical trapping and manipulation using COTs has undergone substantial progress regarding its methodologies and applications over the span of nearly 50 years. These techniques involve manipulating various samples, including dielectric particles, biological cells, and biomolecules. Nonetheless, focusing light via COTs requires a high-numerical-aperture (NA) objective along with diverse optical components for beam steering and expansion. Owing to its bulky structure, this framework remains deficient in control and manipulation flexibility.

Alternatively, holographic optical tweezers (HOTs) were created in 1998 to allow the manipulation of multiple particles using complex-structured light fields. This technology uses computer-generated holograms through spatial light modulators to achieve multiple traps, thereby providing enhanced control and manipulation capabilities. However, trapping particles at the nanometer scale using HOTs remains challenging because of the diffraction limit. Surface-plasmon-based optical tweezers (SPOTs) were developed in the late 2000s to trap and manipulate nanoscale particles, including single molecules that are only a few nanometers in size. However, owing to their ability to trap nanoscale particles, the carefully designed and elaborated nanostructures necessary for SPOTs limit their flexibility. Techniques, such as COTs, HOTs, and SPOT, involve complex devices and components with inflexible control. Therefore, it is critical to develop simple and flexible manipulation tools. The advancements in optical fiber tweezers (OFTs) has made them versatile candidates for the optical trapping and manipulation of different samples. The simple structure of OFTs, consisting solely of optical fibers, provides them with exceptional advantages in terms of manipulation flexibility. OFTs can be easily inserted into thick samples and turbid media, significantly extending sample applicability. In addition, OFTs offer a low-cost solution because of their simple fabrication procedures. They can be integrated into small devices, such as optofluidic channels and chips, paving the way for a scaled-down approach. OFTs were first demonstrated in 1993 by employing two aligned single-mode fibers for optical trapping. Although tiny particles and cells can be directly captured and manipulated using the optical scattering force generated by two fibers, they also result in limited manipulation flexibility. A single optical fiber can also be used for particle trapping and manipulation. Single tapered optical fiber tweezers (TOFTs) were introduced in 1997 and have significantly improved the flexibility of optical manipulation. The end of a single fiber used for focusing the light beam is similar to that used in COTs after being drawn into a lenticular shape, which creates a stronger gradient force on the particle and facilitates optical trapping.

Conclusions and Prospects

In conclusion, this review highlights recent advancements in tapered optical fiber based tweezers for optical trapping and manipulation. Despite the significant progress, TOFTs still face numerous challenges. One of the major issues is the direct contact of the fiber end surface with the sample, which leads to mechanical damage. Thus, it is necessary to develop of non-contact and damage-free trapping techniques. Another critical area of concern is the stable trapping and manipulation of nanometer-sized samples that surpass the diffraction limits. TOFTs encounter difficulties in trapping individual biomolecules, which is of great importance for single-molecule analysis. Furthermore, optical trapping of cells and biological structures for biosensing in vivo is an upcoming trend; however, inserting fibers into living samples may cause mechanical damage. Hence, the construction of biocompatible TOFTs is crucial to maintain their application potential. Biophotonic waveguides composed of living cells enable the manufacturing of biocompatible optical fibers, making trapping, manipulation, sensing, and diagnostics feasible in vivo. On the other hand, TOFTs technology is constantly experiencing new breakthroughs owing to its combination with new technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and spectral analysis, as well as new applications like neuromodulation and precision medicine.

1 引言



图 1. 利用锥形光纤进行细胞光学操控与神经调控的概览图。(a)单细胞捕获与分析;(b)多细胞组装;(c)亚细胞水平操控;(d)神经细胞调控

Fig. 1. An overview of cell manipulation and neuromodulation using tapered optical fibers. (a) Single-cell trapping and analysis;(b) multi-cellular assembly; (c) sub-cellular manipulation; (d) neuromodulation

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2 锥形光纤光镊介绍

2.1 传统光镊的基本原理














2.2 锥形光纤光镊的原理

一般来说,光纤光镊仅需一根锥形光纤即可实现光捕获和操控,且结构简单,易于制作。图2(a)显示了使用单个锥形光纤探针捕获粒子的工作原理31,其中DA表示粒子到光纤端口的轴向距离(x方向),DT表示粒子到光轴的横向距离(y方向)。一旦激光束射入光纤,被锥形端口聚焦后发出的光将对粒子施加光力。光力由两部分组成,即光梯度力Fg和光散射力Fs。光梯度力Fg倾向于吸引粒子,而光散射力Fs则倾向于推开粒子,它们的合力一起支配粒子的运动。为了更清晰地描述,图2(b)给出了锥形光纤尖端附近的光场分布32。从图2(b)可以看出,激光束在光纤尖端聚焦,使得光纤尖端的光强度最大,产生的强的光梯度力可用于粒子捕获。粒子受到的光力可以通过计算其表面的麦克斯韦应力张量的积分得到。图2(c)显示了沿光轴方向施加在粒子上的力FxDA(即DT=0)的变化规律。当粒子接近锥形光镊尖端时(DA<13 μm),Fx为负数,这表明有一个朝向光纤尖端的捕获力。在此区域中,光梯度力Fg支配粒子的运动,粒子可以被捕获。当粒子远离锥形光纤尖端时,Fx为正数,这表明在光传播方向上粒子受到推力。在这个区域,光散射力Fs支配着粒子的运动,并将粒子推开。这两种不同类型的光力是由光纤尖端附近的光场分布引起的。总的来说,聚焦光束引起的光梯度力将粒子拉向焦点,而光散射力则倾向于将它们沿着光轴推开。在光梯度力占主导地位的区域,粒子可以通过光学梯度力被捕获在焦点附近的三维空间中33。锥形光纤依靠自身的几何结构,在引导激光传播的同时对其聚焦[如图2(b)所示],从而同传统光镊一样产生光捕获力。而常规平切的光纤没有聚焦功能,必须借助辅助的光聚焦工具,如透镜、微球、波带片等,才能具备“光镊”功能。

图 2. 锥形光纤光镊的光捕获原理31-32。(a)利用锥形光纤光镊进行光捕获和操控的示意图31;(b)光纤尖端附近的光强分布32;(c)~(d)锥形光纤光镊施加在粒子上的光力的计算结果31:(c)沿光轴方向的光力(Fx)随DA的变化;(d)DA=4.5 μm处的横向光力(Fy)分布

Fig. 2. Optical trapping principle of tapered optical fiber tweezers (TOFTs)[31-32]。(a) Schematic of optical trapping and manipulation using TOFTs[31]; (b) light intensity distribution near the fiber tip[32]; (c)-(d) calculated optical force exerted on particles by TOFTs[31]: (c) variation of optical force in axial direction (Fx) with DA; (d) transverse optical force (Fy) distribution at DA=4.5 μm

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2.3 锥形光纤光镊与传统光镊

对于锥形光纤光镊,只有具备光聚焦的光纤末端才能产生足够的光梯度力,进而实现对粒子的捕获,这与传统的光镊机制相同。只不过传统的光镊依靠高数值孔径(NA)的物镜实现强聚焦,从而产生足够的光梯度力将粒子捕获在焦点附近。对于锥形光纤光镊,激光被光纤的端面聚焦,产生的光梯度力也可以捕获粒子。锥形光纤光镊的捕获能力在很大程度上取决于光纤末端的形状,因为光纤末端的形状直接影响了光纤末端的光聚焦情况。对于具有平坦端面的光纤,其出射光难以被聚焦,无法捕获粒子,相反,粒子还会被光散射力推开。只有具有抛物面或凸面的锥形光纤才能将激光进行高度聚焦,从而产生光梯度力,捕获粒子。光纤尖端的聚焦效果越强,产生的光梯度力就越大。这种高度聚焦的光可为粒子捕获提供强大的光梯度力。与传统的光镊相比,锥形光纤光镊的捕获效率毫不逊色。实际上,已有计算表明:对于直径为10 μm的聚苯乙烯颗粒,锥形光纤光镊的捕获效率接近传统光镊的2倍31。因而,锥形光纤光镊也可以用于捕获尺寸从几百纳米到几十微米的粒子和细胞。图3(a)展示了锥形光纤光镊对尺寸逐渐增大的粒子/细胞的捕获结果3134-36,单个锥形光纤即可实现传统光镊的功能。对于微/纳尺度的样品,两种光镊技术的捕获稳定性都会不可避免地受到布朗运动的影响。此外,两种光镊技术都会受到衍射极限的限制,很难捕获直径小于衍射极限的粒子。锥形光纤光镊与传统光镊的主要区别在于:传统光镊可以实现真正意义上的非接触捕获,而样品被锥形光纤光镊捕获后可能会与光纤表面接触,从而产生物理损伤。通过改变锥形光纤末端的形状,使焦点距离光纤尖端几微米,锥形光纤光镊也可以实现非接触式光捕获36图3(b)展示了锥形光纤光镊对随机游动的大肠杆菌进行非接触式捕获的过程,大肠杆菌被稳定捕获后(t=2.3 s)仍然与锥形光纤的末端保持大约1.5 μm的空间距离。这是由于这种锥形光纤的末端突然变细,使得从光纤输出的光束焦点远离光纤末端,从而避免了细菌在捕获时接触光纤尖端造成物理损伤。

图 3. 利用锥形光纤光镊实现颗粒、细胞、细菌的捕获3134-36。(a)锥形光纤光镊用于捕获不同大小的颗粒和细胞:(a1)直径为0.7 μm的二氧化硅微球31;(a2)大肠杆菌31;(a3)酵母细胞34;(a4)中国仓鼠卵巢细胞35;(b)锥形光纤光镊对大肠杆菌的非接触光捕获36

Fig. 3. Trapping particles, cells, and bacterium by TOFTs. (a) TOFTs for trapping particles and cells of different sizes: (a1) silica microspheres with a diameter of 0.7 μm[31]; (a2) E.coli[31]; (a3) yeast cells[34]; (a4) Chinese hamster ovary cell[35]; (b) non-contact optical trapping of E.coli by TOFTs[36]

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图 4. 通过锥形光纤光镊灵活地操控粒子和细菌。(a)使用锥形光纤光镊将粒子排列成六边形图案31:锥形光纤完成捕获后,粒子被拾取并被放置到指定位置;(b)~(c)在流动环境中灵活操控大肠杆菌37,其中黄色箭头表示光纤移动方向,蓝色箭头表示流动方向

Fig. 4. Flexible manipulation of trapped particles and bacteria by TOFTs. (a) Arrangement of six particles into a hexagon[31]: the particles are picked up and placed into the designated position after trapping by flexible movement of the fiber (yellow arrow indicated); (b)-(c) flexible manipulation of a trapped E.coli bacterium in flowing environment[37], where the yellow solid arrows indicate the fiber movement direction and the blue arrows indicate the flowing direction

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表 1. 锥形光纤光镊(TOFTs)与传统光镊(COTs)的对比

Table 1. Comparison of TOFTs and COTs

Key componentsLaser source,tapered optical fiberLaser source,high NA objective,a number of optical components for beam expanding and steering
Fabrication and constructionFabrication method is easy. It is simple to fabricate a tapered optical fiber with different methodsMeticulous design of the beam path via adjusting beam expanding and steering components is necessary
Integration capabilityHighly compact,capable of being integrated into microfluidic platformNot compact
Manipulation flexibilityHighly flexible. Trapped particles can be delivered to any designated positions by simply moving the fiberLess flexible. Trapped particles can be manipulated by controlling the focus through beam steering
Suspension applicabilityWide application range. The fiber can be inserted into suspensions with any different directions and depth for trapping and manipulationTrapping depth and direction are limited due to the focus generated by the high-NA objective


3 锥形光纤光镊在单细胞分析上的应用

3.1 单细胞标记

当粒子位于激光束焦点附近时,锥形光纤光镊除了可以捕获各种各样的粒子和细胞外,还被广泛用于细胞捕获后的单细胞标记和分析。例如,锥形光纤光镊通过同时捕获单个细菌和上转换纳米粒子(UCNP)来标记单个细菌,如图5(a)所示39。从图5(b)可以清楚地看到锥形光纤光镊捕获单个UCNP并标记细菌的过程。在波长为980 nm的激光束的作用下,进行布朗运动的单个UCNP(直径约为120 nm)被捕获在锥形光纤光镊的尖端。被捕获的UCNP的尺寸极小,很难在光学显微镜下观察到。但是,UCNP一旦被尖端捕获,就会发出由980 nm激光所激发出的绿光,从而可以被直接观察到。锥形光纤光镊捕获UCNP后,可以进一步地捕获一个细菌和另一个UCNP,使两个UCNP分别黏附在细菌两端。UCNP发出的绿光为在黑暗环境中标记和观察单个细菌提供了一种方法,而且基于光信号可以对单个细菌进行分析。图5(c)显示了不同长度细菌的标记图像,以及被标记细菌的反射光信号。

图 5. 锥形光纤光镊实现单细胞标记和分析39。(a)~(b)细菌被捕获和标记的示意图和实验图像;(c)不同大小被标记细菌的实时反射光信号

Fig. 5. TOFTs for single-cell labeling and analysis[39]. (a)-(b) Schematic and experimental images of bacterial trapping and labeling;(c) real-time reflected optical signal from labeled single bacteria with different sizes

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3.2 单细胞能量分析

除了可以根据光信号对单个细菌进行分析外,借助锥形光纤光镊还可以对活细菌进行能量分析。锥形光纤光镊在溶液中捕获单个细菌后,通过分析运动细菌在光势阱中的动力学特征,就可以分析其能量36图6(a)展示了单个细菌在光势阱中的运动图像。在t=1.7 s时,自由运动的细菌被稳定地捕获在光纤末端的光轴上,距锥形光纤尖端约1.9 μm,并保持静止约0.2 s。在t=1.9 s时,细菌释放完储存的能量,开始在捕获势阱中挣扎。此后,细菌在t=2.3 s时再次被光镊捕获返回尖端,并与其保持1.5 μm的距离。图6(b)进一步分析和解释了细菌在锥形光纤光阱中的往复运动现象。活动细菌在溶液中游动,当它靠近光纤尖端时,首先被光力捕获并停止大约0.1~1 s,之后,储存在细菌中的能量被释放并转化为动能。如果此时的捕获势能小于细菌能量,则细菌将逃出光势阱,反之细菌只能在捕获势阱中挣扎。此外,如果细菌存储的能量被进一步释放并转化为动能,并且动能大于捕获势能时,细菌仍然可以逃脱。否则,细菌将会一直被困在光势阱中,无法逃离。该方法为细菌动力学分析提供了一种简单的实现途径。

图 6. 通过单个细菌的非接触式光捕获对运动细菌进行能量分析36。(a)大肠杆菌被光捕获并挣扎的光学显微镜图像;(b)非接触捕获过程中的细菌动力学示意图

Fig. 6. Dynamic analysis of motile bacteria via non-contact optical trapping of single bacterium[36]. (a) Optical microscopy images showing capture and struggle of E.coli; (b) schematic of the bacterium dynamics in the non-contact trapping

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4 锥形光纤光镊在多细胞组装上的应用

4.1 多细胞组装


Tam等43利用多根光纤形成的密集光阱来捕获和平行排列微球。但是,这种方法过于繁琐。事实上,仅用一根锥形光纤即可实现上述功能,完成对大量微球的捕获和排列。图7(a)用示意图展示了单根锥形光纤组装粒子链的机制44。980 nm波长的激光束从锥形光纤中射出后,会在颗粒表面产生光力作用。首先,光传播方向上的散射力(Fs)会驱动首个颗粒远离尖端;随后,由于横向的光梯度力(Fg),首个颗粒附近的颗粒也被捕获到光轴上,并在尾部微粒轴向梯度力的作用下,两个颗粒紧密地结合在一起;最终,多个粒子和细胞在光散射力和光梯度力的共同作用下组装在一起。利用上述原理,粒子可以排列成一维粒子链甚至是二维图案化粒子阵列,如图7(b)和图7(c)所示。锥形光纤光镊的工作原理同样适用于多细胞组装,图7(d)展示了通过光学捕获形成酵母细胞链的实验结果。

图 7. 锥形光纤光镊实现多细胞组装44。(a)锥形光纤光镊对粒子和细胞进行光学组装的示意图;(b)一维粒子链的显微图像;(c)二维粒子阵列的显微图像;(d)酵母细胞链的显微图像

Fig. 7. Realizing multicellular assembly by TOFTs[44]. (a) Schematic of optical assembly of particles and cells via TOFTs; (b) microscopic images of one-dimensional (1D) patterned particle chains; (c) microscopic images of two-dimensional (2D) particle arrays; (d) microscopic images of yeast cell chains

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上述方法利用光散射力和光梯度力共同进行多细胞组装,事实上,通过延伸的光梯度力方法即可实现对多个细胞的组装45。一般来说,当细胞被锥形光纤的光梯度力捕获后,光可以继续在细胞内传播,并在细胞表面重新聚焦,如图8(a)所示。这种重新聚焦的光可以在其他细胞上产生光梯度力,在完成细胞捕获的同时再次聚焦,依次往复。在这个过程中,光沿着多个细胞传播并反复聚焦,从而延伸了光梯度力。反过来,细胞群也可以通过拓展的光梯度力组装在一起。图8(a2)展示了被捕获大肠杆菌的能量密度分布随着组装进程的变化。可以看到,光能高度集中在锥形光纤及大肠杆菌体内,从而更加有利于后续大肠杆菌的捕获。利用这种现象,可以进一步用大肠杆菌构建生物光波导(bio-WGs),如图8(a3)所示。该方法为利用细胞制造生物波导提供了新方案。与基于二氧化硅和其他有机/无机材料的传统光波导相比,这种生物光波导的所有材料都是生物细胞,具有高度的生物兼容性。基于这一原理可以进一步利用生物细胞制作出生物纳米长矛46,其“手柄”由锥形光纤制成,而“头部”则由酵母细胞和纳米级嗜酸乳杆菌细胞链组装而成,如图8(b1)所示。首先将808 nm波长的激光导入到锥形光纤中,在光纤尖端捕获酵母细胞。球形酵母细胞将激光束聚焦,从而对酵母细胞后面的嗜酸乳杆菌施加强大的光学力,并最终将其捕获。图8(b2)展示了生物矛的显微图像。通过精确操控,该方法形成的生物纳米长矛可以将输入光引导到特定位置,检测来自生物细胞的光信号,例如人体血液中白血病细胞的光信号。此外,锥形光纤光镊也可以通过光力将生物微透镜(酵母菌或人体细胞)稳定地捕获在光纤末端,以此将激发光限制在亚波长区域,增强上转换颗粒的荧光强度47

图 8. 生物光波导和生物纳米长矛组装。(a)通过延伸光梯度力进行生物光波导组装45:(a1)光学组装和生物光波导的形成示意图;(a2)锥形光纤光镊捕获不同数量大肠杆菌时的能量密度分布;(a3)形成的不同长度的生物光波导的图像;(b)通过拓展光梯度力组装生物纳米长矛46:(b1)组装好的生物纳米长矛示意图;(b2)由酵母和嗜酸乳杆菌细胞组装而成的生物纳米长矛的光学图像

Fig. 8. Biological optical waveguides (bio-WGs) and bio-nanospear assembly. (a) Bio-WGs assembly via extended optical gradient force[45]: (a1) schematic of optical assembly and bio-WGs formation; (a2) distribution of energy density of TOFTs capturing different numbers of E. coli; (a3) images of formed bio-WGs with different lengths; (b) bio-nanospear assembly via extended optical gradient force[46]: (b1) schematic illustration of assembled bio-nanospear; (b2) optical image of bio-nanospear assembled from a yeast and L. acidophilus cells

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4.2 多细胞收集与分选


图 9. 锥形光纤光镊实现多细胞的收集和分选48。(a)示意图展示大肠杆菌、红细胞在锥形光纤尖端的不同光响应行为;(b)选择性捕获:(b1)激光关闭时,大肠杆菌和红细胞在通道1中混合在一起;(b2)~(b4)激光开启后,大肠杆菌被吸引,红细胞被释放

Fig. 9. Muli-cell collection and sorting by TOFTs[48]. (a) Schematic showing different light response behaviors of E. coli and red blood cells (RBCs) in tapered fiber tip; (b) selective capture: (b1) E. coli and RBCs are mixed together in channel 1 when the laser is turned off; (b2)-(b4) E. coli is attracted and the RBCs are released when the laser is turned on

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5 锥形光纤光镊在亚细胞层面生物操控上的应用

5.1 细胞微手术

锥形光纤光镊的尖端尺寸极小,仅有几百纳米,能够将激光高度局域地传送到目标微区,因而在三维操控中表现出了极高的精度和灵活性。该技术有望在高精度、高选择性、亚细胞水平的生物目标操控方面发挥巨大作用449。而将锥形光纤技术与热等离子体结合,可以进一步实现对单细胞的原位、高精度微手术以及细胞内细胞器的操控50图10(a)用示意图展示了该方法进行单细胞微手术及修复的原理。金纳米棒(AuNR)首先通过与细胞共培养被内吞到细胞内部,将锥形光纤精确地放置在细胞的目标区域附近。然后,将波长为808 nm的激光束导入到锥形光纤中。该波长与金纳米棒的局域表面等离激元共振(LSPR)峰相匹配,能够产生足够强的光热效应。同时,生物样品和组织对这个波长具有相对较低的吸收,可以最大限度地减少对细胞的光热干扰。锥形光纤将激光束传递到细胞膜的目标区域,激发细胞膜附近金纳米棒的等离激元共振,产生强烈的光热效应,从而实现精确的膜穿孔和修复。此外,锥形光纤还可以用作光纤光镊,用于细胞膜穿孔后细胞器的选择性提取和操控。图10(b1)和图10(b2)展示了采用该技术对群体中的单个细胞进行膜穿孔的实验结果。将15 mW功率的激光通过锥形光纤照射目标区域,大约3 min后细胞膜上出现了面积约为14 μm2的微孔。在整个过程中,细胞的其他区域以及附近的其他细胞并未受到影响。此外,通过降低激光功率(小于14 mW),锥形光纤还能对细胞微手术产生的微孔进行修复。如图10(b3)和图10(b4)所示,10 mW激光持续照射细胞膜4 min后,14 μm2的微孔被完全修复。

图 10. 单细胞微手术及修复的原理50。(a)通过局域等离激元诱导的光热效应进行膜穿孔和修复的示意图;(b)利用锥形光纤光镊在细胞膜上进行微手术(b1,b2)和修复(b3,b4);(c)从细胞膜上的微孔中对微丝进行光学提取和操控;(d)锥形光纤光镊捕获和释放线粒体样细胞器,随着激光关闭,被困的细胞器被释放

Fig. 10. Principle of single-cell microsurgery and repair[50]. (a) Schematic of thermoplasmonics-based membrane perforation and repair; (b) single-cell microsurgery (b1, b2) and repair (b3, b4) via TOFTs; (c) optical extraction and manipulation of microfilaments from the micropore in cell membrane; (d) TOFTs trap and release a mitochondria-like organelle, and the trapped organelle is released as the laser is turned off

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5.2 细胞器操控

以上研究利用锥形光纤光镊产生的光热效应来实现对细胞膜的微手术及修复,而锥形光纤光镊本身又可以依靠光力对细胞器进行捕获和灵活操控,因而其可以在对细胞进行微手术后进一步实现对单细胞的活检50图10(c)完整地展示了用锥形光纤光镊通过微孔操控和拉伸细胞内微丝的过程,微丝被锥形光纤光镊在6 s内拉伸了54.8 μm而未断裂。图10(d)进一步展示了锥形光纤光镊对细胞内线粒体样成分的捕获和释放。激光功率维持在25 mW,锥形光纤光镊在t=2 s时将来自微孔的线粒体样成分捕获,然后将被捕获的目标移动到距离微孔4.8 μm的位置处。在这个过程中目标物始终稳定在锥形光纤的尖端,直到t=34 s时,激光关闭,被捕获的目标物同时被释放。这种直接的观察表明整个提取过程是受光捕获控制的。当细胞内的成分直接机械黏附在锥形光纤光镊上时,即使关闭激光,黏附的细胞成分也不会被释放。此外,这种方法可以用于在活细胞内组装细胞器,例如用锥形光纤光镊对体内的叶绿体进行非接触式组装和操控51图11展示了使用锥形光纤对植物细胞中的叶绿体进行操控的示意图及显微图像,叶绿体被排列成一维链[如图11(a)、(b)所示]和二维阵列[如图11(c)所示]。其原理与粒子链组装原理一致。实验中将锥形光纤光镊置于植物叶片上方,且光纤的尖端与叶片之间的间隙约为3 μm,避免了直接的物理接触。

图 11. 锥形光纤光镊对叶绿体的操控51。(a)锥形光纤光镊进行植物细胞内叶绿体链组装的示意图;(b)叶绿体链的形成过程;

Fig. 11. TOFTs manipulating chloroplast[51]. (a) Schematic of TOFTs for chloroplast chain assembly in plant cells; (b) formation process of chloroplast chains; (c) TOFTs for two-dimensional assembly of chloroplasts

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6 锥形光纤光镊在神经调控上的应用

6.1 神经元引导

神经元的轴突生长锥向其突触伙伴神经元的可控引导是形成神经元回路的基本过程。虽然在过去的几十年中研究人员已经探索了许多用于轴突引导的技术,但它们要么是侵入性的,要么是不可控的,而具有高空间和时间分辨率的技术又通常受到低引导效率的限制。最近,光镊技术在神经元调控上的研究引起了越来越多的关注。目前,传统光镊技术已被证明可以增强和引导神经元的生长53-54,比如将光镊技术用作“神经元信标”,实现对皮质原代神经元的高效可控引导52图12(a)展示了使用“神经元信标”进行排斥性轴突引导的示意图。光束被放置在距轴突的丝状伪足约5 μm的位置,通过不对称照射生长锥的前进路径实现对它的光学引导。图12(b)展示了对大鼠皮层神经元(RCNs)进行激光辅助引导的实验结果。可以看到,打开激光后,轴突末端从初始生长锥方向(垂直箭头)连续向左偏转。典型的轴突转弯图像如图12(b)右侧小图所示,其中激光光斑位置用红色圆圈标记。但是传统光镊的高数值孔径(NA)显微物镜具有工作距离短的固有缺陷,严重限制了其在神经调控上的进一步应用。相比之下,基于单根锥形光纤的光镊能够在更大的深度下进行显微操作,从而为生物物理学和纳米科学研究开辟了更多途径。锥形光纤可以直接将激光引导至神经元上,完成对神经元生长锥的引导[图12(c)]以及对神经元的拉伸35。此外,通过锁模,锥形光纤光镊被转换为光纤剪刀,能够解剖神经元突起[图12(d)],从而可以研究神经元对局部损伤的后续反应。

图 12. 锥形光纤光镊技术对神经元的引导3552。(a)排斥性轴突引导的神经元信标示意图[52];(b)激光辅助引导的大鼠皮质神经元52;(c)使用锥形光纤光镊操纵神经元生长锥[35];(d)利用锥形光纤光镊改造成的“激光剪刀”在神经元突起上进行纳米手术[35]

Fig. 12. Neuron guidance of TOFTs[35,52]. (a) Illustration of the neuronal beacon for repulsive axonal guidance[52]; (b) laser assisted navigation of RCNs[52]; (c) modulation of neuronal growth cones using TOFTs[35]; (d) nanosurgery on neuronal protrusions using TOFTs-based “laser scissors”[35]

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6.2 神经元刺激

锥形光纤还可以与光声转换器进行集成,实现对神经元的高精度光声刺激。早期,研究人员将基于光纤的光声传感器与增强现实图像技术相结合,用于亚毫米肿瘤定位及可视化手术引导,帮助外科医生准确、快速地切除肿瘤55。此后,这种小型化光纤光声转换器被拓展应用到神经元的光声刺激研究中56-57。研究人员在光纤尖端利用光声效应产生的全向超声波,实现了对小鼠体外神经元的亚毫米精度调控和活体大脑刺激56。这一应用,开辟了光声技术在神经调控领域研究的新途径。为了进一步提高神经刺激的空间分辨率,研究人员缩小了光声转换器的尺寸(如图13所示),设计和开发了一种直径为20 μm的锥形光纤光声发射器(TFOE)57。该发射器光纤端面的碳纳米管(CNT)-聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)涂覆层可在纳秒激光下以点声源的形式产生一个有效直径为40 μm的声场[如图13(b)所示],突破了声波的衍射极限,极大地提高了光声刺激的空间分辨率。如图13(c)所示,目标神经元的钙离子浓度在TFOE的刺激下瞬间突变,而距离尖端约50~70 μm的其他神经元未受影响。大量实验表明这种TFOE神经刺激技术的空间分辨率约为39.6 μm。与传统的依靠远距离的超声控制和神经调控的方式不同,这种方法采用较小尺寸的声源并利用超声波的近场进行刺激的方式,因而具有更高的空间分辨率。此外,将1 ms的激光脉冲序列传送到TFOE时,仍能观察到单个神经元被成功激活[如图13(c)所示],这表明TFOE具有很高的时间分辨率。当前,锥形光纤在神经调控领域的应用还处于初级阶段,锥形光纤更多地被用作引导声场/光场的“波导”而非“光镊”参与其中。因而,如何充分发挥锥形光纤与生物大分子、细胞器、神经元等的力相互作用,将是此后神经调控研究的重点和难点。

图 13. TFOE进行高精度的神经元光声刺激57。(a)TFOE进行神经元刺激的示意图;(b)TFOE的制作步骤:多层CNT/PDMS混合物作为涂层材料浇铸在金属网上,然后采用穿孔法将涂层材料涂覆在锥形光纤表面;(c)激光照射时长为50 ms和1 ms时,TFOE刺激下神经元内钙离子分布的荧光图像

Fig. 13. TFOE for high-precision optoacoustic stimulation[57]. (a) Schematic of TFOE enabling single-neuron stimulation; (b) manufacturing steps of TFOE: multiwall CNT/PDMS mixture as coating material was casted on a metal mesh followed by a punch-through method to coat the tapered fiber; (c) fluorescence images and calcium traces stimulated by TFOE with a laser duration of 50 ms and 1 ms

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7 结束语





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