光学学报, 2024, 44 (7): 0728001, 网络出版: 2024-04-11  


Dual-Channel Reflective Optical Microfiber Coupler Diaphragms for Continuous and Accurate Blood Pressure Monitoring
1 重庆邮电大学通信与信息工程学院,重庆 400065
2 重庆理工大学光纤传感与光电检测重庆市重点实验室,重庆 400054
提出一种反射式微纳光纤耦合器传感膜片,以实现高精度、连续和无创血压监测。该传感膜片由反射式微纳光纤耦合器、聚二甲基硅氧烷薄膜和环氧树脂基底组成,具有很高的压力灵敏度(-0.682 kPa-1),且无需精确空间对准即可实现脉搏波检测;然后,构建双通道脉搏波检测系统,以获得肱动脉传导时间、桡动脉传导时间以及桡动脉和肱动脉之间的传导时间差值;基于上述参量,利用支持向量回归算法建立血压预测模型。实验结果表明,所提系统的收缩压平均偏差和标准偏差分别为0.08 mmHg和1.13 mmHg,舒张压的平均偏差和标准偏差分别为-0.35 mmHg和1.25 mmHg,符合美国医学仪器促进协会的标准,与其他类型的传感器相比,所提系统的准确度有明显提高。使用该系统监测一天内以及运动时的血压波动,结果表明该系统在连续精准测量血压方面具有可行性及很大的应用潜力。

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the most important cause of human death, of which hypertension is the most common chronic disease in people's life and is one of the most important risk factors for CVD. With the socio-economic development and accelerating population aging and urbanization, hypertension is on the rise. According to research, the presymptoms of hypertension are not obvious, and a considerable portion of patients do not have any uncomfortable clinical symptom such as dizziness, headache, and shortness of breath. When blood pressure is elevated for a long time and exceeds the normal range, this may result in serious complications and even threaten life safety. Therefore, accurate blood pressure monitoring is crucial for early diagnosis and intervention treatment. However, compared with the single point in time blood pressure detection of traditional cuff-type electronic blood pressure monitors, continuous dynamic monitoring can more truly reflect the real-time changes in blood pressure and dynamic trends, providing more comprehensive and accurate data. The human pulse signal contains a large amount of physiological and pathological information related to the cardiovascular system, and continuous blood pressure monitoring can be realized by accurately extracting the characteristic parameters and building a blood pressure prediction model. Currently, the main method of pulse signal detection is the PPG method, whose major drawbacks are high power consumption, sensitivity to ambient light and pressure perturbation, and susceptibility of electronic components to electromagnetic wave interference. As a result, it is impossible to measure blood pressure simultaneously in special environments such as MRI and CT. Thus, we propose a fiber-optic blood pressure sensor with continuous accurate measurement and without spatial alignment based on the microstructural setup of a reflective microfiber coupler, which is achieved by combining dual-channel pulse wave acquisition and machine-learning model prediction. This electromagnetic interference-resistant, wearable, and continuous blood pressure monitoring system will play an important role in human CVD prevention in the future.


First, two single-mode fibers twisted around each other are drawn into a microfiber coupler using the flame fusion taper method, and the reflective coupler is formed by cutting flat at the section of the waist region area, which has a diameter of 5 μm and a length of 10 mm. The device is encapsulated between an epoxy resin substrate and two layers of PDMS circular films, where the substrate is a through-hole structure, the upper PDMS layer is a circular film with a diameter of 15 mm and a thickness of 100 μm, and the lower PDMS is a raised spherical structure with a diameter of 10 mm and a height of 1.5 mm. Particularly, this structure can improve the detection sensitivity and reduce the sensitivity of the sensing area to the spatial location. Then, a dual-channel pulse wave detection system is set up to obtain the brachial artery transit time (BPTT), the radial artery transit time (RPTT), and the transit time difference between the radial artery and brachial artery (DBRPTT). Finally, the support vector regression algorithm is utilized to build a blood pressure prediction model to realize continuous and accurate blood pressure detection.

Results and Discussions

The mechanical simulation results of the packaging structure show that it can sense micro-pressure from multiple directions, reducing its dependence on the detection position (Figs. 2-3). In the static pressure experiment, the detection sensitivity is -0.682 kPa-1 in the range of 500-1000 Pa. The sensor can respond immediately at the moment of loading and unloading pressure, with the response time of 35 ms and 46 ms respectively. Additionally, the durability and repeatability of the sensor are also tested. After 2500 cycles of the periodic pressure with a frequency of 5 Hz and a size of 1 N, the sensor still shows good response and excellent repeatability. After about 5000 cycles, the response amplitude drops by about 5% from the beginning. Since the time for sensing to measure pulse is short (about five seconds), less impact is exerted on later blood pressure prediction. When the sensor is placed at different positions in the radial artery area, the sensor can effectively detect high-fidelity pulse signals, indicating that there are no strict alignment requirements between the sensor and the artery (Fig. 5). By employing a dual-channel sensing system, the pulse waveforms at the radial artery and brachial artery are collected simultaneously. Three PTT (BPTT, RPTT, and DBRPTT) characteristic parameters (Fig. 6) are extracted from these sample data to build a blood pressure prediction model. The correlation diagram and Bland-Altman diagram reveal that both the true and the predicted values are negatively correlated with the K value. The correlation coefficient R values of SBP and DBP are 0.96 and 0.95 respectively, which indicates that there is a good positive correlation between the reference and predicted values. The mean difference value and SD value of SBP are 0.08 mmHg and 1.13 mmHg respectively, and the mean difference value and SD value of DBP are -0.35 mmHg and 1.25 mmHg respectively (Fig. 11). These indicators are both lower than the AAMI standard [(5±8) mmHg]. The performance comparison results between the sensor and other blood pressure sensors show that the sensor features an extremely compact structure, high sensitivity, sound stability, long service life, and anti-electromagnetic interference. Finally, a volunteer is randomly selected to collect 14 sets of data from 8:00 to 21:00 a day to verify the feasibility of the sensor. The results demonstrate that the normal pattern of“two peaks and one trough”is blood pressure trends. Another volunteer receives continuous monitoring during a mixed exercise of squatting and jogging. As the exercise time increases, both SBP and DBP rise but remain stable after about ten minutes (Fig. 12). This shows that the proposed blood pressure monitoring system can continuously and effectively monitor the health level of blood pressure.


We develop a reflective optical microfiber coupler sensor chip (R-OMCSC) for cardiovascular health assessment of accurate and continuous blood pressure monitoring. The R-OMCSC exhibits performance with high sensitivity and detection pulse wave without spatial alignment, which allows for perceiving weak physiological signals. Embedding the sensor into a sports wristband, we construct a dual-channel pulse wave detection system, obtain the RPTT, DPTT, and DBRPTT values, and build an SVR prediction model. Experimental results show that the system can achieve continuous blood pressure monitoring. In the future, we will keep improving the integration of the photoelectric signal processing system with the proposed dual-channel R-OMCSC pulse wave sensor, and a large amount of data will be collected for more accurate analysis. The proposed non-invasive BP detection system features high accuracy and continuous monitoring and will have the opportunity to be employed for clinical applications and thus help patients with CVD prevention.

1 引言




2 传感器原理与特性

2.1 传感器结构设计与制备

R-OMC由锥区和腰区组成,其中腰区处的两条微纳光纤平行紧密地叠加在一起,如图1(a)所示,入射光通过P1端口输入,同时被激发的偶模和奇模两种模式沿腰区传输并在端面反射,最后由端口P2输出形成干涉光谱20。由于腰区的强倏逝场特性,R-OMC的传输光强对压力非常敏感,当对腰区施加压力时,R-OMC会发生轻微弯曲,导致导波模式转变为辐射模式,从而造成光能量损失。采用火焰熔融拉锥法制造R-OMC,两根单模光纤在被剥离涂敷层后相互缠绕2~3圈,利用光纤拉锥机将其拉制成透射型光纤耦合器(T-OMC),然后采用高精度光纤切割器切割T-OMC的腰部区域,得到端面光滑平整的R-OMC,以减小光在端面的散射干扰,同时增强光反射效应。如图1(b)所示,所制备的R-OMC腰部区域直径为5 µm,长度为10 mm。

图 1. 结构示意图。(a) R-OMC的结构;(b)显微镜下的R-OMC;(c)传感器膜片的结构;(d)完整的传感器膜片

Fig. 1. Diagram of structure. (a) Structure of R-OMC; (b) R-OMC under microscope; (c) structure of sensor chip; (d) complete sensor chip

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为保护制备好的R-OMC波导结构,首先将其浸泡在特氟龙溶液10 min,然后放入干燥箱中在80 ℃下干燥30 min,以使腰区表面和端面都覆盖一层特氟龙薄膜。如图1(c)所示,反射式微纳光纤耦合器传感膜片(R-OMCSC)由一个R-OMC、一个环氧树脂基底和两层固态PDMS组成。聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)层由液态PDMS固化成型制备而成,底层是直径为15 mm、厚度为50 μm的圆形薄膜,覆盖层是直径为15 mm、厚度为100 µm的圆形底座和直径为10 mm、高度为1.5 mm的凸起球形结构。由于PDMS的折射率低(RI约为1.4)、耐热性和耐水性好,且易于和人体皮肤贴合,柔性PDMS薄膜不仅能保护光纤微结构,减少温度和湿度等外部环境的影响,还能确保外部刺激准确地传递到整个传感器表面,因此,封装后的R-OMC可用作压力传感器来监测人体脉搏振动信号。环氧树脂基底由光固化3D打印机打印制作,直径为15 mm,厚度为5 mm,基底中心有一个直径为1 mm的圆形通孔。传感器各部分制备完成后,将R-OMC放在两层PDMS的中间,由于范德瓦耳斯力的作用,两层PDMS紧密贴合,形成三明治结构,再将夹层结构连接到环氧树脂基底上,基底上涂覆了一层液态PDMS。最后,为了确保整个结构的密封性,将其放入85 ℃的烤箱中烘烤20 min,以获得完整的R-OMCSC结构,如图1(d)所示。

2.2 传感器结构力学仿真

使用ABAQUS CAE软件对传感器封装结构进行力学仿真,以验证该设计对提高灵敏度和减小传感器对空间位置敏感性的影响。建立如图2(a)所示的仿真模型,当凸面球形结构受到来自各个方向的压力时,R-OMC所在的平面会产生垂直位移,从而模拟压力检测状态。在底座上的通孔位置,R-OMC比其他位置有更大的弯曲和更多的光强损耗,因此能有效提高传感器对压力的灵敏度。在该模型中,PDMS采用超弹性材料的Mooney-Rivlin模型,并将材料的特性转换为三个参数:C10=0.243243,C01=0.060811,d=0.133333,其中:C10C01是PDMS材料参数,分别表示主方向上应力和应变的弹性模量;d为体积模量,表示固体材料在体积变化时的抗压能力。环氧树脂的杨氏模量为1 GPa,泊松比为0.3821-22。此外,在球形结构的不同位置施加压力,以探索通孔平面的垂直位移与所施压力之间的关系,如图2(b)所示,压力设定为1 kPa,以模拟人体脉搏压力。在图3中,偏移量为0 mm表示在球面中心施加压力,使该位置的平面通孔位移最大为350 µm,且各位置的垂直位移是对称的;偏移量(1、2、3、4 mm)表示施加的压力位置与球面中心的距离,通孔位置的位移会随着偏移量的增加而逐渐减小,在通孔平面靠近施加压力的一侧,位移值会大于另一侧。当偏移量为4 mm 时,通孔的平面位移(100 µm)比偏移量为0 mm时衰减了约70%,但由于传感器的高灵敏度特性,在此位置仍能检测到脉冲信号,所设计的封装结构可降低R-OMC对检测位置的依赖性23

图 2. 封装结构的机械模拟。(a)来自多个方向的压力;(b)来自单个方向的压力

Fig. 2. Mechanical simulation of package structure. (a) Pressure from multiple directions; (b) pressure from single direction

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图 3. PDMS底层的垂直位移

Fig. 3. Vertical displacement of bottom layer of PDMS

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2.3 传感器的压力传感性能分析

为评估R-OMCSC的灵敏度,搭建如图4所示的检测系统,该系统由可调谐激光光源(TLS)、隔离器、光电探测器(PD)、高精度三维微位移测试平台(ESM30)和示波器组成。波长为1550 nm的激光光源通过隔离器和R-OMCSC后,被PD转换成电信号,最后以电压的形式显示在示波器上。这里采用隔离器能有效阻隔传感器端面的反射光进入光源。如图4中插图所示,在传感器球形结构的中心施加不同的压力,观察示波器的电压变化。传感器的灵敏度(S)由电压变化ΔV/V0与外加压力(P)的斜率定义,即S=ΔV/V0/ΔP,其中,ΔVV0ΔP分别是电压变化、无负载电压和外加压力变化13。测试结果如图5(a)所示,电压的变化随着施加压力的增加而增加,在约5 kPa时电压下降到约0,但由于人体桡动脉和肱动脉的脉压一般为500~1000 Pa24,因此传感器在此范围内的检测灵敏度较高(-0.682 kPa-1),可以有效地检测到脉搏信号。通过在传感器球形结构的不同位置施加1 kPa压力,模拟脉冲信号与传感器不同空间位置的配准,结果如图5(b)所示,随着施加压力的偏移量增加,电压的变化逐渐减小,但当偏移量为3 mm时,传感器仍有响应。为了评估响应时间,用电动位移平台对传感器膜片施加垂直向下1 N的力。压力响应如图5(c)所示,在加载和卸载压力的瞬间,传感器膜片都能立即做出响应,响应时间分别为35 ms和46 ms,因此,该传感器可以满足实时检测人体脉搏波信号的要求。此外,进一步验证传感器的耐用性和可重复性,将R-OMCSC连接到高频振动台(ECS-1028)上,振动台持续对R-OMCSC施加频率为5 Hz、大小为1 N的周期性压力,其重复压力响应如图5(d)所示,在2500次循环后,传感器仍表现出良好的压力响应,重复性极佳,但约5000次循环后,传感器膜片的压力响应幅度比开始时下降了约5%,随着循环次数的增加,传感器响应呈微弱下降趋势,即响应的标准偏差会略有增加,这种现象可能是由于PDMS薄膜在经过数千次压力循环后弹性滞后以及振动台的误差造成,但后续的血压预测主要依靠短时脉搏信号的时间特性,R-OMCSC测量脉搏的时间较短(约5 s),短时间内的响应几乎相同,因此这段时间内的标准偏差很小。上述结果表明,R-OMCSC具有快速响应和良好的耐用性。如图5(e)所示,将传感器放置在边长为15 mm的人体脉搏区域的不同位置,结果如图5(f)所示,传感器在4个子方格的不同位置都能有效检测到高保真脉搏信号,因此可保证传感器响应对脉搏检测区域没有严格的对准要求。

图 4. 基于R-OMCSC的性能测试系统

Fig. 4. Testing system for performance of R-OMCSC

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图 5. R-OMCSC的特性。(a)压力灵敏度;(b)施加在不同位置的压力的电压变化;(c)响应时间;(d)重复性;(e)桡动脉的不同检测位置;(f)人体脉搏在不同位置的脉搏波形

Fig. 5. Characteristics of R-OMCSC. (a) Pressure sensitivity; (b) voltage change of pressure applied at different locations; (c) response time; (d) repeatability; (e) different detection locations in radial artery; (f) pulse waves at different locations of human pulse

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3 实验与建模

3.1 双通道脉搏波检测


图 6. 肱动脉和桡动脉的典型脉搏波形

Fig. 6. Typical pulse waveform of brachial artery and radial artery

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图7所示,用紫外(UV)胶将R-OMCSC粘贴在弹性腕带的内侧中心,使传感器稳定、准确地接触人体动脉,从而提高检测的稳定性和灵敏度。双通道脉搏波检测系统与2.3节中测试系统类似,由一个TLS、两个隔离器、两个PD和一个示波器组成。TLS的两路输出激光设置为相同波长(1560 nm),分别作为肱动脉和桡动脉的R-OMCSC脉搏传感器的输入光。实验中选取8名健康志愿者(4名男性,年龄分别为25岁、24岁、52岁和60岁;4名女性,年龄分别为25岁、30岁、55岁和60岁)采集脉搏数据。

图 7. 双通道脉搏波检测方法

Fig. 7. Dual-channel pulse wave detection method

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3.2 脉搏数据的PTT提取


图 8. 脉搏波预处理过程

Fig. 8. Pulse wave preprocessing process

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式中:BP表示SBP或DBP;PTT表示RPTT、BPTT或DBRPTT;KaKbKc表示与个体相关的系数,可通过建立血压参考值和实验得出的PTT值之间的函数关系来获得。所测得1120 组脉搏信号的PTT有一定的波动范围,如表1所示,三组PTT的最大值分别为282 ms、270 ms和90 ms,最小值分别为230 ms、217 ms和25 ms。此外,三组PTT均与血压呈负相关,根据式(1),SBP和DBP会随着PTT值的增加而降低。为了更准确地表示人体真实的PTT值,定义了K值来表示脉搏波传导时间的长短,首先将三种PTT值进行归一化,将其最大值归为1,最小值归为0,然后通过计算三组归一化PTT值的平均值得到K值,其取值范围为0至1。与单一的PTT相比,K值同时考虑了肱动脉和桡动脉脉搏信号的影响,因此能更有效地反映血压的真实水平。


Table 1. Measurement range of RPTT, BPTT, and DBRPTT

ParameterRPTT /msBPTT /msDBRPTT /msNormalization


3.3 血压预测模型






式中:g是SVR模型的核半径。惩罚系数c和核半径g是预测模型中的超参数,它们的设置对模型的预测精度有很大影响。针对上述样本值进行网格搜索以获得最佳设置值,图9(a)和(b)为志愿者SBP和DPB预测模型的网格搜索情况,其中,x坐标、y坐标和z坐标分别为lg 2clg 2g和均方误差(MSE)。最终确定SBP预测模型中cg的设置参量分别为16和0.003512,DBP模型中cg的设置参量分别为64和0.003528。

图 9. cg进行网格搜索的结果。(a) SBP模型;(b) DBP模型

Fig. 9. Grid search results for c and g. (a) SBP model; (b) DBP model

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4 结果与讨论


图 10. SVR 预测模型的输出。(a) SBP模型;(b) DBP模型

Fig. 10. Output of SVR prediction model. (a) SBP model; (b) DBP model

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图11(a)、(b)所示,横轴和纵轴分别代表参考血压和预测血压,SBP和DBP的相关系数R值分别为0.96和0.95,由此可见,参考值与预测值之间具有良好的正相关性。在图11(c)、(d)中,采用Bland-Altman图来评价商用血压计和SVR预测获得血压的一致性,横坐标是预测BP与参考BP的平均值,纵坐标是两者之间的差值,中间的实线是差值的平均值,绝对值越小则一致性越好。图中两条虚线之间的区域为95%置信区间[平均值为±1.96标准差(SD)],可见,SBP的差值均值和SD值分别为0.08 mmHg和1.13 mmHg,DBP的差值均值和SD值分别为-0.35 mmHg和1.25 mmHg。对于SBP和DBP,在95%置信区间内的测试点越多,两种方法的一致性越好,这意味着基于SVR预测模型的方法能更有效地获得准确的血压。

图 11. 基于SVR的双通道血压检测模型的相关图和Bland-Altman图。(a)(c) SBP模型;(b)(d) DBP模型

Fig. 11. Correlation plots and Bland-Altman plots of dual-channel BP detection model based on SVR. (a)(c) SBP model; (b)(d) DBP model

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表 2. 与其他血压传感器的性能比较

Table 2. Performance comparison with other blood pressure sensors

Sensor typeSensor locationPulse pressure sensitivityResponse time /msSBP accuracy (MD, SD)DBP accuracy (MD, SD)Reference
PPGFinger tips--0.06, 7.080.01, 4.66[29] (2016)
OIFace--0.39, 7.30-0.20, 6.00[30] (2019)
OFCDRadial artery--0.24, 2.390.12, 2.62[15] (2020)
AFMSCRadial artery-0.2211--[16] (2022)
AFOFDRadial artery-213 μW/kPa5-0.35, 4.68-2.54, 4.07[31] (2023)
Double R-OMCRadial artery, brachial artery-0.682 kPa-1350.08, 1.13-0.35, 1.25This work


表2中列出了近年来报道的血压传感器和本研究的性能,其中平均偏差(MD)和SD是AAMI提出的衡量血压测量准确性的两个关键指标,MD表示预测血压与参考血压的平均值。本方案相比于其他方法,传感器的灵敏度有一定程度的提高,响应时间均在毫秒量级,且SBP和DBP的预测准确度具有明显优势,相关指标均低于AAMI标准[(5±8) mmHg]28


图 12. 血压和K值的变化。(a)一天内的不同时刻;(b)运动时

Fig. 12. Changes of BPand K value. (a) Different times in one day; (b) exercise time

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此外,为评估传感器监测运动中血压波动的稳定性,一名志愿者(男性,24岁)在做深蹲和慢跑的混合运动过程中接受了测试,总的测试时间为14 min,每2 min由该传感器记录一次血压,每次持续10 s。如图12(b)所示,随着运动时间的延长,SBP和DBP均有所上升,但在约10 min后保持稳定,K值与BP值相反,其主要原因是运动时血管剧烈收缩并分泌血管紧张素,从而导致血压升高33-34


5 结论

本文提出一种反射式微纳光纤耦合器传感膜片,用于准确、连续的血压监测和心血管健康评估。R-OMCSC具有高灵敏度(-0.682 kPa-1)和检测脉搏波时无需精准空间对齐的特点,通过将该传感器嵌入运动腕带,实现了人体肱动脉和桡动脉的脉搏波监测。然后,建立双通道脉搏波检测系统,以获得桡动脉和肱动脉的RPTT、DPTT和DBRPT值,并建立相应的SVR血压预测模型,通过关联图和Bland-Altman图讨论了该模型的准确性。实验结果表明,模型的MD值和SD值符合AAMI标准,SBP值分别为0.08 mmHg和1.13 mmHg,DBP值分别为-0.35 mmHg和1.25 mmHg,与其他类型的传感器相比,所提出的传感器检测的SBP和DBP在准确度上都有较大的提高,并可以实现连续的血压监测功能。后续工作可在几方面加以改进:1)可进一步进行系统光源、探测部分的集成化和微型化;2)通过增加检测对象的数量和类型来提高预测模型的准确性;3)进一步考虑其他脉搏特征,包括总外周阻力、动脉顺应性、脉搏容量等,从而使预测模型更加准确。该可穿戴式的双通道连续血压监测系统在人类心血管疾病预防领域将具有良好的应用潜力。


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