中国激光, 2024, 51 (5): 0511003, 网络出版: 2024-03-07  


Effect of Sample Temperature on Spectra of AlO Molecules in Femtosecond Laser-Induced Al Plasma
1 吉林大学白求恩第一医院核医学科,吉林 长春 130021
2 空军航空大学航空基础学院,吉林 长春 130022
3 空军航空大学作战勤务学院,吉林 长春 130022
4 吉林大学原子与分子物理研究所,吉林 长春 130012

Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) is a spectroscopic technique that uses laser-induced plasma. In recent years, research has focused on spectral-enhancement techniques aimed at improving the detection sensitivity and resolution of LIBS. During LIBS analysis, the sample temperature can influence the intensity and shape of the observed spectral signals. Increasing the sample temperature increases the thermal motion of atoms, ions, and molecules within the sample, thereby increasing the probability of excitation and emission and ultimately enhancing the intensity of the spectral signals. Moreover, the sample temperature can affect the excited-state lifetimes of the elements, which influences the spectral signals. Different elements have different excited-state lifetimes, and changing the sample temperature can alter the width, shape, and position of the spectral peaks. With the advancement of laser technology, femtosecond (fs)-pulsed lasers have been introduced in LIBS research, offering several advantages over traditional nanosecond LIBS. Owing to the extremely short pulse duration of femtosecond lasers, they can reduce background noise interference and improve the spectral signal resolution compared to nanosecond pulses. The energy of femtosecond pulses is highly concentrated and short-lived, resulting in minimal heat and energy transfer to the sample. Thus, using femtosecond lasers for spectroscopic analysis does not damage or alter the sample, making them particularly suitable for samples with low tolerance. Spark-induced background signal interference, which often occurs in nanosecond LIBS, is reduced or avoided in fs-LIBS owing to the shorter pulse duration of femtosecond lasers. Furthermore, in nanosecond LIBS, longer pulse widths can lead to secondary heating of the plasma and plasma with a higher temperature, where atoms or ions dominate and molecules tend to dissociate. In contrast, femtosecond lasers generate plasma at a lower temperature, making it more favorable for molecular formation. Although numerous studies have explored the effect of the sample temperature on LIBS, there is limited research on the influence of the sample temperature on the molecular spectra of fs-LIBS. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the effect of the sample temperature on the AlO molecular band spectrum in Al plasma excited by femtosecond pulses.


The experimental setup of the fs-LIBS system comprises femtosecond laser system, laser energy attenuator, beam focusing system, sample heating and motion system, spectral acquisition system, and data acquisition and analysis system. Femtosecond laser system utilizes a Ti∶Sapphire femtosecond amplifier. Laser energy attenuation is achieved using a half-wave plate and Glan polarizer. The lens has a focal length of 100 mm. The sample is heated using a proportion-integration-differentiation (PID)temperature-controlled heating table, and motion control is accomplished using a three-dimensional motorized stage. The spectral acquisition system comprises a spectrometer and an intensified charge coupled device (ICCD) camera. The data acquisition and analysis system primarily includes a computer used for collecting and processing the measured spectral data. During the experiment, the sample temperature is initially increased using a heating stage, and then a femtosecond laser is focused on a pure aluminum target to produce plasma. Simultaneously, the motorized stage moves the heating stage and aluminum target to ensure laser ablation on a fresh sample surface. The plasma emission is collected by a lens and guided into the spectral detection system through an optical fiber. The acquired signals are transmitted to a computer. The experiment is conducted under atmospheric conditions.

Results and Discussions

First, a comparison is made of the ablative effects of femtosecond lasers on Al targets with three initial sample temperatures: 30, 100, and 200 ℃. The measurements focus on the AlO molecular spectral band from the B2Σ+ to the X2Σ+ transition. The experimental results show that at two laser energies (100 μJ and 200 μJ), the Al targets heated to 100 ℃ and 200 ℃ yield stronger AlO spectra compared to the spectra from the Al target at 30 ℃. To understand the influence of the Al target temperature on the AlO molecular spectrum in detail, the experiment records the intensity of the AlO (0-0) peak as a function of the Al target temperature under laser energies of 100 μJ and 200 μJ. The intensity of the AlO (0-0) peak increases monotonically with the increasing Al target temperature. This result indicates that using a lower laser energy and higher target temperature makes it possible to achieve the emission of molecules in laser-induced plasma at the same or even stronger levels. This implies that at higher target temperatures, stronger molecular emissions can be obtained with a lower laser energy, potentially affecting the optimization and application of laser-induced plasma spectroscopic analysis techniques. To further understand the effect of the Al target temperature on the AlO molecular spectrum in fs-LIBS, it is necessary to consider the influence of the sample temperature on the vibrational temperature of the AlO molecules. The experimental results demonstrate that the vibrational temperature of the AlO molecules increases with the Al target temperature. Clearly, greater laser energy produces stronger plasma, resulting in higher vibrational temperatures for the AlO molecules within the plasma. Moreover, in LIBS, the plasma generated by the laser ablation of a target changes dynamically. Therefore, a time-resolved spectroscopic analysis of the AlO molecules is essential to better understand the influence of the Al target temperature on the AlO molecular spectrum in fs-LIBS. The experimental results reveal that increasing the Al target temperature significantly enhances the spectral intensity and prolongs the lifetime of the AlO molecules in fs-LIBS. Thus, the time-integrated spectra of AlO at higher Al target temperatures are stronger than those at lower Al target temperatures.


This study investigates the influence of the Al target temperature on the AlO molecular spectrum in fs-LIBS. Increasing the Al target temperature effectively enhances the spectral signal of AlO molecules in fs-LIBS. This is because, at higher temperatures, the femtosecond laser can more efficiently excite the target material, leading to the generation of more electrons and greater energy for molecular excitation, thereby increasing the production and emission of AlO molecules. Furthermore, as the Al target temperature increases, the vibrational temperature of the AlO molecules also increases. This indicates that the molecules are subjected to higher thermal excitation and exist in higher energy states, which increases their spectral intensity and activity. Moreover, increasing the target temperature further enhances the molecular excitation and emission processes, thereby increasing the intensity and duration of the spectral signals. Time-resolved spectroscopy reveals that the AlO molecules exhibit longer lifetimes and higher spectral intensities at higher Al-target temperatures. This suggests that at higher Al target temperatures, AlO molecules can remain in an excited state for longer time, thereby increasing the intensity and duration of the molecular emission. Therefore, by adjusting the Al target temperature, the spectral intensity and vibrational temperature of AlO in fs-LIBS can be optimized, thereby improving energy utilization and analytical accuracy.

1 引言





2 实验装置

图1给出了样品温度影响fs-LIBS光谱强度的实验装置示意图。飞秒脉冲激光系统是一台Ti∶Sapphire放大器,脉宽为50 fs、波长为800 nm。激光系统工作在“single-shot”模式,向同步和延迟发生器(SDG)的串口发送命令以输出激光脉冲。输出的激光通过一个由半波片和格兰棱镜组成的能量衰减器后,激光脉冲的能量发生改变。随后,激光被一个焦距为100 mm的平凸透镜聚焦到纯Al样品上产生等离子体。Al样品被放置在一个加热台[比例-积分-微分(PID)算法实现温控]上,这个加热台被固定在一个三维电动位移台上,可以确保每个激光脉冲烧蚀新的样品表面。激光产生的Al等离子体辐射通过一个焦距为75 mm、直径为50 mm的透镜后会聚到一条光纤中,光纤将光辐射导入到由光谱仪和增强型电荷耦合器件(ICCD)组成的光谱探测系统中,ICCD的触发信号来自于SDG。ICCD将获得的光谱信号传输到计算机中进行数据处理、光谱拟合和谱线识别等。整个实验过程在大气的环境中进行。

图 1. 实验装置示意图

Fig. 1. Schematic of experimental equipment

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3 结果与讨论

3.1 时间积分的光谱

首先,在不同初始样品温度(30、100、200 ℃)下利用fs激光烧蚀Al靶,测量得到的AlO分子光谱如图2所示,AlO分子光谱带对应B2Σ+→X2Σ+跃迁23。可以看到,高能量(200 μJ)下fs激光烧蚀铝靶产生的光谱明显强于低能量(100 μJ)下的光谱。AlO分子是激光诱导Al靶等离子体与空气中的O2发生碰撞产生的,郭连波等24详细地阐述了激光烧蚀Al靶产生AlO分子光谱的物理机制,Al与O2碰撞产生的AlO分子处于基态(X2Σ+),激发态(B2Σ+)的AlO分子来自于Al、O与O2的二次碰撞。显然。高的激光能量能够给Al靶提供更多的能量,从而更有效地激发靶中的Al原子,形成更强的等离子体,强的等离子体与空气中的O2有更强的碰撞,产生更多激发态的AlO分子,辐射出更强的AlO分子光谱。

图 2. 不同样品温度下的AlO分子光谱。(a)激光能量为100 μJ;(b)激光能量为200 μJ

Fig. 2. Spectra of AlO molecules under different sample temperatures. (a) Laser energy is 100 μJ; (b) laser energy is 200 μJ

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图2还可以看出,在两种激光能量(100 μJ和200 μJ)下,升温后(100 ℃和200 ℃)的Al靶获得的AlO光谱强于升温前(30 ℃)Al靶的光谱。为了详细地研究Al靶温度对AlO分子光谱的影响,图3展示了在100 μJ和200 μJ激光能量下AlO(0-0)峰强度随着Al靶温度的变化。可以看出,在30~200 ℃的温度范围内,AlO(0-0)峰强度随着Al靶温度的增加而单调增加。这个结果表明,通过使用更低的激光能量和更高的靶材温度,可以在激光诱导等离子体过程中获得同样或甚至更强的分子发射25。这意味着在更高的靶材温度下,我们能够以更少的激光能量获得更强的LIBS分子辐射,这对于激光诱导等离子体光谱分析技术的优化和应用具有潜在的影响。分子的发射光谱是在激光诱导等离子体过程中产生的,其强度与分子的能级跃迁和激发态的数量相关。当靶材温度升高时,分子的热激发增加,能级跃迁的概率也随之增加。因此,升高温度可以在辐射源中产生更多的激发态分子,从而增加发射光谱的强度。此外,靶材温度的升高还会影响激光与靶材的相互作用过程。温度升高会导致靶材表面的反射率降低,靶材对激光能量的吸收效率增加26。这意味着能够以更低的激光能量来实现相同或更强的激光诱导等离子体发射。这一发现对于提高能量利用率、降低激光功率要求具有重要的应用意义,同时也为激光诱导等离子体光谱技术的应用提供了更多的可能性。因此,通过调控靶材温度和激光能量,我们可以在激光诱导等离子体中获得更强的分子发射,这也能促使我们更好地理解激光诱导等离子体的物理过程。

图 3. AlO(0-0)峰强度随着样品温度的变化

Fig. 3. AlO (0-0) peak intensity versus sample temperature

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相对标准差(RSD)是一个用于评估数据一致性和可靠性的指标。它是标准差与平均值的比值,通常用百分比的形式表示。在LIBS信号中,较低的RSD值意味着分析结果的重复性较好,结果更加可靠。这对于确定元素含量、检测样品的一致性以及确定痕量元素等至关重要。图4给出了不同Al靶温度下fs-LIBS中AlO(0-0)峰强的RSD。可以看出,高fs激光能量(200 μJ)下的RSD小于低fs激光能量(100 μJ)下的RSD。高激光能量产生的光谱信号相对较强,相对噪声水平较低,光谱信号的RSD较高,故可在光谱分析中准确地检测目标元素的信号。低激光能量下LIBS信号的RSD通常较高,而高激光能量下LIBS信号的RSD通常较低,这是由于在较低的激光能量下光谱强度较低。由于光谱信号的强度与激发态粒子的数量相关,而粒子数的测量容易受到噪声的干扰,故较低的光谱强度可能导致噪声的相对影响较大,从而增加了光谱信号的离散程度和RSD值。相比之下,高激光能量通常可以产生较高的光谱信号强度,从而降低了RSD值。由图4还可以看出,随着Al靶温度的增加,RSD逐渐降低,这表明升高Al靶温度能够有效地提高AlO分子光谱信号的稳定性和可重复性。从前面的分析了解到,光谱信号增强的一个重要的原因是靶材表面反射率的降低增加了Al靶对激光能量的吸收。也就是说,升高温度增加了fs激光与Al靶之间的相互作用,产生了更强的等离子体,等离子体包含更多的激发态的AlO分子,这样就降低了实验过程中一些实验误差及噪声对信号的干扰,从而降低了AlO分子光谱信号的RSD。

图 4. 不同样品温度下AlO(0-0)峰强的RSD值

Fig. 4. RSD values of AlO (0-0) peak intensity under different sample temperatures

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Iul=16π3c(a0e)2CabsN03ε0QCvvul4Sulexp[hFu  /(kT)]


图 5. 当激光能量为100 μJ时测量和拟合光谱的对比。(a)样品温度为30 ℃;(b)样品温度为200 ℃

Fig. 5. Comparison of measured and fitting spectra when laser energy is 100 μJ. (a) Sample temperature is 30 ℃; (b) sample temperature is 200 ℃

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图 6. AlO分子振动温度随样品温度的变化

Fig. 6. AlO molecular vibration temperature versus sample temperature

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3.2 时间分辨的光谱

在LIBS中,激光烧蚀靶产生的等离子体是动态变化的28。因此,为了更好地了解Al靶温度对fs-LIBS中AlO分子光谱的影响,需要获得AlO分子的时间分辨光谱。图7显示了Al靶温度为30 ℃和200 ℃时AlO分子谱带随延迟时间变化的规律。为了清晰地对比时间分辨光谱,图8给出了Al靶温度为30 ℃和200 ℃时AlO(0-0)峰值强度随着延迟时间变化的规律。可以看出,Al靶温度的升高显著提高了fs-LIBS中AlO分子的光谱强度,并延长了其寿命。因此,相比低Al靶温度,高Al靶温度下AlO时间积分的光谱更强,如图2所示。随着Al靶温度的升高,更多的Al原子处于激发态,这增加了AlO分子的形成概率。同时,对于AlO分子的生成反应,提高Al靶温度会加快反应速率。这意味着在较高的Al靶温度下,更多的Al原子能够与氧气快速反应,从而生成更多的AlO分子。靶温度升高会导致激发态寿命的延长,当Al原子被激发到高能级时,它们可以通过自发辐射或非辐射传能的方式退激。在较高的Al靶温度下,非辐射退激的速率相对较慢,这使得激发态的寿命变长。因此,AlO分子在较高温度下可以停留更长的时间,这使得其光谱强度增强。

图 7. 当激光能量为100 μJ时AlO分子的时间分辨光谱。(a)样品温度为30 ℃;(b)样品温度为200 ℃

Fig. 7. Time-resolved spectra of AlO molecules when laser energy is100 μJ. (a) Sample temperature is 30 ℃; (b) sample temperature is 200 ℃

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图 8. 当激光能量为100 μJ时,不同样品温度下AlO(0-0)峰值强度随延迟时间的变化

Fig. 8. Peak intensity of AlO (0-0) versus delay time under different sample temperatures when laser energy is 100 μJ

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类似于时间积分的光谱,通过拟合图7中的时间分辨的光谱数据,获得了fs-LIBS中AlO时间分辨的振动温度,如图9所示。可以看出,相较于低Al靶温度(30 ℃),高Al靶温度(200 ℃)下AlO分子振动温度在各个延迟时间上均较高。特别是在较长的延迟时间内,低Al靶温度下AlO分子振动温度的降低速度非常快。这是因为在高样品温度下,激发态寿命相对较长。当激发态的AlO分子退激时,其能量转移到振动模式上,从而使分子的振动温度升高。同时,高温条件下分子之间的碰撞频率增加,这些碰撞可以引起能量传递,使分子的振动能量增加。因此,高样品温度下更高的碰撞频率增加了振动温度。另外,在低样品温度下,AlO分子的振动能级间隔及振动模式之间的能量差很小。因此,能量转移到振动模式上的速度比较快,导致振动温度的降低更迅速。然而,在高样品温度下,能量转移到振动模式上的速率比较慢,振动温度相对较高。因此,高Al靶温度下fs-LIBS中的AlO分子有较高的振动温度。

图 9. 当激光能量为100 μJ时,不同样品温度下AlO分子振动温度随延迟时间的变化

Fig. 9. Vibration temperature of AlO molecule versus delay time under different sample temperatures when laser energy is 100 μJ

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4 结论



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