中国激光, 2021, 48 (9): 0907002, 网络出版: 2021-04-26   

基于光学相干层析技术的昆虫胚胎影像处理方法 下载: 808次

Image Processing Method of an Insect Embryo Based on Optical Coherence Tomography
1 河北大学物理科学与技术学院, 河北 保定 071002
2 河北省光学感知技术创新中心, 河北 保定 071002
3 河北大学生命科学与绿色发展研究院, 河北 保定 071002
4 河北大学生命科学学院, 河北 保定 071002

Objective Embryonic development has attracted increasing attention in biological research. Monitoring the internal organs and tissues of an embryo is relevant to the study of embryonic development. Generally, two methods are employed to monitor tissues in the embryo: tissue section technology and stereomicroscope observation. Both methods need to kill the embryo and cannot monitor a single living embryo continuously. Therefore, noninvasive real-time monitoring of embryonic development is expected to understand the morphological evolution process. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is a relatively novel imaging method in the 21st century and is based on the principle of low coherence interference. It uses near-infrared light to scan the sample noninvasively, and then a three-dimensional image reconstruction is performed. OCT can provide internal structure information with a depth of 1--12 mm below the sample surface. Several research groups have reported studies on the embryonic development of different animals, such as Xenopus, mice, and birds, using OCT. However, there are few reports on the application of OCT to insect embryonic development. The main reason is that insect embryos are usually wrapped with eggshells that protect the embryo from external damage. This morphology of the insect embryo significantly affects the real-time monitoring of its development. Therefore, a method that can automatically identify the edge and thickness of the eggshell and intelligently erase it is required.

Methods An image processing method is proposed in this paper to eliminate the effect of eggshells on OCT imaging. This method can automatically identify and erase the area of the eggshells so that the clear three-dimensional image of the embryo inside the eggshell is presented. As shown in Fig.1, first, the three-dimensional image is filtered to reduce noise; second, local threshold segmentation and boundary recognition are performed; and then the position and thickness of eggshells can be extracted and erased in the original image. Afterward, the three-dimensional image of the embryo phenotype can be presented. Noise is often introduced during the real-time OCT image acquisition process, which can severely influence the effect of eggshell edge detection. Therefore, the original three-dimensional image denoising is an indispensable operation in image preprocessing. After comparing various image-denoising methods (Fig.2), the median filtering is selected. Figure 5(b) shows that the contrast is higher between the eggshell edge and the internal structure after noise reduction. However, the inner boundary of the eggshell is still connected with the yolk and embryo, which can cause measurement error when extracting the thickness of the eggshell. Therefore, local threshold segmentation is employed to solve the problem, and detailed procedures are shown in Fig. 4. Figure 5(c) shows the binary image in which the grey value of the eggshell is 255, whereas, other regions are 0 after local threshold segmentation. Hence, the first junction between 255 and 0 is the outer boundary of the eggshell, and the second is the inner boundary. Thus, the location and thickness of the outer and inner boundary of the eggshell can be obtained by counting the number of pixel points with a grey value of 255 between the two junctions in each A-scan image. Notably, the eggshell edge is non-smooth after local threshold segmentation. Consequently, the second filtering is used to smoothen the edge, which ensures accurate measurements.

Results and Discussions Figure 6 shows the comparison of OCT imaging results before and after eggshell removal on the 11th day of locust egg development. As shown in Fig. 6 (a), the internal morphology of the embryo is covered by eggshell and is not visible. After using the eggshell removal method to process the image, the head, antennae, abdomen, and feet of the embryo are clearly seen in the three-dimensional projection of XY [Fig. 6(b)]. Figures 6 (c) and (d) are two-dimensional cross-sectional images of XY with depths of 0.67 and 0.88 mm, respectively. Although these cross-sectional images are not affected by the eggshell, they cannot reflect the overall changes of the embryonic development morphology and are significantly different from the three-dimensional image of Fig. 6(b). By contrast, Fig. 6(b) is a suitable three-dimensional image to study embryonic development. Therefore, this is the purpose and significance of the eggshell removal method proposed in this paper. Equipped with the eggshell removal method, Fig. 7 shows the embryonic development process observed on days 6 to 14 clearly.

Conclusions Because the insect embryo is wrapped by an eggshell, the three-dimensional OCT image cannot directly show the whole morphology of the embryo inside the egg. Therefore, in this study, we propose an image processing method to eliminate the effect of eggshell on OCT imaging. This method can automatically determine the boundary and thickness of eggshell and erase it. Compared with traditional invasive detection methods that are complicated in operation, time-consuming, and cannot continuously monitor a single living embryo, OCT has the advantages of noninvasive, real-time, and high-speed nature to obtain more accurate monitoring results of embryonic development. This image processing method is helpful to the application of OCT in the study of insect embryonic development.

1 引言


光学相干层析(OCT)技术是21世纪新发展起来的成像技术,不同于计算机断层扫描(CT)、磁共振成像(MRI)、X射线扫描等成像技术,OCT技术主要利用低相干干涉原理,使用近红外光对样本进行无损伤的扫描成像,在保证分辨率的前提下,可以提供样本表面以下1~3 mm深度范围内的内部结构信息。此外,OCT技术还可以实现实时监测,可用于监测活体生物体在不同时间段的胚胎内部发育情况[2]。因此,OCT技术的无创性、高效性、实时性和三维成像等特点可以很好地弥补组织切片技术和体视显微镜观察的不足,成为生物体胚胎发育监测的有力手段。



2 昆虫胚胎卵壳的处理流程


图 1. 昆虫胚胎卵壳处理方法流程图

Fig. 1. Flow chart of insect eggshell processing method

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1) 滤波降噪





图 2. 不同滤波方法的对比。(a)原始OCT图像;(b)中值滤波;(c)均值滤波;(d)高斯滤波;(e)维纳滤波

Fig. 2. Comparison of different filtering methods. (a) Original OCT image; (b) median filtering; (c) mean filtering; (d) Gaussian filtering; (e) Wiener filtering

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图 3. 选择不同邻域范围进行中值滤波后的图像。(a)原始OCT图像;(b)邻域范围3×3;(c)邻域范围11×11;(d)邻域范围19×19

Fig. 3. Images processed by different neighborhood sizes of median filtering. (a) Original OCT image; (b) neighborhood size of 3×3; (c) neighborhood size of 11×11; (d) neighborhood size of 19×19

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2) 局部阈值分割


图 4. 原始OCT图像的局部阈值分割方法流程

Fig. 4. Local threshold segmentation method of original OCT images

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C)读取子图像bj(0<j<m),对其进行自动灰度阈值分割:a)选取一个初始估计值X;b)用X分割图像,这样便会生成两组像素集合Y1Y2(Y1由所有灰度值大于X的像素组成,而Y2由所有灰度值小于或等于X的像素组成);c)计算Y1Y2中所有像素的平均灰度值W1W2;d)计算新的阈值X,X= 12W1+W2。重复步骤b)~d),直到得到的X值之差小于一个事先定义的参数Z。之后将该子图像结果并入结果图像B'i中。返回步骤B)直至将Bi图中的所有子图像处理完毕,得到的结果如图5(c)所示。

图 5. 昆虫胚胎影像的处理过程。(a)原始OCT图像;(b)滤波;(c)局部阈值分割(S,卵壳);(d)卵壳图像消除

Fig. 5. Image processing of insect embryo. (a) Original OCT image; (b) filtering; (c) local threshold segmentation(S, eggshell); (d) removal of eggshell image

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3) 卵壳边界识别及厚度检测



3 实验部分

3.1 实验样本

本次实验选择的对象为飞蝗[14]。雌蝗产卵后,从产卵盆中筛选出卵块,用消过毒的软毛刷将虫卵从卵块中轻轻刷开,并置于蒸馏水中清洗其表面的泥土。将卵取出后再浸于酒精中进行表面杀菌处理,最后使用无尘纸吸干表面的水分。待所有卵都从卵块中剥离后,将卵整齐地排列在含琼脂凝胶的培养皿中,然后将培养皿置于30 ℃的恒温培养箱中进行饲养。在30 ℃的环境下,飞蝗的孵化时间一般为14 d[15]。从蝗卵发育的第4天开始,每日使用OCT对虫卵进行三维扫描成像,并使用上述提出的去除卵壳的方法对原始图像进行处理,观察蝗卵胚胎的发育情况。

3.2 实验仪器及参数

监测蝗卵发育的仪器为扫频OCT系统[16](型号为OCM1300SS-ENG),光源中心波长为1300 nm,扫描频率为16 kHz。当一帧B-scan设置512个A-scan时,成像速度可达25 frame/s。同时,该系统的横向分辨率为25 μm,轴向分辨率为12 μm,最大扫描范围(X×Y)为10 mm×10 mm,检测深度(Z方向)为3 mm,灵敏度为102 dB。在对卵进行监测时,快轴方向(x方向)设置的扫描范围是9 mm,慢轴方向(y方向)设置的扫描范围是2.5 mm。

4 结果与讨论

图6为蝗卵发育至第11天时使用卵壳去除方法处理前后OCT图像的对比。图6(a)、(b)表示XY面上的蝗卵三维图像,其中:(a)图为包含卵壳的OCT三维图像,因为图像包含有卵壳信息,所以内部胚胎形貌不可见;(b)图为采用去除卵壳方法进行处理后的三维图像,胚胎的头部、触角、腹部和前中后足等均清晰可见。对比图6(a)、(b)可以明显看出,去除卵壳信息后,胚胎形态的三维图像可以被清晰地观察到。图6(c)、(d)分别为卵上表面以下深度为0.67 mm和0.88 mm处的XY截面图(B-scan图),二维截面B-scan图有助于研究胚胎内部不同深度器官发育情况的细节信息。虽然图6(c)、(d)是沿Z(深度)方向的XY面的B-scan图,且不受卵壳遮挡的影响,但是通过与图6(b)对比可以明显看出二维B-scan图像[图6(c)、(d)]更侧重于表现胚胎的局部细节特征,并不能像图6(b)一样能够反映胚胎发育形态的整体变化情况。但是,胚胎发育研究一般更侧重于观察其表型整体形态的变化情况,因此,这也是应用卵壳去除方法得到图6(b)三维图像的优势所在。图6(e)、(f)分别为卵壳“擦除”前和“擦除”后蝗卵在XZ面上的二维截面图。从XZ截面图中可以看到,在外部卵壳信息被“擦除”的情况下,胚胎内部图像得以很好的保留。因此,在进行图像处理后,主要依据去除卵壳前后的三维重建图和二维截面图来评判卵壳的去除效果以及是否有误操作。通过对比图6(a)和图6(b)(三维重建图)、图6(e)和图6(f)(二维截面图)能够明显地看出,卵壳已基本被完全消除,而且且内部组织器官图像完整无缺失。

图 6. 去除卵壳前后的OCT图像对比,其中A表示触角,Ab表示腹部,FL表示前足,H表示头部,HL表示后足,ML表示中足。(a)XY面上的蝗卵三维投影图(包含卵壳);(b)XY面上的蝗卵三维投影图(去除卵壳);(c)XY面上的蝗卵二维截面图(深度为0.67 mm);(d)XY面上的蝗卵二维截面图(深度为0.88 mm);(e)XZ面上的蝗卵二维截面图(包含卵壳);(f)XZ面上的蝗卵二维截面图(去除卵壳)

Fig. 6. Comparison of OCT images before and after eggshell removing, where A represents antenna, Ab represents abdomen, FL represents fore legs, H represents head, HL represents hind legs, and ML represents mid legs. (a) Three-dimensional projection of locust egg on XY plane (include eggshell); (b) three-dimensional projection of locust egg on XY plane (erase eggshell); (c) two-dimensional cross-sectional image of locust egg on XY plane with depth of 0.67 mm; (d) two-dimensional cross-sectional image of locust egg on XY plane with depth of 0.88 mm; (e) two-dimensional cross-sectional image of locust egg on XZ plane (include eggshell); (f) two-dimensional cross-sectional image of locust egg on XY plane(erase eggshell)

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图7为结合卵壳去除方法,使用OCT系统无损监测活体蝗卵内部胚胎组织器官生长发育直至孵化的全过程。在第6天,卵黄居于虫卵的前端,末端为胚胎,蝗虫胸部各节附肢已逐渐成形且可以被观察到。第7天至第9天,蝗卵体积较第6天变大,同时卵黄逐渐消耗殆尽。在此期间胚胎还发生了胚转现象,即胚胎的头部自卵的后端向前翻转了180°(卵的左侧为前端,右侧为后端)。翻转后,胚胎的头部与卵的前端方向一致,翻转过程一般持续10 h左右。第10天至第12天,胚胎的肢体结构不断发育长大,直至第14天胚胎各个组织器官逐渐发育完善,胚胎填满整个卵并即将破壳而出。由图7可以看出,采用卵壳去除方法进行处理后可以实时清晰地观察到蝗虫各个组织器官的发育情况。上述结果与利用传统方法[17](如:解剖和组织切片观察)观察到的蝗虫胚胎发育现象基本一致。相比于传统的有创检测方法不能对单一活体胚胎进行持续监测、操作复杂、耗费时间的缺点,OCT技术以其无创、实时、高速的优势更为突出,而且可以得到卵内部胚胎发育更为准确的监测结果,这也是本文提出的昆虫胚胎影像处理方法的目的和意义所在。

图 7. 去除卵壳后观察到的胚胎第6至第14天的发育过程,其中Y表示卵黄,EM表示胚胎,Ab表示腹部,H表示头部

Fig. 7. Embryonic development process observed on days 6 to 14 after removal of eggshell, where Y represents yolk, EM represents embryo, Ab represents abdomen, and H represents head

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5 结论



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