中国激光, 2023, 50 (15): 1507204, 网络出版: 2023-08-08  


Vibration Modes Study of Defective Eardrum Realized Using Digital Holographic Endoscopy
上海大学机电工程与自动化学院,上海 200444

Ear is an important hearing organ of the human body. While hearing, the eardrum vibrates to transmit the incoming sound to the middle ear, and the characteristics of these vibrations have a direct impact on hearing. Studying the vibration parameters of the eardrum is extremely significant and valuable for the medical diagnosis of hearing disorders. In previous studies, researchers have used digital holographic technology to detect the amplitude and phase of the vibrating eardrum surface. However, because of the intricate location of the eardrum in the ear canal, the optical path structure is limited. Currently, the detection of key eardrum parameters relies primarily on dissected samples. The correlation between the eardrum defects and vibration modes obtained through experimental and simulation analyses remains unclear. Therefore, digital holographic endoscopy is proposed to study the vibration mode of a defective eardrum, and an algorithm for spatial carrier phase extraction is implemented to detect the vibration mode. Compared with the fringe pattern of the amplitude distribution obtained using the traditional image subtraction mode, the light and dark contrast of the fringes obtained by phase subtraction is significantly improved. In this study, the effects of different defects in an eardrum on the first-order vibration mode were verified, thereby providing a method and theoretical basis for the in?situ detection of defective eardrums.


In this study, the relationship between eardrum defects and vibration modes was analyzed using finite element simulation and experimental analysis. Owing to the difficulty in obtaining an eardrum, a silicone rubber film, which is commonly used in the medical eardrum repair, was used as a substitute. In the finite element analysis, we studied the changes in the first-order vibration mode of the artificial eardrum based on perforation, scratch and calcification. In the vibration mode detection experiment, we built an optical path of the Mach-Zehnder interferometer for digital holographic endoscopy and used a sinusoidal signal excited by a speaker to stimulate the resonance of the sample surface. Spatial carrier phase extraction based on the time-averaged method was used to detect the amplitude distribution of the film surface in the vibration mode. Based on the changes observed in the amplitude distribution in the first-order vibration mode for the artificial eardrums with different defects, the location and severity of the defect and their influence on the vibration were analyzed.

Results and Discussions

First, the theoretical analysis proves that using the spatial carrier phase extraction method to detect the amplitude distribution in eardrum samples in the vibration mode is reasonable. In the finite element simulation and experimental analysis, the vibration modes of the artificial eardrums with defects were analyzed, and the results showed that different defects affect the amplitude distribution in the first-order vibration mode for the eardrums differently. For the perforated eardrum samples, the amplitude distribution was analyzed by varying the size and location of the perforation. The results show that the amplitude near the perforation increases significantly with the increase in perforation size (Figs. 3 and 4), and an increase in the number of fringes is observed in the experimental results (Fig. 11). By changing the location of the perforation, the maximum amplitude shifts off-center with the perforation, and the larger the perforation, the more evident the deviation. The amplitude distribution for the scratched eardrum samples was analyzed by varying the size and location of the scratch. The results show that at the same location, the larger the scratch length, the larger the surface amplitude of the film (Fig. 5), and the amplitude changes more significantly near the scratch location (Fig. 6). The experimental results show an increase in the number of fringes, and the shape of the fringe near the central scratch is flat (Fig. 12). When the scratch is off-center, the effect on the amplitude near the scratch is significantly greater than that at the center. The amplitude distribution for the calcified eardrum samples was analyzed by varying the thickness of the calcified layer (Fig. 7). The amplitude of the film decreases with an increase in the thickness of the calcified layer but is more evident at the location of the calcified layer (Figs. 8 and 13).


In this study, a finite element simulation method was used to evaluate the influence of different defects of an eardrum on the first-order vibration mode. Digital holographic endoscopy was used to detect the vibration mode of the eardrum, and experimental verification of the simulation results was performed. The simulations and experimental results show that variations in the defects of the eardrum affect the first-order vibration mode, and the effects differ based on the size and location of the defect. From a mechanical perspective, an eardrum defect leads to a change in the local stiffness of the structure. Perforation and scratches reduce the stiffness, and calcification increases the stiffness; this leads to increased vibration of the eardrum near the perforated and scratched regions and a weakened vibration near the calcification layer. This study shows the influence of defects on the vibration of the eardrums by analyzing the distribution of the amplitude at the eardrum and the location and severity of the defect. This study provides an optical detection technique for evaluating eardrum defects, which can help in preventing and detecting hearing disorders.

1 引言





2 薄膜振动模态检测原理

2.1 薄膜自由振动原理


图 1. 圆形薄膜示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic representation of circular film

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2.2 离面形变数字全息检测原理


图 2. 数字全息内窥干涉光路示意图

Fig. 2. Schematic of digital holographic endoscopy interference light path

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I1 x,y=Ax,y+Bx,ycosφx,y+2πfxx+2πfyy






I2 x,y=Ax,y+Bx,yJ0 4πKλ·cosφx,y+2πfxx+2πfyy


根据式(12)I2 x,yJ0 4πKλ,这表明振动后物体的光强和振幅受第一类零阶贝塞尔函数的调制。




3 仿真及实验

3.1 病态对人造耳膜材料薄膜振动模态影响的仿真分析

真实耳膜的采集较为困难,因此笔者采用医学耳膜修复中常用的人造耳膜材料硅橡胶薄膜作为代替品,采用有限元仿真软件分析了穿孔、划伤和钙化情况下人造耳膜材料薄膜一阶振动模态的变化。真实耳膜近似为圆形半透膜,直径为8~9 mm,厚度约为0.1 mm。相关研究表明,圆形薄膜在振动模态下的振动位移与其直径、厚度呈线性关系1517。因此,为便于实验样本的固定,利用人造耳膜材料制作了直径为15 mm、厚度为0.3 mm的圆形薄膜作为耳膜样本,其钙化缺陷采用钙化层材料制成。人造耳膜和钙化层的材料参数如表1

表 1. 材料属性

Table 1. Material attribute

Material nameYoung’s modulus /PaDensity /(kg·m-3Poisson’s ratio
Silicone rubber2.9733×10611000.47




图 3. 穿孔薄膜一阶振动模态的仿真结果。(a)无缺陷薄膜;(b)中心穿孔3 mm薄膜;(c)中心穿孔5 mm薄膜;(d)偏心穿孔3 mm薄膜;(e)偏心穿孔5 mm薄膜

Fig. 3. Simulation results of first-order vibration modes of perforated films. (a) Defect-free film; (b) film with a 3 mm diameter perforation in the center; (c) film with a 5 mm diameter perforation in the center; (d) film with an eccentric 3 mm diameter perforation; (e) film with an eccentric 5 mm diameter perforation

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图 4. y=0处的振幅分布截面图。(a)中心穿孔薄膜;(b)偏心穿孔薄膜

Fig. 4. Section of amplitude at y=0. (a) Central perforated film; (b) eccentric perforated film

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图5所示,模拟了不同长度和位置处划伤薄膜的一阶振动模态;提取薄膜划伤位置附近截线上的振幅分布数据进行分析,如图6所示,结果显示在同一位置处,划伤长度越大,对振动模态的影响越明显,且振动模态受划伤位置的影响。对比图6(a)、(b)可以发现:当划伤位置偏离中心时,其对振幅分布的影响较划伤位置位于中心时要大得多;在划伤长度为6 mm时,振幅较无缺陷时振幅的最大值增大了近一倍。

图 5. 划伤薄膜一阶振动模态的仿真结果。(a)中心3 mm划伤薄膜;(b)中心6 mm划伤薄膜;(c)偏心3 mm划伤薄膜;(d)偏心6 mm划伤薄膜

Fig. 5. Simulation results of first-order vibration modes of scratched films. (a) Film with a 3 mm scratch in the center; (b) film with a 6 mm scratch in the center; (c) film with an eccentric 3 mm scratch; (d) film with an eccentric 6 mm scratch

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图 6. 划伤薄膜振幅分布截面图。(a)中心划伤薄膜y=0.1处;(b)偏心划伤薄膜y=-3.7处

Fig. 6. Section of amplitude of scratched films. (a) Section at y=0.1 of the centrally scratched film; (b) section at y=-3.7 of the eccentrically scratched film

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耳膜钙化常常是由耳部炎症引起的,表现为耳膜表面白色斑块状钙盐沉积,钙化严重的情况下会导致听力下降。如图7(a)所示,在偏离薄膜中心3.5 mm处设置了尺寸为3 mm×3 mm的钙化层,并对不同厚度钙化层薄膜进行了一阶模态仿真。仿真结果如图7(b)~(e)所示,分别是钙化层厚度为0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4 mm薄膜的一阶模态图。从图中可以看出,在钙化层处薄膜的振幅有所减小。分别取不同钙化层厚度下x=0截线上的数据作对比分析,由图8所示的对比结果可以看出,随着钙化层厚度增大,薄膜整体的振幅都会减小,并且振幅的减小在钙化层处表现得较为明显。

图 7. 钙化薄膜一阶振动模态的仿真结果。(a)钙化薄膜示意图;(b)~(e)钙化厚度为0.1、0.2、0.3、0.4 mm的薄膜

Fig. 7. Simulation results of first-order vibration modes of calcified films. (a) Schematic of calcified film; (b)-(e) films with calcification thickness of 0.1, 0.2, 0.3 and 0.4 mm, respectively

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图 8. x=0处的振幅分布截面图

Fig. 8. Section of amplitude at x=0

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3.2 病态对人造耳膜材料薄膜振动模态影响的实验验证

根据图2所示的数字全息内窥干涉光路示意图,搭建了离面形变检测实验装置,如图9所示。在该检测系统中,激光器的波长为532 nm,功率可调范围在0~80 mW范围内,内窥镜是沈阳沈大内窥镜有限公司生产的J0900D型内窥耳镜,CCD的分辨率为2592 pixel×1944 pixel,像素尺寸为2.2 μm×2.2 μm,采样速度为7 frame/s。音频信号发生器可以产生10 Hz~20 kHz的正弦波,正弦信号经过扬声器后产生声波激励样本表面。调节成像光路,使成像视场的尺寸为15 mm×15 mm。通过在光路中引入内窥镜使样本清晰地成像在CCD感光面上,而内窥镜是由多组成像光学元件组成的且通光孔径只有4 mm,故CCD接收到的物光光强相对较弱,需要适当增大激光器的功率。

图 9. 离面形变检测实验装置。(a)光路系统;(b)J0900D内窥耳镜;(c)样本夹具;(d)音频信号发生器

Fig. 9. Experimental device for out-of-plane deformation detection. (a) Optical path system; (b) J0900D endoscopic otoscope; (c) sample fixture; (d) sound generator

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实验样本与仿真时的样本保持一致,图10是实验获取的无缺陷薄膜的一阶模态图。在中心穿孔实验中得到的一阶振动模态下的振型图即为振幅分布,如图11所示。在中心穿孔增大的情况下,在图11(a)、(b)箭头方向上(即横向中心线),图11(b)中明暗相间的条纹数比图11(a)图中的条纹数多,即直径5 mm穿孔薄膜附近的振幅要比直径3 mm穿孔薄膜相应位置处的振幅大。当穿孔偏离中心时,振幅的最大值偏离中心,而且穿孔直径越大,薄膜整体的振幅越大。对比图10所示无缺陷薄膜和图11所示带穿孔薄膜的一阶模态图可以发现,不论穿孔直径还是穿孔位置发生变化,穿孔附近的振幅都会比无缺陷时相应位置处的振幅大,这与仿真结果一致,说明穿孔会引起一阶模态下穿孔附近振幅增大。

图 10. 无缺陷薄膜的一阶振动模态图

Fig. 10. First-order vibrational mode diagram of a defect-free film

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图 11. 穿孔薄膜的一阶振动模态图。(a)中心穿孔3 mm薄膜;(b)中心穿孔5 mm薄膜;(c)偏心穿孔3 mm薄膜;(d)偏心穿孔5 mm薄膜

Fig. 11. First-order vibrational mode diagrams of perforated films. (a) Film with a 3 mm diameter perforation in the center; (b) film with a 5 mm diameter perforation in the center; (c) film with an eccentric 3 mm diameter perforation; (d) film with an eccentric 5 mm diameter perforation

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图 12. 划伤薄膜的一阶振动模态图。(a)中心3 mm划伤薄膜;(b)中心6 mm划伤薄膜;(c)偏心3 mm划伤薄膜;(d)偏心6 mm划伤薄膜

Fig. 12. First-order vibrational mode diagrams of scratched films. (a) Film with a 3 mm scratch in the center; (b) film with a 6 mm scratch in the center; (c) film with an eccentric 3 mm scratch; (d) film with an eccentric 6 mm scratch

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在钙化薄膜的实验验证中,为了模拟真实的耳膜钙化情况,在薄膜表面涂抹不同厚度的尺寸为3 mm×3 mm的钙化材料。分别在相同位置处涂抹0.1 mm和0.3 mm厚度的钙化材料,如图13(a)、(b)所示,实验结果显示:钙化层厚度越大,条纹数目越少,条纹分布得越稀疏,且在钙化层处条纹形状发生变化——相对于无钙化层时更平。这说明钙化层越厚,薄膜的振动越不明显,并且钙化层厚度对钙化位置处振幅分布的影响更大。

图 13. 钙化薄膜的一阶振动模态图。(a)钙化厚度为0.1 mm的薄膜;(b)钙化厚度为0.3 mm的薄膜

Fig. 13. First-order vibrational mode diagrams of calcified films. (a) Film with calcification thickness of 0.1 mm; (b) film with calcification thickness of 0.3 mm

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4 结论



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