中国激光, 2022, 49 (24): 2401002, 网络出版: 2023-02-14   


Spatio⁃Temporal Output Characteristics of 4F Degenerate Cavity Based on Thermal Effect
1 中国科学院上海光学精密机械研究所高功率激光物理联合实验室,上海 201800
2 上海科技大学物质科学与技术学院,上海 201210
3 中国科学技术大学物理学院,安徽 合肥 230026

Spatial coherence is one of the characteristics of traditional lasers. High spatial coherence enables good directivity in lasers; however, it also results in speckles. Thus, to suppress speckle noise, many methods have been developed to reduce the spatial coherence of lasers, including the mechanical vibration and photoelectric methods. Specifically, the mechanical vibration method is relatively slow and fails to achieve speckle suppression within short periods; alternatively, the photoelectric method suffers from problems pertaining to low threshold power and high cost. Notably, the laser with a degenerate cavity structure proposed by Arnaud in 1969 features low temporal and spatial coherence. Over recent years, factors influencing the spatio-temporal coherence characteristics of 4F degenerate cavity lasers have been studied; however, the influence of the thermal effect in the laser gain medium on the 4F degenerate cavity has been neglected. The thermal effect in solid-state lasers is a problem that cannot be ignored; this thermal lens effect of the laser gain medium degrades the perfect imaging characteristics of 4F degenerate cavity lasers and also alters the degenerate characteristics of the 4F resonant cavity. Accordingly, considering the thermal lens effect in the degenerate cavity gain medium, the influence of cavity length variations on the space – time output characteristics is analyzed and experimentally verified in this work. These results provide theoretical and experimental supports for research on low spacetime coherent lasers.


In this study, the transmission matrix and G-parameter equivalent cavity analysis methods are used for analyzing the spatio-temporal spectrum distribution characteristics of the beam in lasers considering the thermal lens effect in the degenerate cavity. The existence of the thermal lens, which degrade the degeneracy of the transverse mode spectrum in the degenerate cavity, is analyzed. In this experiment, a set of thermal lens measurement optical paths based on the 4F degenerate cavity laser is built. The focal length of the thermal lens, laser beat frequency signal, and maximum transverse mode order of the 4F degenerate cavity laser are measured. Additionally, considering a thermal lens in the cavity, the influence of cavity length variations on the maximum transverse mode order and the transverse mode beat frequency bandwidth in the cavity is theoretically calculated and experimentally verified.

Results and Discussions

A set of thermal lens measurement optical paths based on the 4F degenerate cavity laser is built in this experiment (Fig. 2). The influence of cavity length variations in the 4F degenerate cavity laser on the focal length of the thermal lens (Fig. 3), laser beat signal (Fig. 4), and maximum transverse mode order (Fig. 5) is studied. Experimental results reveal that the total spectral bandwidth of the degenerate laser cavity does not vary with the focal length and cavity length of the thermal lens. Further, as the cavity length of the thermal lens increases, the frequency interval of the transverse mode increases, the beat frequency bandwidth of the transverse mode fluctuates, and the maximum transverse mode order, Nmax, decreases significantly. Moreover, this study theoretically simulates the maximum transverse mode order with cavity length variations under the influence of a thermal lens, and the simulation results in the time domain are consistent with the experimental results.


Here, the influence of cavity length variations on the maximum transverse mode order and spectral structure of a degenerate laser cavity is studied considering the thermal lens effect in the laser gain medium. The existence of a thermal lens degrades the perfect imaging characteristics of the 4F degenerate cavity and the degenerate characteristics at the transverse and longitudinal mode frequencies. In this work, under the influence of a thermal lens, the beat frequency signal and maximum transverse mode order of a degenerate laser cavity are measured considering changes in the cavity length. Results indicate that the total spectral bandwidth of the degenerate laser cavity does not vary with the focal length and cavity length of the thermal lens. As the cavity length under the thermal lens increases, the transverse mode frequency interval increases and the transverse mode beat frequency bandwidth fluctuates. This suggests that changes in the cavity length affect the mode distribution in the spectrum. Further, experimental results for the maximum transverse mode order show that, owing to the existence of the thermal lens, a small distance of cavity mirror from the ideal position has a significant impact on the maximum transverse mode order. The maximum transverse mode order under the influence of a thermal lens is also theoretically simulated with changes in the cavity length. Notably, simulation results in the time domain are consistent with the experimental results, indicating that the theoretical model of the thermal lens has a practical significance for research on the spatio-temporal output characteristics of 4F degenerate cavity lases. Analyses also indicate that adjusting the laser cavity length is an effective method for controlling the spatial coherence of these lasers.

1 引言




4F简并激光腔的简并特性体现在两个方面,一是数万个横模可以在腔内同时起振,二是横模频率与纵模频率是简并的。这种简并特性是由4F简并腔的结构所决定的,4F简并腔原理图如图1所示,其由增益介质和一个4F成像系统组成,两个端镜位于成像系统两端的透镜焦面上,其中f为4F简并腔透镜焦距。根据Fox-Li衍射理论,由于4F成像结构,完美的4F简并激光腔端镜M1上的光场单次渡越可在端镜M2上实现光场自再现,避免了横模在普通腔中来回渡越时发生的衍射损耗,这是区别于一般谐振腔的根本特点。通常使用菲涅耳数(Nf)来表征衍射损耗,即Nf=a2/(),其中a为端镜半径(或光阑半径),L为腔长,λ为波长。Siegman[19]已论证了菲涅耳数Nf与基模半径ω0及最大横模阶数Nmax(一维)三者的关系:πNf=a2ω02=Nmax若激光腔内的最高阶横模是TEMmn,则(Nmaxm=m,(Nmaxn=n,其中mn为横模指数。因此激光腔内横模的数量为m×n,当m=n时横模数量为Nmax2。假若图1中4F简并腔的腔长为1 m,增益介质(φ8 mm×105 mm)是激光腔光阑,则菲涅耳数计算公式Nf=a2/()中的L是增益介质的长度,计算可得4F简并腔的Nf为143,横模数量约为20.2万。在相同增益介质、相同腔长的平平腔中,L为谐振腔腔长,则菲涅耳数Nf为15,菲涅耳数约为4F简并腔的1/10。由此看出4F简并激光腔的高阶模的衍射损耗非常小,可同时产生数十万个横模。激光光场的空间相干性可用散斑对比度C来表征,根据文献[16],散斑对比度C与横模数量N的关系是C=N-1/2。因此,当各阶横模的占比基本一样时,散斑对比度与最大横模阶数的关系满足C=1/Nmax,可以看出4F简并激光腔可以有效地降低激光空间相干性。

图 1. 4F简并腔原理图

Fig. 1. Schematic of 4F degenerate cavity

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完美4F简并激光腔单程ABCD矩阵为m1=[a1    b1c1    d1]=[1    f0    1][ 1      01f    1][1      2f0       1][ 1      01f    1][1    f0    1]

往返一周总变换矩阵为M1=[A1    B1C1    D1]=m1×m1=[1    00    1],式中:m1是反向单程矩阵。A1=D1=1,4F简并激光腔属于临界腔,根据式(2)、(3)可知横模频率与纵模频率是简并的。简并激光腔腔长改变Δz时(文中腔长变化特指输出耦合镜M2相对腔镜M1的成像位置平移Δz,其他元件位置不变,保证激光腔的光阑一直为激光棒端面),激光腔单程ABCD矩阵为m2=[a2    b2c2    d2]=[1    f0    1][  1     01f    1][1    2f0      1][  1     01f    1][1    f+Δz0        1]

往返一周总变换矩阵为M2=[A2    B2C2    D2]=m2×m2=[1    2Δz0      1]


2.2 热透镜影响分析

存在热透镜时简并激光腔的ABCD传输矩阵为M'=[A'    B'C'    D']=[  ft22dt2ft2    2dt2(ftdt)ft22dt2ftft2      ft22dt2ft2],式中:ft为热透镜焦距;dt为热透镜与M1的距离。从式(8)中可知,A'=D'≠1,4F简并激光腔的完美成像遭到破坏。当dt大于0时,(A'+D')/2<1,4F简并激光腔由临界腔退化为稳定腔,横模频率与纵模频率退简并。


3 实验装置

4F简并腔激光器的结构如图2所示,4F成像系统由两个焦距为f=250 mm、直径为25.4 mm的BK7平凸透镜组成;增益介质是掺杂浓度(原子数分数)为1.2%的Nd:YAG,尺寸为φ8 mm×105 mm;端镜M1为全反镜@1064 nm,输出镜M2的透过率为T=30%@1064 nm;泵浦半导体激光器(LD)的波长为802 nm,最大泵浦峰值功率为17.5 kW,泵浦脉宽为360 μs,泵浦频率为1 Hz。采用电荷耦合器件(CCD)扫描测量输出光束在不同位置处的光场分布,用光电探测器1测量激光的时间波形,并对其进行傅里叶变换以获得4F简并腔的拍频信号。

图 2. 实验装置图

Fig. 2. Experimental configuration

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4 实验结果分析

通过图2所示的光路测量了4F简并激光器工作时的热透镜焦距。热透镜的大小与泵浦波长及输出功率水平呈正相关,本实验中热透镜是在泵浦功率为17 kW(3倍阈值功率)时测得的,结果如图3(a)所示,腔长变化时热透镜焦距在9~13 m区间波动。热透镜焦距波动的原因有两点:一是激光器模式数量巨大,模式之间的竞争导致空间能量随机分布;二是测量使用的氦氖激光器本身的能量波动也会影响测量。

图 3. 腔长变化对热透镜焦距的影响

Fig. 3. Influence of cavity length variation on focal length of thermal lens

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为了研究存在热透镜的情况下腔长对激光器总带宽及横模拍频带宽的影响,利用光电探测器测量了激光的时间波形。对时间波形的数据进行傅里叶变换,获得了4F简并腔的拍频信号。其中激光器总带宽根据纵模拍频的数量来确定,横模拍频带宽由横模频率间隔和横模最大阶数确定。图4(a)展示了Δz=0.5 mm时的归一化拍频信号分布。对于激光器总带宽,纵模拍频信号的强度大于10%的拍频数量是13个,强度小于10%的拍频数量是8个,4F简并腔的带宽约为2.7 GHz,且实验发现总带宽在腔长变化过程中基本保持不变。图4(a)插图是泵浦功率为3倍阈值功率且Δz=0.5 mm时横模的拍频信号,其横模拍频全带宽Δν=20 MHz。可以看出,当腔内存在热透镜时,腔长变化会导致横模频率退简并。图4(b)展示了横模拍频全带宽随腔长的变化,变化趋势是先下降后上升最后再下降。这一现象的原因是:腔长变化引起横模频率间隔和横模最大阶数变化,最终影响横模拍频全带宽的变化,当腔长增大时,横模频率间隔随之增大,但横模最大阶数随之减小,因此横模拍频带宽随腔长的变化而波动变化。当Δz=1 mm时,横模拍频带宽下降到20 MHz;当Δz=10 mm时,横模拍频带宽达到最大值33 MHz;当Δz=175 mm时,横模拍频带宽再次下降到19 MHz。

图 4. 简并腔腔长对时间分布特性的影响。(a)简并腔拍频分布;(b)腔长变化对横模拍频带宽的影响

Fig. 4. Influence of degenerate cavity length on time distribution characteristic.(a)Beat frequency distribution of degenerate cavity;(b)influence of cavity length variation on beat bandwidth of transverse mode

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为了研究存在热透镜时腔长变化对激光光场的空间相干性的影响,我们对光束的最大横模阶数进行了实验测量。采用图2中的CCD测量不同位置处的光斑直径(直径是指全宽,能量占比约为99%),对测量得到的直径数据进行双曲线拟合计算,可以获得激光最大阶横模的远场发散角和束腰半径。激光最大阶横模的光束质量因子数即为激光最大横模阶数Nmax,测量结果如图5所示。可以看出,当Δz=0时,束腰位置处的激光光场分布为边缘陡直的平顶分布,Nmax=205,对应横模数量N≈42000,散斑对比度C=0.5%;当Δz小于10 mm时,Nmax下降非常快,当Δz=10 mm时,Nmax=33,对应横模数量N≈1089,C=3.3%,即简并激光腔的空间相干性急剧上升;当Δz大于10 mm后,Nmax的变化明显变缓;当Δz=0.7f(175 mm)时,Nmax下降到7,横模数量N=50,下降了99.5%,此时束腰位置处的光场分布更接近高斯分布。

图 5. 腔长变化对横模最大阶数的影响

Fig. 5. Influence of cavity length variation on maximum order of transverse mode

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为了分析存在热透镜时腔长变化对横模最大阶数的影响,分别采用菲涅耳数(空间域)及横模拍频带宽(时间域)两种方法对最大横模阶数Nmax进行估算。根据测量得到的热透镜焦距计算出谐振腔的传输矩阵,并使用G参数等价腔分析法[19]计算出腔内光阑处的基模半径和横模频率间隔,结果如图6所示。可以看出,由于热透镜的存在,在腔长变化较小(<10 mm)阶段,光阑处基模半径和横模频率间隔的增长速度非常快。Δz=0时,光阑处的基模半径ω0约为217 μm,横模频率间隔为0.18 MHz;Δz=10 mm时,光阑处的基模半径约为346 μm,横模频率间隔为1.13 MHz。通过测量得到的横模拍频带宽与计算出的横模频率间隔的比值,可以从时间域的角度获得横模最大阶数,计算结果如图5所示。可以看出,时域估算的最大横模阶数Nmax与测量值非常接近,说明热透镜理论模型与时域的测量结果相吻合。根据式(1),可以从空间域的角度估算出最大横模阶数,结果如图5所示。根据空间域估算出的最大横模阶数则与实际测量值的偏离较大。以Δz=0为例,光阑处的基模半径ω0约为217 μm,最大横模阶数Nmax约为340,而实验测量的结果是205。原因有两点:一是激光腔内器件的光轴无法实现理想情况下的一致,导致衍射损耗增加,例如激光增益棒的光轴与两个透镜的光轴不一致,两个腔镜M1、M2的光轴与两个透镜的光轴不一致(4F简并腔的激光能量输出对腔镜的光轴不敏感,这点与普通腔明显不同);二是实验中腔镜M2的位置应该没有处于最理想的位置,即实际腔长和预想腔长存在偏差。但是从空间域角度估算的最大横模阶数随距离的变化规律与实验测量是一致的,说明热透镜的理论模型有实际的指导意义。在存在热透镜效应的情况下,最大横模阶数对腔长距离的变化非常敏感,通过仔细调节腔长,可获得散斑对比度小于0.3%的激光光场。因此,改变激光腔长可以作为调节激光空间相干性的一种有效方法,简单快捷。另外,可以从两个角度来提高最大横模阶数以降低光场空间相干性:一是增大增益介质口径;二是补偿热透镜,在腔内加入负透镜或者将增益介质端面加工成曲面[22-23]

图 6. 热透镜下腔长变化对横模频率间隔及基模半径的影响

Fig. 6. Influence of cavity length variation on frequency interval of transverse mode and fundamental moderadius under thermal lens

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5 结论

研究了在激光增益介质热效应下腔长变化对简并激光腔最大横模阶数及光谱结构的影响。热透镜的存在会破坏4F简并腔的完美成像特征及横模与纵模频率的简并特性。在泵浦功率为3倍阈值功率时,实验测得热透镜焦距约为10 m,同时获得了在热透镜影响下腔长变化时简并激光腔的拍频信号及最大横模阶数。结果表明,简并激光腔的总光谱带宽约为2.7 GHz,基本不随热透镜焦距和腔长发生变化,说明存在热透镜效应时,腔长变化对简并激光腔的时间相干性影响不大。在热透镜影响下,当腔长增加时,横模频率间隔从0.18 MHz增大到3.7 MHz,横模拍频带宽在20~33 MHz区间波动,说明腔长变化会影响光谱中的模式分布。最大横模阶数Nmax的实验结果表明,由于热透镜的存在,腔镜M2与理想位置的微小距离会对最大横模阶数产生显著影响。实验获得的最大横模阶数Nmax=205,散斑对比度C=0.5%;在Δz=10 mm时,Nmax=33,散斑对比度C=3.3%。理论模拟了热透镜影响下腔长变化时的最大横模阶数,时域的模拟结果与实验结果吻合,表明热透镜的理论模型对4F简并腔时空输出特性的研究具有实际指导意义。分析表明,调节激光腔长是控制激光空间相干性的一种有效方法。


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