光学学报, 2023, 43 (19): 1912001, 网络出版: 2023-10-23  


Influence of Installation and Adjustment Error of Gravitational Wave Telescope on TTL Noise
崔新旭 1方超 1,*王智 1,2,**
1 中国科学院长春光学精密机械与物理研究所,吉林 长春 130033
2 国科大杭州高等研究院基础物理与数学科学学院,浙江 杭州 310024

The influence of the installation and adjustment error of gravitational wave telescopes on the TTL coupling noise of the telescopes is studied. Since the TTL coupling noise is the second largest noise source, during the actual engineering of gravitational wave telescopes, the installation and adjustment will affect the TTL coupling noise, with little correlation between the telescope's installation and adjustment and TTL coupling noise. Therefore, the research on the relationship between the telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance and TTL coupling noise is significant for the engineering of gravitational wave telescopes, and how the gravitational wave telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance will affect the TTL coupling noise determines whether the final gravitational wave telescope meets the requirements for use. The research results can guide the installation and installation and adjustment of gravitational wave telescopes.


We can judge the installation and adjustment processes of gravitational wave telescopes by simulating and designing a gravitational wave telescope that meets the requirements of the wave-front difference index, calculating the TTL coupling noise of the designed telescope, and analyzing the influence of the telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance on the TTL coupling noise. The variable of installation and adjustment tolerance is sensitive to TTL coupling noise. By controlling the variable method with other parameters unchanged, only a certain installation and adjustment tolerance is assigned in the gravitational wave telescope, and the influence of the installation and adjustment tolerance in the telescope on the change of the exit pupil position is simulated and analyzed. Then when the laser interference signal passes through the laser interferometer and finally interferes with the four-quadrant detector, the variation of TTL coupling noise due to the installation and adjustment tolerance of the telescope is calculated. The relationship between the TTL coupling noise of the intersatellite laser interferometry system and the sensitivity of the telescope's installation and adjustment tolerance is established. In addition, the requirements of the TTL coupling noise are employed as the criterion to establish the model relationship between the installation and adjustment tolerance and the change of TTL coupling noise.

Results and Discussions

Comparison shows that the distance tolerance between the primary mirror and the secondary mirror of the gravitational wave telescope exerts more influence on the TTL coupling noise of the gravitational wave telescope than the distance tolerance between other optical elements exerts on the TTL coupling noise. The change in TTL coupling noise due to the distance tolerance between the primary and secondary mirrors is opposite in sign to that due to the distance tolerance between the secondary and third mirrors and between the third and fourth mirrors. The installation and adjustment tolerance of the distance between the diaphragm and the primary mirror has little effect on the variation of the TTL coupling noise and can be ignored. The variation of the TTL coupling noise caused by the distance installation and adjustment tolerance of each optical element and the jitter angle are distributed in a parabolic law. By analyzing the installation and adjustment tolerance of the gravitational wave telescope, the relationship between the installation and adjustment tolerance of the gravitational wave telescope and the change of TTL coupling noise is established. Via the above analysis and discussion, the sensitivity of the TTL coupling noise of the gravitational wave telescope is known. The primary and secondary distance sensitivity of the mirror is the highest, which is 15.489 times the sensitivity of the secondary and third mirrors, and 9.311 times the sensitivity of the third and fourth mirrors. The TTL coupling noise caused by the position error between the primary and secondary mirrors can be reduced by the secondary and third mirrors, and that caused by the position error between the primary and secondary mirrors can be reduced by the position error between the third and fourth mirrors.


When adjusting the space gravitational wave telescope, we should focus on controlling the distance error between the primary and the secondary mirrors. The TTL coupling noise caused by the distance installation and adjustment error between the secondary and the third mirrors, and the distance installation and adjustment error between the third and fourth mirrors can be adopted to partially offset the TTL coupling caused by the distance error between the noise of the primary and secondary mirrors. During actually adjusting the gravitational wave telescope, the distance tolerances between the primary and secondary mirrors and between the third and fourth mirrors should be considered successively, and the position tolerance between the secondary and third mirrors should be guaranteed. Our study analyzes the sensitivity of the installation and adjustment tolerance of the gravitational wave telescope to the influence of the TTL coupling noise, which can guide the actual installation and adjustment of gravitational wave telescopes. At present, we only consider the influence of installation and adjustment tolerance on the TTL coupling noise of gravitational wave telescopes, and the influence of processing tolerance on TTL coupling noises will be discussed later to guide the processing and installation of gravitational wave telescopes.

1 引 言




目前,国外已设计了多种空间引力波望远镜并对其进行了研究,如Verlaan等6“测试了为欧洲航天局(ESA)设计的引力波望远镜的热稳定性能和抗振动性能。Schuster等7研究了减小测试质量干涉仪的TTL耦合噪声的方法。Gudrun8讨论了减小TTL耦合噪声的两镜成像系统和四镜成像系统。Korytov等9探究了使用碳化硅材料制造的天基引力波望远镜的尺寸结构的稳定性。Bender10研究了LISA望远镜的波前畸变和光束指向等问题,研究了对抖动角度反应最灵敏的波前差Zernike拟合分量。Jean-Yves Vinet等11从光学系统的相位关系分析LISA望远镜的指向抖动噪声。Livas等12-13从光程稳定性和杂散光的角度阐述设计引力波望远镜的依据。Sanz等14系统阐述了引力波望远镜的工作环境并设计了望远镜。Sonke15介绍了TTL耦合噪声的模型。陈胜楠等16根据杂散光和波前的技术指标要求设计了离轴四反望远镜。以上研究都未涉及到望远镜的装调公差与TTL耦合噪声之间的内在关系。空间引力波望远镜作为星间激光干涉测量光学系统的重要组成部分,决定着星间激光干涉测量的准确性,以及空间引力波探测的成败。



2 装调误差对TTL耦合噪声的影响

2.1 空间引力波望远镜的设计


表 1. 离轴四反望远镜结构参数

Table 1. Structural parameters of off-axis quadruple mirror telescope

No.NameRadius of curvature /mmThickness /mm
1Primary mirror-12xx.xxx-600
2Secondary mirror-8x.xxx660
3Third mirror-6xx.xxx-58.141
4Forth mirror3xx.xxx118.013



图 1. 空间引力波望远镜光路图

Fig. 1. Optical path diagram of space gravitational wave telescope

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引力波望远镜的设计波前差如图2所示,光学系统的设计波前残余差为0.0085λ (λ=1064 nm)

图 2. 空间引力波望远镜的波前差

Fig. 2. Wavefront difference of space gravitational wave telescope

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图 3. 星间激光干涉仪光路简图

Fig. 3. Optical path diagram of interstellar laser interferometer

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2.2 装调公差对TTL耦合噪声的影响

理想情况下,由于望远镜与干涉仪之间的相对位置固定,望远镜的设计出瞳与干涉仪的QPD之间的距离为417 mm。实际情况下,望远镜的出瞳位置受到加工公差的影响,整个望远镜所对应的TTL耦合噪声会发生相应变化,但是变化的程度和变化规律目前并不知晓,所以研究引力波望远镜的装调公差对星间激光干涉测量系统的TTL耦合噪声的影响十分必要。将星间激光干涉测量系统的TTL耦合噪声与望远镜装调公差的敏感性建立联系,并以TTL耦合噪声的要求为判据,建立装调公差项与TTL耦合噪声变化的模型关系。

根据计算TTL耦合噪声的公式,理想位置情况下,TTL耦合噪声随抖动角度的变化曲线,与存在一定的装调公差条件下,TTL耦合噪声随抖动角度的变化曲线,二者之差ΔSLPF作为与抖动角度的关系曲线图。以相邻两镜组之间的距离增加0.2 mm作为装调公差,定量分析装调公差对TTL耦合噪声的影响。本文设计的引力波望远镜的装调公差如表2所示。

表 2. 装调的距离公差值

Table 2. Distance tolerance values ​​of installation and adjustment

No.Component distanceDesign distance /mmTolerance value /mmActual distance /mm
1Aperture and primary mirror600.0000.200600.200
2Primary and secondary mirror-600.000-0.200-600.200
3Secondary and third mirror660.0000.200660.200
4Third and fourth mirror-58.141-0.200-58.341


当光阑与主镜之间的距离存在+0.2 mm的装调误差时,即光阑与主镜的距离为600.2 mm时,与理想情况下,无装调公差的引力波望远镜相比较,TTL耦合噪声的变化如图4所示。图4(a)中显示TTL耦合噪声的变化ΔSLPF几乎为一条水平直线,即TTL耦合噪声变化几乎为零。图4(b)中显示的ΔSLPF曲线变化率是一条直线,此直线的斜率为-5.296×10-7

图 4. 光阑与主镜之间存在安装误差。(a)ΔSLPF变化曲线图;(b)ΔSLPF变化率直线图

Fig. 4. There is an installation error between aperture and primary mirror. (a) ΔSLPF change curve; (b) Line graph of ΔSLPF rate of change

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当空间引力波望远镜的主次镜存在装调误差时,例如存在+0.2 mm的装调误差,即在实际装调过程中,主镜与次镜之间的实际距离为600.2 mm时,TTL耦合噪声曲线与不存在装调误差条件下的TTL耦合噪声的差值如图5所示。图5(a)中显示TTL耦合噪声的变化ΔSLPF随倾斜抖动角度α之间呈抛物线规律变化,且抛物线开口向上,抛物线的斜率变化如图5(b)所示,该直线的斜率大小为9.021×10-4

图 5. 主镜与次镜之间存在安装误差。(a)ΔSLPF变化曲线图;(b)ΔSLPF变化率直线图

Fig. 5. There is an installation error between primary mirror and secondary mirror. (a) ΔSLPF change curve; (b) Line graph of ΔSLPF rate of change

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当次镜与三镜之间存在装调误差的情况下,如存在+0.2 mm的装调误差,即次镜与三镜之间的距离由660 mm变为660.2 mm时,TTL耦合噪声曲线与不存在装调误差条件下的TTL耦合噪声的差值曲线如图6所示。图6(a)中显示TTL耦合噪声曲线的变化ΔSLPF与抖动角度α呈抛物线规律变化,且抛物线的开口向下,抛物线的斜率变化如图6(b)所示,该直线的斜率为-5.824×10-5。与图5相比,图5的斜率变化是图6斜率变化的15.489倍,且方向相反。说明主次镜距离变化引起的TTL耦合噪声变化是次镜三镜距离变化引起的TTL耦合噪声变化的15.489倍。说明主次镜的装调误差对TTL耦合噪声的影响程度大于次镜三镜的影响程度,并且变化方向相反。

图 6. 次镜与三镜之间存在安装误差。(a)ΔSLPF变化曲线图;(b)ΔSLPF变化率直线图

Fig. 6. There is an installation error between secondary mirror and third mirror. (a) ΔSLPF change curve;(b) Line graph of ΔSLPF rate of change

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当三镜与四镜之间存在装调误差的情况下,如存在0.2 mm的装调误差,三镜和四镜之间的距离由-58.1406 mm变为-58.3406 mm时,TTL耦合噪声曲线与不存在装调误差条件下的TTL耦合噪声的差值曲线图如图7所示。图中显示TTL耦合噪声曲线的变化ΔSLPF与抖动角度α之间呈抛物线变化,抛物线开口向下,抛物线的斜率变化如图7(b)所示,直线的斜率为-9.689×10-5。与图5(b)相比,图5(b)斜率是图7(b)斜率的9.311倍,且开口向下,说明主次镜距离变化引起的TTL耦合噪声变化是三镜四镜距离变化引起的TTL耦合噪声变化的9.311倍,即主次镜距离误差的敏感性是三镜四镜距离误差的敏感性的9.311倍。说明主次镜距离误差对TTL耦合噪声的影响程度大于三镜四镜的影响程度,并且方向相反,而三镜四镜距离误差的敏感程度是次镜三镜距离误差的敏感程度的1.664倍,并且方向相同。

图 7. 三镜与四镜之间存在安装误差。(a)ΔSLPF变化曲线图;(b)ΔSLPF变化率直线图

Fig. 7. There is an installation error between third mirror and fourth mirror. (a) ΔSLPF change curve; (b) Line graph of ΔSLPF rate of change

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3 分析与讨论


图 8. 引力波望远镜的等效光路图

Fig. 8. Equivalent optical path diagram of gravitational wave telescope

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4 结 论



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