中国激光, 2024, 51 (8): 0804006, 网络出版: 2024-04-17  


Elastic Property Inversion of Materials via Lamb Waves Generated by a Moving Continuous‑Wave Laser
1 南京理工大学理学院,江苏 南京 210094
2 中国商飞上海飞机制造有限公司,上海 201324
通过测量板状材料中Lamb波的频散曲线可以反演出材料的特性参数,因而这种方法在材料表征、评价和无损检测等领域具有广阔的应用前景。基于移动激光源法测量了薄板中Lamb波的频散曲线,通过高速转镜使聚焦的激光线源在样品表面以与相应Lamb波模式匹配的速度移动,当激光移动速度与Lamb波相速度一致时,可以以较高的效率激发出此Lamb波模式。通过改变转镜的转速,即改变激光线源的移动速度,记录不同移动速度下所激发的Lamb波频谱,可以得到Lamb波的频散曲线。在此基础上,结合粒子群优化算法反演了铝板以及聚苯乙烯板中的纵波波速与横波波速。在仿真中,开展了不同模式和频厚积处频散特性对材料参数的敏感度分析,并比较了不同噪声水平下以及不同模态频散数据选取所对应的拟合效果,讨论了2500~4000 m/s相速度区间基于频散曲线的反演敏感度问题。最终基于移动激光源实验中所提取的铝板中Lamb波的频散数据进行参数反演,结果显示,纵波声速和横波声速的反演误差均小于1.5%,证明了该方案的有效性。

Accurate mechanical properties of materials, including Young’s modulus, Poisson’s ratio, and longitudinal and shear wave speeds, are essential for material evaluation and testing. A major challenge arises when dealing with multimodal ultrasound Lamb waves, especially those that closely approach or intersect in the spectrum or dispersion curves. This complexity is often due to hardware limitations, such as the bandwidth of generation and detection. Furthermore, accurately distinguishing these modes in dispersion curves, by identifying spectral peaks through the wavenumber resolution offered by the two-dimensional Fourier transform method, often presents difficulties. Traditionally, most studies have relied on contact wedge transducer. However, laser ultrasound introduces a nondestructive testing method that significantly simplifies spatiotemporal modulation and enables non-contact generation detection. This approach is particularly advantageous for applications that require rapid material scanning, as it overcomes the challenges associated with traditional methods, enhancing accuracy and efficiency in material property analysis.


To address challenges in material parameter inversion, a novel approach was employed, utilizing a moving continuous-wave laser source to generate multimodal Lamb waves in thin plates. This method was first validated through a material-parameter inversion study. Experimental findings, illustrated in Figs. 4 and 5, confirmed the effective generation of specific Lamb waves with distinct phase velocities. Importantly, this non-contact phase-velocity matching method overcame the limitations typically encountered with transducer use in contact scanning, enhancing the accuracy of dispersion curve measurements within the targeted range. Further investigations focused on parameter sensitivities in the fitting process, specifically for aluminum plates within a phase velocity range of 2500?4000 m/s and a frequency-thickness product range of 1?20 MHz·mm. Additionally, as shown in Figs. 2 and 3, simulations and analyses were conducted to assess multimodal fitting under various noise levels. Building on these comprehensive insights, material parameters for aluminum and polystyrene plates of varying thicknesses were successfully obtained through the application of the particle swarm optimization algorithm, coupled with inertial descent.

Results and Discussions

Single-modal data (specifically, the s1 modal, represented by the blue data points in Fig.5(d)) are utilized for fitting when inverting the material properties of the polystyrene plate. When comparing the final fitting results with parameters found in the literature, the error for the longitudinal wave speed is only 0.26%, while that for the shear wave speed is 3.83%. A sensitivity analysis of this study reveals that the sensitivity of the longitudinal wave in the phase velocity range of 2500?4000 m/s for the aluminum plates is relatively low. Errors in the measurement of the dispersion curve can lead to significant deviations in the inversion results of the longitudinal wave speed. However, employing multimodal fitting can reduce the inversion errors originating from these low sensitivities, as illustrated in the results presented in Table 1. In this study, multimodal-based fitting inversion results yield a longitudinal and shear wave speed errors of 1.51% and 1.28%, respectively, compared to the existing literature. These results underscore the relative accuracy of the dispersion curves generated by Lamb waves and extracted using measurement techniques.


In this study, a method involving the generation of Lamb waves using a moving laser source is employed to measure the Lamb waves with phase velocities ranging from 1000 to 4000 m/s and frequencies ranging from 1 to 20 MHz. This technique is applied to both aluminum plates (thickness: 0.5?1.6 mm) and polystyrene plates (thickness: 2.3 mm). This method effectively circumvents the limitations associated with transducer coupling during contact scanning, by utilizing non-contact generation. This approach significantly enhances the accuracy of measuring the dispersion curves within a specified range, enabling precise extraction of the phase velocity and frequency. The simulation analysis in this study investigates the impact of sensitivity and fitting modes on the inversion results. The sensitivity of the longitudinal and shear wave speeds in aluminum within phase velocity and frequency ranges of 2500?4000 m/s and 1?20 MHz, respectively, are discussed. Notably, this region exhibits higher and lower sensitivities to shear and longitudinal wave speeds, respectively. The simulation analysis reveals that noise has a more pronounced effect on longitudinal wave speed, resulting in larger deviations. In this study, a multimodal fitting method is utilized to enhance the accuracy of the final inversion results. This approach effectively addresses the challenge of multipeak distribution in the search space, which is commonly encountered in unimodal fitting methods. By leveraging accurate dispersion data obtained through simulation analysis, the particle swarm algorithm with inertial descent is applied to invert the longitudinal and shear wave speeds in aluminum and polystyrene plates. The maximum error between the final inversion results and that in the existing literatures for the aluminum plates does not exceed 1.51%. Furthermore, our experiments with polystyrene plates demonstrate that a moving laser source can successfully generate Lamb wave signals with low phase velocities, particularly in organic materials with limited surface damage thresholds. This promising technique holds significant potential for future applications in non-destructive testing and evaluation of various non-metallic materials, particularly those prone to damage, such as composites.

1 引言



针对材料评价与参数反演问题,笔者采用基于移动连续激光源的方法测量了薄板中多模式Lamb波的频散曲线,并在此基础上开展了材料参数反演研究。实验结果表明:通过高速转镜移动激光线源的方法可以较好地激发出相应的Lamb波模式,通过相速度匹配的非接触激发方式回避了换能器接触式扫查中耦合所导致的相关限制,提高了相应区域频散曲线的测量精度。通过仿真计算得到了铝板中相速度范围为2500~4000 m/s、频厚积为1~20 MHz·mm的Lamb波的频散曲线,然后加入随机噪声模拟实验测量误差,进而分析拟合了反演中的参数敏感度以及不同噪声水平下的多模态拟合效果。在此基础上,笔者结合惯性下降的粒子群优化算法,反演得到了不同厚度的铝板与聚苯乙烯板的材料参数。

2 频散曲线方程及反演算法

2.1 Rayleigh‑Lamb方程




2.2 粒子群优化(PSO)算法


影响PSO算法收敛的参数主要包括粒子群数目、适应性函数以及速度更新规则。其中,粒子群数目是指求解空间内使用的粒子数目,该参数过小或过大都会对反演产生影响。当粒子群数目过小时,算法容易收敛到局部最优值,导致反演结果偏差较大;当粒子群数目过大时,算法反演计算的时间过长,效率较低。本文通过比较不同粒子数目(Nu=60~100)下算法的搜索质量(仿真拟合使用a0、s0、a1、s1共4个模态以及相速度范围在2500~4000 m/s之间、频率在1~20 MHz之间的Lamb波的频散数据,无随机噪声)来确定粒子群数目。粒子群数目大于80后,迭代次数为200时的均方根误差RMSE<0.01。因此,本文使用的粒子群数目为80。







3 拟合区域的敏感度以及拟合使用的导波模式

3.1 拟合敏感度

仿真中采用的铝参数为:纵波波速cL=6317 m/s,横波波速cT=3110 m/s,铝板厚度h=1 mm,铝板密度ρ=2700 kg/m3


图 1. 纵波波速和横波波速引起的频散曲线变化。(a) 1.05倍(实线)和0.95倍(虚线)纵波波速引起的频散曲线变化;(b) 1.05倍(实线)和0.95倍(虚线)横波波速引起的频散曲线变化

Fig. 1. Variation of dispersion curves caused by longitudinal wave velocity (cL) and shear wave velocity (cT). (a) Variation of dispersion curves caused by 1.05cL (solid line) and 0.95cL (dashed line); (b) variation of dispersion curves caused by 1.05cT (solid line) and 0.95cT (solid line)

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综合上述分析,选择拟合区域的相速度上限为4000 m/s。同时,结合敏感度关系分析,选择拟合区域的相速度下限为2500 m/s(与实验测得的数据基本一致)。这是因为,在小于2500 m/s的区域,频散曲线对纵波和横波波速的敏感度较弱。观察图1中2500~4000 m/s这一段区域可知,横波的敏感度较强,而纵波的敏感度较弱。这意味着纵波的反演结果会受到频散曲线探测误差的影响,反演置信区间较大,而横波的置信区间较小。

3.2 拟合模态选择


图 2. 不同拟合条件下的RMSE分布图。(a)无噪声;(b) 0.5%噪声;(c) 0.05%噪声;(d) 1%噪声

Fig. 2. RMSE maps under different conditions. (a) No noise; (b) 0.5% noise; (c) 0.05% noise; (d) 1% noise

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图2(a)与图2(b)~(d)进行对比可以发现,在加入随机噪声之后的最小二乘拟合结果中,RMSE峰值[图2(b)、(c)、(d)白色坐标标注处]对应的纵波波速与理论值[如图2(a)所示]的偏差较大(偏差分别为1.85%、3.06%、1.85%),而横波波速与理论值的偏差较小(偏差分别为0.24%、0.3%、0.13%)。这是由于2500~4000 m/s区域的纵波波速敏感度较弱,而横波波速敏感度较强。比较图2(b)与图2(c)可知:后者(单模态)的RMSE分布出现多个局部峰,这说明在求解空间中出现了多个局部极值,不利于算法的收敛;而前者(多模态)的RMSE分布呈现为单峰,同时其纵波波速与理论值的偏差更小。图2(b)与图2(d)除了加载的噪声水平不同外,其余的拟合条件均相同,从其RMSE分布上看,RMSE峰值对应的纵/横波波速与理论纵/横波波速的偏差较小。图2(d)所示的RMSE分布图表明采用多个模态Lamb波信号拟合可以避免求解空间中的适应函数时出现多个局部极值,从而减小了求解空间的不确定性。此外,采用多个模态Lamb波信号拟合不仅可以在一定程度上避免数据误差,还可以避免反演拟合中用频散区域纵波波速反演敏感度差导致的反演偏差。

4 实验以及参数反演

图3以及图4所示,移动激光源Lamb波激发装置包括连续激光源(1080 nm)、多面转镜装置、电机控制端、扩束准直光路以及聚偏二氟乙烯(PVDF)压电探测装置。多面转镜由旋转镜和电机控制装置两部分组成,旋转镜是一块旋转10面镜,每一面上都涂有1080 nm增反膜。由于旋转镜高速旋转,入射的连续激光会迅速改变出射角度,经过聚焦透镜和柱透镜后,在样品表面形成一条以一定速度运动的线光源[如图3中虚线框以及图4(b)所示]。这种激发方式可以避免激光在某一位置与样品接触时间过长而导致样品表面损伤,同时,转镜较快的角速度可以防止激光源损伤转镜表面的反射膜。图4(c)所示为采用PVDF压电探测装置在薄板对侧探测Lamb波。

图 3. 实验示意图

Fig. 3. Experimental setup

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图 4. 实验装置图。(a)移动激光源光路;(b)铝板样品;(c)PVDF探测装置

Fig. 4. Experimental device. (a) Optical path of moving laser source; (b) aluminum plate; (c) PVDF detector

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表 1. 铝板以及聚苯乙烯板纵波、横波波速的反演结果

Table 1. Inversion results of longitudinal and shear wave velocities of aluminum and polystyrene plates

MaterialLongitudinal wave velocity /(m·s-1Shear wave velocity /(m·s-1
0.5 mm thick aluminum plate6402±31.53170±15.5
1.0 mm thick aluminum plate6322±32.23151±16.0
1.6 mm thick aluminum plate6261±28.83131±14.4
2.3 mm thick polystyrene plate2299±11.41106±5.5



图 5. 频散曲线(等水线图)与最终正向计算结果(虚线),其中圆点标记表示拟合数据。(a) 0.5 mm厚铝板;(b) 1.0 mm厚铝板;(c)1.6 mm厚铝板;(d) 2.3 mm厚聚苯乙烯板

Fig. 5. Dispersion curve (isometric map) and the final forward calculation result (dashed line), where dot marks represent fitting data. (a) 0.5 mm thick aluminum plate; (b) 1.0 mm thick aluminum plate; (c) 1.6 mm thick aluminum plate; (d) 2.3 mm thick polystyrene plate

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在聚苯乙烯板的参数反演中采用的是单模态数据[s1模态,对图5(d)中的圆点进行拟合,最终的拟合结果与文献[31]中的结果进行比较,纵波波速误差为0.26%,横波波速误差为3.83%]。根据敏感度分析,铝板中相速度为2500~4000 m/s的纵波的敏感度较差,频散曲线的测量误差会导致纵波波速反演结果出现较大偏差。在本文基于多模态的拟合反演结果中,铝材中纵波波速误差为1.51%1032,横波波速误差为1.28%。这说明多模态[a0、s0、a1、s1模态,如图5(a)~(c)中的蓝点所示]拟合可以令结果更接近真实值。文中铝板材料参数反演耗时为540~810 s(处理器为AMD Ryzen 5 4650G,单次寻根时间为1.5 ms,实验反演算法的各项参数与仿真分析时使用的相同)。

5 结论

采用移动激光源激发Lamb波的方法,测量了铝板(厚度为0.5~1.6 mm)与聚苯乙烯板(厚度为2.3 mm)中相速度范围为1000~4000 m/s、频率范围为1~20 MHz的Lamb波信号。该方法通过相速度匹配的非接触激发方式回避了换能器接触式扫查中耦合所导致的相关限制,提高了相应区域频散曲线的测量精度,并准确提取了频散曲线的相速度(Cp)与频率(f)。通过仿真分析了敏感度、拟合模态对反演结果的影响,讨论了铝材中相速度范围为2500~4000 m/s、频率范围为1~20 MHz的Lamb波纵波波速、横波波速在反演中的敏感度问题,该区域的横波波速的敏感度较大,而纵波波速的敏感度较小。由仿真分析可以看出,纵波波速受噪声影响偏差更大。笔者采用多模态拟合方法得到了更准确的反演结果,同时避免了单模态拟合中出现的搜索空间内的多峰分布。在仿真分析以及准确的频散数据提取的基础上,笔者利用惯性下降的粒子群算法反演出了铝板和聚苯乙烯板中的纵波波速和横波波速。铝板的最终反演结果与文献[1032]测量值的最大误差不超过1.51%。聚苯乙烯板实验说明了移动激光源可以在表面损伤阈值小的有机材料中实现低相速度(相对于耦合材料中的纵波速度)Lamb波信号的激发。这一技术有望被应用于各种非金属材料的无损检测与评估,尤其是易损伤的复合材料,例如碳纤维、玻璃纤维等。


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