中国激光, 2024, 51 (8): 0805003, 网络出版: 2024-03-29  


Analysis of Applicable Scope of Numerical Simulation Method for Thermal Blooming of High-Energy Laser
1 江南大学理学院,江苏 无锡 214122
2 江苏省轻工光电工程技术研究中心,江苏 无锡 214122
3 光电对抗测试评估技术重点实验室,河南 洛阳 471003

Thermal blooming severely reduces beam quality and limits the efficiency of high-energy laser transmission in the atmosphere. Therefore, it is important to study the thermal blooming of high-energy laser propagation in the atmosphere systematically. Numerical simulation of thermal blooming is beneficial for the application of high-energy lasers. Numerical simulation methods for thermal blooming include perturbation, integral, and phase screen methods. However, most existing studies used only one of them for simulation, which led to obvious errors under some conditions. In this study, we compared the results of three methods and selected an appropriate numerical simulation range for each method based on the reported experimental results. In addition, field experiments for measuring the transmission of high-energy lasers in the atmosphere are complicated, and the experimental conditions are uncontrollable. Therefore, using a liquid crystal spatial light modulator (LC-SLM) based on the transmission characteristics of high-power lasers in the atmosphere is a valuable and cost-saving method for laboratory simulations of thermal blooming. We extracted the thermal blooming distortion phase based on the principle of the numerical simulation method and then used an LC-SLM to simulate thermal blooming in the laboratory. The experimental simulation results are consistent with the numerical simulation results.


In this study, numerical simulations of thermal blooming were performed using the perturbation, integral, and phase screen methods. First, the results of different numerical simulation methods for different transmission distances were compared. The results obtained using the different numerical simulation methods were significantly different, even under identical conditions. The relative peak intensity IREL (ratio of maximum received light intensity to maximum initial light intensity) was measured as a function of the generalized distortion parameter N in the reported reference. A reasonably fitted curve was then selected as the reference data. The reasonable ranges for each method were determined by comparing the three numerical simulation results with the reference results. Subsequently, the thermal blooming distortion phase was extracted according to the applicable numerical simulation method under the conditions set for the laboratory experiments. Finally, laboratory experiments on thermal blooming were conducted using LC-SLM.

Results and Discussions

The relationship between the normalized peak intensity IREL generated by the three numerical simulation methods and the generalized distortion parameter N is compared with the reference data at different transmission distances (Fig. 3). The errors of the perturbation and integral methods are small when N<4.8 (the errors of the two methods are approximate), and the error of the phase screen method is small when N>4.8. The relationship between the normalized peak intensity IREL generated by the three numerical simulation methods and the generalized distortion parameter N is compared with the reference line at different initial laser powers (Fig. 4). The error of the perturbation method is small when N<3, that of the integral method is small when 3<N<4.8, and that of the phase screen method is small when N>4.8. The relationship between the normalized peak intensity IREL generated by the three numerical simulation methods and the generalized distortion parameter N is compared with the reference line at different wind speeds (Fig. 5). The error of the perturbation method is small when N<2.8, that of the integral method is small when 2.8<N<4.8, and that of the phase screen method is small when N>4.8.


In this study, various ranges of generalized distortion parameter N applicable to each numerical simulation method are selected by comparing the error between the normalized peak intensity IREL generated by the three numerical simulation methods and the reference line under different setting conditions. When the generalized distortion parameter N is less than 3, the error of the integral method is the smallest. When the generalized distortion parameter N ranges from 3 to 4.8, the error of the perturbation method is the smallest. When the generalized distortion parameter N is greater than 4.8, the error of the phase screen method is the smallest. Additionally, laboratory experiments are performed using LC-SLM. The phase of the thermal blooming distortion is accurately extracted and added to the phase modulator, and its effect of thermal blooming distortion is recorded using a CCD. The experimental results are in good agreement with the simulation results, confirming the feasibility of this experimental method. This work proposes a quantitative, accurate, programmable, and easily repeatable laboratory simulation device that provides an effective means for laboratory evaluations of the atmospheric transmission of high-energy lasers.

1 引言





2 热晕效应数值模拟

2.1 热晕效应数值模拟理论模型







                          ux,y,z=expikziλzexpjk2zx2+y2u0x0,y0,0expiδψ+k2zx02+y02                                                  exp-ikzxx0+yy0dx0dy0,                                                                                                           (3)









φpΔx,qΔy,z+Δz2,t=m=-M2M2-1 n=-M2M2-1φmnz+Δz2,texp-i2πmp+nqM








φ'pΔx,qΔy,z+Δz,t=m=-M2M2-1 n=-M2M2-1φ'mnz+Δz,texp-i2πmp+nqM


2.2 热晕效应数值模拟结果比较

存在横向风时,激光传输热晕效应可以看作是由强制对流产生的,即空气沿风向穿过激光束时,空气中的分子不断吸收激光能量,这部分空气的温度越来越高,导致折射率降低,光束偏折向折射率大的一方,从而形成月牙形热晕畸变。设波长λ=10.6 μm,激光发射功率P=50 kW,光束半径a=0.2 m,大气吸收系数α=6.5×10-5 m-1,风速v=5 m/s,传输距离z=5 km,发射激光光束为近准直高斯光束。下面将讨论不同模拟方法下改变各参数对畸变产生的影响。

在上述设定条件下,分别取传输距离为1、3、5、10 km,利用微扰法、积分法、相位屏法分别模拟归一化光强(接收光强/接收光强最大值)等值线分布,模拟结果如图1所示。随着传输距离不断增加,畸变参数Nc不断增大,热晕效应的影响增强,光束逐渐变为月牙形。在条件相同的情况下,利用不同的方法进行模拟的结果各不相同:当传输距离较远时,微扰法的模拟结果没有明显的扩束现象,积分法的模拟结果与实际吻合度不高;当传输距离较近时,相位屏法的模拟结果展现出来的畸变效果相对较强。类似地,在不同初始功率和风速条件下,三种方法的仿真结果也有明显的区别。

图 1. 三种方法模拟的不同传输距离下的光强等值线图。(a1)(b1)(c1)(d1)微扰法模拟结果;(a2)(b2)(c2)(d2)积分法模拟结果;(a3)(b3)(c3)(d3)相位屏法模拟结果

Fig. 1. Contour diagrams of light intensity simulated by the three methods at different transmission distances. (a1)(b1)(c1)(d1) Simulation results of perturbation method; (a2)(b2)(c2)(d2) simulation results of integral method; (a3)(b3)(c3)(d3) simulation results of phase screen method

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3 三种模拟方法的适用范围

在以上三种模拟方法中,微扰法最为简单,但当畸变参数达到一定值时微扰法将会不准确,同时微扰法无法展现光斑扩散现象;积分法的准确度相比微扰法得到了一定的提升,但当畸变参数值变大时,尤其是当传输距离增大从而导致畸变参数增大时,模拟结果也会不准确;相位屏法,目前广泛使用的一种方法,在畸变值很小时,呈现出来的畸变效果十分明显。故而,为每种方法找到其最为合适的使用范围,将会提高数值模拟的准确性。图2是Gebhardt26于1990年发表的“Twenty-five years of thermal blooming: an overview”论文中展示的实验结果与数值模拟结果中的IRELN的关系对比图,其中IREL指的是归一化峰值强度(接收光强最大值/初始光强最大值),N指的是广义畸变参数。这张图片显示实验结果与数值模拟结果十分吻合,误差在0.3左右。因实验条件受限,笔者参考图2中的实线来确定每种模拟方法的适用范围。该实线的表达式26


图 2. 实验和数值模拟的IRELN的关系图26

Fig. 2. Relative peak intensity IREL dependence on the distortion parameter N for experimental and simulated results[26]

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Ierror1=Iperturbation-IEmpiricalIerror2=Iphase screen-IEmpirical

式中:Ierror表示模拟结果与实验结果的误差;Iperturbation表示使用微扰法模拟的归一化峰值强度;Iphase screen表示使用相位屏法模拟的归一化峰值强度;IEmpirical表示参考线的归一化峰值强度。

3.1 传输距离的影响

取传输距离为1~50 km,步长为0.1 km,其他条件保持不变。图3(a)所示为不同传输距离下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度(IREL)与广义畸变参数之间的关系,图3(b)所示为不同传输距离下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度与参考线的误差(Ierror)分析图。将图3(a)与图3(b)结合起来观察可以发现:当N<4.8时,选用微扰法或者积分法(两种方法的误差比较接近)比较合适;当N>4.8时,选用相位屏法比较合适。

图 3. 不同传输距离下三种数值模拟方法的适用范围。(a)IRELN的关系;(b)IerrorN的关系

Fig. 3. Application range of three numerical simulation methods under different transmission distances. (a) IREL as a function of N; (b) Ierror as a function of N

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3.2 初始激光功率的影响

取初始激光功率为1~300 kW,步长为0.5 kW,其他条件保持不变。图4(a)所示为不同初始激光功率下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度与广义畸变参数的关系,图4(b)所示为不同初始激光功率下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度与参考线的误差分析图。将图4(a)与图4(b)结合起来观察可以发现:当N<3时,选用积分法比较合适;当3<N<4.8时,选用微扰法比较合适;当N>4.8时,选用相位屏法比较合适。从图4(b)中可以观察到N>25时积分法模拟的误差更小,但最终没有在这个区间选择该方法。这是由于初始激光功率增大到一定值时,尽管积分法模拟的热晕效应的峰值强度较高,但它的形状不再呈现月牙形,即此时的畸变参数已经超出了积分法可模拟的范围。

图 4. 不同初始激光功率下三种数值模拟方法的适用范围选取。(a)IRELN的关系;(b)IerrorN的关系

Fig. 4. Application range of three numerical simulation methods under different initial laser powers. (a) IREL as a function of N; (b) Ierror as a function of N

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3.3 风速的影响

取风速为0.5~30 m/s,步长为0.2 m/s,其他条件保持不变。图5(a)所示为不同风速下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度与广义畸变参数的关系,图5(b)为不同风速下三种数值模拟方法模拟的热晕效应的归一化峰值强度与参考线的误差分析图。将图5(a)与图5(b)结合起来观察可以发现:当N<2.8时,选用积分法比较合适;当2.8<N<4.8时,选用微扰法比较合适;当N>4.8时,选用相位屏法比较合适。

图 5. 不同风速下三种数值模拟方法的适用范围。(a)IRELN的关系;(b)IerrorN的关系

Fig. 5. Application range of three numerical simulation methods under different wind speeds. (a) IREL as a function of N; (b) Ierror as a function of N

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4 实验结果与分析

由于激光传输实验所耗人力物力巨大,因此笔者基于实验室已有的器材,选用LC-SLM进行实验室模拟。搭建的实验光路如图6所示。激光器为氦氖内腔激光器,波长为632.8 nm。LC-SLM的光束输出类型为反射式,分辨率为512 pixel×512 pixel,灰度阶数为256阶8位。透镜1的焦距为20 mm,透镜2的焦距为400 mm。

图 6. 基于LC-SLM的热晕效应实验光路图

Fig. 6. Optical path of thermal blooming effect experiment based on LC-SLM

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表 1. 光斑参数的理论和实验值对比

Table 1. Theoretical and experimental values comparison of light spot parameters

z /kmmtheoreticalmexperimentalxtheoreticalxexperimental






            δψ=-kn0-1γ-1αzP2πγpvaexp-y02a2·              1+erfx0a





设波长λ=10.6 μm,激光发射功率P=50 kW,光束半径a=0.25 m,大气吸收系数α=6.5×10-5 m-1,风速v=5 m/s,发射激光光束为高斯光束。传输距离为1、3、5、10 km时,N值分别为0.7047、2.0192、3.1581、5.6045。根据第3节得到的结论,当z为1 km和3 km时使用积分法进行实验,当z为5 km时使用微扰法进行实验,当z为10 km时使用相位屏法进行实验。实验结果如图7所示。从图中可以明显观察到:随着传输距离增大,热晕畸变增强,光束由最初的圆斑逐渐变为月牙形。

图 7. 热晕实验结果

Fig. 7. Thermal blooming experimental results

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5 结论




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