光学学报, 2024, 44 (1): 0106025, 网络出版: 2024-01-12  


Raman Distributed Optical Fiber Sensing Based on Multi-Order Time-Domain Differential Reconstruction Correlation
1 太原理工大学电子信息与光学工程学院,山西 太原 030024
2 太原理工大学物理学院,山西 太原 030024
3 太原理工大学新型传感器与智能控制教育部重点实验室,山西 太原 030024

Raman distributed optical fiber sensing technology has scientific significance across various fields due to its unique ability to perform distributed measurements of spatial ambient temperature fields. However, the spatial resolution of existing Raman distributed optical fiber sensing with a detection range extending to kilometers is constrained to the meter level due to the physical limitations of the optical time domain reflection positioning principle, which relies on the pulse time-of-flight method. Therefore, we introduce an innovative Raman distributed optical fiber sensing approach based on a multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction correlation method. In this novel method, we replace the conventional pulse laser with chaotic, amplified spontaneous emission (ASE), and noise signals as the sensing sources, and then employ a multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction technique to reconstruct the Raman anti-Stokes scattering signal. This reconstruction process enables us to extract intensity information from each sensing fiber position point and thus capture the random fluctuation characteristics of detection signal timings. To further optimize the proposed approach, we employ a correlation compression demodulation method to unveil the correlation between the spatial position of the Raman scattering temperature-modulated light and the detection signal. Notably, our scheme diverges from the traditional optical time-domain reflection positioning principle, opting instead for the correlation positioning principle. This shift allows us to overcome the physical constraints associated with the pulse width of conventional light sources, thereby elevating the spatial resolution of the sensing technology from the traditional meter-scale performance to the centimeter level.


The simulation model adopts intricate pulse signals as the detection signals, including chaotic pulse signals, noise pulse signals, and ASE pulse signals. This model bifurcates into two beams using a haloscope, with one beam serving as the reference signal and the other functioning as the detection signal, and subsequently they enter the sensing fiber via a wavelength division multiplexer (WDM). During experimentation, a small segment of the sensing fiber experiences ambient temperature changes, designated as the detection fiber (FUT), while the remaining portion is still in a constant temperature environment. A WDM filters out Raman anti-Stokes scattering signals at 1450 nm wavelength. Subsequently, the Raman anti-Stokes scattered signal undergoes multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction followed by correlation with the reference signal, which facilitates the demodulation of temperature change information within the detection fiber. In the initial multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction, the Raman anti-Stokes scattered signal excited within the sensing fiber is subjected to the process. Based on the random amplitude characteristics of the complex signal timing, this procedure allows for the isolation of the Raman anti-Stokes signal from each data point location on the sensing fiber. Consequently, each data point of the reconstructed signal exclusively contains the scattered signal intensity information of an individual location point, as opposed to encompassing the light intensity information of all signals within the length corresponding to the pulse width in the OTDR positioning principle under the traditional scheme. Finally, the system employs relevant compression demodulation technologies, enabling the compression of scattering intensity information from all data points within FUT to the FUT's start and end positions. The precise compression facilitates the accurate determination of detailed FUT positions.

Results and Discussions

The chaotic signal exhibits a higher incoming fiber optical power and more significant random amplitude fluctuations, facilitating the extraction of Raman anti-Stokes light intensity at various fiber points by multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction. This contributes to an enhanced signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) within the Raman distributed sensing system, grounded in a complex signal correlation method (Fig. 2). All three signal sensing schemes adeptly pinpoint the FUT's position and length information. Notably, at temperature mutation points within the FUT region, we observe a pair of positively and negatively correlated peaks. Remarkably, the SNR of the chaotic signal-based sensing scheme surpasses that of both the ASE signal sensing scheme and noise signal sensing scheme (Fig. 4). The spatial resolution of the Raman distributed optical fiber sensing system is predicated on complex signal correlation hinges on the half-height full width (FWHM) of the autocorrelation function of the sensing detection signal. Our analysis of the autocorrelation results and spectral characteristics of three complex signal timings reveals that the employed FWHM of the three complex signal autocorrelation functions is 0.01 ns. Consequently, the theoretical spatial resolution is 1 mm (Fig. 5). We also observe a positive correlation between the differential order and the peak-to-peak value of positive correlation, which signifies a substantial improvement in the system's SNR within a certain range of increasing order. The optimal SNR for the chaotic sensing scheme occurs when the differential reconstruction order is set to the 5, surpassing the peak coefficient of 5.04 dB observed in the first-order case (Fig. 6). Furthermore, we find that the FUT's positively correlated peak-to-peak values demonstrate linear correlation with temperature (0.323 for every 1 K temperature increase in the above-mentioned simulation conditions). The correlation highlights the utility of positively correlated peaks for precise temperature change demodulation. We successfully achieve accurate demodulation of spatial localization and temperature for FUTs with 353 K and 373 K, featuring two 0.05 m lengths and 0.05 m intervals (Fig. 7).


We present a novel Raman distributed fiber sensing technology, which utilizes the multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction correlation method to enhance the spatial resolution and SNR performance in traditional Raman distributed optical fiber sensing systems. Furthermore, the correlation compression demodulation method is adopted to elucidate the spatial distribution of the Raman scattering temperature-modulated light field. Significantly, our approach supersedes the conventional optical time-domain reflection localization principle by adopting the correlation positioning principle, thus overcoming the spatial resolution constraints imposed by the pulse width of traditional light sources. As a result, the traditional meter-level sensing spatial resolution is theoretically elevated to the centimeter level. Meanwhile, we extend the theoretical framework of the differential reconstruction scheme to encompass any order and scrutinize the influence of differential order on the sensing system's SNR. Numerical simulations demonstrate that our method can extract more temperature information, encompassing the detection fiber region without compromising the sensing spatial resolution. Furthermore, it amplifies the SNR of the sensing signal by multiplying the scattered signal correlation peak's amplification effect. Additionally, it reduces the temperature signal crosstalk in the non-detection optical fiber region during the demodulation, enhancing the SNR of the Raman distributed optical fiber sensing system. Finally, we demonstrate the significant advantages of chaos signals in Raman sensing and introduce a fresh research perspective for Raman distributed optical fiber sensing technology.

1 引言

自1928年印度物理学家拉曼在《自然》期刊上发表了一篇题为A New Type of Secondary Radiation1的论文后,拉曼散射效应引起了国内外研究学者的广泛关注2-5。拉曼分布式光纤传感技术是基于光纤拉曼散射效应来实现分布式温度检测,由于光纤拉曼散射效应具有温度单一敏感性,因此被广泛用于油气井、隧道和管道等大型基础设施结构的温度安全检测领域6-13


直接压缩光源脉宽可以提高基于脉冲时间飞行定位原理系统的传感空间分辨率27。然而,这种压缩脉宽方案会导致传感系统信噪比(SNR)恶化,从而影响传感距离和测量精度28。这种现象也反映在其他基于OTDR定位原理的分布式光纤传感系统,如瑞利OTDR系统29和布里渊OTDR系统30。因此,现有拉曼分布式光纤传感技术存在系统探测距离(信噪比)和传感空间分辨率无法兼顾的技术瓶颈9。例如,Ososkov等31通过直接压缩脉宽提出了一种基于超短脉冲锁模光纤激光器的拉曼分布式光纤传感方案。实验结果表明,该方案可以实现10 cm的传感空间分辨率,但其探测距离仅为3.0 m。

为了在保持高信噪比(或长传感距离)的前提下进一步优化拉曼分布式光纤传感技术的传感空间分辨率,研究人员提出了多种先进的光学解决方案32-38,其中包括基于单模光纤传感的脉冲编码调制方案27-29和特种光纤传感解调方案35-37。基于单模光纤的脉冲编码调制方案通过抑制光纤非线性效应增加入射光纤的光通量。单模光纤传感可以保证空间分辨率不会随探测距离的增加而恶化。例如,Sun等32提出了一种遗传优化的非周期编码方案,在39.0 km的探测距离上获得了1.0 m的传感空间分辨率。特种光纤传感方案主要包括少模光纤传感技术35-36和单模低水峰光纤传感技术37。相比于单模光纤,这些特种光纤具有更大的模场面积和更高的非线性拉曼散射阈值,可以实现更高的入射光功率,进而提高系统信噪比。因此,与单模光纤传感方案相比,特种光纤可以在不严重恶化传感空间分辨率性能的前提下提高散射信号信噪比。例如,Wang等36提出了一种梯度折射率少模光纤传感方案,在25.0 km的传感距离上实现了1.13 m的传感空间分辨率。Wu等37基于低水峰光纤在24.0 km的传感距离上实现了1.0 m的传感空间分辨率。

但是,上述传感方案的定位原理(OTDR定位原理)并未改变,致使现有拉曼分布式光纤传感技术均无法在km级传感距离上突破m量级传感空间分辨率。基于此,太原理工大学Li等[21]提出了一种基于斜率辅助解调技术的拉曼分布式光纤传感系统21,该系统可以在m量级空间分辨率下实现cm量级温度区域的高精度测量,但其m量级传感空间分辨率并未改变。为了实现优于m量级的传感空间分辨率,2021年,本课题组38提出了混沌拉曼分布式传感理论模型,研究了混沌信号与拉曼散射效应相结合的理论可能性。但是在实验中,该模型具有较低的散射信号信噪比,在1.4 km的传感距离上仅实现了30 cm的传感空间分辨率39


2 基本原理

2.1 多阶时域差分重构相关法拉曼分布式传感方案

为解决传统拉曼分布式光纤传感方案的空间分辨率受限于传感光源脉冲宽度且散射信号较弱的技术瓶颈,提出了一种基于多阶时域差分重构相关法的拉曼分布式光纤传感方案。本方案包含基于复杂脉冲激光探测信号的多阶时域差分重构和相关压缩解调方案。图1展示了该系统的仿真模型和解调方案,图1(a)中,仿真模型以复杂脉冲信号(本文以混沌脉冲信号、噪声脉冲信号和ASE脉冲信号为主)作为探测信号,脉冲信号通过光耦合器分为两束,一束作为参考信号,一束作为探测信号,经波分复用器(WDM)注入传感光纤。实验过程中,改变其中一小段传感光纤的环境温度,将此光纤作为探测光纤(FUT),其余传感光纤置于恒温环境条件下。波分复用器(WDM)可以滤出波长为1450 nm的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号。通过对拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号进行多阶时域差分重构并与参考信号进行相关运算,即可解调出探测光纤的温度变化信息。图1(b)中首先对传感光纤中激发的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号进行多阶时域差分重构,这可以基于复杂信号时序的随机振幅特性剥离传感光纤各个位置数据点的拉曼反斯托克斯信号,使得重构信号的每个数据点只包含单个位置点的散射信号强度信息,而不是像传统方案基于OTDR定位原理中脉冲宽度所对应长度内全部信号的光强信息叠加。最后系统利用相关压缩解调技术,该技术可以将FUT中所有数据点的散射强度信息压缩至FUT起始位置和终点位置,可精准定位FUT。

图 1. 多阶时域差分重构相关法拉曼分布式光纤传感方案。(a)系统仿真模型;(b)多阶时域差分重构和相关压缩解调方案

Fig. 1. Raman distributed optical fiber sensing scheme based on multi-order time domain differential reconstruction correlation method. (a) System simulation model; (b) multi-order time-domain differential reconstruction and correlated compression demodulation schemes

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2.2 多阶时域差分重构原理






表 1. 拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号公式各参数物理含义

Table 1. Physical meaning of Raman anti-Stokes scattering signal equation

ParameterPhysical meaningParameterPhysical meaning
IRaman anti-Stokes signal intensityLLocation in the fiber
KaRaman anti-Stokes signal coefficienthPlanck constant
λRaman anti-Stoke signal wavelengthΔvRaman frequency shift
PIncident powerkBoltzmann constant
α0asTransmission lossTTemperature






FL,i= IL+iΔtc2n0-IL


FL,i,j = IL+jiΔtc2n0-IL


FL,i, j=Ka λ-4RasT1-RasT0PL+jiΔtc2n0φL+jiΔtc2n0-PLφL+ΔφL,L1<L<L1+Wfs  Ka λ-4RasT0-RasT1PL+jiΔtc2n0φL+jiΔtc2n0-PLφL+ΔφL,L2-Wfs<L<L2 ΔφL,else




2.3 相关压缩定位解调方案






Irefi=Pi , 1iWfs




ΔApm=A0-Am=i=1WfsPiPi-i=1W-mfsPi+mfsPi,            m<W/2A0=i=1WfsPiPi,                                                                     mW/2



3 仿真结果分析


3.1 定位结果分析


采集了混沌信号、ASE信号以及噪声信号(三种典型时序呈现随机起伏振荡特性的复杂信号)三种信号的时序,并对比分析三种信号的时序特征。图2展示了三种典型复杂信号的时序,可以看出混沌光具有更大的峰值振幅波动(2.6 V),大于ASE 信号(0.13 V)和噪声信号(0.12 V),这表明混沌信号具有更高的入纤光功率和更大的随机振幅波动,有利于上述多阶时域差分重构对光纤沿线各位置点拉曼反斯托克斯光强的剥离和提取,更加有助于提升基于复杂信号相关法的拉曼分布式传感系统的信噪比。

图 2. 三种典型传感信号的时序特征。(a)混沌信号时序;(b)ASE信号时序;(c)噪声信号时序

Fig. 2. Timing characteristics of three typical sensing signals. (a) Chaos signal timing; (b) ASE signal timing; (c) noise signal timing

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在本文所设置的仿真模型中,探测信号为三种中心波长为1550 nm的复杂信号(其激发的拉曼反斯托克斯后向散射中心波长均为1450 nm),探测功率由复杂信号时序决定,脉冲宽度为50 ns。光耦合器分光比为1∶1。传感光纤为长度为1.0 km的多模光纤。本文方案中空间分辨率与脉冲宽度无关,避免了光纤中色散引起的脉冲展宽导致的空间分辨率恶化的问题,所以本文方案的空间分辨率不受光纤种类影响。标准单模光纤也可以实现多阶时域差分重构相关法。但相较于标准单模光纤,多模光纤具有更大的拉曼散射信号增益与受激拉曼散射阈值,被广泛应用于拉曼分布式传感系统中。在传感光纤的500 m位置处设置两个长度为5.0 cm、温度为353 K的FUT区域,这两个FUT区域间隔为5.0 cm,然后分别使用混沌信号、ASE信号以及噪声信号作为探测信号构造拉曼后向散射信号模型。基于式(3)构造该模型下的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号,模型具体参数值如表2所示。

表 2. 仿真模型参数

Table 2. Parameters of simulation model

ParameterPhysical meaningValue
KaRaman anti-Stokes signal coefficient3.06641×10-9
λRaman anti-Stokes signal wavelength1450 nm
α0asTransmission loss1.18 dB/km
ΔvRaman frequency shift13.2 THz
n0Refractive index of the fiber1.5
WWidth of pulse50 ns
fsSampling rate20 GSa/s


构造出的拉曼散射信号特征如图3所示,该数值模型中未添加任何噪声,不需要进行额外的去噪处理,因此本文所提出的模型并未采用任何去噪方法。图3(a)~(c)分别为基于混沌信号、ASE信号和噪声信号调制所激发的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号。基于这三种信号探测的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号与传统基于常规脉冲信号的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号基本保持一致,其散射信号呈现衰减特性,且在传感光纤的500 m位置处出现了由FUT环境温度调制所产生的温度信号包络,但FUT的具体长度与温度信息被淹没在了温度包络上升沿中,需进一步进行多阶时域差分重构与相关压缩解调处理才能精准得到FUT的详细信息。如前所述,由于混沌信号具有更大的峰值振幅波动(2.6 V),即更高的入纤峰值功率与更大的随机振幅波动,因此,混沌信号的后向散射动态范围相比ASE信号和噪声信号大8.09 dB。拉曼后向散射动态范围直接决定了拉曼分布式传感系统最长传感距离,根据三种信号后向散射动态范围(混沌信号动态范围为13.21 dB,ASE信号与噪声信号为5.12 dB),基于混沌信号的传感系统的最长传感距离为11.2 km,基于ASE与噪声信号的传感系统的最长传感距离为5.12 km。

图 3. 不同信号拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号构造结果。(a)混沌信号;(b)ASE信号;(c)噪声信号;(d)拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号动态范围比较

Fig. 3. Results of Raman anti-Stokes scattering signal construction with different signals. (a) Chaos signal; (b) ASE signal; (c) noise signal; (d) comparison of dynamic ranges of Raman anti-Stokes scattering signal

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基于式(6),对整条传感光纤沿线的拉曼反斯托克斯信号进行多阶时域差分重构,重构后的拉曼反斯托克斯信号会与其注入传感光纤的参考信号呈现明显的相关特性。然后通过相关压缩解调方法对其重构的拉曼反斯托克斯散射信号进行相关解调(其实质为被FUT区域温度正向、反向调制的后向散射信号与参考信号进行相关处理),FUT区域两端位置处会分别形成一个正相关峰和一个负相关峰。最后基于这两个正、负相关峰的位置信息可以精准定位FUT区域的长度。为了证明所提出方案可以精确定位出FUT的位置及长度信息,利用式(4)~(11)建立了一个传感光纤沿线突变温度信号的定位仿真模型,具体仿真结果如图4所示。结果显示,三种信号传感方案均能准确定位出FUT位置与长度信息,FUT区域温度突变点位置均对应出现了一对正负相关峰。结果表明,所提出的多阶时域差分重构和相关压缩方案可以实现km级传感距离上cm级区域的精准定位测量。但在同一温度调制下,混沌传感方案所激发的FUT正相关峰峰值比另外两种传感信号所激发的正相关峰峰值高26 dB,且非FUT区域的相关信号曲线更为平滑,这表明基于混沌信号的传感方案的信噪比要优于ASE信号传感方案与噪声信号传感方案。

图 4. 定位解调结果。(a)混沌光信号相关结果;(b)ASE信号相关结果;(c)噪声信号相关结果

Fig. 4. Position demodulation results. (a) Chaos optical signal correlation result; (b) ASE signal correlation result; (c) noise signal correlation result

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3.2 空间分辨率分析

本文基于复杂信号相关法的拉曼分布式光纤传感系统的传感空间分辨率取决于传感探测信号自相关函数的半峰全宽(FWHM)。图5展示了三种复杂信号时序的自相关结果及频谱特性,从图5可以得出本文所使用的这三种复杂信号自相关函数的FWHM均为0.01 ns,其理论空间分辨率均可以达到1 mm。由于本方案的空间分辨率与脉冲宽度无关,所以系统空间分辨率不会随着传感距离的延长而恶化,即在最大传感距离(对于混沌信号,最大传感距离为11.2 km;对于ASE信号与噪声信号,最大传感距离为4.34 km)处均可实现1 mm的空间分辨率。但如图5(a2)、5(b2)与5(c2)所示,相比ASE信号与噪声信号,混沌信号的频谱更加平坦且拥有更大的有效带宽。此外,如图2所示,ASE信号、噪声信号的时序振幅峰值均小于混沌信号。因此,这两种信号作为探测信号会导致系统的动态范围和系统信噪比均小于混沌拉曼分布式传感系统,所以混沌拉曼分布式传感系统具有更大的实际应用价值。

图 5. 传感信号频谱及时序自相关特性。(a1)混沌信号自相关曲线;(b1)ASE信号自相关曲线;(c1)噪声信号自相关曲线;(a2)混沌信号频谱;(b2)ASE信号频谱;(c2)噪声信号频谱

Fig. 5. Sensing signal spectra and timing autocorrelations. (a1) Chaos signal autocorrelation curve; (b1) ASE signal autocorrelation curve; (c1) noise signal autocorrelation curve; (a2) chaotic signal spectrum; (b2) ASE signal spectrum; (c2) noise signal spectrum

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3.3 多阶时域差分重构阶数对信噪比的影响


进一步进行了数值仿真模拟,在同一FUT调制情况(环境温度和FUT长度均相同)下,进行了1~5阶的时域差分重构数值模拟,这三种复杂信号的数值模拟结果如图6所示,对比发现差分阶数与正相关峰峰值正相关,即在一定范围内提升阶数对系统信噪比有明显提升。在差分重构阶数为5时混沌传感方案的信噪比为最优值,比1阶情况下的峰值系数大5.04 dB,而其他两种方案的正相关峰值在2阶达到最优值,随着差分阶数的增加,正相关峰出现了波动、下降和展宽问题,这使其难以对FUT实现精准定位和温度解调。因此,混沌信号作为传感光源的温度解调在系统信噪比提升方面有着更加明显的优势。

图 6. 不同传感信号方案的时域差分重构阶数对相关峰峰值的影响。(a)混沌信号传感方案相关结果;(b)ASE信号传感方案相关结果;(c)噪声信号传感方案相关结果;(d)混沌信号方案差分重构阶数对相关峰峰值的影响;(e)ASE信号方案差分重构阶数对相关峰峰值的影响;(f)噪声信号方案差分重构阶数对相关峰峰值的影响

Fig. 6. Effect of time-domain differential reconstruction order on correlated peak-to-peak for different sensing signal schemes. (a) Results of chaotic signal sensing schemes; (b) results of ASE signal sensing schemes; (c) results of noise signal sensing schemes; (d) influence of differential reconstruction order of chaotic signal scheme on correlated peak-to-peak; (e) influence of differential reconstruction order of ASE signal scheme on correlated peak-to-peak; (f) influence of differential reconstruction order of noise signal scheme on correlated peak-to-peak

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3.4 温度解调结果分析


将时域差分重构信号F与参考信号I进行相关运算,可得到相关曲线,利用正相关峰峰值Cpeak与式(15)进行温度解调。为验证正相关峰值可用于解调光纤沿线温度信息,同时验证式(15),本文进行了两个数值模拟。模拟1:在传感光纤的500 m位置处设置了0.05 m的FUT,以5 K的温度步进从293 K逐步增加FUT的温度至393 K,其余光纤置于293 K的环境温度条件下。模拟2:在传感光纤的500 m处设置了两个间距为0.05 m、温度分别为353 K和373 K的FUT,其余传感光纤置于293 K的环境温度条件下。本文工作基于多模传感光纤(衰减和损耗等参数已知的情况下)进行数值模拟,所以温度测量前不需要进行定标处理。利用式(15)进行温度解调。图7(a)展示了模拟1的结果,FUT正相关峰峰值与温度呈线性相关(在上述仿真条件下温度每升高1 K,正相关峰峰值增加0.323),证明正相关峰可以用于精准解调温度变化。图7(b)展示了模拟2中的两个FUT的空间定位和温度解调结果,可以看出温度为353 K和373 K、两个长度为0.05 m的FUT空间定位和温度值均得到准确解调,这验证了复杂信号多阶时域差分重构和相关压缩定位解调温度的正确性。

图 7. 温度解调结果。(a)正相关峰峰值与FUT温度的关系;(b)双FUT温度解调实验结果

Fig. 7. Temperature demodulation results. (a) Relationship of positively correlated peak and FUT temperature; (b) results of double FUT temperature demodulation experiment

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4 结论




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